RGJ E-Zine Dec 2011

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The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association


15 December 2011 Ezine Page Summary Page 1.


Fore word Forecast of Events


News from A Coy 4 Rifles PJM Can now be worn


1 Rifles Afghan Op Report


Free Ring Tones Sendiod and Big Files West Midlands is Recruiting! Dinner Party Supports C4C


Andy McNab supports C4C Calais 1940 Blog details The Rifles Shop Bletchley Park Code Centre


The East Midlands Branch The North East Branch


The North West Branch The Wiltshire Branch


The Rifles `E-Bugle` N/Letter Return to West Belfast 2008 Tree Fest C4C Support


Care for Casualties Portable Applications.com

Welcome to the 9th edition of the RGJRA Ezine Newsletter published on 15th December 2011. To ensure that you get future copies always make sure you keep your email address up to date & empty your mailbox frequently. Current distribution for this issue is 3046 of 5912 users.

FOREWORD Nearly another year over and the older we get, inevitably, the faster they seem to go! Hopefully by the time you read this some of you will either have received an email from the President or if you do not have the Internet a letter will be in the pipeline requesting you to support the Association by becoming a full member. A recent review of our membership status has given cause for concern because although there are currently 5912 records on our database only 529 officers and 1097 other ranks are paying members. The rest contribute nothing towards the Association at all. There are of course other considerations that reduce the users available for membership on the database, such as those still serving, life members,

11. Police Horse Alamien The Duke and Duchess Visit 12. The RGJ (Rifles) Museum Regimental Mugs on Sale 13. Support your RGJ Shop Minutes and Accounts Guy Harris Supporting C4C 14. Pension Increase Rates Obituary List


Officers Club Christmas Dinner Concert


King`s Royal Rifle Corps Regimental Birthday


Newburgh Priory shoot

Jan 16

A Thank You.

Soldier Magazine Click HERE

23 25

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15 16

Feb 1 18


Honorary members, Overseas members and those deceased but there still remains over 2300 potential paying members who do not support us. Of these a total of 725 were formerly full members who have allowed their membership to lapse! Of even more concern is the fact that after only 5 years of being a former regiment our total supporting membership does not equal that of The Kings Royal Rifle Corps and the Rifle Brigade Associations combined and they have been in existence for 53 years without the assistance of the Internet, email and other aids which we take for granted! We are currently in the process of setting up on line payments in an effort to make becoming a full member easier but without your support and willingness to become full members no amount of convenience will

increase the membership and ensure that the RGJRA is still functioning 50 years from now even though every effort is being made to make the process as easy as possible. The plans to make the payment of membership and renewal fees on line with the use of a personal credit or debit card will, I hope, encourage more of you to spend what after all is a very small amount of money per year. £10! Thats less than 3 pence per day, to ensure that we have a Regimental Association in the future. Alright, I have had my moan but please seriously think about this membership issue. To end I would like to extend my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to you and your families and ask you, not for the first time, to keep supporting C4C with your sponsored events. They need all the help we can give. Ken

Forecast Of Events DECEMBER 2011 - mARCH 2012

10. A Word About Retirement 4v RGJ Reunion 18 Feb 2012

Volume 3 Issue 3



Davies Street Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Street.

0207 491 4936

North Yorkshire


Anniversary of the death of Sir John Moore. St Paul’s Cathedral Wreath laying at Evensong Service Fifth Anniversary of The Rifles Formation 4RGJ Reunion commencing at 18.30- Tickets The Cedars Drill Hall £10

c4c@the-rifles. co.uk

London Office

donna3224@ hotmail.com 56 Davies St, London. KRRC Office Band Concert. Rifles Race Day, in aid of Care for Casualties. Chepstow Race Course, c4c@the-rifles. co.uk

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