The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Only the most loyal supporters travel with you wherever you need to go. When Britain’s armed forces are on the move, they deserve a back-up team that’s also prepared to go the extra mile. In the last 20 years we haven’t missed an away fixture, delivering seamless support where it’s needed, when it’s needed. Everything from tanks to tents and bottled water to internet access. As far as we’re concerned, wherever the armed forces go, we’ll be there.
We Deliver
SWIFT AND BOLD RGJRA Journal 210x297.indd 1
JOURNAL 2010 3/12/10 11:31:10
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Front Cover Photograph Credits The front cover collage was created with photographs from events in 2010 supplied by B.Darvill, R.D. Cassidy, D.Hemsley, S.Hopgood, M.Donnison, G.Driscoll, L.Massey, I.Merlaine, J-D von Merveldt, K.Routledge, L.Swain, Teal Photography, J Davis-McMullan, ACE Maclean
CONTRIBUTIONS Lt Gen Sir Christopher BQ Wallace KBE DL Maj Gen Jamie Balfour CBE DL Col George F Smythe OBE Colonel Ian H McCausland Major Ron D Cassidy MBE Major Roy E Stanger Gary Brewer Richard Frost MBE Mike Marr Chris McDonald Terry Burrows David Timms Kevin Stevens Len Dooley Jake Cheetham Mike Marr Ray Gerrard Tom Evans Lee Massey Paul McGrath
4 5 6 7 7 8
Foreword Editor`s Notes RGJRA Association Contacts External Address List RGJRA Veteran`s Day and Oxford Reunion Timings Green Jacket and Association Events 2011-12
11 12 13 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Australasia Aylesbury Band and Bugles London Midland Milton Keynes North East North West Oxford Suffolk Wiltshire Winchester
26 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 38 42 43 43 44 44 46 48 49
Colonel David Wood MBE at Pegasus Bridge 6th June 1944 The RGJRA Web Site and Internet Branch report The RGJRA Database report The King`s Royal Rifle Corps Report The Rifles Historical Article - Sgt W Danton (2RB) A Letter to his wife, 1899 The Colonels Commandant of The Royal Green Jackets The Royal Green Jackets Operational Awards The Royal Green Jackets Roll of Honour 1966-2007 The Yanks are back in Saddleworth The Rifles Benevolent Trust Green Jackets Close The Ladies Guild Calais - 70th Anniversary Visit The Royal Green Jackets (Rifles) Museum Victoria Cross Holders - Former Regiments Green Jacket Obituary Notices to 8th January 2011
WCMT - Maj Gen Jamie Balfour KBR - Maj Gen Andrew Pringle JCB - Michael Leeming The RGJ (Rifles) Museum - Nick Haynes Cogent Law - Nick Addyman Book - Security Advisor in Iraq - John Heron The QM`s Locker - Tristram Carter The Rifles Shop - John Fritz-Domeney
A Maxwell M Brown M Blake J Measham M Cracknell RG Thorne P Smith
In addition £252.48 was received from the sales of The RGJ Regimental desk diary for 2011 as organised by Ron Cassidy and Ron Frampton.
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
FOREWORD BY MAJOR GENERAL JAMIE BALFOUR CBE DL PRESIDENT RGJR ASSOCIATION Welcome again to “Swift and Bold”, the 2010 and third RGJRA Journal. I hope that this edition will give you a very good understanding of what our Association has done over the last year, and how strong and active most of our branches are becoming. I would mention in particular the North West branch which grows in strength every year, the London branch for organising the increasingly impressive RGJ contingent who march past the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday, and the Winchester branch for yet again organising our annual Veteran`s Day reunion in July. Thank you all, and to all Association members for your support, especially those who very generously paid for an advert in this journal or made a donation, I am most grateful. The key to our future and continued financial viability lies in our membership. As of 10th January, the total number of Riflemen on our database stands at 4850, but of these 683 Officers (50.2%) and 1994 Other Ranks (57.1%) are not paid up members. We can and should do better than this, so I ask all of you who are not paid up Association members to please sign up on the website or through the membership secretary. By doing so you are directly helping all your fellow Riflemen in minimising the cost of events, and you pay a reduced entrance charge for the reunion, have access to the database, and get a free copy of this journal. For Other Ranks the fee of £10 a year and for Officers it is £50, of which £10 goes direct to the Association to support its activities (in 2009/10 this totalled over £5k). A further £10 per officer goes to support The Rifles SWIFT AND BOLD
Officers Club and the remaining £30 pays for their annual Chronicle and Bugle magazines. Our overall finances continue to hold firm, with our capital value now fully recovered to the £1m transferred by the RGJ Trustees to The Rifles and ring fenced for RGJRA activities from the financial downturn of the last 3 years. Dividend income however has yet to return to previous levels. The RGJ Management Board had made as a priority the need to cut the cost of the “Swift and Bold” Journal to a sustainable level. From a cost of £10927 for the 2008 Journal, this was reduced to £6448.78 for 2009 and with advertising revenue and donations of £2655, the final cost was £3793. Our intention is to reduce this further for the 2010 journal by the website team doing the design in house. This design cost was £2448 for 2009, so a further major saving is likely, and with advertising revenue and donations for the 2010 Journal up at £3387.48, then the cost will be fully covered by the current grant to the Association. This, together with the entrance fee for the Reunion (£5 for members/£10 for non members), will now allow the Association to more fully cover the costs of the Reunion, build up its reserves and fund other activities as required. Looking ahead to 2011 I highlight the following events of interest: • A major upgrade and reorganisation of the Association website. • The unveiling of the RGJ Normandy Memorial at Pegasus Bridge on Saturday 25th June. This
Major General Jamie Balfour CBE, DL. President of the RGJRA
commemorates the actions of all the former RGJ Regiments during the Normandy Campaign and I hope will become the focus of visits and battlefield tours in the years to come, both by Association members and the wider Rifles family so that our heritage can be taken forward into the future. Unfortunately the 25th June is also Armed Forces Day in UK, so many of you may not be able to make the day. However I hope the memorial will be supported by an associated Normandy Campaign regimental history package on the museum website. More details of the memorial will be publicised shortly. • The 2011 RGJRA Veteran`s Day Reunion at Sir John Moore Barracks Winchester on Saturday 9th July, and the Officers Dining Club dinner on Thursday 12th May. • An ongoing major review of all Army Museums is likely to have some impact on the RGJ Museum at Winchester. We will not know the results of this for a while, but please support the Museum wherever you can, including using the shop, see, and if possible by making a legacy in your will. The Museum remains the splendid Regimental heart of our strength, successes and traditions as Royal Green Jackets. I wish you all every good fortune for 2011. Jamie Balfour
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Ken Ambrose, Editor of the RGJRA Swift & Bold Journal
This year stands out from those that have gone before it because for the first time the magazine has been designed in house which has allowed us to yet again reduce the overall costs by several thousand pounds and additionally given us more control over the final product. Some of you might be aware of the difficulty in producing a good cover picture for the Journal and whilst that task was made relatively easy when there were two or three fully occupied regular battalions and another two TA battalions, since the RGJ `retired` in early 2007 it has become arguably more difficult. With the odd notable exception such as last year`s group photograph at Horse Guards, to find the right sort of picture to fill the front cover, has become increasingly difficult. Back Cover Photograph
Her Majesty The Queen inspects members of the 1st Bn The Royal Green Jackets at Dover during her visit to the battalion in 1975.
Therefore for this year I am trying something slightly different and using a photographic collage of Association activities for the past year. I hope you approve of the result because if so we will have solved the problem of what to put on the front cover for the years ahead. The only limitation to this idea, and it is proving to be a large limitation, is that I will be dependent on you to take pictures at all your events and to keep sending them in to me. I have made several appeals to branches and elsewhere for photographs but for this year have only received a half dozen responses. The other issue is that of acquiring the right quality of photographs that are needed for the magazine. Basically, and I know that yet again I am repeating myself, the larger the file size the more likely it is that a photograph will be of a high enough resolution to print well in the magazine. I rest my case. As you will be aware a large proportion towards the cost of the magazine is provided by our advertisers as well as those who have made private donations to once again support us. In one case the company advertisement have been placed with us for a 2nd year in succession but I would like to express sincere
thanks for the ongoing support and generosity of all the companies concerned. A list of those companies and an acknowledgement of private donations is now published in the magazine which includes a donation made from those who purchased Association desk diaries. For those of you that use the Association web site you will also see that we now promote the advertisers on line for the coming year and you may also see some of them in the quarterly Ezines when they are published throughout the next year. This is the least that we can do to show our appreciation for their continued support. The advertisements themselves have provided the need to add another name to the production team. Danny Healy, who has DTP design skills, has joined me and taken on the job, where necessary, of producing the advert designs where the companies themselves do not supply their own artwork. Welcome aboard Danny! The festive season is days away as I write and it now only remains for me to send you all my best wishes for Christmas and the year ahead. Ken Ambrose
23 December 2010
Crown Copyright
Thank you for your support
This publication contains official and personal contact information. It should therefore be treated with discretion by the recipient.
The views expressed in the articles in this journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy and views, official or otherwise of the Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association or the Ministry of Defence.
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association wish to thank the advertisers who appear in this publication for their generous support towards its publishing costs. We would also like to sincerely thank those individuals who have made private donations towards the cost of this publication.
No responsibility for the goods or services advertised in this journal can be accepted by the publishers, printers or the Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association and all such advertisements are included in good faith.
Journal Production Magazine Design and Editing Ken Ambrose
Assistant Editor
Major (retd) Ron Cassidy MBE
Advertising Artwork Danny Healy
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Maj Gen J Balfour CBE DL
01962 828524
The Chairman
Lt Col J Poole-Warren
01962 828598
The Secretary
Lt Col J-D von Merveldt
0207 4914936
Mr Mike Marr
01235 548018
RGJRA Webmaster
Mr Kevin Stevens
01865 452813
Database Manager
Mr Ken Ambrose
01296 711967
Australian Branch
Miss Karla Ramsden
On Application
Aylesbury Branch
Mr Terry Burrows
01296 582569
Band and Bugles
Mr Dave Timms
01304 820910
London Branch
Mr Gary Driscoll
01708 442662
Midlands Branch
Mr Martin Coates
01623 747817
martinswift and
Milton Keynes Branch
Mr G Brewer
01908 218715
North East Branch
Mr John (Jake) Cheetham
01915 480189
N.Ireland Branch
Mr Len Cook
On application
North West Branch
Mr Ray Gerrard
01744 732501
Shropshire Branch
Mr Tom Fairclough
01691 777172
Suffolk Branch
Mr Gordon Pilcher
01394 215925
Telford Branch
Mr John Brown
01952 502362
Winchester Branch
Mr Del Milam
01635 46074
Wiltshire Branch
Mr Gary Byrne
Yorkshire Branch Mr S Anderson 01757617056 Please note that full postal addresses for the above are available on application to the Editor or through a search on the Assocition database
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
RGJR ASSOCIATION EXTERNAL ADDRESS LIST ARMY BENEVOLENT FUND Mount Barrow House, 16-20, Elizabeth Street, London, SW1W 9RB. T: 0845 241 4820 F: 0845 241 4821 ASSOCIATION BLAZERS Harvey Malcolm, 23 Harrington Street, Liverpool, L2 9QA. T: 0151 236 0043 MEDALS (1st Application) Veterans Agency (SPVA) (Joint Personnel Administration Centre), MOD Medal Ofice, Building 250, Innsworth Station, Gloucester, GL3 1HW T: 0141 224 3600 SECRETARY KRRC ASSOCIATION Mr Richard Frost MBE, 52-56 Davies Street London W1K 5HR T: 020 7491 4935
SECRETARY RB ASSOCIATION Mr Geoff Pain 75 St Catherines Road Winchester, SO23 0PS T: 01962 856249 SERVICE RECORDS Army Personnel Centre Secretariat, Disclosures 2, Mail Point 515, Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, Glasgow, G3 8EX. or complete the form at service_records/sar.pdf SSAFA FORCES HELP, 19 Queen Elizabeth Street, London SE1 2LP T: 0845 1300 975 THE RIFLES BENEVOLENT TRUST The Secretary, RHQ The Rifles Peninsula Barracks, Romsey Road Winchester, Hants, SO23 8TS T: 01962 828526
THE UNION JACK CLUB 225 Union Street London SE1 0LR T: 020 7633 9206 THE VETERANS AGENCY Norcross Thornton Cleveleys Lancashire FY5 3WP T: 0800 169 2277 REPLACEMENT MEDALS Medals Plus Paul Symes 29 Craven Way Didcot Oxon OX11 8NS T: 01235 201 198 THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Contact Legionline T: 08457 725 725
ASSOCIATION REUNION TIMINGS In the case of the Oxford Reunion please note that for those who hold full membership, or are members of the Oxford Branch there is no entrance charge but none Association members will be charged £5. However, at the Winchester Reunion £5 will be charged for members and a £10 entrance fee will be charged for none Association members.
THE WINCHESTER VETERAN`S DAY REUNION 9th JULY 2011 Sir John Moore Barracks, Winchester, Hants. 1400hrs Gates open at Sir John Moore Barracks 1400hrs - 1745hrs Bar open and Static Displays 1800hrs Form up for Parade 1815hrs Parade Service (Drum Head) 1830hrs President`s Address followed by March Past 1850hrs Sounding Retreat 1930hrs Bar and Restaurant re-open 0100hrs Bar Closes
THE OXFORD REUNION 12TH NOVEMBER 2011 Edward Brooks Barracks, Cholwell Road, Shippon, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX13 6HW. 1900hrs Bars open 2000hrs Rifles band commences playing 2045hrs Public Address 2100hrs Curry supper on repayment 0030hrs Bars close 0100hrs TAVR Centre closes JOURNAL 2010
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
GREEN JACKET EVENTS 2011 - 2012 Month/
March 12
Herefordshire Officers Dinner
Suvla Barracks, Hereford
Shrewsbury Office
RGJ End Ex Party- 4th Anniversary
Railway Tavern, London
Tom Dooner
Cheltenham CCF Corps Day
Handover of Freedom Scroll
Rifles Band & Bugles Bridport
Exeter (Dorset Office
Regimental Support Week - Rifles Band
April 2
Rifles Freedom Parade
City of Gloucester
Gloucester Office
Rifles Korean War Commemoration
Gloucester Cathedral
Gloucester Office
Somerset Light Infantry Officers Lunchen
Mount Somerset Hotel, Taunton
Taunton Office
Bligny Officers Club AGM and Buffet Supper
Copthorne Barracks, Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury Office
9 Somerset LI and Jellalabad Reunion
St Audries Bay
Taunton Office
11-17 Regimental Support Week 12
Regimental Secretaries Meeting
D and D Officers Club Sandwich Lunch
Exeter Office
SCLI/LI/Rifles Reunion
Reform Club, Taunton
Taunton Office
Rifles Freedom Parade
Exeter (Devon) Office
8th/11th DLI Old Comrades Assn Ser/`Dinner
Durham Office
Rifles Northern Cocktail Party
Durham Office
Malaya Reunion
Taunton Office
RGJ Officers Club Dinner
Davies Street, London
London Office
Shrewsbury Office
12-18 KSLI Peninsula Battlefield Tour 13
D & D Officers West Country Dinner
Exeter Office
Rifles Freedom Parade
London Office
DCLI/Rifles Officers Club Lunch
Bodmin Office
D & D Regimental Association Reunion
Exeter Office
KRRC/Rifle Brigade Association Reunion
Davies Street, London
KRRC Association
Rifle Brigade Club Regimental Lunch
Cavalry & Guards Club
Maj K Gray
ABF Hampshire Sounding Retreat
KRRC/RB/QVR Calais Memorial Service
KRRC & RB Associations
KSLI Officers Club Ladies Lunch
Cavalry & Guards Club
Shrewsbury Office
Handover of Freedom Scroll
Exeter (Devon) Office
Regimental Officers Club Lunch & Retreat
RB&W Show, Shepton Mallett
Taunton Office
DLI Officers Luncheon
Rifles London Club
Durham Office
Armed Forces Memorial Naming Ceremony
National Arboretum, Staffs
Shropshire Regimental Trials
Shrewsbury Office
Bodmin Office
Shrewsbury Office
Shrewsbury Office
5 6-12
Regimental Support Week - Rifles Band
Royal Cornwall Show
Colonel-in-Chief`s Birthday
Shropshire Sounding Retreat & Reception
10-11 Light Infantry Weekend 11
Rifles Freedom Parade
Exeter (Dorset) Off`
Bligny Church Service
St Chads, Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury Office
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
GREEN JACKET EVENTS 2011 - 2012 Month
D & D Officers Club Lunch
Exeter Office
LI Memorial Dedication Ceremony
National Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffs
Shrewsbury Office
RGJR Association Oxford Band Concert
Edward Brooks Barracks, Abingdon
Oxford Office
Celer et Audax Club Regimental Lunch
Cavalry and Guards Club
Royal Week
Land Task
23-3 25
Armed Forces Day
Monte Cassino Dinner
Bodmin Office
Rally Day
The Keep, Bodmin
Bodmin Office
Cleveland ACF Annual Camp Cheltenham College Rifles Charity Event
Gloucester Office
Salamanca Band to Washington USA
Washington USA
Regimental Support Week - Rifles Band
July 1
SOR 4 Rifles
Rifles Charity Ball
Winchester College
RGJ Regimental Association Veteran`s Day
Sir John Moore Barracks, Winchester
RGJRA Secretary
Rifles Freedom Parade
Gloucester Office
Regents Park Memorial Service, 29th Anniv`
Regents Park
Rifles Officers Club Dinner
Salamanca Day - Regimental Day
Normandy Battlefield Tour
Taunton Office
Durham ACF Annual Camp
Durham Office
Somerset & Bristol ACF Annual Camps
Taunton Office
Rifles Band Leave
Rifle Brigade Birthday
Rifles Freedom Parade
Rifles Freedom Parade
Batley & Kirklees
ABF Concert
ABF Concert
Montacute House
Rifles Golf Meeting
St Enodoc
Bodmin Office
Officers Northern Dinner
Durham Office
DLI Reunion, Parade, Lunch & Band Concert
Durham Office
Regimental Support Week - The Rifles
Rifles & Light Infantry Club Lunch
Bishop`s Place, Wells
Taunton Office
Official Opening of Somerset & Somerset Military Museum
The Castle, Taunton
Taunton Office
D & D Officers Club Sandwich Lunch
Shropshire Autumn Dinner
Shrewsbury Office
Regimental Support Week - Rifles Band
Rifle Brigade Club Dinner
Cavalry and Guards Club
Maj K Gray
Celer et Audax Club Regimental Dinner
Cavalry and Guards Club
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
GREEN JACKET EVENTS 2011 - 2012 Month
November TBC 6 7-13
Homecoming Parade 1 Rifles DLI VC Stone Ceremony
Durham Office
Regimental Support Week - The Rifles
Field of Remembrance
Westminster Abbey
London Office
RGJR Association Oxford Reunion
Edward Brooks Barracks, Abingdon
Oxford Office
Remembrance Sunday & Cenotaph Parade
Cenotaph London
London Branch
D & D Officers Club London Dinner
Davies Street, London
Exeter Office
Rifles/RGJ Winter Cocktail Party
Davies Street, London
London Office
St Georges Church, Hannover St
London Office
Davies Street, London
KRRC Hon Sec,
December 6
F & G Coy Rifles RGJ Carol Service
The King`s Royal Rifle Corps Regimental Birthday
Royal Green Jackets Regimental Birthday
5th Anniversary of The Rifles Formation
January February TBC
KRRC/F Coy, 7 Rifles Annual Band Concert
Green Jacket Event Contact Numbers Bodmin Office 01208 72810
Durham Office 01913 865 496
Exeter Office 01392 492 435
KRRC Hon Sec 0207 491 4935
London Office 0207 491 4936
London Branch 01708 442 662
Railway Tavern 0208 5343123
RHQ 01962 828524
Shrewsbury Office 01742 262 425
Gloucester Off 01452 311 116
RGJRA Oxford Office 01235 548 018
Taunton Office 01823 333 434
RGJRA Secretary 0207 491 4936
RB Association Maj K Gray 01962 828 549
Rifles Band & Bugles 01962 828524
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Riflesdirect is owned by the regiment - managed and run by the regiment - for the benefit of the regiment - with all proceeds going to the regiment for benevolence and welfare.
