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KRRC Tapestry

Edward Stoten

This tapestry was made by Mr Edward Stoten whilst serving as a Prisoner Of War in Pozna (Posnan), Poland, during the Second World War, from materials he could fi nd/scavenge.


Mr Stoten (Army No: 6844388), whilst serving with the 2nd Bn KRRC as part of 30th Motor Brigade, was sent to Calais in 1940 where he was injured and taken prisoner of war by the German forces, prior to being sent to Pozna , Poland. In Pozna , probably at Stalag XXI-D, he together with fellow prisoners suffered during the particularly harsh winter of 19040/41 with no extra clothing, blankets, or fi res to keep them warm and with only a daily ration of cabbage soup to eat. Forced labour activities included digging trenches, unloading coal and fi lling bomb craters.

During his time as a prisoner, he was bombed by the RAF whilst convalescing in hospital and strafed by the US Army Air Corp whilst awaiting repatriation following the arrival of the Red Army in 1945. Mr Stoten, who now lives in Bournemouth, Dorset, was born on 3 Aug 1912 and joined the KRRC in 1930 aged 17 years, after being turned down by the RN for being under age. Prior to the outbreak of war, Mr Stoten served in India and Burma with the 2nd Bn KRRC.

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