RGJ E-Zine Sep 2012

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The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association

E-zine NEWSLETTER Volume 4 Issue 2

15 September 2012

Welcome to the 11th edition of the RGJRA Ezine Newsletter published on 15th September 2012. To ensure that you get your copy always make sure you keep your email address up to date and empty your mailbox frequently. Current distribution for this issue is to 3195 of 6075 database users.

Contents Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. 10.

11. 12. 15. 16. 17.

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 26. 27. 28.

30. 32. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 41.

Title Foreword Forecast of Events Special No ce to Life Members RGJRA Contact List The RGJRA Branches Winchester Veterans Day RGJ Officers at St Paul’s Cathedral for HM The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Commemora on of the Ba le of El Alamein RGJ (Rifles) Museum Colonel Commandant’s Message on Army 2020 Statement 4th Bn The Rifles - BATUS ‘Bullet magnet’ Soldiers train for opera ons a er Afghanistan Bri sh soldiers visit Salamanca The Ba le of Salamanca on July 22, 1812 Duke of Wellington Riflesdirect Members of the Regiment in the Olympics Care for CasualƟes Musical Fundraising Jazz Evening Sponsored Cycle Ride by Andy Norris Napoleon and The Rifles MOD calls for ideas on IED detec on The Band and Bugles of The Rifles at the Royal Albert Hall The RGJ Band and Bugles Live on in Germany The closure of Trenchard Bks, Celle GPMG Jungle Carrying Trials, November 1963 Recrui ng Canine Hero’s for The Army Rifles at Southport Armed Forces Day Those were the days June 1965 Soldiers on Salisbury Plain The McMullan Collec on A Rendezvous With The Enemy Child Educa on Nepal (CEN UK) PDSA Dickin Medal, ‘Tich’, KRRC In Memoriam

FOREWORD I once again welcome all our readers to this the 11th edition of the RGJ Regimental Association E-Zine scheduled to be published on or after 15th September 2012. I have to say that my visit to the RGJ Veteran Day on 14th July was well worth the effort despite the rather soggy weather conditions on the day. The weather was not actually that bad and managed to stay dry for the important bits. Regardless of the weather I really cannot recommend this annual event enough to those of you who have not attended before. One very welcome improvement was the marked increase in the number of officers who attended this year. Currently there is a lot going on behind the scenes in regard to the Association with Bill Shipton working on the new web site and the remainder of the web site team, now comprised of myself, Kevin Stevens, Seamus Lyons, Mark Adams, Del Healey and Arne Bergsand being kept well occupied with our various responsibilities in regard to publications and web sites. It has long been a matter of some concern to me that none of us on the Web Site Team appear to be getting any younger and all of us, with the possible exception of Kevin

Stevens, have a varied assortment of worsening health problems. Within a few years the number 70 will be appearing on some of our birthday cards and without wishing to appear morbid it would be of benefit to the Association if we could find replacements who could step in should any of us become so unwell that we can no longer function in our present Association role. Is there anyone out there who will give up some of their free time for the benefit of the Association? If you have some basic computer knowledge combined with a willingness to learn the necessary publishing and/or IT skills please get in touch with me. Ideally you should be on the right side of sixty or less and as long as you are a UK resident where you live is not too important. What is important is that you will give your time freely for the benefit of the Association and you have a willingness to understudy for one of the following Team jobs; Database Manager, Webmaster, Desktop Publishing or Guestbook and Bulletin Board Monitoring. These are all equally important jobs within the Association Publishing (To be con nued on next page)

E-Zine Newsle er is published by the Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on on 15 June, 15 September and 15 December each year. Please send ar cles for inclusion to the editor prior to the 1st of the publica on month. Editor: Ken Ambrose Deputy editor: Major Ron Cassidy MBE Design and produc on: Arne Bergsand Copyright 2012 © Royal Green Jackets Regimental Associa on.

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