3 minute read
Volume 7 Issue 1
June 2015
Brigadier Hugh Willing CBE Chairman of the RGJ Association
Much of importance has been happening in the background since the last issue of E-zine in October. We now have a new Association Management Plan, which was issued on 1st May under the signature of our President, Major General Balfour. If you haven’t done so already, do look at the Association Website, which has a copy of the Plan and the updated Rules for the Association, but also an explanatory note from General Balfour about the reasons for the changes to the management of your Association. You will also see that the Website contains much more information for Members and so you will know that we are hard at work planning the 50th Anniversary Veterans’ Day Gathering in Winchester which will take place at Sir John Moore Barracks, on 9th July 2016. This is planned to be a spectacular event with possibly three Bands and Bugles taking part, and a large number of activities to entertain all the family, as well as the usual opportunities to meet up with your old colleagues and friends from over the years. Do put the date in your diaries and we do encourage you all to come along to make it a truly special day. And whilst you are planning your Regimental activities don’t forget that this year’s Veterans’ Day takes place at Winchester on Saturday 18th July. We have The Rifl es Band and Bugles booked and a host of stands and stalls, as well as the extra-large beer tent, to keep you entertained throughout the day and late into the night. We and your old friends would like to see you there. Do look at the Forecast of Events for this year because there are a lot of other activities taking place which are designed for you to join in and take part. Next summer on the evenings of 2nd & 3rd June The Rifl es and Gurkha massed bands will perform a Sounding Retreat on Horse Guards Parade in central London. Tickets will go on sale through a civilian agency later this year and details will be passed on to you in the next edition of E-zine, but make a note now. I am also very pleased to report that the Waterloo Bicentenary Exhibition at the RGJ (Rifl es) Museum opened on schedule on 25th March. Not only is this a superb Exhibition of the Regiment’s important role in the battle but it marks the end of the successful appeal to raise £150,000 for the refurbishment of the top fl oor of the Museum to which many of you contributed. Thank you.
And lastly two appeals. A recent analysis of the Association database shows that we can and should do more to bring in new members. There are 3,225 names on the database (with emails) made up of former Rifl emen whose membership has lapsed, or known individuals who have opted not to join the Association. The best recruiter to the Association is you. If you know of anyone who should be a member, like you, then please encourage them to join. It is only £10 for the year for all the benefi ts and there will be a Branch near you that is waiting to welcome them back into the fold. And secondly we are looking for a new Treasurer for the Association. It is important to fi nd the right person to replace Mike Marr who will be handing over by the end of 2016. Mike has done an excellent job for us over the last ten years and his replacement needs to be recruited by December 2015 in order to shadow Mike through 2016. The job may grow in due course to take on the responsibility for updating the Website and does not need to be fi lled necessarily by a former RGJ person, although of course this would be ideal especially if they live near Winchester. Capability, reliability, commitment and enthusiasm are more important as well as experience in running an account. Given the workload it is intended that the job will be remunerated. If there is anyone out there who wishes to put themselves forward then please get in touch with me or any other member of the Committee and we will take it from there.
So, enjoy the summer and we hope to see you at as many of our events and activities as you can make. Best wishes to all fellow Rifl emen.