Upbeat Autumn 2017

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RCM musicians performed at the Royal Academy of Arts’ Summer Exhibition in an event organised by the Creative Careers Centre, supported by Dasha Shenkman. Each performance was linked creatively to the artworks from this year’s display.

Photos: Nick Gurney Front cover: Bréanainn Ó Mathúna/Matthew Gaved



In this issue of Upbeat we celebrate the Royal College of Music’s global community. We’re delighted to present the winning photo of our RCM Worldwide competition on the cover – violinist Bréanainn Ó Mathúna at the Gstaad Menuhin Festival in Switzerland. For RCM Worldwide, students and staff shared photos of their music-related activities over the summer vacation on social media, and you can see entries from the runners-up on page 17. Throughout the year we strengthen our global connections by offering exchange programmes with leading international conservatoires. Three students report back from their experiences in Austria, Denmark and New York on page nine. Closer to home, Upbeat spoke to Rena and Sandro Lavery, Founding Patrons of the More Music: Reimagining the Royal College of Music Campaign. We discover why they are supporting our new gallery, which will exhibit artwork from the RCM’s collections, in their interview on page 12. The RCM’s magnificent collections also contain one of our most unique treasures – a Renaissance music book that scholars believe once belonged to Henry VIII’s second queen, Anne Boleyn. Director of Research Professor Richard Wistreich explains why the book is so significant and how the College is preserving it for the future on page ten. You can tell us about your own recent projects and achievements by emailing news@rcm.ac.uk. The deadline for the spring issue of Upbeat is Monday 15 January 2018.



The latest news and activities from the Royal College of Music





Upbeat hears from three RCM students who have studied abroad on the exchange programme



Director of Research Professor Richard Wistreich tells us about the Renaissance music book thought to have belonged to Anne Boleyn



Upbeat speaks to Rena and Sandro Lavery, Founding Patrons of the More Music Campaign, whose generous support will help transform the RCM’s facilities

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STAFF UPDATES Professor Colin Lawson CBE, Director


UPBEAT ONLINE Upbeat is available to read online at www.rcm.ac.uk/upbeat. Please help us to reduce our carbon footprint and receive Upbeat by email. Director of Communications Talia Hull Editor Lucy Cook Designer May Yan Man Design www.splashofpaint.com Contact news@rcm.ac.uk





IN THE NEWS Below Cellist Zara HudsonKozdoj in rehearsal Opposite Hilary SmethurstEvans teaching a student

RCM TEACHING BAME SCHOLARSHIPS RATED OUTSTANDING hree UK undergraduate students from ethnic


he Royal College of Music has achieved an overall rating of gold for its outstanding teaching and learning for undergraduates in the first ever Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) from the Department of Education. Based on the evidence available, the TEF panel judged that the Royal College of Music delivers consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for its students, and is of the highest quality found in the UK. The RCM’s excellent facilities and digital learning resources, intensive small group and one-to-one teaching and processes for course design and assessment were noted. The panel also recognised the support, skills and knowledge offered to students via the RCM’s Creative Careers Centre. RCM Director Professor Colin Lawson said: ‘The RCM’s dynamic learning and teaching environment is world-leading and I am delighted that our TEF result reflects the inspirational education available to our students.’ The TEF assessed higher education institutions in the UK against a set of common criteria. A mixture of statistical evidence and additional commentary was subject to peer review by panels of experts in teaching and learning as well as student representatives.




minority backgrounds will be funded by the Royal College of Music from 2018/19.

UK black and minority ethnic (BAME) musicians are currently under-represented across the performing arts and these scholarships demonstrate the RCM’s continued commitment to diversity. The scholarships will be up to the value of full fees (currently £9,250 a year) and can be used either to cover tuition fees or to help with living costs. All UK BAME applicants will be automatically considered for these scholarships when they apply for the Bachelor of Music (BMus) programme, and they will be awarded on merit. RCM Director Professor Colin Lawson said: ‘We know that students from under-represented groups sometimes find finances to be the biggest barrier to entry when making decisions about higher education. We believe it is imperative to provide access to excellence for all talented students, regardless of means, and I am delighted that we are able to offer three scholarships covering up to full fees.’ RCM Deputy Director Kevin Porter commented: ‘The RCM is a diverse and welcoming community representing some 60 different nationalities. We are proud of our diversity and these scholarships for BAME students continue our commitment and are central to the RCM’s ongoing strategy.’





he Royal College of Music has announced the addition of a Master of Education (MEd) course to its wide range of bespoke programmes. The new taught postgraduate course will provide professional musicians the opportunity to develop their educational work and the potential to transition into leadership roles in music education. Suitable for professional musicians engaged in education work, the MEd will build on professional experience to develop vocational skills. Students will have the opportunity to build a portfolio and conduct in-depth investigative research in an area of their choice. RCM Director of Research Professor Richard Wistreich commented: ‘The RCM’s new Master of Education programme is another step in fulfilling our foundational mission to be a national and international centre for musical education. The programme offers musicians who have been out in the profession for several years the opportunity to move forward into leadership roles that transform the musical lives of others.’ The application deadline for the MEd course is 31 January 2018. More information, including how to apply, can be found on our website at www.rcm.ac.uk/med

major new website documenting 20,000 historically significant musical instruments has been launched. MINIM-UK brings together 5,000 years of musical heritage and features information about the UK’s most important musical objects, alongside sound recordings and photographs. The instruments, currently held in 200 separate collections across the UK, have been collated thanks to a major project led by the Royal College of Music in partnership with the Horniman Museum and Gardens, Royal Academy of Music, University of Edinburgh and Google Arts and Culture, with funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). RCM Museum Curator Gabriele Rossi Rognoni commented: ‘The instruments brought together for MINIM-UK are an important part of our national heritage. We are delighted that thanks to the wonders of modern technology we have so many ways to allow people to explore these treasures.’ Alongside, the RCM Museum has launched its own online digital catalogue with 1,600 items, which will be an invaluable tool for RCM students, professors and researchers. The museum’s entire collection, which comprises in excess of 25,000 items, will be digitised throughout the development of the museum building, which is currently closed to visitors, and is part of the More Music: Reimagining the Royal College of Music Campaign.

Explore the MINIM-UK virtual museum at www.minim.ac.uk



NEWS Below Mutong Shao performs with Lang Lang Opposite The RCM Students’ Union team




orld-renowned pianist Lang Lang invited two Royal College of Music pianists to duet with him in major international performances.


Mutong Shao joined Lang Lang at the 2017 China Central Television’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala to perform Ci Bulag’s The Galloping Horse. Before arriving at the RCM Mutong was the first pianist to graduate from Lang Lang Music World, Lang Lang’s school for gifted pianists in Shenzhen.

