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North East

at NMA Alrewas for the Northern Ireland Veterans Association Parade. Once again the weather played it’s part making the occasion enjoyable for all. This year there were additional marching contingents with representation for the UDR, R IRISH our comrades in The Light Infantry but out-numbered, out-smarted and out-marched by The Royal Green Jackets. The parade was supplemented by friends and colleagues at the Winchester and North-West Branch plus elements from London. We also managed to recruit 4 new members into the Central England Branch with: Glynn Holtham, Stewart Bull, Iain Ballantyne and Peter Pattison.

Following the parade, we moved en masse to The Boathouse P/H local hostelry of Branch Member John Ball and myself in Rushall, Walsall. The food was excellent and free which helped make our guests feel at home in Midlands.


Our annual Rifl eman of the Year Award was presented to Gary Collins for his contribution to the Branch and Committee. Well deserved too!

Next on the horizon is Remembrance Sunday (8th November 2015) usually organised and marshalledby Treasurer Guy Mynett. However, in light of Guy’s input with Greenstock and our Christmas Ball 2015,


Hello once again to all RGJ members,

The North East Branch continues to remain active throughout the North East of the UK during the second half of this year, which has seen members of the Branch attending various events throughout the United Kingdom.

Some of these events are as follows: • RGJA Veterans day in Winchester • Waterloo Celebrations • Victory in Japan Day Sunderland parade • Walking with the Wounded and Military wives concert at the Sage Gateshead • The laying of the Memorial Stone for George Maling’s VC in Sunderland • North East Branch Reunion Remembrance Weekend

In June, we held a Branch meeting at the Royal British Legion in Sunderland which was well attended by our members, who, it is fair to say, were in high spirits. During the meeting we discussed a range of items from the upcoming RGJA Veterans Day in Winchester, Armed Forces Celebrations being held in Sunderland to the planning for the annual Remembrance Reunion Weekend. The members held a raffl e raising a marvellous £138.00 to go towards the charity fund.

Rifl eman of the Year Award presented to Gary Collins.

branch member Craig Robbins has kindly volunteered to take that on and this year will be our 4th on Parade in Birmingham City Centre. Anyone wishing to take part is to contact me via the usual means.

Well that is it for now. In the meantime, we wish our friends and colleagues across the globe the best of wishes.

Pete Page Secretary

Veterans Day at Winchester and again this year, there was a really good turnout for the Parade and March Past. This event continues to allow all our members and other Branches to rekindle friendships with old and new acquaintances. This cannot be understated for the value it brings to all past and present Rifl emen. Many thanks are due to the Winchester Branch for all its hard work in making this day a special one.

In September, members travelled to the annual Service of the Northern Ireland Association at the National Arboretum in Staffordshire where, joining with other Branches, they paid their respects to those who died in the Northern Ireland confl ict. Also in September, the North East Branch attended the War Memorial and Brother in Arms Wall in Sunderland for unveiling of the Memorial VC Paving Stone for George Maling. The Memorial was well attended by representatives from George Maling’s family, Branch Members together with Kenneth Richardson bearing our Standard.

George Maling – A Sunderland First War Hero George Maling was the only person from Sunderland to receive the Victoria Cross during the First World War. George was born in Carlton House, Mowbray Road, Sunderland in 1888, the son of a general practitioner.

During the First World War, aged 26, Maling was a Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps, attached to the 12th Battalion, The Rifl e Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own). He was awarded theVictoria Cross for his brave deeds on 25th September 1915 during the Battle of Loos, near Fauquissart, France. Lieutenant Maling worked for over 24 hours with untiring energy; under heavy shell fi re, he collected and treated more than 300 men. During the morning he was temporarily stunned by the burst of a large high explosive shell, which wounded his only assistant and killed several of his patients. A second shell covered him and his instruments with debris, but he continued to work single-handedly with outstanding gallantry.

During our Branch meeting on Friday, 2nd October we were honoured to present the late WO2 Ginger Dixon’s silver Bugle to the Chairman of Sunderland’s Royal British Legion. WO2 Ginge Dixon was a highly respected chosen man, a much beloved brother Rifl eman, a great leader and a friend to many within the Branch. The Bugle now takes pride of place behind the bar where everybody can admire it and without a doubt members will raise a glass or two for this inspirational Rifl eman. The presentation of the Bugle was made by Jake Cheetham and Pete Collins on behalf of Ruth Dixon, Ginge Dixon beloved sister. Ruth’s kind, thoughtful and moving gesture towards the NE Branch was met with a standing ovation by all members when the presentation was made to Vince Harris, Chairman of The Royal British Legion Sunderland. The North East Branch would like to thank Ruth wholeheartedly for her wonderful gift to our Branch. We are delighted that a part of WO2 Ginge Dixon will be with us during future meetings and know he will be remembered by his brother Rifl emen. Rest in Peace Ginge. In November, the Branch main event was our annual Remembrance Weekend, with many people including some members of The Rifl es (who we were delighted to welcome) arriving from all over the UK and further away from France on Friday 6th and staying over until Monday 9th November. The venue for the Remembrance Reunion on Saturday 7th November was The Best Western Roker Hotel.

The weekend got off to a great start with the advance party of 153 members meeting at the Queen Vic Hotel for drinks and kinship on the Friday evening. A great night was had by all and set the scene for the main event on the Saturday night. Tickets for this evening were sold out 11 weeks before the event. Doors opened at 1800 hours and within 20 minutes all 261 members and their guests were seated and ready for the night’s entertainment. The Bugles of the Borneo Band opened with a performance of many of the bugle calls we all know and which brought back many memories. Supper consisted of a delicious curry which was well received by all. The raffl e prize draw later on saw over 80 Raffl e prizes being won. Ruth Dixon had kindly donated pictures from WO2 Ginger Dixon’s collection, these were auctioned and raised a grand total of £1660.00 The entertainment was provided by a fantastic group called Men in Black which had everyone dancing well into the early hours.

The Branch took the opportunity of this happy gathering to thank the outgoing President, Brigadier Nicholas Prideaux and the Chairman, Jake Cheetham for their support and work for over the past 7 years and welcomed the new President, Colonel James Ramsbotham and Chairman, David Nichol. The handover of the Presidency has already taken place. The handover of the Chairmanship becomes effective on 1st January 2

The Sunderland Remembrance Parade (reputedly the

Dave Nichol, Pete Collins, Jake Cheetham, Lynn and Vince, John Snell.

The 17th October saw some of our members were present at the Mayor of Sunderland’s Charity Fundraising Concert with the Sunderland Symphony Orchestra. largest Parade in the UK outside London) formed up on a

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