Riflesdirect is a one-stop shop for all authorised Rifles uniform accoutrements and general Rifles branded merchandise. We also stock a selection of antecedent regimental items such as ties, cufflinks, and blazer badges.
Tel: 0845 64 34 584
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
AUSTRALASIAN BRANCH We have been joined by a few new ex Green Jackets recently, namely, John Robins 1 RGJ, (living in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)) David Evans 3 & 2 RGJ & 4 Rifles (Living in Queensland), Alan Symons, 2 RGJ (living in Victoria) and Dean Sheerin 3 & 2 RGJ now living in New Zealand. This means we now have our first member that has served with the new Rifles Regiment, I knew it wouldn’t take long! Branch membership now stands at 48 in Australasia and NZ with 19 affiliated members in the UK. Recently I opened a Branch page on Facebook, seeing as the whole world and his dog now lives on the Internet, Facebook appears to be a great tool to find old friends from the RGJ, within days of opening the page there were 478 people added, all ex RGJ. In theory (kind of) that makes the Australasian Branch of the Association almost up to a full Battalion strength!!
Australasian Branch Christmas Party 2010 Left to Right Chris McDonald 3RGJ, Jeff Robinson 3RGJ, Jim Ralph KRRC, Geoff Tarbin 1 GJ, Gordon Horsted 3RGJ, John Longworth 2RGJ, Mick Merridan KRRC, Joe Taft RB, John Craney KRRC. C.
like a number 11 Bus that you may have waited for at the top of Shooters Hill in Woolwich, two have turned up in rapid succession, as our UK assistant secretary Ron Frampton also located a Bugle with the kind assistance of Steve Flavin In any case if you look for the RGJ complete with Cords which I now Association Australasian Branch also have. So after many years of on Facebook, you may find some fruitless searching, we now have people you served with, some two bugles! So, if we can get two of which are in Australia, and Buglers in Sync on both Bugles, for those in the UK, you will be we can certainly add a sense of pleasantly surprised to hear that ceremony to our formal events. it is still legal in Australia to be On behalf of the Branch I would sincerely like to thank Keith, proud of being British! Ron and Steve for their help and After 10 years of trying every assistance. available option to find a working bugle for the Branch ceremonial On a sad note, one of our UK members, Stan occasions, allowing one of our ex affiliated Buglers to blow it and create RGJ Solomon ex KRRC, lost his wife type noises, Keith Kneller one of Daphne in June 2010. John and our New South Wales members Pam Potter from Perth were able recently emigrated to Australia to attend the funeral in England and has donated a Bugle which I where they played High on a Hill have just taken delivery of. Just and the last post. Our deepest JOURNAL 2010
condolences are extended to Stan on his loss. Peter (ex 1 RGJ) and Pat Carter recently returned from a holiday in Malaysia, where Peter informed me that the locals still think very highly of the British & Australian troops that served during the Malayan Emergency. Recently the MOD Defence review was released, I have a feeling that as of 2014 when the British Army reduces to something like 75,000 troops and becomes almost a militia that the emigration to Australia will increase yet again, so if you are looking at this as a future plan, get in touch with the Green Jobs in Australia who will be only too happy to make you feel welcome as you move to warmer weather. Chris McDonald
Branch Chairman
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
AYLESBURY BRANCH “As our readers are aware we took up the reins of the Buckinghamshire Battalion of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire LI Old Comrades Association and still have two members who attend meetings on a regular basis� Aylesbury Branch members at their Annual Dinner 2010
We have had a strange two years, firstly the unit resident in the Aylesbury TA centre decided to close the bar to people who were not members of the unit, this created a problem with the branch holding meetings etc. We then had a problem when on the day of the annual Copenhagen Dinner last year the venue, The Aylesbury Ex Services Club, decided that we could manage a dinner without gas facilities! The caterers overcame this problem by using outdoor burners but have subsequently refused to cater at the Ex Services in the future. We were fortunate in finding a facility to hold the dinner this year. This was at the Walton Court Community centre, see our Facebook page for Photos, SWIFT AND BOLD
(Aylesbury Branch Royal Green Jackets) unfortunately the centre has now closed. So once again we are looking to relocate this time to the Railway Club and we shall also be holding our monthly Branch meetings there on the second Sunday of each Month from 12 noon and no longer at the Ex Services. As our readers are aware we took up the reins of the Buckinghamshire Battalion of the Oxf and BuckS LI Old Comrades association and still have two members who attend meetings on a regular basis. (one is 90 the other 95) We also still hold a small reunion for members each year this is so that members from other areas in the County can meet, unfortunately the Bucks members are diminishing but the Branch has agreed that
this event will remain on the calendar for the future. We have also redesigned our Branch polo shirts etc to incorporate the badges of the Bucks Battalion and The Rifles. When I have written this I will be off to sell poppies and next Sunday 14th November I will still be proud to carry the Bucks Battalion Old Comrades Standard on the Remembrance Sunday Parade in the Market Square Aylesbury. Following the parade the Branch will be laying on a Buffet Lunch in the Railway Club. I hope this will encourage Ex Green Jackets in our area to come and join in with the Branch.
Terry Burrows
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
BAND AND BUGLES BRANCH “We try to have a blow around 1300 for those brave enough (and who have enough teeth). Members of The Waterloo Band & Bugles of the Rifles attend with their kit and good fun is had by all................” Members of the Band and Bugles at their Reunion on 9th October 2010
The 2010 Band Reunion was
held in Winchester on Saturday 9 October. The reunion starts at 12:00 and runs through until 18:00 or 00:01 depending on your preference.
have enough teeth). Members of The Waterloo Band & Bugles of the Rifles attend with their kit and good fun is had by all that partake. Lunch takes place at around15:00 along with the Raffle and words from the secretary (short words).
All ex-Bandsmen and Buglers of The Royal Green Jackets and former Regiments or those still serving in The Rifles who are interested in attending a reunion please contact the Secretary at Email:
The B&B secretary normally arrives at the reunion venue by 11:40am to open the books and get set up ready to greet members and colect dues plus selling the odd raffle ticket.
Some members start to fade away at around 17:00 to catch trains and find beds, others start to drift off to shower and change ready for the evening. The secretary tries to be gone by 18:05 and back We try to have a blow around 13:00 by 18:15 to enjoy the evenings for those brave enough (and 9/1/11 who festivities Tristram's Mugs 11:20 Page 1
Call mobile 07850 163548 Next reunion -- Saturday 08th October 2011 David Timms
RGJ MUG a unique design with TEN FIGURES representing key periods in the Regiment's history. Price £6.50 each plus shipping. Email or call 07916 693600 for an order form and details of other RGJ related Mugs. Why not pool your orders together and save on shipping costs. Postage for one mug costs £3.00 whereas postage for 6 mugs together can work out at approx. half this cost per mug. JOURNAL 2010
Museum Advert
Page 1
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
At the new refurbished
Royal Green Jackets (Rifles) Museum Shop We have a wide range of items on offer Prints and Christmas cards Books and Music Regimental Ties Tee Shirts Polo Shirts Sweat Shirts Gifts to suit all members of the family .......and much more! Help support your Museum visit the on-line shop Sponsored by
The Peninsula Place SWIFT AND BOLD
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE LONDON BRANCH “We can now confirm that a sum of £6,500 will be donated to the Care for Casualties fund. This is an outstanding amount of money and highlights the generosity that our branch members contribute to these causes.” The Branch took a welcome break over the Christmas period after a very successful year particularly with regards to fundraising for ‘The Rifles’. A word of thanks to all of our Members who contributed most generously throughout the year. The Branch began the year with a Black Button Club Meeting in January at the Chelsea Hospital. This was a meeting with a difference for two reasons, the first was that we included our Ladies and the second was that we had arranged for an after hours tour of the Hospital with an official guide. Special arrangements were made for a after dark tour for the Black Button Club to tour the hospital, not only was this a one off but it was also the first time that this activity had ever been allowed to take place. We had an outstanding pensioner guide. ‘Paddy Fox’ who was extremely knowledgeable and who kept the whole group enthralled with his tales and the history of the establishment. The Branch`s second Black Button Club also took place in the Royal Military Hospital in October. The evening marked the beginning of the Branch fund raising drive for The Rifles, Care for Casualties Appeal. Although numbers were lower than expected a very substantial and successful start was made with the sale JOURNAL 2010
Members of the London Branch on the 2010 Battlefield Tour in France
of wristbands and a raffle.
It was with great regret that since our spring meeting we lost John Selby who passed away in the Hospital early in the year. John was an ex-rifleman who lived in the Royal Military Hospital and attended many Branch functions. He will be sadly missed by Branch Members. The annual Lady`s Night was held at the Victory Services Club in Seymour Street Marble Arch on the 13th March 2010. Each year we state that we think we have reached our limit in the numbers attending, but once again our numbers increased and we exceeded all previous years. The evening has a set format beginning with a reception in the Memorial Rooms followed by dinner, a few short speeches and then the party. The regimental band entertained us during dinner with an excellent selection of regimental music with the Bugles completing the session with a rendering of High on the Hill. A small live group provided the entertainment for the remainder of the evening. They managed to get the whole membership on the floor even the renowned non-dancers! The party finished in the early hours of Sunday morning with a very satisfied and happy group departing for home or local hotels. 15
The theme of both speeches this year was to thank all members, guests and sponsors, for their enormous support and generosity throughout the year with the Branch’s efforts to raise money for the Rifles Trust Fund. Once again a special thanks most go to the Committee and the Secretary who worked hard to ensure the evening was a success. The Branch’s Veteran`s Day Lunch was again held in Mark Masons Hall on the 25th June 2010. Numbers were once again higher than last year with a total of 41 members attending that allowed exclusive use of the main dining room, which is a grand setting for a formal lunch. Major General Charles Vyvyan attended and was made most welcome by Branch Members; we hope he marks his diary for future years! A short speech by the President completed the lunch and the members retired to the bar to continue the merriment. A grand raffle was held and thanks must go to those members and guests who donated prizes. The Branch is to nominate a charity later and will forward money raised at the end of the year. The Lunch this year was not solely about Veterans. It was decided to use the occasion to stitch up our Secretary, Gary SWIFT AND BOLD
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Driscoll. One of his burning ambitions as an entertainer has been to sing with a big band. His wife, Maria, had contacted the BBC and nominated him to be a performer on John Barrowman’s ‘Tonight’s the Night’ Show.
once members were on time, however, owing to traffic jams, the coach was late! The remainder of the members joined the coach at Dover and a late breakfast was taken with a few warmers in to the bank for the few hardy souls!
Even with the presence of a BBC camera team and producer in the hall, the President managed to bluff the Secretary into thinking that they where making a DVD for the Rifles Website. The scene was set, and during lunch in came Barrowman who sprung the surprise on Gary. It is true to say that Gary was totally surprised and for once lost for words! The whole Branch hoped he enjoyed the experience and that it lived up to his expectations. It was a rare and good opportunity for both the Branch and the RGJ Association as a whole to gain some nationwide television publicity.
The tour was based on the town of Rheims, which proved to be an excellent choice as the hotel was in the centre of the town and local to numerous restaurants and the nightlife. Before arriving at Rheims a visit to the recently opened Commonwealth Cemetery was taken where the recently exhumed Australian and British Soldiers are now interned. Our guide was particularly informative and explained the area of the battle and also the steps recently taken to honour those fallen.
The Branch was invited to participate in the National Servicemens’ Veterans Parade at the National Arboretum in Alrewas on the 26th July 2010. Chris Davis and his wife kindly agreed to participate and took the opportunity to lay a London Branch Wreath on the RGJ Memorial, for which the Branch thanks them.
Colonel GF Smythe presents the Riflemans`s Golf Shield to Mick Mizon
The longest drive and nearest the pin competition were keenly contested with the nearest the pin being decided on the last hole in the last match. The day was completed by a dinner night in the Club House at which the President presented the prizes to the winner of the Riflemen’s Shield and the President’s Cup winner. The event proved to be an excellent day in very pleasant surroundings and will be difficult to follow next year. A word of thanks to the Secretary and Golf Member for their hard work in making things happen and a special thank you to the Club Captain, Michael Blee, for obtaining permission for the Branch to use the course.
The Branch’s Battlefield Tour took place in late September 2010 over four days and it was decided to return to France. In the past our tours have concentrated on British involvement on the Western Front or Normandy. This year the tour was arranged to take into account British Although the course was outside the involvement in the south and also the Branch members’ normal comfort zone, French and their fight to retain Verdun a good turn out was achieved with regular and the surrounding area. members and some faithful guests. We departed Liverpool Street Station An early start was required with a rolling early on a Thursday morning and for breakfast and a privileged first tee time. The first match was for the Riflemen’s Shield and played over nine holes, followed by a quick ploughman’s lunch, and the President’s Cup played over a different eighteen holes. The course is set in a magnificent setting of an old manor house park and thankfully for our members the fairways are wide but made challenging by the many large and ancient trees which are a feature of the course. I am pleased to say our players did not do any serious damage to any of London Branch Golfers at East Herts Golf Course, September 2010 them and they all survived our visit. The Branch held its annual Golf Day in September at the prestigious East Herts Golf Course. The Branch gained access to the course due to the fact that one of our members was fulfilling one of his ambitions as Club Captain for the year.