Best known for his film and television scores, including The History Boys, Groundhog Day and the BBC’s Planet Earth series, he was also Oscar nominated for his 1983 collaboration with Ravi Shankar for Richard Attenborough’s biopic Gandhi. In addition he has composed for several Royal Shakespeare Company productions and was a founding member of the British Academy of Composers & Songwriters.

George Harliono, one of the RCM’s youngest ever first-year pianists, joined Lang Lang for two concerts in Munich. George studies with Professor Vanessa Latarche at the RCM and is mentored by Vovka Ashkenazy and his father Vladimir. RCM Head of Keyboard Professor Vanessa Latarche said: ‘I am delighted that Mutong and George have been given the opportunity to perform with Lang Lang. Both of them consider him a great inspiration and have promising futures ahead as performers.’

he Royal College of Music has welcomed BAFTA award-winning composer George Fenton as Visiting Professor in Composition for Screen.

Vasco Hexel, Area Leader in Composition for Screen, commented: ‘George Fenton is one of the most prominent and successful screen composers of his generation. I am delighted that he is joining the RCM Composition Faculty.’ Also joining the College this year in the Vocal and Opera Faculty is acclaimed tenor and alumnus Ben Johnson as a vocal professor, and Audrey Hyland as new Deputy Head of Vocal and Opera. Audrey currently coaches on the Royal Opera House’s Jette Parker Young Artists Programme, and as an accompanist she has performed across the world. The Research department gains musicologist and violinist Dr Maiko Kawabata as a lecturer in music, and Dr Trevor Herbert and Dr Neta Spiro as research fellows. In addition the RCM has welcomed new viola professors Nathan Braude, who has performed in many of the world’s most prestigious concert venues, and Antonello Farulli, one of the most active Italian violists both in the concert and teaching fields. Andrew Dewar has become a new organ professor, and alumnus Christopher Green has been appointed a Composition for Screen professor.





lumni of the Royal College of Music have been recognised in the 2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours for their achievements. Mezzo soprano Sarah Connolly has been awarded a DBE for Services to Music. She studied piano and singing at the RCM and became a Fellow in 2008. Best known for her baroque and classical roles, she is also committed to promoting new music. Baritone Gerald Finley has been awarded a CBE for Services to Opera. After beginning his musical education in Canada, he completed his studies at the Royal College of Music and now performs regularly for the world’s major opera houses. Two other RCM Fellows were honoured as well: Sir Paul McCartney, who became a Companion of Honour, and composer George Benjamin who received a Knighthood.





athan Cho has been appointed the new Royal College of Music Students’ Union President. Taking over from outgoing president Alex Fryer, Nathan and his team will represent and support the student body and provide a full programme of social events and activities throughout the year. Nathan is supported by Vice President Theresa Yu, Postgraduate Officer Gabriella Haynes, International Officer Eduardo Andrade, Concerts Officer Josh Pyman, Societies Officer Elizaveta Saul, Communications Officer Geeta Nazareth and Events Officers Jake Bagby, Ashley Brand and Eleanor Mackie. For further information on the RCMSU and its activities visit www.rcmstudentsunion.com

he Royal College of Music has achieved excellent results in the National Student Survey for the second consecutive year, scoring 86% for undergraduate students’ overall satisfaction of the quality of the Bachelor of Music (BMus) course. The 2017 survey praised the RCM Library’s resources, with 96% of students reporting that their learning was well supported by the library’s books, online services and learning spaces. Additionally, 93% of students responded positively when asked whether they had access to specialised equipment, facilities and rooms when needed. Both results mark the highest percentages across all UK conservatoires. RCM Librarian Peter Linnitt commented: ‘The student experience is central to the library provision and it is wonderful for the team and the services to be recognised so well by our students.’




Below Samuel ColeridgeTaylor



he More Music building work began over the summer vacation, and a number of new and enhanced facilities have been completed. The Students’ Union has been reconfigured to offer a larger area for SU events and to provide an improved social space for the BaRCM and restaurant. An additional 12 Amadeus practice pods have been installed around the campus to provide extra practice space, and teaching and storage facilities have been refurbished to offer greater comfort and access. Students can also enjoy relocated Composition and Production suites, which feature high-spec workstations and increased floor space to accommodate growth in class sizes. In addition, RCM staff have been working to improve accessibility in technology. Research Fellow in Music and Visual Impairment Jackie Clifton has been working with ICT to update hardware and software for visually impaired users at the College. This includes text-to-speech software, which enables access to computer functions such as word processing, recording, scoring and sequencing.





digital exhibition about alumnus Samuel Coleridge-Taylor has been curated by the Royal College of Music Museum for Black History Month. Drawing on the RCM’s remarkable Coleridge-Taylor collection, the exhibition celebrates the composer’s important role within the civil rights movements in Britain and the US. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor studied under Charles Villiers Stanford at the RCM from 1890–97. He soon became a musical celebrity thanks to his trilogy of cantatas known as The Song of Hiawatha, which became one of the most performed choral pieces in Britain at the time. Coleridge-Taylor gained unusual and important status as a prominent black musician in lateVictorian and Edwardian Britain. The exhibition, entitled Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and the musical fight for Civil Rights, explores Coleridge-Taylor’s relationships with leading civil rights activists and groups in the UK and his success in the US, where he conducted performances of his music by a choir formed in his name and became the first black man to conduct a white orchestra. Find out more about the exhibition at www.rcm.ac.uk/museum


A WORLD OF MUSIC The Royal College of Music is proud to be a global institution, welcoming students from more than 60 countries to its international community and offering an exciting exchange programme with leading conservatoires around the world. Upbeat finds out what three students got up to during their time studying away from the RCM as part of their course…

Joanna Patrick viola Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Austria

As someone who loves learning languages, meeting new people and exploring new places, I thought the exchange programme was a brilliant opportunity to live abroad. Salzburg is a beautiful place and my weekends were often spent getting a bus up to the summit of Gaisberg. In the winter I loved sitting outside the restaurants in the snow, covered with blankets and drinking mulled wine (glühwein) whilst eating kaiserschmarrn, schnitzel and gulasch. The Mozarteum’s programme of study is very flexible, and as an exchange student my main focus was principal study lessons. Spending time with a different teacher was invaluable and I noticed big changes in my playing because of it. I learned so much from my exchange in Austria and made some wonderful friends. I think it is a really special place and, given the chance, would do it so many times again.

Svetoslav Todorov piano Manhattan School of Music, New York

If somebody had told me that I would be able to live and study in New York, I would not have believed them. It was an exciting and once-in-a-lifetime experience. As an exchange student at the Manhattan School of Music I had full freedom in the types of courses I could select, which allowed me to follow my interests and learn more about contemporary music and jazz alongside my classical piano lessons. I had great relationships with my professors, and was able to meet inspiring professors from the Mannes and Juilliard schools of music as well.

