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North East Branch
The Branch has been busy for the fi rst half of this year.
We have already had two Meetings with a good turnout for each one. The Annual General Meeting was held on 17th April during which important changes to the management of the Branch were discussed and voted on. It was agreed that new blood was needed to build on the success of the last seven years. David Nicol was voted in as the Vice Chairman until such time as he has completed his takeover as Chairman from Jake Cheetham. John Snell became the new Secretary, Jackie Richardson the Treasurer and John Toolin remains as Entertainments Manager. The Branch is enormously grateful to Jake Cheetham(and his family), Naomi Loftus and John Kelly for their dedication and hard work as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Our President, Brigadier Nicholas Prideaux, will also be standing down after the Remembrance Day Weekend and Colonel James Ramsbotham was unanimously elected as his replacement. In view of the importance of next year’s 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Regiment, Kenneth Richardson was appointed as the Branch Representative on the organizing Committee based in Winchester. He has already attended his fi rst meeting. Plans for the Remembrance Day Weekend (6th-8th November 2015) will be discussed at our next Meeting on 26th June. The Chairman designate is planning to start the Weekend with a Veterans Golf Competition. Further details will be posted later.
In June, Geordie Oates, John Toolin and Tony Robinson attended the annual Pegasus Bridge Remembrance Day celebrations. The 43rd and 52nd Flag was much in evidence as the photos show.
All Association Members are invited to attend a Ceremony at the War Memorial in Mowbray Park, Sunderland to place a VC Paving Stone to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the award of the Victoria Cross to Captain George Maling RAMC who was serving with the 12th Battalion, The Rifl e Brigade. More details will be posted soon.
All Members are looking forward to seeing fellow Rifl emen in Winchester next month, up here in Sunderland in November and most of all in 2016 as we all celebrate the Association’s 50th Birthday.
Swift and Bold,
The North East Team