The following morning we toured the area of Rheims, which included a visit to the Russian Cemetery, and other local sites of interest. The final visit of the day was to Fort La Pompelle, which is now a museum and impressed everyone. The fort changed hands during the early fighting and was finally retaken by the French at great loss but saving of French pride. The final tour day concentrated on the Battle of Verdun and the surrounding area. A visit to Vauquois where the Germans and the French blew a whole village off the hillside following tunnelling. This was a particularly interesting site with many tunnels and trenches still in place that could be explored. Before lunch we visited a small village War Museum at Mareum that is highly recommended and was outstanding with many interactive displays realistically presented. We had lunch in Verdun and moved on to the Ossuary at Douaumont where the remains of over 120,00 soldiers are interned. A final port of call was Fort Vaux that is being restored but is open to the public. The day was completed with a Branch Dinner in an upmarket Hotel were we took over the whole restaurant for a very enjoyable evening. The following morning we returned to England, tired but satisfied with our trip having learnt a great deal from it, in particular, the French sacrifices at Verdun. JOURNAL 2010
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Remembrance Sunday is becoming a major event for the Association. Each year we state as a Branch Committee that we have reached a maximum and exceeded the previous years attendance levels. This year we saw a major advance in numbers attending with 280 on parade marching and over 50 wives watching in Whitehall or in the Theodore Bullfrog watching the event on the television. It was extremely pleasing to see so many new faces on parade and also to reunite a large number of Riflemen from the past. Many had travelled great distances and the use of the Theodore Bullfrog as an assembly point before the parade for coffee and afterwards as a social gathering makes the day. This year the branch was joined by a large contingent from Grosvenor Square whom had completed their parade at the Rifle Brigade memorial. This swelled the numbers even more and the total numbers were not far short of 400 Riflemen.
Lt Col Smith talks to branch members about Care 4 Casualties
were not disappointed.
Unlike previous years it was decided to expand the evening by inviting other speakers to give short presentations in support of the major charity. A presentation was given by Lt Col (retd) Mike Smith, one of the Patrons of the Care for Casualties fund who gave an insight into what the funds were for and how contributions were allocated and spent. He explained how the money was invaluable in safeguarding the welfare of the regiment`s serving soldiers, veterans and families of the fallen with practical A request had been made from the KRRC support which is lifelong help when contingent requesting our assistance necessary. in the scattering of a much respected ex-Bugle Major ‘Nosher Green’s ashes Next to speak was a TA soldier, Major on Horse Guards Parade Square, who Michael Blake who had completed a had passed away and been cremated tour in Afghanistan. He explained how a few weeks before. After the march from his perspective he transformed past a combined KRRC/RGJ square was his civilian way of life into a thinking formed and in which a short ceremony effective Rifleman. This was a particularly took place. Three retired Bugle interesting talk as many of our members Majors were then given the honour of were TA soldiers in the past but were scattering the Bugle Major’s ashes on not required to participate in operations the square. The President of the London during their time with the TAVR. Branch awaits a letter from Health and Safety representative with regards Finally we were given an update by Andy McNab on his recent visit to Afghanistan contamination and clean up costs! from which he had only the previous day A truly outstanding day orchestrated by the Secretary and the Branch Committee who ensured we were all on parade at the correct time and in the right place. Onceagainourmajorfundraisingeventof the year was our Andy McNab night, held at the end of November 2010. Due to an unforeseen event at the proposed venue, a late change of location was necessary (followed by a great deal of frantic behind the scenes activity re-arranging an alternative location) ensuring that those Branch Secretary Gary Driscoll with wife Maria at the Ladies Night that had purchased tickets and sponsors JOURNAL 2010
returned. This was followed by a very interesting Q & A session. His latest book, which had only been released a few days before the event, was on sale and he signed them for all those present. Some members and guests who have attended his talks over a number of years now have a complete personally signed set of his published books! The Branch is eternally grateful to Andy McNab for his support on these evenings, which without him could not take place. The whole evening is masterminded by the Secretary and the London Branch Committee. Extra assistance is required and volunteers readily come forward and ensure that the evening runs smoothly and people part with their contributions with a smile. Even so, the extreme weather could not be anticipated and the President and his son spent the night on the M20, which brought back many memories of snowy days in BAOR training areas. The only difference was that Sitreps were by Mobile Telephone and not radios. A tremendous thank you to all those members and guests who braved the treacherous weather on the night! Special thanks also must be given to a number of members who contribute raffle prizes and items for the grand auction. It is difficult to name all that contributed but a note of thanks must go to Steve Foster and his very generous friends; Dave Murray for the time and effort he put into obtaining Regimental memorabilia; and a thanks to Karen and A J Fojt (our Washington Detachment) who sent a donation; to Michael Blee for his IT/media work which contributed to very slick backdrops to the presentations. We can now confirm that a sum of £6,500 will be donated to the Care for Casualties fund. This is an outstanding amount of money and highlights the generosity that our branch members contribute to these causes. The committee would like to pass on a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed to the success of this event. We are aware of future deployment of the ‘Rifles’ in the coming year and they can rest assured that our thoughts are with them no matter where they are serving. Col (retd)GF Smythe SWIFT AND BOLD
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
MIDLANDS BRANCH “November 14th found us bleary eyed from our early morning start to Sunderland at the invitation of the North East Branch to take part in their Remembrance parade and service. We were warmly welcomed by our hosts in the usual Royal Green Jackets tradition of backslapping hand shaking,.............�
Midlands Branch mid-summer Bar-B-Q 2010 which it is hoped may now become a permanent annual event
2010 started for us with a party to say thank you to the staff and members of the Polish club where we had held our regular monthly meetings for about 2 years and which were now due to close for re-generation of the area.
raising venture for our branch, but proved to be so successful we are looking at making it a annual event, and although it was a little windy for the guys doing the cooking the weather held and everyone had a thoroughly good time. So well done to Martin, Thommo and co who By March 2010 we had moved to the held their positions against the Maltings where meetings resumed advancing hungry hordes. with little if any disruption. November 14th found us bleary In April we were invited by the Royal eyed from our early morning start Marines Association to take part in to Sunderland at the invitation a service of commemoration for L/ of the North East Branch to take Cpl Walter Parker VC RNLI and all part in their Remembrance Parade who had served at Gallipoli in 1915, and Service. We were warmly this being the 95th anniversary welcomed by our hosts in the usual of that event, and also the 25th Royal Green Jackets tradition of anniversary of the Royal Marine backslapping, hand shaking, and Association. The parade took place a few nips from the obligatory hip on a fine sunny day at Stapleford in flasks to ward off the cold. After Nottingham. the parade we found ourselves at the customary watering hole July arrived and we held a mid where over food and a few drinks, summer BBQ, this was mainly a fund we renewed old friendships and SWIFT AND BOLD
started many new ones before reluctantly leaving for the long journey home We ended 2010 on a festive note with Christmas dinner at a local restaurant, and a week later a party at the Maltings for those who could not make it to the restaurant, and although it has been a relatively quiet year for us, we are busy planning for a noisier 2011, and finally a big thank you to the wives of all branch members who unfalteringly support us year after year. May this long continue. We meet on the last Sunday of the month at 12 noon at the Maltings, Skegby, Nottinghamshire. Please contact the branch Secretary, Martin Coates, 01623 747817 for more details.
Len Dooley
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
MILTON KEYNES BRANCH On Sunday 14th March, Dog and Carol Hart, Sam & Lofty Brewer, Radar & Linda Lambourne met up with some 15,000 Bikers on a charity ‘ride-out’ through Wootton Bassett. The event, thought up by Elizabeth Stevens to raise money for Afghan Heroes, was originally to involve possibly 20 or so riders. However, such is the power of the internet, once the event was discussed in various network forums it grew, and grew and grew, resulting in an estimated £100,000 being raised. ITV news reported that if the bikes were to park nose to tail, they would have stretched 22 miles!! Radar and Linda turned up with a big group of local riders, whilst the others left Newport Pagnell at 7.30am to head west to Wootton Bassett, arriving at Hullavington Airfield around 11am. The amount of bikes already there and the noise of the engines was overwhelming. Registration was simple and wrist bands were given to all participants. Radar and Linda left the airfield after a couple of hours and some 4½ hours after arriving, Lofty, Dog, Carol & Sam also rode out as part of a massive convoy. Wootton Bassett was about 15 miles away, through small villages where local residents turned out to wave, cheer and toast their glasses as everyone rode past. The town of Wootton Bassett was lined with cheering crowds, young and old, all looking pleased to watch the continuous sea of bikes. By this time many of the crowd had probably been there over 5 hours, but still they cheered the riders on. Having attended many repatriations, Lofty really noticed the change in the atmosphere of the crowd; from the sombre mourning usually hanging over the town, today felt more of a celebration for our fallen heroes and the commitment of the residents. He said “Today is a day none of us will JOURNAL 2010
Gary Brewer and Dog Hart with other RBL Riders Club members at Wootton Bassett
forget. To be part of such of a large scale event was humbling, to be part of such a worthwhile event was something we felt very proud and patriotic about and to ride through Wootton Bassett was extremely moving and emotional, bringing a lump to our throats”. On October 2nd, Dog, Carol, Lofty & Sam took part in another national charity event for bikers, ‘Ride To The Wall’ (RTTW) this time to raise money for the National Memorial Arboretum. This is a unique motorcycling event which gives bikers an opportunity to gather together at a place of remembrance, to pay their respects to our serving and fallen service men and women, and in doing so raise funds solely for the purpose of perpetuating their memory and recognising the sacrifice made (RTTW Website). The event first started in November 2007 and has grown larger in participants each year since. All bikes assembled at Drayton Manor Theme Park and the procession of riders left from 11am onwards for the half
hour ride to the Arboretum. Again, local people lined much of the route to wave and cheer the procession on. Two local schools had incorporated the event into their curriculum, learning about the Arboretum and it’s significance. As part of this, they had made flags to wave at the continuous flow of bikes riding through the town and villages. The event was well organised and included music from the Prince of Wales Division Band, Pipers, a service conducted by David Cooper (Chaplain for RTTW) and a short passage read by Mia Felton on behalf of her husband Brigadier Felton, Commander of Task Force Helmand, Afghanistan. The event ended with the playing of The Last Post and wreath laying. Lofty, Sam, Dog, Carol and Garry and Maz Reid are all members of the Royal British Legion Riders Branch, which holds events and rallies to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal all year round. Gary Brewer
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE NORTH EAST BRANCH 2010 has been a very busy and successful year for the North East Branch. The branch has seen its membership grow with the successful recruitment of 30 new members. With more names being given by Ken Ambrose, 2011 should see the branch membership campaign grow even more. Throughout the year meetings have been held across the North East, including Washington, Durham, Sunderland and South Shields. It was discussed at meetings and members took a vote to see whether they would like to have a ‘home’ base, and if so where? The voting decided that a home base was required and it was Sunderland that won with over 50% of the vote. Meetings will now take place at Sunderland British Legion, Stockton Place. In April members were invited to attend two platoons of ‘The Rifles’ passing out parade. 12 members took a mini bus down to Catterick and thoroughly enjoyed their day of tradition and celebrations associated with the passing out rituals. Following on from the fabulous reunion of The Royal Green Jackets in Winchester, the North East Branch President, Brigadier and Mrs Prideaux, kindly invited members and wives to brunch at their home. Some 20 members took up their warm offer of hospitality and experienced a wonderful time in glorious sunshine. It was a wonderful way to end an already brilliant weekend. In September, members were delighted to be part of the Freedom Parades for The Rifles that took part across the North East, including, Stockton, Darlington and Sunderland. It also saw members meet at The National Arboretum in Staffordshire for the annual Northern Ireland veteran’s parade. SWIFT AND BOLD
North East Branch Members at their October meeting
Charity starts at home and it most certainly does in the North East. £12,366.69 was the tremendous amount raised by the North East RGJRA members, up to and during its charity night for Help for Heroes. The event, in September took place at ‘The Shack’, Boldon and was a complete sell out. Members, their families and friends dug deep in raffles and auction bids for this worthy charity that is close to all members’ hearts. Further charity fund raising was made during Remembrance weekend, this time members decided to donate its £2,364.63 for The Rifles charities. The North East Branch Standard first showing was at the rededication of a War Memorial. John Toolin, Larry Roberts and Tommy Suggitt chatted with HRH the Duke of Kent about the Royal Green Jackets in the North East. November’s Remembrance weekend saw the North East Branch, largest gathering of the year. 160 members and associated guests came, met, talked drank, ate, danced and of course drank some more at The Pullman Lodge, Seaburn for its yearly gathering. Old friendships were
rekindled; many sandbags were pulled up, lanterns swung and stories retold. Kenneth Richardson carried the branch standard in the festival of Remembrance Service next door in the Seaburn Centre, joining back with the reunion after his duties along with some of the buglers of the Rifles that supplied the highlight of the evening with their sounding of the bugle calls. Sunday saw the largest veteran company on parade at the Remembrance Service, Sunderland. The North East branch was joined by the Midlands branch that travelled up that morning. After sombre reflection during the service to remember the fallen, the contingents and their families returned to the Pullman Lodge for a curry lunch. The Midlands branch kindly presented the North East Branch with a commemorative print which will be proudly hung in our new home base. December saw some members gather again at The Pullman for a Christmas night out. A Freddy Mercury tribute act was a fine way to wrap up the year. Jake Cheetham
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE NORTH WEST BRANCH “Earlier this year Tommy Fairclough organized a collection in aid of Help for Heroes at Liverpool’s last home game of the season against Chelsea. Together with Gareth Dixon and a number of adults and cadets from Merseyside ACF a total of £4000 was raised. Well done to everybody involved.”
Left to Right Branch Secretary Ray Gerrard, former 2RGJ WO2 John Dennis, Branch Chairman Gareth Dixon and Lilian Dennis at a recent Liverpool Rifles Civic Function
It has been quiet this year but Heroes at Liverpool’s last home game Royal Green Jackets Association is linked
nevertheless our membership stays of the season against Chelsea. Together with Gareth Dixon and a number of steady at about 50 paid up members. adults and cadets from the Merseyside The annual Remembrance Parade took ACF a total of £4000 was raised. Well place in Liverpool and was attended by done to everybody involved. 25 Green Jackets who marched in the parade with a poppy wreaths being Also one of our members, Andy Norris, placed on the Cenotaph as well as the is planning to raise £6000 for various military charities. The details will be Northern Ireland Memorial. published on our web site in due course. The annual dinner this year attracted In this present time of conflict we would 50 members and guests with our guest all like to do our bit and Ray Gerrard speaker being Lt Col Sean McEvoy. It has decided he would like to ride his was held on Friday 26th November bicycle from the top end of Liverpool 2010 at the Royal Hotel, Marine Terrace, football club to Spion Kop in South Waterloo, Liverpool. It was held in Africa to raise money for The Rifles the Waterloo Suite and as the name Care 4 Casualties, The Royal British suggests the room is themed around Legion, Help for Heroes & ABF. the Battle of Waterloo. A very good night was enjoyed by all especially when He plans to start in the summer of 2011, once again we put on a free bar before ride through Europe, across to Egypt and down through Africa. Approximately the meal. 8000 miles in all. He will fund the trip We have all heard the tongue in cheek himself but he would like to ask if you jokes about the dishonesty of people gentleman could sponsor his journey. from Liverpool but it is about time their The aim is to raise approx £6000 and he would like to do this in the name of the generosity was mentioned. Royal Green Jackets Association. Earlier this year Tommy Fairclough organized a collection in aid of Help for As some of you are no doubt aware the JOURNAL 2010
with Spion Kop and Spion Kop has its own association with Liverpool Football Club & the Hillsborough disaster, hence his starting & finishing point.
If any of you would like to sponsor him he would appreciate it if you made your donations to Ray Gerrard or Gareth Dixon (cheques made out to RGJ Association NW Branch) so that they can be forwarded to the charities already mentioned. Thank you for your anticipated support. He will be giving updates of his trek through the newsletters of the NW Branch when I am able to do so. ANDY NORRIS We are hoping that Andy will be able to give us a progress report which we will publish along with some photos on the branch web site. So if you have a spare few pounds send it to the North West Branch. Here is hoping you all have a good Christmas and an even better 2011 Gareth Dixon and Ray Gerrard North West Branch
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE OXFORD BRANCH “It was good to see so many old comrades at the Abingdon reunion on the evening of 13th November but we definitely have room for more. The Waterloo Band entertained us with their usual flair and the few kind words were given by Brig (Retd) Robin Draper who paid tribute to his predecessor in this role the late Col (Retd) Robin Evelegh.”