Perhaps the most wonderful thing about my exchange was meeting new friends – they helped me to feel more at home and I hope to keep in touch with them. Overall, my whole journey was like discovering an entire new world. It widened my imagination, perception and confidence, and will keep me inspired for the rest of my life!

Below Svetoslav Todorov in New York

katherine raven viola Royal Danish Academy of Music, Denmark

Copenhagen is such a gorgeous place to live. My apartment was located in Amager, a short walk from the beach, which I very much enjoyed walking and running on. At the Academy I studied in group classes with Lars Anders Tomter, and viola classes with Tim Frederiksen which the Danes call ‘fællestime’. I also had the chance to play in a string quartet, coached by Michael Malmgreen, and with the Academy’s orchestra for the Årsfest gala concert at the end of the year. I would whole-heartedly recommend an exchange to anyone considering it. Not only have I broadened my musical experiences, but I’ve also explored new places and learned about so many new cultures. The city and institution allowed me to take full advantage of the exchange concept; that is, promoting interaction and communication between different countries.




ANNE BOLEYN’S MUSIC BOOK The Anne Boleyn Music Book is one of the most significant books of Renaissance music in Britain and a unique treasure in the Royal College of Music’s collections. Director of Research Professor Richard Wistreich tells us about its history and importance, as we celebrate its rebinding and the publication of a full facsimile.

At its foundation in 1882 the Royal College of Music inherited a small manuscript of Frenchorigin Renaissance music. Preserved in a rather unattractive, scuffed and tired Victorian binding, this seemingly unremarkable book was one of 5,000 volumes of music donated from the recently disbanded Sacred Harmonic Society, many of which were rare antiques. However, this particular book turned out to be very special indeed.

A link to the past A small inscription written on one of the pages in a neat, early 16th-century English hand reads ‘M[ist]res A Bolleyene Nowe thus’, which strongly suggests that the book once belonged to none other than Henry VIII’s ill-fated second queen, Anne Boleyn (c1501–36). There are 42 separate compositions preserved inside, mostly motets for four voices on sacred texts, but also three French chansons for solo voice and lute in a later hand. It is considered as one of the most important manuscript collections of Renaissance music now on English soil. With the exception of the famous Josquin des Prez, these days the other composers are little known, but in the early 16th century were among the most important in Europe. They were all connected in some way to the French royal court, including Jean Mouton, Antoine de Févin, Loyset Compère, Antoine Brumel, Pierrequin de Thérache and Mathieu Gascongne, as well as the composer of the chansons, Claudin de Sermisy, who rose to fame some 20 years later. There is also a single piece by the Flemish composer Jacob Obrecht, who travelled through France in 1492. Royal connection But what intrigues us most about the manuscript? It’s not so much the music itself or the composers represented, but rather the possible connection with this most notorious of Henry VIII’s wives. That Anne is styled ‘mistress’ indicates that the inscription was certainly made before she became queen in 1533, and ‘nowe thus’ was the motto of her father. Despite considerable interest by musicologists in past decades, the book remains something of a mystery. At one time, a romantic story emerged that the book



had been prepared for Anne by her household lutenist, Mark Smeaton, who was famously accused of being one of Anne’s lovers and was executed along with the hapless queen.

Opposite RCM Librarian Peter Linnitt and students with the Anne Boleyn Music Book

However, thanks to recent research by two of the world’s leading experts on the music of this period, Dr David Skinner and Professor Thomas Schmidt, we now think that if the book really did belong to Anne, it most likely came into her possession when she was a teenager living in France. As was customary for the children of wealthy noble families, Anne was sent to be a maid-in-honour at the household of Margaret of Austria, who was famous for her patronage of musicians and known to have possessed important music books. A year later, Anne’s father arranged her transfer to the French court where she attended Henry VIII’s sister Mary. Anne later served as a ladyin-waiting under Mary’s stepdaughter Queen Claude, with whom she stayed until being called home to England late in 1521. It was in France, then, during seven formative years, that Anne developed her interests in music, illuminated manuscripts, poetry, dance and the game of love. There is little doubt that she would have been exposed to the finest music of the age during this time, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that she would have taken a particular interest in performing or even collecting the music of her youth. This is why we can still not be absolutely sure that the book really did belong to her, but the balance of evidence is certainly in its favour. Rebinding and celebration Thanks to the generous support of The Cayzer Trust Company Limited and The Hon. Mrs Gilmour, this extraordinary music book has been carefully disassembled, rebound and made available for study by future generations of scholars. The temporarily separated pages were subjected to detailed scholarly study which revealed that at some point the pages had been bound together in the wrong order. Meanwhile, in collaboration with the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music, every page has been photographed in high resolution, and these images will soon be freely available online to scholars throughout the world. The photos also form the body of a magnificent new facsimile edition, which contains a detailed study of the book’s history and contents. In September we celebrated the rebinding with an event in the RCM’s Britten Theatre, featuring talks by experts from the universities of Cambridge and Manchester, and a

Left Anne Boleyn

performance by the Alamire ensemble of some of the music. This unique event also marked the 50th anniversary of the Society for Renaissance Studies, which has generously given additional support. As both a professional singer and a scholar who specialises in the music of the 16th century, it gives me extraordinary pleasure to know that just a couple of floors below my office, this unassuming little book of treasures sits in a safe in the RCM Library. It is testimony not only of a world that valued musical innovation and the need to preserve it, just as we still do at the College, but also, in its fragility and its beauty, a potent symbol of a truly European culture.

The Anne Boleyn Music Book facsimile edition is available to purchase for £50 from the RCM Shop: www.rcm.ac.uk/shop

It is a potent symbol of a truly European culture. Professor Richard Wistreich




A GALLERY FIT FOR THE FUTURE Rena and Sandro Lavery are Founding Patrons of the More Music: Reimagining the Royal College of Music Campaign, successful entrepreneurs and music lovers. Their generous support will help transform the RCM’s facilities and enhance the way students and visitors experience the College for generations to come. Upbeat learns more about their love of the arts and why they are supporting a future of More Music.

Opposite Rena and Sandro Lavery

What attracted you to supporting the More Music Campaign? Sandro: We both have an interest in arts and culture, and are strong believers in education and opportunities for young musicians. The More Music Campaign is a great opportunity for musicians to learn with state-of-the-art facilities, which hopefully will inspire greater excellence in music. One thing that initially attracted us to the RCM is its founding principles; to ensure that students could pursue their education and ambitions whatever their resources and the College has remained true to that. The original intake of students was equally male and female – it was ahead of its time. Rena: The RCM is also a very international institution – the range of students from all kinds of backgrounds and nationalities is amazing – and I think it’s incredible that all these young people have the opportunity to explore their talents.

