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North West

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North East

North East

rather damp Sunday morning with 135 Rifl emen making the largest contingent by far. We marched off to salute the Lord Lieutenant, the Mayor and other dignitaries at 140 paces, drawing appreciative applause from those lining the streets. We were very pleased that our honorary member, Claire Neal, was able to be present for the Parade. British Legion in Sunderland on the 5th December 2015, during which the Members will present the RBL with a cheque for the funds raised during the auction and raffl e at our Remembrance weekend.

The 2016 Regimental 50th Birthday celebrations at home and away in Winchester on 9 July and the Sounding of Retreat by the Massed Bands and Bugles of The Rifl es on Horse Guards on 1st and 2nd June are being looked


The Parade was followed by Lunch at the Roker Hotel and included around 200 members and their families, and we were honoured that The Mayor and Mayoress of Sunderland, Councillor Barry Curran and his wife Carol were able to join us. During lunch we held a further raffl e and auctioned a Tower of London Poppy with all proceeds going to the Royal British Legion

The Branch Christmas Party will be held in The Royal

at with further details to follow.

All members of the North East Branch would like to wish all Branches of the Royal Green Jackets Association a Very Happy Christmas and an even better New Year in 2016.

David Nichol Vice Chairman.

NORTH WEST BRANCH The following is the committee of the branch:

Chairman: Tommy Fairclough (Ex 2RGJ ) Vice Chairman: Jimmy Matthews (Ex 3 RGJ) Secretary: Mark Lydiat (Ex 2RGJ) Advisory role: Ray Gerrard (Ex 2RGJ) Rifl es Link: Dave Crossley

Sub Committee Entertainment: Steve Donoghue Arthur Toleman

Since the last meeting of the Secretaries Committee, we as a branch have done the following:

1) June The Summer Ball was held with 72 people attending wives / girlfriends / partners / family / friends / raffl e raised £430.

2) October Rifl eman’s Dinner with 2 Guest speakers Phillip Schofi eld Alex Gardener 92 attended / raffl e raised £700.

3) Remembrance Sunday Parade 62 attending. £520 raised to be divided between 2 charities Soldiers of the street £260 / care for casualties £260.

A big thank you to Stephen Donaghue, who organised everything at the Blacklers Rooms after the parade.

4) The Branch has also attended 3 Funerals for ex Rifl emen in our area. Gareth Dixon, Bryan Rowlands and Jack Heron. The members also attended The VC dedication.

5) We have fully booked a 72 seater coach for the Winchester Reunion 2016. Also we have booked into the Winchester Spa Hotel.arriving on Friday Returning Sunday.

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