I will start with a reminder that there is a regular monthly get together of members on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Volunteers Bar at Edward Brooks Barracks (EBB), Abingdon. As well as the usual chat there is the opportunity to discuss ideas about future events with the Entertainments Committee. The sky was blue and the company excellent for our first lunchtime social venture on 21st April. Some 38 members and their families sat down and enjoyed a convivial lunch in the lovely surroundings of the Officers Mess at EBB with a fairly even split between Oxf & Bucks and RGJ service members. The “award” for the furthest travelled was shared between Ted Phillips from Somerset and John Stanton from Kent whilst Harry Langford represented the wartime service men. Our guest Lt Col (Retd) David Stanley said how pleased he was to see everyone there and thanked all those he felt SWIFT AND BOLD
The Oxford Branch of the RGJ Association including the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Old Comrades outside Edward Brooks Barracks after the April lunch
needed thanking. He went on to invite Maj Charlie Helmn as PSAO for A Coy 7 Rifles to share something of the local TA soldiers experiences in Afghanistan which all found most moving. A second event was held on 29th September when our guest Maj (Retd) Mike Massy-Beresford told us about Project 65. Similar events will be held at Abingdon on 14th April and 28th September 2011 and any member of the association is welcome to join us if they book in a week or two beforehand with Mike Marr (01235 548018).
Considerable effort had gone into the decoration of the Volunteers Bar for the 60’s and 70’s disco night on Friday 14th May to give it that period feel with images of flared trousers, mini skirts and vinyl records, not to mention the stars pictured behind the bar from Mick Jagger to Cilla Black. The repro beer mats brought back memories of such 60’s icons as World Cup Willy and Watneys beer. 22
An enjoyable night was had by those attending with an excellent disco. The Waterloo Band gave their usual splendid concert for us in the grounds at EBB. There was a good attendance and Brig (retd) Robin Draper thanked the band on behalf of all present. In 2011 the concert is scheduled for 12th June. It was good to see so many old comrades at the Abingdon reunion on the evening of 13th November but we definitely have room for more. The Waterloo Band entertained us with their usual flair and the few kind words were given by Brig (Retd) Robin Draper who paid tribute to his predecessor in this role the late Col (Retd) Robin Evelegh. Can I remind all readers that the next Abingdon reunion will take place at Edward Brooks Barracks on Saturday 12th November 2011 from 19.00hrs. Mike Marr
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE SUFFOLK BRANCH “For Remembrance Sunday we were on parade at 1045 and did the march past with some members of the R.A.F and yes we did keep up! After the parade we went to the Brook Hotel for lunch and the food was excellent with once again had another good turnout.” We started the year 2010 off with some changes to the committee It was decided that I, Tom Evans, should take over from Jim Hitches as entertainments manager so Jim could have time off to recover from his prostate problems and one year on Jim is doing very well, thank you! It was also decided that we should have an acting Chairman to stand in for John Bevan while he was having his hip replacement done. John is also recovering nicely. We started the year off at the Orwell Hotel in March with the Lady’s Dinner & Dance. A total of 137 family & friends attended. This was a good turnout when you consider that the London branch had their dinner dance on the same night. One should always check one’s diary and the big picture. We won`t make that mistake again! Major Ron Cassidy stood in for our JOURNAL 2010
Members of the Suffolk Branch taking part in the 2010 Remembrance Sunday parade in Felexstowe
Guest of Honour again and in doing so paid tribute to the Band & Bugles for way that they had supported the battalions over many years of service and for the work they continue to do now for which we are all eternally grateful. In July we made our way to Winchester for the RGJRA Reunion or to give it its newly acquired correct title `RGJ Veteran`s Day`. Joe Mills and Larry Lamb apparently found a nice place to stay over the weekend; did you say £10.00 for the weekend Joe? Something to do with sheltered accommodation was it not? The whole weekend went well and as always and it was a real pleasure to see old friends again.
phone at the dinner table. For Remembrance Sunday we were on parade at 1045 and did the march past with some members of the R.A.F and yes we did keep up! After the parade we went to the Brook Hotel for lunch and the food was excellent and once again had another good turnout. The branch is still doing well and the membership has increased so we are all looking forward to 2011 and another good year ahead. We wish everyone a Happy New year and hope see you all throughout 2011.
Update on Bryan Pepper. He has moved into St Mary’s home for the elderly and has started to settle down well. Its right on the sea front next to August arrived and before we knew the Fludges Hotel with nice sea front it we were celebrating The Rifle views from lounge. He gets lots of Brigade’s Birthday in the Orwell Hotel. visitors from the members of the Once again a very good turnout with Felixstowe branch of course. Jim Hitches supplying and playing Tom Evans the Regimental march on his mobile
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE WILTSHIRE BRANCH The year had not got started properly before the news of the passing of two dear friends reached us. John “Geordie” Forrest and Colin “Bednobs” Bedden. Our condolences to both families. The AGM passed with no changes to the committee and on 13th June we had Sunday lunch and a Skittles match versus The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regimental Association, Warminster Branch. It was a very successful Sunday lunch and skittles match with 4 members of The RGBW and their wives led by their Chairman Arthur McKeghnie who at one time was stationed in Knook camp. The event was held in the Masons Arms Warminster, this being two firsts, one being our first time using the Masons, and secondly our first function with the RGBW, and hopefully not our last. Although they are a generation before us their capacity to enjoy themselves has not diminished,. We all enjoyed a very good lunch, skittles and raffle, we even let them win a prize or two, this could have been a mistake as they went on and beat us at skittles! The Guests along with Brian and Blanche departed at about 16:00, the function room at the pub was in full swing at this stage with Phil, Val, Dave, Bill, Lee and Gwyneth and others still at the bar. Thanks to Phil and Val for once again laying on a very successful event. “Summer time and the living is easy.” So the song goes but in real life it is anything but especially when you have to prepare for the Wiltshire Branch summer BBQ. The theme this year was a “pyjama party” hosted by Lee and Gwyneth Massey and the garden turned into a huge bedroom with lettered blocks, big balls and a giant game of skittles. All those attending let their imaginations run riot with their costumes all brilliant. Baby grows were popular with Phil and Val Ashby as well as Gwyneth dummies and rattles and non spill cups full of punch or wine completed their costumes. Leslie McCoy dressed as the tooth fairy enjoyed the home made punch SWIFT AND BOLD
Members of the Wiltshire Branch enjoying their Summer Bar-B-Q
and Alan McCoy was dressed as a nightmare we think.? Owen Davies and his partner Petrova were ok as they had just got up, I myself (Lee Massey) was the Sandman and threw glitter everywhere, better than sand. Gary Byrne dressed in tight lycra trunks and sporting a lot of bling and fake tan would have to be careful he did not strangle himself, his good wife Chris dressed as a footballers dream, oh to be a footballer and why should they have all the fun? Kev Chambers and his partner Elfie dressed for the occasion, Kev left his camel at home thankfully. Our guests all dressed up, Pat, Gwyneth’s sister wore a smart set of jimjams and brandished a brass candle stick. Dave Richards wore the biggest nappy we had ever seen. Was he a big baby or something else as he later donned a nightie. Bill, Elaine and Ronan Tyson got stuck in as well. The weather was great, the food was great, the drink plentiful but the company was brilliant! Our annual dinner this year was held at the Hunters Moon, a favourite haunt. The membership turned up in force including from way down south Weymouth way Kev and Karen Dolbear.
Remembrance Sunday was as any other a bleak and cold day, but there was an exceptional attendance by all Green Jackets who hosted not only our membership but a few Green Jackets from the distant past for example Brian Darvill our chairman introduced us to Mr Francis Atwater, his first Platoon Commander. Our wreath was laid by Billy Tyson accompanied by his son Ronan who laid one on behalf of Highbury youth football club, A good gesture. Well the Christmas Eve drinks were as usual flowing and spirits were in good fettle. Gary Byrne turned up with a Christmas pud on his head, he insisted it was Christmas cake but we knew better. Al McCoy insisted on kissing everybody, yes everybody. A lot of us had family members along who enjoyed themselves and also enjoyed the clowning around. Normal behaviour really! It now just remains for us here in not so snowy Wiltshire to wish one and all a Happy New Year. Lee Massey
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE WINCHESTER BRANCH A Happy New Year to all Swift & Bold readers from the home of the Regiment, the Branch in the last year has seen new arrivals which shows we are still very active and alive for our members, so welcome Dave (Boggy) Marsh, Albert Storey & John Measham. The Branch activities for 2010 have been extremely well organised by the committee, the Battle Tour and visit to the Bovington Tank Museum under the guidance of John Harper were an outstanding success. The next venture over the channel will be to the Western Front in September 2011 still under command of John Harper. Our venue for meetings has reverted back to the Sgt`s Mess of the Army Technical Foundation College ATFC(W) to our readers the old ATR (W) and our meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, so do join us if you are in our vicinity.
Members of the Winchester Branch parading on Remembrance Sunday
The Remembrance Parade last year (Nov 2010) at Winchester Cathedral was very well attended, with General Sir Nick Parker on the scene plus many other friends of the Regimental family. Afterwards it was On Armed Forces Day 2010 a up to the ‘County Arms’ for lunch number of members and wives and to remember fallen friends. attended Newbury Racecourse and the entry tickets were organised by The Chairman once again ran the our secretary Del Milam who was on Regimental Golf Day at South Winchester Golf Club (SWGC) with duty that day for the RBL. 60x (good number) players taking lan Skittlethorpe organised a Ladie` part. The winning team came from s Dinner at the RBL Club in Ramsey 1 Rifles with the RGJRA Team not far courtesy of its Chairman, Steve behind. Horsley. Our thanks go out to the Wiltshire Branch for the help they It was then Peter Andrews time gave to our Branch on the RGJRA to take the lead in the Annual Veterans Day in July. Many thanks to Christmas Party for the Branch and Brian Darvill and his team. Stand by for the second year we again went to the SWGC where 76 members for 9th July 2011. and their other halves sat down to During this report period the Branch a Boogey Nights Themed Christmas has started a Clay Pigeon Shooting Party. Dark Glasses, black Wigs and Club under the skilful eyes of Alan moustaches were the order of the Low & Marlin Cottrell. Training takes day, with an outstanding meal and place at ATFC(W) on a regular basis. disco afterwards. It was great to see We await challenges from other Jake Cheetham and his lady join us for this event. Branches! JOURNAL 2010
With Christmas over it was then Regimental Birthday Day (1 Jan 11), at the ‘County Arms’ complete with hangovers from the night/morning after, laid on by Rick Tyson. A very good turn out and our thanks go to Ian Reay and Steff (Pub Landlord & Branch Member) for the excellent meal they laid on for the Branch. The word got out that this venue happens as the ex 3 RGJ APTC Muscle Buster (Celle 85”87) Ray Jones and his wife Sue and son Jason turned up. As we are now into 2011 plans are afoot for Horse Racing Nights in the Sgt`s Mess, Battlefield Tour, and Round the Island Trip (Isle of Wight) plus other adventures. For our Branch I would like to thank the Swift & Bold Team Ken Ambrose for this Publication, it keeps us old members of our Regiment up to date with Rifleman like business. Well done! Major (retd) Roy Stanger
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
“I have never been able to explain that the Platoon Sergeant followed me as well and the three of us were going back in the dark through this long grass when quite suddenly I was shot in the left leg by, what subsequently I discovered was, a burst of Smeiser nine millimetre machine pistol.” David Wood Well that particular evening, having had a meal, we went to our individual gliders and, as they say, enplaned. There would be about thirty of us in all sitting down either side of the glider rather as one did in an old fashioned tram with the two pilots up at the front and me near the front and the two doors one on either side. Before we took off our Company Commander wished us all the best of luck and then we were towed down the runway by Halifax bombers and they had some difficulty, I suspect, taking off. It was a very heavy load that we represented but once in the air there was some singing and noise.
Pegasus Bridge - 00:16hrs, 6 June 1944 The action as depicted in the regimental painting of the same name.
going. I was sitting there tight in my seat with my arms locked with the chap next door, which was the normal drill, when you were going to land.
In my case there wasn’t anybody on my left because it was an open door there. As we were coming down at about ninety miles a hour with the two pilots up in front of me, one of them suddenly said “Christ there is the bridge”, and we went down very sharply and had a very rough landing. As we landed, in fact, there were skids on the glider. I don’t think we had wheels, if we had they had come off, but I think we had skids instead, and As we got somewhere near France we the skids caught the flints in the ground decided that it would be a mistake to go and there were a lot of sparks flying and on singing because it was possible that we thought we were already under fire, the enemy might hear us and that would which we weren’t actually. The landing mean we were fired on. As we were at was so rough that I was thrown out of only about 4,000 to 6,000 feet at the time the glider on the ground where I found I think it was possible - but we were then myself still clutching my Sten gun with cast off over the coast of France at about the bayonet fixed and believe it or not, 4,000, 5,000 feet. The drill was that you a canvas bucket of grenades that I had opened the doors on either side of the decided to carry in addition to all my glider - they were sliding doors that slid other equipment, because I thought it upwards - so we did that and then it was would be useful to have extra grenades. a most eerie feeling really because there None of those had exploded, which says was no noise, of course, just a swishing something for their manufacture. I was a of the wind as it went past the glider. I bit dazed really but we were so trained to personally didn’t see where we were know what we were going to do that we SWIFT AND BOLD 26
assembled under the wings of the glider and as soon as the Section Commanders reported that all their men were there and some of them had been thrown out through the side of the glider. Luckily, of course, our gliders were made of plywood or Balsawood. Well, it had broken up but not too badly. Having got the platoon assembled I then went at the double to report to my Company Commander, John Howard, who was by this time crouching by the barbed wire. Literally within about fifty yards, if not less, of the bridge. He whispered to me literally “David number two”, and I knew what number two had to do. That was to lead my platoon across the road and to deal with what we call the inner defences, where there were slit trenches, underground shelters and the like in which the enemy were believed to be either asleep or defending their posts, depending on how successful we had been in surprise. And in fact, of course, the key to this whole operation was the surprise that we achieved. The enemy had no idea that we were coming. There was an awful lot of shouting and shooting. The shouting was because we had agreed in advance that in order JOURNAL 2010
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
to stop ourselves being shot by each other in the dark we would shout out our code word which in my case, being the number two platoon, was “Bravo”. So we shouted “Bravo, Bravo, Bravo” as loudly as we could. The shooting, I think to a certain extent actually, was just an illustration of how we were going into action for the first time and we fired at anything that we thought might be the enemy or a position in which the enemy could be found. I can’t say, now how many Germans I killed. I didn’t actually see any Germans during our advance through these defences, but that there were some there became clear in a moment, because the whole operation was successfully concluded in ten minutes. Both bridges were captured intact in that time. My bridge was Pegasus, as it became known later, the bridge over the Caen Canal on which three gliders landed successfully. Whilst clearing my particular defences the word came over my radio “Ham and Jam”, and they were the two key words that had been issued long before in the orders to describe the successful capture of Ham, was the canal bridge, and Jam was the River Orne bridge. So that meant we had got both bridges intact and that was, to say the least, good news. At that point John Howard sent for me on the radio and said “proceed to me on the road’’ So I went to report to him with my orderly, and for some reason that I have never been able to explain the Platoon Sergeant followed me as well, and the three of us were going back in the dark through this long grass when quite suddenly I was shot in the left leg by, what subsequently I discovered was, a burst of Smeiser nine millimetre machine pistol. I fell down quite useless. All these stories I have heard about John Wayne and others running around with one leg bust and the other one still working was not the case at all. So I shouted, and before very long two medical orderlies in my platoon, two private soldiers, arrived and they put a JOURNAL 2010
rifle splint on my shattered leg and they gave me some morphine, and really from then on I was literally hors de combat. I wasn’t any good to anybody. The Platoon Sergeant and my batman orderly were also shot, but not as seriously as I had been, but it meant that a Corporal took command of the platoon from that moment onwards. I was put on a stretcher and left really to my own devices for some time because the Medical Officer and others had more important things to worry about. It was at that point that the armoured car, which was actually a French armoured car that the Germans had taken over, came down towards Pegasus Bridge from the direction of a village called Bénouville and it was shot up most successfully by Sergeant Wagger Thornton with the PIAT. It brewed up in a most fantastic way like a firework display, and many of The Parachute Regiment who were looking for a rendezvous came to the conclusion first of all that we were having a much bloodier battle than we actually were to capture the bridges, but they knew where to come. Later the Medical Officer and others picked me up and took me to a little lane that had been designated as the casualty collecting point and I lay there on the stretcher for some time with my fellow officer Den Brotheridge, who sadly had been shot in the neck and died within a very short time and I suppose one or two others. The total casualties, remarkably, were two killed and fourteen wounded. Apart from Den Brotheridge, killed crossing the bridge, the other man killed was a Lance Corporal in Sandy Smith’s glider - the one that was so damaged. He had been thrown out on landing into a pond. He was unconscious and he drowned. I was lying there not really any good to anybody when suddenly there was a bang and a bullet went straight into the ground just, quite literally, by my head and I thought that is it. He will not miss a second time. When I looked up a Corporal in The Royal Army Medical Corps had drawn his pistol and had accidentally 27
discharged it and I have never believed since then that it was a good idea to arm The Royal Army Medical Corps. Later that day I was transferred on the back of a French lorry to Ranville, which is a little village up the road, where there was a proper Field Dressing Station and there I lay on the ground for a rather long time actually, I think for a whole night, because The Parachute Regiment Field Ambulance chaps had been spread all over the place and they could only deal with what they could deal with and some people were worse off than I was. Eventually I saw a young and very tired Medical Officer who looked at my left leg and he diagnosed that the leg had not been fractured and he ordered the Thomas splint to be taken off which was very unfortunate because, in fact, the bone had a compound convoluted fracture of the left femur. It was in a mess and three bullets had gone into my leg. One had come out. One is still there and the third one came out later on when I was in hospital in Leeds. Anyway I was then moved to a barn near the coast where we were bombed but not hit. I was in a pretty poor state actually. I didn’t want anything to eat and felt really awful and the next day I was moved into an orchard where we had a little tented Field Ambulance and everybody was very helpful and very kind but there wasn’t much anybody could do. We were then evacuated on to a DUKW. Eventually we got on board an LST and we actually got back to Southampton on the ninth of June. Col (retd ) DJ Wood MBE
Footnotes 1.This text was transcribed from an audio tape interview given by Col Wood in October 2002. Every effort has been made to retain his original words. 2.Sadly, Colonel David Wood MBE, died in March 2009.