What are your musical interests? Rena: Generally we like all kinds of music, from classical to rock, jazz and opera. Sandro: We’re non musicians but music lovers, and actually quite in awe of the music talent that’s available here. Something I particularly enjoy are the masterclasses – I find them really interesting and engrossing. They must be a valuable part of the curriculum as they give students an opportunity to enhance their performance skills in front of an audience. Have you enjoyed attending events at the RCM? Sandro: We have enjoyed attending events and are looking forward to many more. I was personally surprised at the sheer range of music and events that are undertaken here – it’s quite extraordinary. We are delighted that the More Music Campaign will give greater exposure to RCM events and concerts. Rena: We’ve been to some vocal masterclasses and the students sing so well, you think ‘what could possibly be wrong with it?’

The RCM is a very international institution – it’s incredible that all these young people have the opportunity to explore their talents. Rena Lavery



Sandro: We’re also Honorary Directors of the Royal Opera House, and were invited to a masterclass with conductor Antonio Pappano and two singers. A few days later we then attended the President’s Visit at the RCM and discovered that one of the singers from the masterclass, bass baritone Simon Shibambu, was an alumnus of the College and receiving an award. We were able to have a pleasant chat with him and he’s currently pursuing a career at the Royal Opera House, so it was an interesting crossover and we’re enjoying watching his progress.

Rena: He was outstanding, he sang so beautifully. I really want to go to a Maxim Vengerov [Polonsky Visiting Professor of Violin] masterclass as well, who we met at the RCM’s Royal Gala at Buckingham Palace in February. How do you hope your support will benefit RCM students particularly? Sandro: We’re in a position where we’d like to support the RCM in any way we can, to help make music education as widely accessible as possible and to give students the opportunity to succeed. Rena: Both of us have been to university and understand how difficult it can be for students to study, work and support themselves. We’d just like to help in any way possible. Sandro: We both studied law, the study of which is completely different to the practice. I would imagine the study of music is also a little bit different to the skills you need when it comes to performing in public and in front of an audience, and the RCM prepares students with those essential skills through opportunities such as masterclasses, for example. Rena: Also similarly to law I think music is very structured, so you have to be very thorough and you really have to study hard. Do you have any words of advice for RCM graduates? Sandro: Our careers are in a completely different field so we’re in no position to give any advice on music, but I would say that whatever you pursue you need to have the right mentality, and I think that applies across every profession. Be positive, humble and focused, respect your work and colleagues, and when you get things wrong, as inevitably happens, learn and just move on. Rena: I would say always give 100% of your best. From personal experience, if I haven’t tried really hard, then things just don’t work out. You are supporting the new Gallery – why did you choose this? Sandro: We’re quite touched that the RCM is naming part of the new building after us. We chose the Gallery because it will be exhibiting art, which seemed to fit as my wife is an art professional. The real joy for us is simply that the College will have new state-of-the-art facilities that will allow it to go from strength to strength. Rena: Art is my main line of work and my main passion, so it’s nice that the RCM will have the chance to exhibit all its fine artwork. Art has to

be seen, there’s no point storing it away, it has to be out there living and breathing. Sandro: One of the great things about the More Music Campaign, apart from all the wonderful new performance spaces and facilities, is that the RCM will have a new Museum and Gallery to showcase its heritage. What do you like most about being supporters of the RCM? Sandro: I like coming here and feeling young again! Mostly we’re looking forward to attending more events and seeing first-hand the development of the new facilities. I think the RCM promotes genuinely talented musicians in fulfilling their ambitions and achieving their potential, who give something meaningful back to society.

The sheer range of music and events that are undertaken here is quite extraordinary. Sandro Lavery

Why is it important to you to support future generations of musicians? Sandro: What’s important to us is to expose young people to arts and culture. The RCM Sparks programme is fantastic as it brings music to a wider audience who wouldn’t otherwise have that experience. Rena: We definitely have to educate young people to love classical music as much as pop or rock music.

Find out more about the More Music Campaign at www.rcm.ac.uk/ moremusic

Sandro: Our view in essence is that the Royal College of Music needs to exist and to flourish, which is the main purpose behind the More Music Campaign, and we’re really delighted to be involved.




SUPPORTING THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC Music has the power to transform lives. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, generations of gifted students from around the world have been nurtured and trained at the RCM. We would like to thank in particular our More Music Founding Patrons and Leadership Supporters, as well as those who have made donations of £5,000 or more between October 2016 and October 2017. Gifts are listed alphabetically in order of surname.

SUPPORTING THE FUTURE OF MUSIC From becoming an RCM Friend, through to leaving a gift in your will, there are many ways you can support the Royal College of Music. For more information, please visit www.rcm.ac.uk/ supportus Alternatively, contact the Development team on 020 7591 4331 or development@rcm.ac.uk



More Music Founding Patrons ABRSM The Estate of George Frederick Burgan The Estate of Basil Coleman Heritage Lottery Fund The Estate of Christopher Hogwood CBE HonDMus Kingdom Music Education Group Rena & Sandro Lavery The Estate of Neville Wathen Leadership Supporters The Derek Butler Trust Philip Carne MBE HonRCM & Christine Carne The Estate of John & Marjorie Coultate The Estate of Jocelyn Cruft The Estate of Margaret Dewey The Foyle Foundation The Future of Russia Foundation The Garfield Weston Foundation The Harry and Gylla Godwin Charitable Trust Linda Hill HonRCM & Dr Tony Hill The Leverhulme Trust The Mirfield Trust The Polonsky Foundation The Estate of Michael Rimmer Victoria, Lady Robey OBE The Estate of Emma Rose Soirée d’Or Scholarships Dr Michael & Ruth West HonRCM

Major Supporters


Jane Barker CBE Laurie Barry In memory of Lady Chelmsford Meredith & Denis Coleman The Estate of Heather Curry Peter & Annette Dart The Fishmongers’ Company Hamish & Sophie Forsyth Gisela Gledhill The Harbour Foundation The Hargreaves and Ball Charitable Trust The Headley Trust HEFCE Help Musicians UK Kirby Laing Foundation John Lewis Partnership Philip Loubser Foundation The Estate of William Mealings Rosemary Millar HonRCM & Richard Millar The Estate of Billy Newman John Nickson & Simon Rew P F Charitable Trust The Pure Land Foundation The Julia & Hans Rausing Trust The Reed Foundation & The Big Give Christmas Challenge The Estate of Olive Gwendoline Rees Geoffrey Richards HonRCM & Valerie Richards Sir Simon & Lady Robertson Dasha Shenkman OBE HonRCM Peter & Dimity Spiller H R Taylor Trust Bob & Sarah Wigley The Wolfson Foundation The Henry Wood Accommodation Trust

