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In Memoriam “Wh y the Poppies?

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In Memoriam

Stg FGJ Bailey MM 70 KRRC/1KRRC John Beerman RB 3RGJ 12 Oct Dave Crook 1RGJ 30 Sep Mrs Andrea Fox 1 Oct Col Peter E Gerahty CBE OBLI 1GJ 15 Nov John Gillman MM 1KRRC Major P C Greenwood RB 3RGJ 15 Oct Tony Hands 2RGJ 6 Nov Nicholas Robert Hennessy 3RGJ 2 Sep L/Cpl Paul Holland 1 Dec A M Jarrey RB 3GJ 3RGJ 2 Nov Geoff Morrish RB 3RGJ 17 Sep Lt Col Anthony (Bob) Pickford 1RGJ LI & The Rifl es 24 Sep Lord Robin Plunket RB 16 Nov C/Sgt Patrick SwiŌ 3 & 2RGJ, Royal Irish 31 Oct


Rest in Peace

Please be aware that our publications, Swift and Bold and the E-Zine carry brief details of all those members of the regiment who have died regardless of circumstances.Deceased members of the former regiments and The Rifl es are included within the published Obituary lists. The degree of detail shown in both Swift and Bold and the E-Zine s limited by the space available and only brief details are posted but with direct links, as is the case with the E-zine or, as in the case of The Swift and Bold Journal, the Internet address showing where the full details can be seen on the website Bulletin Board at http://63196.activeboard. com/forum.spark?forumID=63196. All such occurrences, even those with the briefest of details, are recorded on the Association database.


“They shall grow not old, As we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn; At the going down of the sun and in the morning; We will remember them.”


Not long ago, a friend of mine, who also served in the Royal Green Jackets, was buying poppies for his young grandchildren prior to Remembrance Sunday. Being their fi rst experience of such an event, they asked “Grandpa, why the poppies?” He answered the question by writing a booklet with an account of what led to the outbreak of World War I. He describes the major events during those four years of attrition followed by the build up to World War II and the key elements of that war as well. He has called this booklet “Why the Poppies?” (40 pp). I have played a small part in its production. The booklet is written for all readers, and is particularly relevant as the centenary of the outbreak of World War I approaches. Field Marshal The Lord Bramall KG GCB OBE MC has written a Commendation.

On next page is an order form from which you see that all profi ts will go to he Rifl es “Care for Casualties” Appeal. The Appeal Organisers have decided to offer Why the Poppies at a minimum price of £10.00 per copy; out of this comes the cost of printing, packing and postage of £3.75 leaving £6.25 to go to The Rifl es Appeal Fund. If you would like to make an extra donation in the space provided on the attached fl ier/ order form, it will be gratefully received.

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