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE RGJR ASSOCIATION WEB SITE REPORT Now incorporating the Internet Branch
In writing this review of the main web site I have chosen to look forward to 2011 rather than back over 2010. This will ensure that all those who visit the web site either on a regular basis or just occasionally will be fully in the picture about future developments. 2010 was seen as a year of stability for the main web site with very few new features added as we moved towards full integration of the web site and the RGJ database, this has always been seen as a long term aim of both the RGJ Management and web site team. Full integration will mean a major rebuild of the web site and changes to the database to ensure that full members can navigate easily between the two areas. Both will remain on their own servers however with modern Internet technology the move between the two in either direction should appear seamless. Over the last decade or so the design of the web site has been the responsibility of the web site team with, in the last 5 years, myself leading the build and the rest of the team having full input however with the movement towards a dynamic web site it has been decided that Bill Shipton (who designed the database) SWIFT AND BOLD
“The Internet Branch Membership as at 1st January 2011 stands at 2285”
will lead and develop the basic infrastructure with the team then taking over to input the information that it will carry in exactly the same way as the database operates. The actual content has yet to be decided but most of the information contained in the current web site will be carried over and that which isn’t will in all probability move to the Internet branch web site. It has been decided that the web site will fall into two areas, guests and members. Those who pay the annual subscription will have full access which will be behind a password protected gateway. This is one area that Bill’s expertise in dynamic web design will be most noticeable. Having part of the web site open to paying members only will allow us to post information which we only want members and not the casual user to see and hopefully act as an incentive for the none paying members of our association to pay their £10.00 so as to be able to access the full web site. One area still under discussion is that of the regimental history. As far as this area is concerned although the information, most of which has been supplied by Ron Cassidy, is comprehensive and accurate we have only covered a small part of our history. It is felt that a closer link
Kevin Stevens Webmaster RGJ Regimental Association
with our regimental museum would be beneficial for all concerned and it may well be that the majority of the history we currently have for viewing will move over to the museum and we will link to it. However at this time this is still open to discussion at Management board level although the web site team do support the move. Guest books, bulletin boards and Rolls of Honour will continue to be a feature of the new web site and be open to none members however one guest book, the members only one, may move back to the Internet branch where it started. Those of you who use it on a regular basis will understand why it is private and admission is by application only and I will say no more on the subject !!! By the time you receive your copy of Swift and Bold the changeover should have started to happen. However there is no set time frame. Kevin Stevens
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE RGJR ASSOCIATION DATABASE REPORT The database continues to grow with a steady increase in the number of users as well as in those who are now directly contactable through email. Dabble, the company that maintained the servers on which the database is held has been recently taken over and because the future of the database service cannot be guaranteed by the new company we are now looking for a new place to hang our hat which will offer the same system and terms. The change, as and when it takes place, will probably be undetectable by most users and need not be a matter for concern. At the time of writing, late December, there is currently a problem with uploading files to the system which will only have been noticed by users trying to get their photographs on to the Rogues Gallery. This is a temporary fault which, we are assured by the providers, will be rectified in the very near future. I receive quite a few requests from full members who have access to the database in their own right to search for and provide contact details of other members and although this is not too much trouble it would be helpful to the individuals if those who have full access could learn to use it. A one off five minute session on the telephone talking through how to apply your user ID and password to access the database would be all that is needed for most people! Quite a few people also lose or forget their access password. The forgetting part is perfectly understandable since the user passwords are system generated and to all but a few next to impossible to remember but within the database menu there is a little used facility which will enable you to change your password to something of your choice which you will then find easier to remember! The other problem that people have with access is caused when they copy JOURNAL 2010
“The other problem that people seem to have with access is caused when they copy and paste in their password or user ID. This is because when copying they select additional `white space` either side of the text they are copying, so if for example your password was 123456 and you collected white space either side of that combination you could end up pasting 01234560 in as your password and that, being different, will cause a rejection by the system................�
Any branch Chairman or Secretary seeking to locate potential new branch members within a given county should find it a simple matter to do so by inserting the county name in full and hitting enter on the keyboard. It will surprise most readers just how many potential but unattached recruits there are. For example a search of this type for Wiltshire will bring up over 200 names, most of which will have full contact details including email and postal addresses.
CURRENT DATABASE STATS Total Users 5720 Officers Full Members 532 Officers None Members 684 Officers Serving Members 70 Officers Overseas Members 33 and paste in their password or user Rank & File Full Members 1257 ID. This is because when copying one or the other they select additional Rank & File None Members 1994 115 `white space` either side of the text Rank & File Life Members Rank & File Overseas Members 121 they are copying, so for example, if 3109 your original password was 123456 Total Users with Email and you collected white space either side of that combination you could If you are having any problems at end up pasting 01234560 in as all accessing or using the database your password and that, not being I would like to know about it correct will cause a rejection by the and I would also like to help so system, so be careful to only select telephone me on 01296 711967 or the specified text and nothing extra if email me at membersdatabase@ using copy and paste to insert access details. The other aspect of use that would benefit from guidance is the way that people search for information.
Ken Ambrose RGJRA Database Manager
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE KING`S ROYAL RIFLE CORPS REPORT I have just come home from the ceremony at St Paul’s Cathedral to remember Sir John Moore on the Anniversary of his death in on January 16th, 1809. Present at the Ceremony were members of F & G Coy’s, 7 Rifles along with General Nick Cottam and his wife, Lt Col George Elliott, former Regimental Secretary at RHQ, Winchester and numerous other Regimental characters including one of the Cathedral Ushers who served in the Rifle Brigade in Kenya in the 1950’s and remembers Ron Cassidy very well. The King’s Royal Rifle Corps Association continues to flourish with “Old & Bold” from WW2 days along with National Servicemen including Michael Aspell in their numbers. There are so many ex Riflemen out there who should be part of our Regimental Associations
this get together that continues to grow in popularity each year. It is earlier than usual this year as the European Cup Final will be played later in the month. If you wish to join us you are most welcome at Davies Street where the doors open at 1730hrs and entrance will cost you the princely sum of £10 that includes a buffet meal. Tickets may only be obtained at the door on the day, so do please not send any monies requesting a ticket. For further details on King’s Royal Rifle Corps events please visit our website at www. and I would encourage anyone reading this article to spread the word and get them back in the fold. The main event in the KRRC/2GJ/2RGJ Calendar is the Cup Final Reunion that will beheld on Saturday May 14th this year. As is now customary the Rifle Brigade will join us at
On behalf of all your Fellow Riflemen I send you best wishes for a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 2011. Richard Frost MBE Honorary Secretary King’s Royal Rifle Corps Association
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The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE RIFLES ESTABLISHED 1 FEBRUARY 2007 Honours and Awards New Year Honours January 2010 Meritorious Service Medal Warrant Officer Class 2 SP Ashton Warrant Officer Class 2 S Balllie Warrant Officer Class 2 IG Lewis
Armed Forces Operational Awards List No 34 19 March 2010 Afghanistan
Appointments General Officer Appointment 18 February 2010 To be Commander in Chief, in the rank of General, in October 2010 Lt General Sir Nick Parker KCB, CBE (Late Royal Green Jackets), currently Deputy Commander International Security Assistance Force and United Kingdom National Contingent Commander - Afghanistan. To be Chief of Staff International Security Assistance Force Joint Command - Afghanistan, in December 2010. Major General TP Evans DSO MBE (Late Light Infantry), currently Chief of Staff Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps.
No 4 Board 11-12 November 2009 Major JI Hartley Rifles (for Lt Col IO) to be SO1 POL GS in July 2010. Lieutenant Colonel RTH Jones MBE Rifles to SO1 DS L12 ACSC Defence Academy in August 2010. Major RHS Shaw Rifles (for Lt Col IO) MBE to be Dep Ch Future Plans CJ3/5 CSTC-A Kabul in September 2010.
No 2 Board 17 November 2009 Brigadier D St J Homer MBE late RGJ to be Head Training Education, Skills and Resettlement in June 2010. Lieutenant Colonel (Col IO) JH Bowron DSO OBE Rifles to be Military Head, Cross Government Afghanistan Strategy Team London January 2010. Lieutenant Colonel JW Hall MBE Rifles (Col IO) Defence Attache appointment in November 2010. Lieutenant Colonel MJ Doran Rifles (Col IO) to be NATO Policy and Plans Advisor to the Minster of Kosovo Security Forces in June 2010.
No 2 Board 2 February 2010 Colonel ED Brown MBE late RGBW to be Commandant Land Warfare School, Land Warfare Centre in Apr 2010. JOURNAL 2010
Brigadier TB Radford OBE Late The Light Infantry Acting Colonel RJ Thompson MBE Late The Rifles Serjeant J Monjo Corporal SJ Childs Major KC Hickman Lieutenant WJA Hignett Warrant Officer Class 2 SN Thompson Rifleman PR Jacobs Warrant Officer Class 2 PJ Burney Corporal CP Thomas Lieutenant RAM Buchanan Rifleman G Crane Lieutenant MA Cripps Rifleman K Holt Lance Corporal P Jakeman Lance Corporal MD Vitel Rifleman DC Wild (Killed in Action) Rifleman EKW Benton Rifleman RD Edgar Rifleman RC Flanagan Rifleman LJ Hargreaves Corporal HE Sanday Major J Denning Captain MJ Hale (Killed in Action) Major ICW Hill Warrant Officer Class 2 DB Sibley Rifleman TJ Thoppil Kezakethil
Joint Commanders Commendations Lance Corporal LM Bryan Colour Serjeant PH Conville Rifleman GJ Edwards Lieutenant MG Elliot Corporal GJ Evans Corporal D Farrell Colour Serjeant KSA Caghan Lance Corporal A Garlick Corporal D Grater Corporal CBV Jowah Rifleman FG Le Roux Lance Corporal SD Lightowlers Corporal DW Lloyd
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE RIFLES ESTABLISHED 1 FEBRUARY 2007 Captain PR Manley Captain JPG Mills Rifleman DR Nash Corporal MC Navunisaravi Captain CM Oliver Lieutenant TR St P Parry Corporal J Tilstone Lance Corporal SR Wagstaff
Rifleman GE Sutherland Rifleman AK Vetanibua Major RA Head MC Joint Commanders Commendation Serjeant TA Exley Lance Corporal DA Gough Serjeant JP Greenwood Captain TH Illingworth Captain TE Payne Corporal DJ Penk
Iraq Major JAD De Labilliere MBE Joint Commanders Commendations Rifleman LA Conlin Serjeant W Edwards Warrant Officer Class 2 AD Kuss Rifleman GL McBride
The Rifles Passing Out Parades Schedule 2011
Queens Birthday Honours List June 2010 Colonel RMJ Rollo-Walker OBE Lieutenant Colonel RA Blue Lieutenant Colonel CS Collins Major CJ Willis Major MCP Wilson
Association members should contact the CSM Rifles Coy at Inf Trg Cen, Vimy Bks, Catterick DL9 3PS on 01748 872657 if they wish to attend. R1 - 18 Mar 2011 R8 - 29 Apr 2011* R7 - 22 Jul 2011* R6 - 5 Aug 2011 R2 - 2 Sep 2011 * Denotes Rifles Coy sponsored parade (ie Rifles OC takes Parade with 2IC, CSM etc).
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Page 1
Meritorious Service Medal List May 2010 Warrant Officer Class 1 GDP Scarfe Warrant Officer Class 2 EC Dean
One assignment, upon his initial deployment to Iraq in 2003, was to purchase weapons and ammunition. The risky task required him to work with Iraqi criminals in surroundings that threatened his safety - as the fear of being kidnapped was constant.
Commander in Chief`s Certificate for Meritorious Service Colour Serjeant W Barlow
Another frightening situation occured when Heron was captured by insurgents in an area that everyone regarded as safe. He endured many hours of cruel punishment but managed to escape with the help of his colleagues.
Armed Forces Operational Awards List No 35 23 September 2010 Afghanistan Major TJ Harris Major RG Streatfield Lieutenant Colonel NJ Kitson Corporal L Brownson (Killed in Action) Lance Corporal JL Makie Corporal RP Furgusson Rifleman H Lanceley Rifleman RD Robinson (Killed in Action) Rifleman RWS Terry Corporal DA Bryant WO2 P Hyde Corporal SW Martin Corporal AD Michael Rifleman M Turner (Killed in Action) Lieutenant CER Winstanley Rifleman PLM Matthews Second Lieutenant CNH Maxwell Rifleman DV Nickson SWIFT AND BOLD
The Role of Security Contractors in the Iraq War British Author provides first-hand account of the dangerous life of a security advisor LONDON - In the book A Security Advisor in Iraq (published by AuthorHouse), author John Heron provides a first-hand true account of life as a security contractor in a hostile country. Heron’s story begins in Northern England where he was born into a large military family. His journey continues as he serves in the British Army as a Green jacket before eventually becoming a security contractor in Iraq. A Security Advisor in Iraq chronicles Heron through many treacherous missions.