Dr Kamal Ahuja & Anna Gustafson ArtPoint Foundation The Estate of Gillian Ashby BAE The Biddy Baxter & John Hosier Trust Dr Linda Beeley Lord Black & Mark Bolland The Boltini Trust Anne Bradley Sir Roger & Lady Carr HonRCM The Thomas Sivewright Catto Charitable Settlement The Cayzer Trust Company Limited Dhairya & Karina Choudhrie The Estate of Roselyn Ann Clifton Parker Karen Cook Lord Davies of Abersoch CBE The Drapers’ Company The Gilbert & Eileen Edgar Foundation Sir Vernon Ellis FRCM & Lady Ellis Lesley Ferguson Fiona & Douglas Flint Finsbury Dr Chris Gibson-Smith The Hon. Mrs Gilmour In memory of Alvin Gold Elaine Greenberg & Linda Perez Andrew Haigh Helen Chung-Halpern & Abel Halpern The Estate of Barbara Margaret Holt Sir George Iacobescu CBE & Lady Iacobescu

RCM FRIENDS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Join the Royal College of Music as a Friend this Christmas and start the New Year with a complimentary ticket to the RCM Wind Orchestra Concert on 19 January 2018. For just £40 you will receive the following benefits for a year: • • •

Priority booking and access to the best seats for all RCM concerts and opera performances Invitations to an exclusive programme of RCM Friends events Subscription to the termly RCM Events Guide and Upbeat magazine

This offer is also available if you give the gift of a RCM Friends membership. To ensure the gift is received in time for Christmas please purchase before 18 December 2017. To become a Friend or to arrange a gift membership please contact Rachel Bowden, Supporter Engagement Officer on 020 7591 4331 or email friends@rcm.ac.uk This offer is only available to new Friends and the purchase of gift memberships before 31 December 2017 and cannot be applied to renew RCM Friends memberships. Ticket offer only applies to the RCM Wind Orchestra Concert on 19 January 2018 at 7pm.

Independent Opera at Sadler’s Wells JMC Ruth Keattch The Estate of Michael Kennedy CBE The Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation UK The Honourable Society of the Knights of the Round Table Professor Colin Lawson CBE FRCM Lee Abbey London Carol & Geoff Lindey Natalie Livingstone Lord and Lady Lurgan Trust The Hon Richard Lyttelton & Romilly Lyttelton The Mercers’ Company Jamie Milford The Howard & Abby Milstein Foundation Pro Musica Ltd Midori Nishiura HonRCM Humphrey Norrington OBE FRCM & Frances Norrington Opperby Stokowski Collection Trust The Charles Peel Charitable Trust Michael Perry The Stanley Picker Charitable Trust Rev Lyndon van de Pump FRCM & Edward Brooks FRCM Andrew Ratcliffe The Estate of Charles Stewart Richardson Christopher Saul Hilda Scarth Professor Luigi & Elisabetta de Simone Niquesa

Alethea Siow & Jeremy Furniss Kathleen Beryl Sleigh Charitable Trust South Square Trust St Paul’s, Knightsbridge Steinway & Sons Ian Stoutzker CBE FRCM Robert & Betty Sutherland Tait Memorial Trust Ian & Meriel Tegner Edmund Truell & Cédriane de Boucaud Universal Music Group The Wall Trust Sir Peter & Lady Walters Josef Weinberger Ltd Anthony Weldon FRCM & Jane Weldon The Mills Williams Foundation Jane Wilson Professor Lord Winston & Lady Winston WPP The Worshipful Company of Musicians The Wyseliot Charitable Trust And those who wish to remain anonymous

CIRCLES FOR EXCELLENCE MEMBERS Chairman’s Circle Brian & Janice Capstick Philip Carne MBE HonRCM & Christine Carne Helen Chung-Halpern & Abel Halpern Guy Dawson & Samantha Horscroft Gisela Gledhill Linda Hill HonRCM & Dr Tony Hill Terry Hitchcock TSH Prince Donatus & Princess Heidi Von Hohenzollern David James Clare & James Kirkman James & Margaret Lancaster Lark Insurance Dr Mark Levesley & Christina Hoseason Victoria, Lady Robey OBE Roland Saam Dasha Shenkman OBE HonRCM Alethea Siow & Jeremy Furniss Dr Michael & Ruth West HonRCM Quentin & Sarah Williams

Director’s Circle Sir Peter & Lady Middleton FRCM John Nickson & Simon Rew Richard Price FRCM & Sue Price Russell Race Peter & Dimity Spiller Robert & Betty Sutherland Brian & Anne Wadsworth OBE Patrons’ Circle Isla Baring OAM Jane Barker CBE John & Halina Bennett Lady Bergman Lorraine Buckland Tania Chislett Sir Anthony Cleaver FRCM & Lady Cleaver Elisabeth de Kergorlay Dr Ian & Janet Edmondson Professor Alice Gast Lily & Julian Harriss Greta Hemus John & Susan Heywood David & Sue Lewis Charles & Dominique Lubar David Mildon Ellen Moloney Jennifer Neelands Susan Pudifoot-Stephens Kara Radcliffe Kerry & Dimity Rubie Sir Richard & Lady Sykes Louisa Treger Rhoddy Voremberg John Ward Jane Wilson Sir Robert & Lady Wilson Dr Yvonne Winkler




STUDENT UPDATES Right George Harliono and Valery Gergiev Photo: Gennady Shishkin Below Eyra Norman

STRING SUCCESSES Cellist Jamal Aliyev and violinist Yume Fujise, along with alumnae Alexandra Lomeiko and Dinara Klinton, have been selected as 2017 Senior Award Winners with the Hattori Foundation… Violinist Emmanuel Bach and cellist Kristiana Ignatjeva, together with alumni Philip Attard, Catriona McDermid and Gemma Summerfield have joined The Countess of Munster Musical Trust Recital Scheme for the 2017/18 season… Cellist Lydia Dobson has performed on BBC Radio 3’s In Tune as a BBC Introducing Classical Artist. She played works by Schumann and Paganini and gave an interview with presenter Sean Rafferty… Violinist Julia Hwang has released her debut album, Subito, featuring works by Lutosławski, Grieg, Vaughan Williams and Wieniawski. She has also performed and promoted the record on BBC Radio 3’s In Tune.

KEYBOARD ACCOMPLISHMENTS Pianist George Harliono has performed Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto no 2 with Russian maestro Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Orchestra in Vladivostok, Russia. He has also been selected as a Junior Award Winner with the Hattori Foundation... Pianist Thomas Kelly has won the Jury Award in the Pianale International Piano Competition in Schlitz, Germany. As part of his prize he will play a recital in the 2018 Bayreuth Festival and make a recording with KNS Classical... Pianist Laura Farré Rozada has attended a masterclass with composer George Crumb in Philadelphia, where she played and learnt about his piece Makrokosmos for prepared piano. She also took part in a contemporary music workshop in Canada, and premiered and recorded works by emerging composers… Pianist Tolga Atalay Un has been awarded First Prize, the Prize for the Best Performance of A.A.Saygun and the Audience Prize at the fourth Ahmed Adnan Saygun Piano Competition in Turkey.

VOCAL ACCOLADES Soprano Katy Thomson has won Second Prize in the Dame Patricia Routledge National English Song Competition 2017, and Piano Accompaniment Fellow John Cuthbert won the Accompanist’s Prize.



WOODWIND AWARDS Oboist Polly Bartlett, clarinettist Elliot Gresty, flautist Renate Sokolovska, bassoonist Justin Sun and alumnus Matthew Horn have been chosen from more than 750 students as winners of the Boconnoc Music Award 2017, as part of their woodwind group Ensemble Solaire. The group was in residence on the Boconnoc estate for a week in July, performing in two concerts and to pupils at a school in St Austell.

RCM Worldwide Violinist Bréanainn Ó Mathúna has won the RCM Worldwide competition with a photo taken at the Gstaad Menuhin Festival in Switzerland. You can see the winning image on the cover. The runners-up were violist Geeta Nazareth in France, composer Harriet Grainger at the Grand Canyon, mezzo soprano Ida Ränzlöv in Prague and baroque flautist Melinda Abendroth in Washington State. To view more entries search #RCMWorldwide on Twitter and Instagram.

DOCTORAL ACTIVITIES Sara Ascenso has been appointed as an independent researcher with Music in Prisons for a collaborative project funded by Arts Council England… David Barton has been selected as a finalist in the 2018 Music Teacher Awards for the Musicians’ Union Inspiration Award. The winners will be announced in February 2018... Raquel García-Tomás has written a new clarinet quartet, gazing at stars, which was premiered by the Barcelona Clarinet Players at the Centre d’Art Santa Mònica… Edwin Hillier has been commissioned by Christ’s College Cambridge to compose a piano trio for Echoes of Paradise, an evening of contemporary responses to Milton’s Paradise Lost, which will be premiered by RCM Piano Trio in Association Trio Apaches… Nicholas Morrish Rarity and composition alumna Lillie Harris have been selected to join the London Symphony Orchestra’s composer development programme, LSO Soundhub. Nicholas has also joined the Royal Scottish National Orchestra’s Composers’ Hub for the 2017/18 season.

RCMJD RESULTS Composer Chelsea Becker has been named as a winner of the 2017 BBC Proms Inspire Competition in the Lower Junior Category. Her winning piece, New York, will be performed at the 2018 BBC Proms and broadcast on BBC Radio 3… Soprano Eyra Norman has been awarded Young Musician of the Year 2017 (Vocal Category) by Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland. She competed in the National Final at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, giving performances of works by Richard Strauss and Britten... Composer Alexia Sloane has written a new work, Elegy for Aylan, for Classic FM’s 25th Birthday Commissions competition, which was premiered by Ensemble 10/10.

SHARE YOUR NEWS Tell Upbeat readers about your recent successes by emailing news@rcm.ac.uk




STAFF UPDATES Below Dr Wiebke Thormählen Right Vocal professor Sally Burgess in a rehearsal Opposite Top Head of Strings Mark Messenger Opposite Bottom The International Symposium on Performance Science

Acting Head of Undergraduate Programmes Dr Anastasia Belina has given a masterclass in business and professional skills at the Jablonski Piano Academy, and discussed Mussorgsky’s Khovanshchina in a programme on BBC Radio 3. She has also conducted an opera by Shirley J Thompson, The Woman Who Refused To Dance, for the Tête à Tête opera festival, and appeared in a BBC Radio 3 interview for Proms Extra. Vocal professor Sally Burgess has undertaken research with Rebecca Meitlis on integrating a mentoring and coaching approach, along with the Feldenkrais method, during workshops and rehearsals of Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte with GSMD singers. They discussed the project at an event at Guildhall which included a short film showing some of their progress. Academic Programmes professor Carola Darwin has undertaken research on the Viennese composer Johanna Müller-Hermann, as part of a project with the BBC and the Arts and Humanities Research Council on forgotten female composers. She gave the world premiere of Müller-Hermann’s Goethe Songs in London with pianist Nicholas Baumgartner. Drei Gesänge will be broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on International Women’s Day 2018. Saxophone professor Kyle Horch has worked at MusicFest Aberystwyth over the summer. He gave performances and taught at the Summer School on the saxophone course, which featured masterclasses, individual lessons, chamber group playing, and talks on instrumental technique, practice, performing and listening. Piano professor Peter Jablonski has appeared as a guest artist at a number of music festivals, including the Styrsö Chamber Music Festival, Gothenburg Piano Festival and Karlskrona Classic Music Festival, and has toured Sweden with violinist Christian Sfvarfvar in September. He has also toured Japan with the Arctic Philharmonic conducted by Christian Lindberg, where he performed Grieg’s Piano Concerto in six different cities, and given solo recitals in Tokyo, Kyoto and Seoul. In addition he has given masterclasses in Bergen, Gothenburg, Ingesund and Tokyo.



Digital Learning Manager Jessica Jones has presented on learn.rcm at a number of conferences, including Instructurecon in Colorado, the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, Denmark and CanvasCon Europe at the British Museum. She reported that the RCM is being recognised globally for its innovative use of a virtual learning environment at a music conservatoire. Visiting Professor of Opera Dame Kiri Te Kanawa has won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Gramophone Classical Music Awards 2017. Piano Accompaniment professor Simon Lepper has accompanied tenor Ilker Arcayürek on a new recording, Franz Schubert: Der Einsame, released on Champs Hill Records. He has also recorded a new disc, Two Little Words, with mezzo soprano Dame Felicity Palmer, which features music by Sondheim, Schubert and Brahms, and alumnus Joseph Horovitz’ Lady Macbeth. Head of Postgraduate Programmes Dr Natasha Loges has released a new book, Brahms and His Poets, designed to be an essential reference tool for students and scholars of Johannes Brahms as well as performers and lovers of his songs. Natasha has also appeared on BBC Radio 3’s Record Review series, discussing the best recording of Wagner’s Wesendonck Lieder. Violin professor Natalia Lomeiko will be performing Shostakovich’s Violin Concerto no 1 with Vladimir Ashkenazy and the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra in December. The concert takes place at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford.

Vocal professor Patricia Rozario has produced the Mumbai Royal Opera House’s first full-length opera with her project, Giving Voice Society, which she set up with her pianist husband Mark Troop. The four performances of Domenico Cimarosa’s 1792 comic opera Il matrimonio segreto (The Secret Marriage) took place in July.