Heron’s dangerous position led him throughout the country, from Basra back to the badlands of Baghdad. He fought alongsideother Nation’s troops, including a small American unit that became entangled in a gun battle. His exciting tale provides much-needed insight into the security industry, shedding light on the contractors from all over the world who assist the coalition in fighting the war, often at the cost of their own lives. About the Author Jack Heron was born in Gateshead, County Tyne and Wear, in the North of England. In 1975 - at the age of 17 - he joined the British Army and completed many tours of duty in Northern Ireland with the Royal Green Jackets. Heron left the Army in 1992. After working within the Surveillance Industry at home and abroad, he was invited to work in Iraq as a security contractor in 2003. After six years, Heron continues to work in the security industry in Iraq. He resides in Lancashire, England
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
SGT W DANTON (RB) A LETTER TO HIS WIFE FROM SOUTH AFRICA IN DEC 1899 Any perceived errors of punctuation or spelling have been allowed to remain in order to preserve the letter, as far as possible, in Dantons own words. Editor
My Dearest Wife and all at Home, At the time of writing this long letter I. am, thank God alive and well, no doubt it has been a very trying time to you all not knowing where or what had become of me. After arriving at Durban in Natal on the 26th of October and expecting to proceed to Cape Town, our proper destination, we were ordered to disembark at once, three Companys that night, the rest of the Battalion in the morning. To make things worse it was very rough and they landed the Troops in surf boats lowered over the side in baskets, of course, we made a laughing matter over it. My Company was fortunate to stop on board until the morning and they got the Trooper inside over the Bar, and landed us on the Quay. There we received the news of a great battle up country, off we went by trains to a place called Peitersmaritzburgh, reached there at midnight. Before I go farther I must tell you that the reception we got was excellent, every station we stopped at the Troops were given every-thing they required. Dear Lizzie all this time we are not able to wash—only when we have a drop left in the bottle, also living is very bad, one pound of bread and meat per diem, and water is very bad. Now for the glorious news of our Battalion which I suppose you have already heard about. On Sunday evening of 10 December, at about 9 o’clock we were warned to parade for the purpose of going out to a large hill held by the Boers, to attack them and seize their big gun which was causing so a great deal of damage in camp. It was a moonlight night for the first three hours. A, B, H, and G Companys were the attacking party. Our Colonel led us over the country which is all rocks and deep holes, not a whisper amongst the troops, everything done in silence. We marched about two miles and laid JOURNAL 2010
but he begged me to stop and die where he was. After this we mad for our entrenchments which, thank God we arrived in safety after five hours hard fighting. I can’t make out why I was not hit myself-luck I suppose. Our casualties were (killed one officer, C/S. Saunders, Sgt Patterson, wounded severely Sgt Ebner and 12 men), 48 NCOs and men, total 15 killed, 46 wounded. But, Dear Lizzie and parents, the camp is ringing with our gallant deeds and bravery considering our strength down, the moon showing too bright. was 490 and the Boers about 2,000. I At about midnight the clouds came am proud to say that me and J Archer over and suited us admirable. Right are both mentioned in dispatches for through the Boer lines, which was on bravery in the field. Our Regiment our right and left, up to Surprise Hill has received compliments from which is very high and very steep. The every Battalion. After that great fight order to” fix swords” ‘a regimental I think it is a miracle that I am alive custom to do with the Baker rifle, and kicking. I thought of you all on bayonets are called swords’. A Coy Christmas day. Tell Mother and Dad moved first in line up the hill. H I drank their health with water that Coy next ½ a Coy each way, so that you would not wash your clothes in, the gun would be in the centre, my our food was beef and water. Bread Coy on the left and B on the right, E for pudding. Dear Lizzie we are firing guarding the base. We had not heard here all day long to keep the Boers a sound up to then but as soon as we back and they are sending big shells reached the top, firing commenced. into our camp and hill, a few daily. Our men fought splendidly, they There is a lot of sickness-enteric, men drove the swords through them and dying daily, worst luck I am in rattling cleared the hill, the noise of cries was good health, thank God. Now, my fearful. During this time we blew up darling, keep up your spirits as before their big gun, and then it was perfect and all will come right in the end, give hell. The Boers came round on both my love to Mother Dad, our Tom, Jess sides and fired into us, and tried and Flo, Albert Henry, the old Lady to cut off our Company. Men and and all enquiring. Bob Longley is still officers wounded on all sides, poor alright tell his father. I can’t tell when fellows, we never knew when our this will reach you, but trust in God last moment was. There was no time that I shall be spared to write again for thought but to act at once and and in a few months, take you and fight our way through at the point of the boy in my arms and separate no the sword, bullets were flying like hail more. Love to all in Belfast and now storm at this time. My captain was goodnight and God Bless you all. P.S. We received a message from the shot at this time in three places. Archer, he shouted for me to form up Queen on Christmas Day. Also I have my men and get the wounded inside not had my clothes off since the 26th which we did, during that time men October. Kiss Alfie for me and my were shot each side of me. After fondest for the family. forming up we charged the Boers Your Loving Husband Bill and cut our way through, you can fancy what it must have been for us. A number of foot notes, containing further I carried a poor fellow named Dacres information on the service of the Danton family, of C Coy for a time on my back. He are available at the top of the next page. was shot through the breast and leg,
“Our men fought splendidly, they drove the swords through them and cleared the hill, the noise of cries was fearful. During this time we blew up their big gun, and then it was perfect hell.”
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association Foot note: Alfie was the son of Sergeant Bill Danton, born on 29 June 1899 at Aldershot from where the battalion had travelled to South Africa from. He was christened Alfred George Danton and at the age of 15 enlisted for Boy Service with the Regiment, he served with his father in Gibraltar and Malta. At the outbreak of WW1 he went to France with his battalion and was involved in the second battle of Arras. He suffered from shell shock and was casevaced to a sanatorium in England where he recovered. He married aged 26 at Winchester the home of the Regiment. Posted to India in 1925 he and his wife
were stationed in Quetta, Cherat and Peshawar, returning to the Rifle Depot at Winchester in 1925. Their son Terence was born three weeks later. He retired from HM Forces in 1937, in WW2 he became a civilian instructor with the Armoury, Royal Air Force. The Danton’s service to the crown was to continue with Terence doing National Service in The Rifle Brigade in 1947-1949, serving in BAOR. In 1950 he became a regular soldier with the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry seeing service with them in the Malayan campaign. Sent to the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry 1950/51 who at that time much involved in Korea, he took part in the battles at Hills 227 and 355, for Hill 227 the Regiment was awarded it as a
Battle Honour. In 1953 Terence requested a move back to The Rifle Brigade based on his own and family service with them, he was to see further active service 1954-1958 in East Africa in the Mau Mau conflict and the Malaysian campaign against the communist terrorists. In 1962 he retired from HM Forces and in the same year married. Three generations of family dedication to the Crown and Regiment. Information researched and supplied by Major (retd) RD Cassidy MBE.
THE COLONELS COMMANDANT OF THE ROYAL GREEN JACKETS Colonel-in-Chief: Her Majesty the Queen Deputy Colonel-in-Chief: HRH the Duke of Gloucester KG, KP, CGB, GCMG, GCVO, ADC (P) 1966 - 1974 Colonels Commandant are listed in the rank and with the decorations they held at the conclusion of their appointments. FM Sir Francis Festing GCB, KBE, DSO, DL General Sir James Glover KCB, MBE Representative Colonel Commandant 1966 - 1968 Representative Colonel Commandant 1986 - 1988 Colonel Commandant 3 RGJ 1966 - 1968 Colonel Commandant 3 RGJ 1986 - 1988 Major General E A Williams CB, CBE, MC Colonel Commandant 2 RGJ 1966 - 1970 General Sir John Mogg GCB,CBE, DSO, ADC (Gen) Representative Colonel Commandant 1968 - 1973 Colonel Commandant 1 RGJ 1966 - 1970 Colonel Commandant 3RGJ 1971- 1973 Lieutenant General Sir Richard Fyffe KBE, CBE, DSO, MC Colonel Commandant 3 RGJ 1968 - 1971 General (later FM) Sir Roland Gibbs GCB,CBE, DSO, MC, ADC (Gen) Colonel Commandant 2 RGJ 1971 - 1978 General Sir Thomas Pearson KCB, CBE, DSO, ADC (Gen) Representative Colonel Commandant 1973 - 1977 Colonel Commandant 1 RGJ 1970 - 1977 Lieutenant General Sir James Wilson KBE, MC Representative Colonel Commandant 1977 - 1978 Colonel Commandant 1 RGJ 1977 - 1981 FM Sir Edwin (later Lord) Bramall GCB,OBE, MC, ADC (Gen) Representative Colonel Commandant 1979 - 1983 Colonel Commandant 3 RGJ 1973 - 1984 General Sir Frank Kitson GBE, KCB, MC, ADC (Gen) Representative Colonel Commandant 1983 - 1985 Colonel Commandant 2 RGJ 1979 - 1986 General Sir Roland Guy GCB, CBE, DSO, ADC (Gen) Representative Colonel Commandant 1985 - 1986 Colonel Commandant 1 RGJ 1981 - 1986
General Sir Robert Pascoe KCB,MBE,ADC (Gen) Representative Colonel Commandant 1988 - 1991 Colonel Commandant 1 RGJ 1986 - 1991 General Sir David (later Lord) Ramsbotham GCB, CBE, ADC (Gen) Representative Colonel Commandant 1991 - 1992 Colonel Commandant 2 RGJ 1987 - 1992 General Sir Edward Jones KCB, CBE Representative Colonel Commandant 1992 - 1994 Colonel Commandant 3 RGJ 1988 - 1992 Colonel Commandant 2 RGJ 1992 - 1994 Major General JP (later Lt Gen Sir John) Foley (later DL) KCB, CB, OBE, MC Colonel Commandant 1 RGJ 1991 - 1994 Major General CGC Vyvyan CB, CBE Colonel Commandant 1 RGJ 1994 - 2000 Lieutenant General Sir Christopher Wallace KBE (later DL) Representative Colonel Commandant 1995 - 1998 Colonel Commandant 2 RGJ 1995 - 1998 Major General ARD Pringle CB, CBE Regimental Colonel Commandant 1999 - 2001 Colonel Commandant 2 RGJ 1999 - 2001 Lieutenant General AMD Palmer CB CBE Regimental Colonel Commandant 2001 - 2005 Colonel Commandant 1 RGJ 1994 - 2000 Major General NJ Cottam CB, OBE Regimental Colonel Commandant 2005 - 2007 Colonel Commandant 2 RGJ 2002 - 2005
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE ROYAL GREEN JACKETS OPERATIONAL AWARDS 1966-2007 The honours and awards shown are those that have been published in the London Gazette in that year and not when the actual award or decoration was won. This list does not include GOCs and C in Cs commendations. 1966 Borneo MC MID
1973 OBE N.Ireland MBE MC DCM MM MID
Lt Col PM Welsh Capt CHA Hawker Maj P Treener-Michell Capt FA Williams Capt RH Ker Cpl M Rattigan Cpl RJ Bennett Cpl GA Coney Cpl DR Grimes Capt GdeVW Hayes Lt Col CEW Jones Cpl BE Lawrence Capt NC Legh WO2 P Maher Maj SCH Marriott Sgt J Mulvaney Rfn L Murray Capt BW Rimmer LCpl A Robe Cpl DJ Shepherd Capt the Hon PR Smith Cpl EC Tuvey Sultan of Muscat’s Distinguished Capt CRM Kemball
Maj PM Welsh Lt MJC Robertson Brig HMG Bond Lt Col ENW Bramall Maj RA Pascoe Capt RH Kerr Lt PJW Harrison Sgt T Lloyd Rfn MF Ryves Cpl D Hunt
1971 Sultan of Muscat Commendation Maj TF Taylor
Sultan of Oman’s Distinguished Capt SDG McKinley Medal for Gallantry. 1972 N.Ireland CBE DSO MBE MC DCM MM MID JOURNAL 2010
Brig FE Kitson Lt Col RK Guy Capt RM Kemball Capt GF Smythe Maj ID Corden-Lloyd Maj CC Dunphie Capt FR Sainsbury 2Lt M Smith 2Lt SJ Young Cpl TW Thomson CSgt E Bright LCpl D Grant Sgt KC Ambrose Cpl DJ Barker 2Lt JA Daniell Lt ABC Dollard Rfn J McAFarrier Rfn JH Hanna Cpl TH Hansford Maj CLGG Henshaw Cpl APF Liggins Rfn MJ O’Shea Lt AMD Palmer Cpl I Parfitt 2Lt CJL Puxley Sgt CP Slocombe Cpl JW Sweeney
Service Medal
1974 CBE N.Ireland MBE BEM MM MID
Brig JDF Mostyn WO2 PJ Layton Cpl PK Sumner Cpl RJ Tyson Lt Col JRG Evelegh Sgt W Foxton CSgt CF Heyman Cpl SL Holman Lt Col RA Pascoe LCpl DJ Rimmer Capt RJ Rimmer
1975 N.Ireland MID MID
Cpl MJ Harris Cpl D Judge 2Lt AC Kinnear Maj PJ Lyddon Capt RCH Luscombe Sgt JF O’Shea Rfn GD Reid
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Lt PJF Schofield Cpl K Spence Capt RGK Williamson Cpl CS Younger
1976 Oman
Maj AR Turle Maj JP Foley
The Sultan of Oman’s Distinguished Maj RP Montgomery
Service Medal. Brunei The Order of Mahkota Brunei WO1 M Brown (3rd Class) 1977 GCB KCB CB CBE MBE BEM Royal Humane Society Bronze Medal
Lt Gen Sir David House Lt Gen P Hudson Maj Gen GH Mills Brig DM Pontifex Maj FA Petra Maj GC Stacey Maj CBQ Wallace CSgt C Green Cpl EJ Smith
1978 OBE N.Ireland MBE MID
Lt Col GD Johnson WO2 LR Trower Rfn DC Bosworth Lt Col ID Corden-Lloyd Maj RH Ker Sgt JE Kerr Maj NM Prideaux Rfn PK Scannell Sjt KAP Stevens Lt Col P Treneer-Michell Cpl DC Walsh
1979 OBE N.Ireland OBE MBE MM MID
Lt Col JP Foley Lt Col P Treneer-Michell Maj PJ Lyddon LCpl SB Mitchell WO2 DF Carey Rfn DV Lawrenson Capt NR Parker Maj GF Smythe Sgt SC Williams
1980 N.Ireland
Brig ME Carleton-Smith Brig DJ Ramsbotham Lt Col CJMc Harrisson Maj ARD Pringle Maj JMP Durcan
1981 N.Ireland
Maj JPO Beddard CSgt JE Kerr Rfn JW Moore Cpl DA Brittain
1982 QGM N.Ireland MM MID South Atlantic OBE (Posthumous) MID
CSgt J Brum Cpl WJ Lindfield Lt MJ Austin LCpl WJ Gordon Maj GdeV W Hayes Capt PJM Hearn CSgt RJ Meeson Lt Col MJC Robertson Lt Col JM Taylor Cpl RJ Wright Lt Col AE Berry Cpl RE Armstrong
1983 MBE N.Ireland MID
Capt RAM Constant Capt AM Coles Sgt RJ Jones Cpl M Haley Cpl MA Sheddon Cpl CE McBride LCpl AJM Crook
1984 MBE N.Ireland MBE BEM MID
Maj PD Browne WO1 (BM) DG Little Capt MBD Smith WO2 BE Darvill Sgt P Bohan Sgt AD Jones Maj RP Matters CSgt PMJ O’Brian Lt Col CCLO Owen
1985 MID N.Ireland
Maj PD Browne Rfn PA Ross Col CBQ Wallace
1986 MID N.Ireland
Lt Col GdeVW Hayes Maj SR Stanford-Tuck
Maj RA Churcher
1988 N.Ireland
Maj NJ Mangnall Lt Col RJ Rimmer
1989 QGM N.Ireland MID
Sgt AR Hoare Lt Col JS Carter Lt Col SC Hearn
1990 OBE N.Ireland MID
Lt Col NJ Cottam CSgt EV Baker CSgt MJ Keating
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Lt Col AMD Palmer
1991 N.Ireland Op Granby
Brig CGC Vyvyan Capt EA Butler Maj Gen JP Foley Sgt SB Mitchell Cpl WB Tyson
1992 OBE N.Ireland MBE MID
Lt Col JMJ Balfour Lt Col NJ Mangnall Lt Col M Smith Maj NRG Chavasse Rfn SG Fairs Maj NR Haddock Capt NJ Hyslop Capt JL Mann Lt Col CEM Snagge Maj DM Tobey Cpl G Wilkinson
1993 OBE N.Ireland MBE MM MID
Lt Col AJR Jackson Maj AEH Worsley LCpl MJ Fryer Capt JRD Bryson Col NJ Cottam LCpl DRW Ware
1994 MBE N.Ireland MID Fmr Rep of Yugoslavia CBE MC
Maj JIS Plastow WO2 ET Wilson Cpl ME Downard Lt MA Hughes
1995 Fmr Rep of Yugoslavia QCVS 1996 OBE MBE 1997 N.Ireland
1998 N.Ireland CBE Fmr Rep of Yugoslavia QCVS
Brig GdeVW Hayes Capt AMF Carleton-Smith
Maj Gen ARD Pringle Col SC Hearn Maj NP Carter Maj JH Gordon WO2 EL Jones Cpl BK Brown Cpl A Moodie
Maj TH Emck WO2 KT Oxby Lt Col NP Carter
2000 Fmr Rep of Yugoslavia OBE MID QCB QCVS
Col NP Carter Cpl M Harris Sgt G Miller Maj S Plummer LCpl J Rooney Capt IR Moodie Maj MR Winsloe
2001 CBE MBE N.Ireland QCVS