Head of Strings Mark Messenger has got married. The wedding took place in Malvern with just nine friends and family in attendance and a celebration at the pub afterwards. Mark and his wife Maria Tarasewicz caught up with friends in London, Brussels and Lucca over the following week. Vocal professor Norbert Meyn has explored the songs of Austrian composer Karl Rankl in a workshop with singers and pianists from the RCM and Ensemble Émigré, culminating in an informal concert of selected songs. The event took place at the Austrian Cultural Forum in London. Violin professor Madeleine Mitchell has released a new album, Violin Muse, featuring seven world premiere recordings of works written for her by British composers, including Judith Weir, Michael Nyman and Guto Puw. The album was launched at an event in the Britten Theatre in October. Madeleine has also given the premiere of Grace Williams’ Violin Sonata at the first International Conference on Women’s Work in Music, accompanied by doctoral student and pianist Konstantin Lapshin.

SHARE YOUR NEWS Tell Upbeat readers about your recent successes by emailing news@rcm.ac.uk

Area Leader in History Dr Wiebke Thormählen has been awarded an Arts and Humanities Research Council grant for her research project ‘Music, Home and Heritage: Sounding the Domestic in Georgian Britain’, in partnership with the University of Southampton. The threeyear project will explore how listening to and performing music affected the construction of home and family life in Georgian Britain. Head of the Centre for Performance Science Aaron Williamon has co-chaired the International Symposium on Performance Science 2017 held in Reykjavík, Iceland. Doctoral students Sara Ascenso and George Waddell were awarded the Graduate Paper and Graduate Poster prizes, respectively. Academic Programmes professor Eric Wilson has conducted Sweeney Todd at the ROSS Adult Theatre Summer School in Lancaster. He also conducted the Abbots Langley Gilbert and Sullivan Society’s production of The Gondoliers at the 25th International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival in Harrogate. Violin professor Yuri Zhislin has performed at the Wimbledon International Music Festival with his ensemble Camerata Tchaikovsky. The group will also play at Kings Place in the London Chamber Music Sundays series in December.

Conductor and Opera Coach Natalie Murray Beale has been appointed Creative Director of Independent Opera, and she will continue to lead its extensive Artist Support Programme. Future projects include a new partnership, the Wigmore Hall/Independent Opera International Song Competition, and the commissioning of a modern oratorio by composer Joby Talbot. Assistant Librarian Federica Nardacci has interviewed former RCM professor Robert Sutherland, the pianist who accompanied Maria Callas during her last world tour in 1973–74. The article was published in Opera magazine and Italian music magazine Amadeus to mark the 40th anniversary of her death. Federica has also written programme notes for the London premiere of Andrea Tarrodi’s Liguria performed at the BBC Proms.




ALUMNI UPDATES SHARE YOUR NEWS Tell Upbeat readers about your recent successes by emailing news@rcm.ac.uk

Composers Julian Anderson, Mark Bowden and Charlotte Bray have received grants from the PRS Foundation Composers’ Fund. The Fund awards £150,000 annually to support composers and enables them to realise projects and ambitions that may not be possible through traditional commissioning models. Violinist Laura Ayoub has released her debut album with her sister Sarah who plays the cello, as part of her duo The Ayoub Sisters. It features arrangements of classical and pop music, from Johann Strauss II to Michael Jackson, and was recorded with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Head of Strings Mark Messenger at Abbey Road Studios in London. Violinist Benjamin Baker has won Third Prize at the Michael Hill International Violin Competition. He has also been on tour to China, made his debut at the Festspiele-Mecklenburg Vorpommern music festival in Germany, and given concerts in Chile, Argentina and at London’s Wigmore Hall. Saxophonists Jose Bañuls, Shevaughan Beere, Ellie McMurray and Huw Wiggin, members of the Ferio Saxophone Quartet, have released their debut album, Flux, on Chandos Records. It features original works written for saxophone quartet, ranging from Gabriel Pierné and Jean-Baptiste Singelée to Eugène Bozza and Guillermo Lago. Composer Andrea Boccadoro has signed with music production company Air-Edel. He has recently composed music for the videogame Astrologaster, and was co-composer of the theme music for new feature film Il Contagio – Tainted Souls. RCMJD alumna Clemency Burton-Hill has released a new book, Year of Wonder: Classical Music for Every Day. It features an inspirational piece of music for every day of the year, celebrating composers from the medieval era to the present day. Composer and bass baritone Oscar Castellino has written a new anthem for the Mars Society to promote and encourage the human mission to Mars. The world premiere of Rise to Mars! was performed by Oscar at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama with RepCo Sinfonia, and he was also invited to perform it at the 20th International Mars Convention in California.



Mezzo soprano Katie Coventry has won the Waynflete Singers Prize in the 2017 Grange Festival International Singing Competition. She has also performed in a recital at Wigmore Hall as part of her Independent Opera Scholarship. Doctoral graduate and clarinettist Dr Catherine Crisp has been appointed Senior Lecturer and Head of Chamber Music at the University of Chichester. She received her PhD from the Royal College of Music earlier this year for her thesis researching the use and development of the clarinet and playing in Paris and London, c1760–1810. Trumpeter Simon Desbruslais has released a new CD, The Art of Dancing: 21st-century concertos for trumpet, piano and strings, on Signum Records. It features new concertos by composers Nimrod Borenstein, Geoffrey Gordon, Deborah Pritchard and Toby Young. Flautist James Dutton and accompanist Oliver Davies have recorded works for flute and piano by composers who studied or taught at the Royal College of Music. The booklet notes were written by former Deputy Librarian Peter Horton and the CD will be released on the Mike Purton Recording label. Double bassist and conductor David Etheridge has completed a Masters in Musicology at Birmingham Conservatoire. He has now started a PhD at Middlesex University on the Thunderbirds music of film and television composer Barry Gray. Composer Charlotte Harding has written a piece of music for dance company BalletBoyz as part of their new show, which premiered at Sadler’s Wells in London before embarking on a tour across the UK. Her music, The Indicator Line, was set to choreography by Craig Revel Horwood. Composers Lillie Harris and Laurence Osborn have been selected to join the London Philharmonic Orchestra’s Young Composers programme. They will have the opportunity to develop, workshop and compose a new piece. Composer Joseph Horovitz’ work Lady Macbeth, a scena for mezzo soprano and piano, has been recorded by Susanna Fairbairn and pianist Matthew Schellhorn on Naxos. His much-recorded Clarinet Sonatina has also been issued on four new CDs.

Soprano Turiya Haudenhuyse has been awarded Second Prize at the Concours Kattenburg competition at Opéra de Lausanne in Switzerland. The new competition aims to promote and support the new generation of young singers from the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne. Soprano Elaine Lachica has performed as a soloist on Montreal Baroque’s new recording of Bach cantatas. She has also appeared on L’Harmonie des Saisons’ album Las Ciudades de Oro, which features Latin American baroque music and won a 2016 JUNO Award for Classical Album of the Year: Vocal or Choral Performance. Composer Louis Mander has written an opera, The Life to Come, which received its world premiere with Surrey Opera in September. Stephen Fry wrote the libretto and visited the Royal College of Music in 2013 for workshops in the opera’s early stages. Pianist Maria Marchant has released her debut album, Echoes of Land and Sea, of English piano music including two new recordings of works by Roderick Williams. Maria also appeared on BBC Radio 3’s In Tune to promote the CD and it received a four-star review in The Observer. Sopranos Kelly Mathieson and Amy Manford have made their West End debuts in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical The Phantom of the Opera. They are currently performing the role of Christine Daaé at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London. Bassoonist Catriona McDermid and flautist Suzannah Watson have released a new CD, Revolting Rhymes and Marvellous Music, as part of their group the Magnard Ensemble. Inspired by Roald Dahl it reimagines his much-loved children’s poetry for wind quintet, piano and narrator. Pianist Luka Okros has won the Douglas McKerrell Memorial Prize of £5,000 at the Scottish International Piano Competition 2017 in Glasgow. His performance of Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto no 2 with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra was also broadcast on Classic FM in the Full Works Concert programme.

has also joined the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment’s Rising Stars scheme with tenor Nick Pritchard. Pianist Svetoslav Todorov has released a new video project, the Paganini Tech, which combines classical music with electronic sounds. He will also make his Carnegie Hall debut in New York in 2018. Baritone Julien Van Mellaerts has won First Prize in the Wigmore Hall/Kohn Foundation International Song Competition, accompanied by Gamal Khamis. Ian Tindale won the Pianist’s Prize, whilst the Jean Meikle Prize for a Duo was awarded to soprano Gemma Summerfield and pianist Sebastian Wybrew. Soprano Elizabeth Watts and mezzo soprano Kitty Whately have featured on a new recording of works by Vaughan Williams on Hyperion Records, along with an RCM Brass Band, the BBC Symphony Orchestra and conductor Martyn Brabbins. Pianist Vicky Yannoula has been appointed Music Director of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, an annual festival of music, dance and culture which attracts performers and visitors from across the globe. She is the first ever representative of Greek origin to hold the prestigious title.

Opposite Vicky Yannoula Above Julien Van Mellaerts at Wigmore Hall Photo: Benjamin Ealovega Below The Magnard Ensemble

CONNECT Connect with fellow RCM alumni in our LinkedIn group or contact the Alumni team on alumni@rcm.ac.uk or 020 7591 4353.

Violist Elliott Perks and violinist Colin Scobie have won First Prize and the Audience Prize at the Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition, as part of their ensemble the Maxwell Quartet. They are invited to return to the 2018 Trondheim Kammermusikkfestival. Soprano Rowan Pierce has won First Prize and the Song Prize in the 2017 Grange Festival International Singing Competition. She




IN MEMORY Oboist Denisa Bílá studied at the Conservatoire de Lyon, and at the Royal College of Music on the exchange programme. She was a member of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestral Academy and toured with the Kremerata Baltica Chamber Orchestra before becoming principal oboe of the Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Denisa tragically died after a car accident in September 2017, aged 26.

LEAVING A LEGACY The Royal College of Music would like to thank all those who have remembered the RCM in their will and left a musical legacy for future generations to enjoy. For more information on leaving a legacy to the RCM, please contact Louise Birrell on 020 7591 4743 or louise.birrell@rcm.ac.uk

Composer Derek Bourgeois was born on 16 October 1941. He studied composition under Herbert Howells and conducting with Sir Adrian Boult at the Royal College of Music. In the 1970s he was a lecturer in music at Bristol University, and in the early 1980s he was chair of the Composers’ Guild of Great Britain and a member of the Music Advisory Panel of the Arts Council. In 1984 Derek became musical director of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, and in 1990 he was appointed artistic director of the Bristol Philharmonic Orchestra. A few years later he became director of music at St Paul’s Girls’ School in London before retiring to Mallorca in July 2002. Derek died on 6 September 2017, aged 75. Jeremy Dale Roberts was born on 16 May 1934 in Gloucestershire. He studied composition at the Royal Academy of Music and became close friends with Gerald Finzi’s son, Christopher, and his family. He had a varied compositional style, ranging from English pastoralism to the avant-garde and French baroque. Jeremy was also widely travelled and worked for a year as a private tutor in the grasslands of Cameroon. He became Head of Composition at the Royal College of Music, a position he held for 30 years, and was greatly valued and cherished by his colleagues. Those who knew him found him an exceptionally generous spirit and someone who led the RCM Composition Faculty with dignity, good humour and patience. He also taught at Morley College and the University of Iowa. Jeremy died on 11 July 2017, aged 83.



Violinist Jean Eisler was born in London. She studied under Gustav Holst at St Paul’s Girls’ School, continuing her music studies in Vienna and at the Royal College of Music before embarking on a career as a violinist with the Jacques Orchestra and the Ebsworth Quartet. In 1944 Jean married Paul Eisler and they moved to Prague. After his death in 1966, Jean returned to Britain and became a music therapist, having studied on the first Nordoff Robbins training programme. In her 100th year, the European Music Therapy Confederation conferred on Jean the prestigious EMTC award for her ‘unique and outstanding contribution to the development of music therapy’. She died aged 101 in September 2017. Margaret Phillips, née Taylor, studied piano and piano accompaniment at the Royal College of Music in the late 1950s with Hubert Dawkes. Whilst there, she took up a piano teaching post at the RCM Junior Department under Marjorie Humby, in addition to establishing a successful freelance accompanist career. Margaret moved to Bedford after marrying Lloyd Phillips in 1969, being a long-term member of the music staff at Bedford Modern School. In the 1980s she resumed her work at the RCM Junior Department, teaching there for over ten years and seeing her children Muriel and Martin progress through the Junior Department during the 1990s. She enjoyed a rich and varied retirement, always welcoming friends and family to their house in southern France. Margaret died in April 2017. Michael Winfield was a longstanding oboe professor at the Royal College of Music. He played oboe and cor anglais in the Hallé and London orchestras for almost half a century, and was awarded a Fellowship of the RCM in 1992. Michael was an influential teacher for many generations of players and was greatly cherished and valued by colleagues. He died aged 86 on 8 September 2017.



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Box Office: 020 7591 4314 weekdays 10am–4pm Upbeat: 020 7591 4730 news@rcm.ac.uk Alumni: 020 7591 4353 alumni@rcm.ac.uk Supporting the RCM: 020 7591 4331 development@rcm.ac.uk Hiring RCM musicians: 020 7591 4367 diana.roberts@rcm.ac.uk The Royal College of Music is a registered charity. No 309268

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