Brig JMJ Balfour WO2 RE Keys Cpl JPB Becker Lt Col JIS Plastow
2002 CBE Afghanistan MID Fmr Rep of Yugoslavia QCVS
Brig NR Parker Sgt SM McNiff Brig JMJ Balfour Capt RG Streatfeild Lt Col AEH Worsley
2003 N.Ireland
WO2 CL Nufer Col JIS Plastow Maj JCW Maciejewski
2004 Afghanistan QCVS Iraq OBE MID Fmr Rep of Yugoslavia MBE QCVS
Maj RHS Shaw Rfn SP Staley
2005 Sierra Leone QCVS
Lt Col EA Butler
Afghanistan DSO
Lt Col EA Butler
2006 Afghanistan CBE MBE
Brig EA Butler Capt MJ Dicks
Brig JH Gordon
Brig NP Carter Lt Col PNYM Sanders CSgt SM McNiff
Col M Smith
Dem Republic of Congo OBE
Col RP Winser
Maj EA Butler Maj Gen ARD Pringle
2007 Iraq
Maj ME Foster-Brown
1999 Fmr Rep of Yugoslavia JOURNAL 2010
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE ROYAL GREEN JACKETS ROLL OF HONOUR 1966-2007 The following Officers and Soldiers died whilst serving with the Royal Green Jackets between 1966 and 2007 RANK
1966 Rfn Rfn Cpl Rfn Cpl
Kelway Webster Cross Cullen Poole
Borneo Borneo Germany Germany England
31st 31st 17th 6th 18th
January March March August November
1967 Sgt Brig Cpl Col Rfn
Cameron Mellor OBE Patrick Hayter Brown
Germany England Germany Australia England
4th 26th 7th 5th 28th
April August September October October
1968 L/Cpl WO11 Sjt
Dixon Dunwell Smith
England Germany England
8th 29th 13th
January October November
1969 Capt L/Cpl WO1 L/Cpl L/Cpl Rfn
Rodgers Mosley Byrne Pearce Boswell Keeney
Rifle Depot 1RGJ 2RGJ 1RGJ 1RGJ 1RGJ
England England England N.Ireland N.Ireland N.Ireland
2nd 22nd 14th 26th 25th 25th
March April July September October October
1970 Rfn C/Sgt Capt (QM) Rfn Rfn
Cottriall Fry Horbury Fisher Hamblin
1RGJ 4(v) RGJ Rifle Depot Rifle Depot 3RGJ
Germany England England England England
21st 5th 5th 3rd 21st
May July July October November
1971 Rfn Rfn Cpl Rfn Rfn Maj
Hill Chavner Bankier Walker Hill Taylor
Cyprus Cyprus N.Ireland N.Ireland N.Ireland Dhofar
2nd 4th 22nd 12th 16th 7th
January January May July October November
1972 Maj Cpl Sjt Rfn J/Rfn Rfn L/Cpl Cpl
Alers-Hankey Cook Martin Taylor Woodhouse Meredith Card Morrill
N.Ireland Germany Germany N.Ireland England N.Ireland N.Ireland N.Ieland
30th 11th 13th 20th 11th 26th 4th 28th
January March March March June June August August
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
Rfn L/Cpl Rfn
Griffiths George Joesbury
N.Ireland N.Ireland N.Ireland
30th 10th 8th
August September December
1973 Pte Rfn
Roberts Allen
N.Ireland N.Ireland
2nd 26th
July November
1974 Rfn Rfn Bdsm Rfn Rfn
Mulgrew Hutton Bayliss Porter Gibson
3RGJ 2RGJ Rifle Depot 3RGJ 1RGJ
Singapore England England England N.Ireland
20th 6th 27th 15th 29th
April June September November December
1975 Rfn Maj C/Sgt Rfn Rfn
McGarry Radclyffe Dawes Radmore Sinclair
3RGJ Rifle Depot 3RGJ 1RGJ 3RGJ
Germany England England England Germany
13th 15th 4th 4th 13th
January September November December December
1976 Lt Col Rfn Sjt L/Cpl Rfn
Tarleton Walsh Bedford McMahon Rowland
England Germany England England England
15th 4th 11th 11th 31st
February October December December December
1977 Rfn Rfn Rfn Cpl
Lambourne Watson Thompson Smith
Rifle Depot 2RGJ 3RGJ 1RGJ
England Gibraltar England N.Ireland
13th 15th 17th 31st
July July July August
1978 Lt Col Rfn Maj J/Rfn
Cordon-Lloyd Smith Foley Flaherty
2RGJ 2RGJ RGJ Rifle Depot
N/Ireland N/Ireland N/Ireland England
17th 4th 24th 8th
February March April November
1979 Brig Rfn
Jackson Fairway
HQ Lt Div Rifle Depot
England England
3rd 24th
April July
1980 WO11 Rfn Rfn Col
Bayliss Simons Watson Simmons
Nigeria England N.Ireland England
21st 4th 19th 8th
March May July August
1981 Rfn Rfn Rfn
Bagshaw Gavin King
N.Ireland N.Ireland N.Ireland
19th 19th 19th
May May May
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
L/Cpl Rfn L/Cpl L/Cpl
Winstone Williams Dean Chappell
1RGJ Rifle Depot 1RGJ 1RGJ
N.Ireland Wales N.Ireland England
18th 4th 16th 11th
May June July August
1982 Capt Rfn Rfn Rfn Rfn Cpl Cpl Rfn WO11 Cpl Cpl Bdsm Bdsm Bdsm WO11 C/Sgt
Fetherstonhaugh Holland Malakos Rapley Flint Armstrong Walpole Wood Barker Livingstone McKnight Mesure Powell Heritage Devine Walton
Germany N.Ireland N.Ireland N.Ireland England Falkland Islands Falkland Islands England England England England England England England Germany Germany
11th 15th 25th 25th 10th 19th 19th 22nd 20th 20th 20th 20th 20th 20th 13th 8th
February March March March May May May June July July July July July July August December
1983 Rfn DA Officer Cadet DMH
Grainger Litton
1RGJ Sandhurst
N.Ireland England
10th 12th
April August
1984 Rfn Maj Gnr
Jackson Ruck-Keene Utteridge
Germany England N.Ireland
5th 31st 19th
February August October
1986 Rfn Rfn C/Sgt L/Cpl
Mulley Chapman Bryant McGowan
1RGJ 3RGJ Lt Div Depot 3RGJ
N.Ireland Germany England Germany
18th 22nd 31st 16th
March April August December
1987 Col Rfn L/Cpl Rfn Cpl Cpl
Treneer-Michell Milward Hewitt Sharp Jedruch Elliott
England England N.Ireland England N.Ireland England
27th 1st 19th 21st 31st 29th
May July July July July September
1990 Rfn Rfn Rfn Rfn Rfn
Donkin Parfit Jackson Virgo Scott
Germany Germany Germany England USA
6th 6th 8th 1st 18th
April April May July July
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
WO1 Cpl Sgt
Manning Lepp Ubhi
England England Kenya
27th 28th 20th
August August December
1991 Sgt L/Cpl Rfn Cpl Sgt Cpl
Ross Harris Williams Maddocks Eyles Wall
N.Ireland N.Ireland N.Ireland N.Ireland Germany N.Ireland
18th 8th 8th 14th 1st 12th
October November November November December December
1992 Rfn Rfn
Smith Davey
N.Ireland N.Ireland
10th 29th
August October
1993 Rfn Rfn
Fenley Ennals
N.Ireland England
17th 13th
February March
1995 WO11
1996 WO1
1997 Rfn
1998 L/Cpl Rfn
Smith Beckley-Lines
1RGJ ITC Catterick
England England
24th 18th
May September
1999 Rfn Rfn
Bird Morris
Germany England
25th 3rd
March April
2000 L/Cpl Rfn
Cronin Alford
2RGJ ITC Catterick
Kosovo S.Africa
14th 27th
March April
2001 Rfn Rfn
Mackenzie McLaughlin
ITC Catterick 2RGJ
England England
9th 20th
February May
2002 Cpl Rfn
Phillips Cornan
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
27th 27th
January January
2003 Rfn Rfn
Dupee Elliott
England England
19th 19th
August August
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
2004 Rfn
2005 Rfn Rfn
Hudaverdi Jamieson
England England
4th 4th
April April
THE YANKS ARE BACK IN SADDLEWORTH Now in it’s 10th year “The Yanks Are Back In Saddleworth” was originally called “The Yanks Event”, and is open to all allied, axis and classic military and civilian vehicles from 1914 to the gulf war, military re-enactors, 1940’s civilians and dancers.
The organising team of 5 is led by Paul (Dog Tags) McGrath known as Mac formerly 1st Bn RGJ PTI 78-85. The rest of the team are Wendy, Mark, Ian and Ken. Each year we pick a charity and last year’s charity was the RAFA it being the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain for which we raised £1500 which was handed over on the 3rd Saddleworth is situated in the December 2010. This years chosen Pennines between Lancashire & charity’s are the Royal British Legion, Yorkshire and is made up of 5 villages. The showground is appropriately Presentation of £1500 made to The RAFA it being their 90th Anniversary and with Paul McGrath on the right The Rifles (Care for Casualties). named Churchill Playing Fields and is situated 200 meters from the village the day with the Big Swing Ball and of Uppermill, which also takes part wartime supper by advance ticket Myself and Wendy were invited to the Normandy Veteran`s Christmas in the weekends activities as do all only at the Civic hall Uppermill. Dinner at Chester as a thank you for the villages. Sunday is the day we all look their enjoyable day at Saddleworth Friday nights Hawaiian dance with forward to. Starting at 12 noon and the setting up of the visit every one appropriately dressed in the Military Parade and Convoy to the Memorial for the Burma sailor’s hats, Hawaiian shirts and which is led by the Oldham Pipe Star Veterans. We also had the grass skirts with the theme being Band followed by the Normandy pleasure of meeting one of our own “ Pearl Harbour” starts the weekend Veterans, men and women of the regiments former soldiers, Sgt Titch Royal British Legion with Standards. Rayner of the 2nd Bn Oxf and Buck’s off. Twenty-nine in total last year for the who was among the first to land in Saturday starts bright and early when salute and march past taken by the occupied France on the night of 5/6 the many vehicles that have booked Mayor of Oldham and dignitaries June 1944. in start turning up. Everything from followed by the military and classic a 1932 Hercules peddle bike to a 13 vehicles with `Mr Churchill` in the Dates for this year’s show are 12-14 ton MACK US Army Truck is there lead vehicle with police outriders August 2011 and any serving and all by mid morning. I had counted 70 leading the convoy though the ex RGJ are welcome to attend . Please vehicles, with others still arriving villages of Delph, Diggle and on contact Paul for information on and coming from the four corners of up to the carriage house some 10 07709052501 or E-Mail: pdt3945@ miles away where refreshments are hot . See web site at the UK. enjoyed. The convoy then continues . Also, on the field are Allied and Axis via the village of Dobcross were camps and some excellent displays the film `Yanks` was made in 1978. and dioramas. They range from a The convoy is said to be the longest Lister machinery display to a US military vehicle parade in the county Navy wartime work shop, alongside with some 68 vehicle in last year`s a good selection of militaria with convoy but with the number having vintage and fresh produce stalls. exceeded 97 in years gone by. Also on the field is the vintage fun fair, dance classes , 1940’s fashion When the convoy returns to the field show, American classic car show the public have already gathered courtesy of AAC North West and and some 7-10,000 people enjoy the entertainment which includes music by Radio Olympia. battle re-enactment which is always Uppermill pubs host a variety of entertaining. The final of the day Is 2nd Oxf & Bucks veteran `Titch` Rayner musical entertainment in the form the low level fly past by a Dakota of with re-enactment members at the `Yanks` 2010 of Swing Jive, ENSA Entertainment, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. P McGrath Rockabilly Band & DJ finishing of SWIFT AND BOLD
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE RIFLES BENEVOLENT TRUST General Application of Income –Eligibility The income and capital of the Trust can be used to give assistance in any of the following cases: a. The relief in deserving cases of those eligible who are in distress as a result of wounds, sickness or other causes beyond their control. b. The relief of widows and dependent children of deceased officers, riflemen or soldiers in needy circumstances.
deceased officers and soldiers for whom no parent or relative is able to make provision. d. The granting of allowances or financial help (by way of a grant) in the cases of distress to officers, riflemen or soldiers, widows or dependent children to assist them in temporary difficulties or enable them to gain suitable employment. e. The granting of relief in cases of hardship or distress to dependants of officers, riflemen or soldiers, whether relatives or not. Requests for assistance
c. The maintenance, education or advancement in life of children of
should be made through the chain of command. There is an application form (Rifles Benev 1) which is passed to the Commanding Officer for his recommendation and onward to Regimental Headquarters for action by the Assistant Regimental Secretary Finance. b. Ex-Officers, Riflemen and Soldiers or Civilian Dependants. IIndividuals should make applications in the first instance to the nearest office of SSAFA Forces Help or The Royal British Legion (Welfare Agencies) who will send a report to RHQ or the appropriate office.
a. Applications from those serving
GREEN JACKET CLOSE 1. Green Jacket Close consists of 21 units off Stanmore Lane, Winchester. Details are: a. 3 x semi-detached 2 bedroom houses, built in 1904 b. 10 x 1 bedroom flats, built in 1904 and converted in the 1960s c. 2 x 1 bedroom flats, 2 x 2 bedroom flats, and 4 x maisonettes, built in 1966 2.
Update of residents:
a. Marital status There are 24 residents consisting of: Couples x 3 Widows x 6 Widowers x7 Single x1 Separated x4 b. Age groups of residents: 3 in 50s 7 in 60s 7 in 70s 6 in 80s 1 in 90s c. The 24 residents’ ages add up to 1,743 years JOURNAL 2010
c. A Regimental widow, civil partner or partner aged 60-70 years 2 x Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (except in special cases), subject to Light Infantry the necessary service and marriage or 5 x King’s Royal Rifle Corps partnership qualifications. 2 x Rifle Brigade 2 x Rifle Brigade/Royal Green Jackets 4. Application 5 x Green Jacket Brigade/Royal Green Jackets a. It is quite acceptable to apply 5 x Royal Green Jackets to be put on the waiting list before the age of 60 is reached. Applicants should 3. Eligibility apply to the Rifles Secretary Finance, RHQ the Rifles, Peninsula Barracks, Green Jacket Close accommodation will Romsey Road, Winchester, Hampshire, be let to: SO23 8TS. a. A married couple, civil partnership or partnership (of not less than 5 years standing in the latter case) where the qualifying ex serviceman is aged 60-70 years (except in special cases), and subject in the case of the ex serviceman to service qualifications in the Rifles or one of its forming or antecedent Regiments.
b. Applicants should bear in mind that the homes are covered by a Trust Deed, regulated by The Charity Commissioners. As such, the Rifles Benevolent Trust is required to allocate vacancies to those in need of assistance. 5.
Applicants should be aware that b. Any individual aged 60 – 70 residents pay their own Council Tax and years (except in special cases) who has water rates, and also a maintenance the requisite service qualification in the charge of approximately £65 per week. Rifles or one of its forming or antecedent Regiments.
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE LADIES GUILD The (Royal Green Jackets) Ladies Guild is governed by a scheme issued by the Trustees of The Rifles Benevolent Trust. The Trustees are responsible for looking after the funds of the Ladies’ Guild. Previous support was given by The Rifleman’s Aid Society, which in due course is also becoming part of The Rifles Benevolent Trust. Organisation and Income The Guild is composed and run by an elected, voluntary Executive Committee of wives of serving and retired officers. These ladies stand for re-election every three years. Donations are no longer received from the Battalions but subscriptions are raised from officers and their
wives. In addition it has a capital fund which produces an income. Alms The Guilds’ main role is the welfare of widows, children and other dependants of deceased Riflemen who are in need, hardship or distress. In addition to making grants for immediate relief in a financial crisis, the Guild specialises in the following forms of assistance: Personal visits and contact by telephone by members of the committee to any of the widows. All Ladies’ Guild widows receive a grant at Christmas, together with a personal letter from the Chairman and a Regimental Christmas card. Any widows over the age of 70 receive and additional fuel allowance.
Requests for Financial Assistance Most cases were referred to The Ladies’ Guild by the Trustees of The Rifles Benevolent Fund. These cases usually came through an outside agency such as SSAFA Forces Help or The Royal British Legion, who would have visited the widow, assessed the problem and written a report. With the creation of The Rifles, the Ladies’ Guild no longer accept new cases as these are now referred to the County Offices. NB: The Ladies’ Guild originates from the Royal Green Jackets and its Antecedent Regiments. The committee are absolutely committed to looking after their widows as they have done for many years.
70th ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEFENCE OF CALAIS - VISIT - 26 MAY 2010 2010 was the 70th Anniversary of the historic but tragic defence of Calais from 22 to 26 May 1940, when 30 Infantry Brigade, consisting of 2nd Battalion, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 1st Battalion, The Rifle Brigade and 1st Battalion, Queen Victoria’s Rifles, supported by 3rd Royal Tank Regiment and 229 Anti-Tank Battery Royal Artillery, together with two searchlight and two anti-aircraft batteries already there, defended Calais against the encircling might of the 1st and 10th Panzer Divisions. If that were not a difficult enough task, there were certain handicaps making it even harder: 3 RTR was to spend its first 24 hours at Calais removing the heavy peace-time preservation grease from their tank guns which an officious Movements staff officer had insisted on their using before embarkation; 1 QVR, a motor-cycle battalion, crossed to France with no vehicles or wireless sets, and with a third of the battalion armed only SWIFT AND BOLD
French standard bearers at the Green Jacket Calais Memorial before the service
with .38 pistols; and half of 1 RB’s heavy weapons and vehicles were not unloaded at Calais, returning to England in the ship`s hold. Furthermore, command arrangments were confused: orders were originally
given on arrival by a ‘Town Colonel’, then by a liaison officer from the BEF, and finally by the War Office. The original plan for Calais was to keep the port open for as long as possible and then for the Royal Navy to JOURNAL 2010
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
70th ANNIVERSARY OF DEFENCE OF CALAIS - VISIT - 26 MAY 2010 evacuate the defenders, as happened on 24 May with 20 Guards Brigade at Boulogne, but on 25 May Sir Anthony Eden, Secretary of State for War and a former KRRC officer, signalled to HQ 30 Infantry Brigade: ‘Defence of Calais to the utmost is of vital importance to our Country and BEF and as showing our continued cooperation with France’. Evacuation subsequently became impossible. Thus it was that the perimeter held by the Brigade, faced with continuing attacks from 10 Panzer Division and Stuka dive-bombers, was gradually reduced, eventually forcing the Brigade Commander, Brigadier Claude Nicholson, to surrender to the Germans at the Citadel at 4.30 pm on 26 May.
number of Calaisiens. Last Post and Reveillé were sounded by Bugle-Major T. McKann and two Buglers of the Waterloo Band. Wreaths were laid by:
Seventy years later to the day, 200 Club and Association members and families of Calais veterans made their way to Calais by bus from Winchester and London, including two Calais veterans, Sergeant Harry Baker of 1 QVR and Mr W. Harding, a Gunner who was subsequently awarded a DCM for his successful escape from a German prisoner-of-war camp.
• Mr G. Driscoll, The Royal Green Jackets
The Winchester contingent got off to a bad start, their bus only just managing to reach the M3 motorway before breaking down. However a replacement arrived after an hour and the contingent still had time on arrival at Le Cercle Amicale Maritime in Calais to enjoy a welcome glass of champagne kindly provided by the QVR. 164 people then sat down to an excellent lunch accompanied by good French wine before port, provided by 7 RIFLES, was served and toasts proposed to The Queen, the President of France, and Fallen Comrades.
• The Mayor of Calais • General J. M. Rommel, La Légion d’Honneur • Major-General M. J. H. Walsh CB, CBE, DSO, DL, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps • Major-General Sir Michael CarletonSmith KB, CBE, DL, The Rifle Brigade • Sergeant H. Baker, Queen Victoria’s Rifles
• Captain D. Tranham, 7 RIFLES The day in Calais ended with a visit to the Calais-Sud cemetery where the majority of the 200 hundred Green Jacket dead are buried. Thanks to the Channel Tunnel and working buses some weary but very contented passengers returned home after an uneventful journey. All felt their early start and late return had been worth the satisfaction of a day remembering the gallant defenders of Calais, and all were most grateful for the excellent arrangements made by Mr Richard Frost (KRRC), Major Ron Cassidy (RB) and Mr Tommy Hummerstone (QVR).
Four members of the Nelson family, whose father was a QVR platoon commander captured at Calais on 24 May, were present for the lunch and service at Lunch was followed by a visit to the Green the Green Jacket Memorial. Jacket Memorial on the western jetty where a simple but moving service was The senior member in a letter of thanks conducted by the Reverend B. D. Burbidge, wrote: ‘Yesterday was a memorable and the padre of 7 RIFLES, in the presence of enjoyable day … and emotional too, but the Mayor of Calais, the President of the the culture and cheerful spirit of the Calais branch of the Légion d’Honneur, Green Jackets really shone through’ – a several French officials, ten French sentiment shared by all of us who were standard-bearers and an Honour Guard there. from 7 RIFLES. The congregation was over Colonel (retd) IH McCausland 200 strong with a sizeable additional JOURNAL 2010
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE ROYAL GREEN JACKETS (RIFLES) MUSEUM 2010 Deadlines for the submission of contributions to the Association Journal are so tight that 2010 has barely ended. The Accounts for the year have yet to be prepared and so it is not possible to be sure of the financial outcome. The probability is that, thanks to some generous donations from individuals, the Museum will have concluded the year with a small operating surplus. The overall financial outcome masks both success and disappointment. The refurbishment of the shop, including new lines for sale, and the introduction of on-line purchasing had a dramatic effect with turnover doubling in the last seven months of the year. There was also a pleasing 13% increase in the amount of income derived from the museum staff answering research enquiries. The big disappointment was a 5% decline in visitor numbers to 10,756. This is the fourth successive year in which visitor numbers have fallen from a peak of 12,604 in 2006. It is not possible to be absolutely certain why visitor numbers have declined. Sunday closing two years ago obviously had an effect. Some may also point, in the current economic climate, to members of the public having less money for discretionary expenditure on museum visits. However, it is not the number of paying visitors that has fallen but the number eligible for free entry, for example, those in training at Sir John Moore Barracks, of whom there are now fewer. The most likely reason for the fall in visitor numbers is inadequate marketing. As a preliminary to focusing on improved marketing, the Museum participated throughout the second half of 2010, together with eight other museums in Hampshire & Isle of Wight, in a project titled ‘Breaking Barriers Report. This project requires the Museum to produce by February 2011 a wellresearchedAudienceDevelopmentPlan SWIFT AND BOLD
The Museum staff (L to R): Julie Nugent (Museum Assistant), Maj Ken Gray (Keeper of the Archives), Christine Pullen (Curator), Laura Swanborough (Shop Manager)
to raise the Museum’s profile, broaden its appeal and market it proactively and cost-effectively in order to increase the numbers of Museum visitors and users, income they generate. Hopefully, there will be encouraging news to relate on the outcome in the 2011 Museum Report. The biggest challenge facing the Museum as a nationally Accredited Museum is constantly striving to maintain and improve the standards of documentation, conservation and display of its extensive collection of artefacts with limited resources. The oft-quoted mantra that museums must be prepared to do more with less eventually becomes unachievable if it means doing more of the same with less. Some aspects of museum activity inevitably have to be forgone in favour of higher priority tasks. Fortunately the Museum is blessed with some extremely dedicated members of staff, both full-time and part-time, together with a number of committed volunteers, supporters and Friends. Without their efforts and donations the Museum would cease to be a museum of which the Regiment may be justifiably proud.
The future, however, promises to be even more challenging than the present. In particular, and in the wake of Government announcements in October about the Comprehensive Spending Review and the Strategic Defence and Security Review, an MOD study of the organisation and funding of Army regimental and corps museums was initiated. The outcome will not be known until mid 2011 and any changes will not be implemented before 1 April 2012. It is difficult to imagine that the Museum, and others like it in receipt of MOD funding, will not be affected in some way or other by required savings measures. If so, the almost certain corollary is that every potential source of income will need to be exploited to the full if the Museum is to fulfil its purpose, extend its existing programme of continuous improvement and to flourish. The support of the Regiment and its members, therefore, is likely to be just as, if not more, important in future than it has been in the past. So if you were thinking of making a donation, or leaving a legacy to the Museum, or becoming a Friend of the Museum, please do not hesitate to do so. JOURNAL 2010
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
The principal improvements to the Museum during the past year have been the shop refurbishment, the introduction of an information screen in the front entrance, the installation of a new internal CCTV system, and changes to a number of displays, including replacement glazing. As a result of comments expressed in visitor surveys, a programme of relabelling all exhibits throughout the Museum is underway. This is being carried out in conjunction with a reassessment of the exhibits and whether or not to retain them on display. In the interests of the labels taking up less space and making them more accessible within the display cases, the old system of labelling each item as belonging to one of the antecedent regiments – Oxf & Bucks LI, KRRC or RB -is being abandoned. As forecast in the 2009 Museum Report, the next major project for action is the updating of the RGJ section to the point on 1 February 2007 when the Regiment became a part of The Rifles.
successful assault at Twin Peaks on 24 January 1900. As stated in the 2009 Museum Report, the Trustees remain very keen to acquire material dating from the period 1966
Col David Wood’s medals including the French Legion d’Honneur (extreme right)
to 2007 to enhance the RGJ section of the Museum. If you have any material objects, letters, maps or whatever - that you think may be useful, please do not hesitate to consult the Curator.
Museum Website
The website received an increased number of visitors during 2010 with an
Copies of a number of letters sent to his parents from the Crimea by Lieutenant WJM Cuninghame, who was awarded a VC for his gallantry while serving with 1 RB at Sebastopol on 20 November 1854.
Finally, don ’t forget that Association members are entitled to free entry to the Museum on the Saturday and Sunday of the RGJ Regimental Association Reunion weekend in Winchester in July_ and to a 50% discount at all other times. The staffmuch look forward to welcoming you. CONTACT INFORMATION To contact the Museum staff, please telephone 01962 828549, or e-mail: or write to: The Curator, The Royal Green Jackets (Rifles) Museum, Peninsula Barracks, Romsey Road, Winchester, Hants, SO23 8TS. If you would like more information about forthcoming events, please consult the Museum website and/or contact the Museum staff.
There have been a number of very welcome acquisitions during 2010, including:
A very handsome silver matchbox holder which belonged to LieutenantColonel RG Buchanan-Riddell, who was killed during the South African War by a Boer sniper after leading 3 KRRC in a
The Museum mounted one temporary exhibition in May/June titled ‘Against the Odds: Dunkirk & Calais, 1940’. Prompted by an article in The Times, the exhibition attracted considerable interest. During the year 459 people (453) attended evening talks, 387 adults and children (453) attended the two ‘Family Fun for All’ days, and 201 people (175) visited over the course of the Heritage Open Weekend in September. (2009 figures in brackets)
The orders and medals of Colonel DJ Wood MBE, who as a young Lieutenant, aged 21, took part as a member of D Company, 2 Oxf & Bucks LI (52nd), in the successful coup de main assault on Pegasus Bridge on D Day, 6 June 1944.
Lt-Col Buchanan-Riddell, killed leading 3 KRRC at Twin Peaks on 24 Jan 1900
average of 2,500 a month. The website is regularly updated. Those wishing to find out ‘What’s On’, read the latest news or make an on-line shop purchase should turn first to the website. The website also features an Object and a Photo of the Month from the Museum’s collections, as well as an item headed ‘Did You Know That?’.
If you would like to make a donation to the Museum, please send it to Mrs Christine Pullen, the Museum Curator, at the above address. Cheques should be made payable to ‘RGJ Museum Trust’. Payments may also be made over the telephone by debit or credit card. All donations will be acknowledged. At the same time you will be asked, if eligible, to sign and return a Gift Aid Declaration Form. If you would like more information about becoming a Friend of the Museum, please contact Major Ken Gray, Honorary Secretary of the Friends, on 01962 877165 or e-mail: Christopher Wallace
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
THE VICTORIA CROSS - AWARDED TO MEMBERS OF THE FORMER REGIMENTS FOR VALOUR 59 VC`s have been awarded to members of the antecedent regiments (Regular, Service and Territorial battalions) of The Royal Green Jackets + = Posthumous e = Elected by Ballot Please read left to right for date order Rfn F. Wheatley DCM SEBASTOPOL 1854 RB
Lt the Hon H.H. Clifford INKERMAN 1854 RB
Lt W.J.M. Cuninghame SEBASTOPOL 1854 RB
Lt C.T. Bourchier SEBASTOPOL 1854 RB
Rfn J. Bradshaw SEBASTOPOL 1855 RB
Rfn R. Humpston SEBASTOPOL 1855 RB
Rfn R. McGregor SEBASTOPOL 1855 RB
Rfn S. Turner DEHLI 1857 KRRC
Ensn E.A. Lisle Phillipps+ 1857 DEHLI KRRC
Bgr R. Hawthorne DEHLI 1857 52nd LI
C/Sgt S. Garvin DEHLI 1857 KRRC
Ensn E.A.S. Heathcote e DEHLI 1857 KRRC
C/Sgt G. Waller e DEHLI 1857 KRRC
L/Cpl H. Smith DEHLI 1857 52nd LI
Rfn W.J. Thompson e DEHLI 1857 KRRC
Rfn J. Divane (Duane) e DEHLI 1857 KRRC
Bglr W. Sutton e DEHLI 1857 KRRC
Rfn V. Bambrick INDIA 1858 KRRC
Rfn S. Shaw INDIA 1858 RB
Capt H. Wilmot LUCKNOW 1858 RB
Cpl W. Nash LUCKNOW 1858 RB
Rfn D. Hawkes LUCKNOW 1858 RB
Pte H. Addison INDIA 1859 43rd LI
Capt F.A. Smith NEW ZEALAND 1864 43rd LI
Rfn T. O`Hea CANADA 1866 RB
Bt Lt Col R.H. Buller CB ZULULAND 1879 KRRC
Rfn F. Corbett (Embleton) EGYPT 1882 KRRC
Lt P.S. Marling SUDAN 1884 KRRC
Capt W.N. Congreve SOUTH AFRICA 1899 RB
Lt the Hon. F.H.S. Roberts+ SOUTH AFRICA 1899 KRRC
Rfn A.E. Durrant SOUTH AFRICA 1900 RB
Lt L.A.E. Price-Davies DSO SOUTH AFRICA 1901 KRRC
Bt Maj J.E. Gough SOMALILAND 1903 RB
Lt J.H.S. Dimmer BELGIUM 1914 KRRC
Lt J.F.P. Butler WEST AFRICA 1914 KRRC
CSM H. Daniels FRANCE 1915 RB
A/Cpl C.R. Noble+ FRANCE 1915 RB
2/Lt G.H. Woolley BELGIUM 1915 QVR (KRRC)
L/Sgt D.W. Belcher BELGIUM 1915 LRB
Rfn W. Mariner (Wignall) FRANCE 1915 KRRC
2/Lt S.C. Woodroffe+ BELGIUM 1915 RB
Rfn G.S. Peachment+ France 1915 KRRC
Cpl A.G. Drake+ BELGIUM 1915 RB
Bt Maj W.LaT. Congreve DSO MC+ FRANCE 1916 RB
Sgt A. Gill+ FRANCE 1916 KRRC
2Lt G.E. Cates+ FRANCE 1917 RB
CSM E. Brooks FRANCE 1917 Oxf&Bucks LI
Sgt E. Cooper BELGIUM 1917 KRRC
Sgt W.F. Burman BELGIUM 1917 RB
Sgt A.J. Knight BELGIUM 1917 Post Office Rifles
Rfn A.E. Shepherd FRANCE 1917 KRRC
L/Cpl J.A. Christie PALESTINE 1917 Finsbury Rifles
L/Sgt J.E. Woodall FRANCE 1918 RB
Sgt W. Gregg DCM MM FRANCE 1918 RB
Rfn W. Beesley FRANCE 1918 RB
L/Cpl A. Wilcox FRANCE 1918 Oxf & Bucks LI
Rfn J. Beeley+ NORTH AFRICA 1941 KRRC
Lt Col V.B. Turner NORTH AFRICA 1942 RB
The ranks and decorations shown were those held at the time of the act of gallantry for which the VC was subsequently awarded.
Two VC`s have been awarded Capt H.S. Rankin+ to medical officers attached to FRANCE 1914 RAMC attd KRRC the antecedent regiments of the RGJ
Lt G.A. Maling FRANCE 1915 RAMC attd RB
Privates in the KRRC and RB were known as Riflemen, although the rank was not formally approved until 1923.
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
OBITUARY, COLONEL ROBIN EVELEGH LATE RGJ (By kind permission of The Times)
Colonel JRGN Evelegh
Robin Evelegh was a man of questioning mind but his self-depreciatory manner and amusing style of conversation had a tendency to undermine the value of his perception. He twice commanded 3 RGJ in Belfast. The first occasion, at the end of a summer of violence in 1972, led him to try to analyse the reasons for the heightening turmoil. John Robin Garnet Nial Evelegh was born in 1932 in Madras, the son of Colonel E. N. Evelegh, late Royal Engineers. Educated at Rugby and Magdalen College, Oxford, where he took a degree in modern history, he was commissioned into the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (43rd & 52nd) in 1952. His early service included duty in North Borneo during the Indonesian armed “confrontation” with Malaysia, with the United Nations Force in Cyprus and as ADC to the Commander 1 st (British) Corps with the British Army of the Rhine. Promoted to lieutenant-colonel at the age of 37, he was the military assistant to the MasterGeneral of the Ordnance until selected in 1972 to reform 3rd Royal Green Jackets, a battalion of the regiment into which his own had been incorporated, which had been reduced to company size in the 1968 Defence Review. On achieving operational readiness, his battalion undertook a four-month emergency tour of duty in the Upper Falls area of Belfast in the late summer of 1972. His personal doubts over security force effectiveness played no part in his communications with his soldiers, which were invariably clear and straightforward. His robust leadership nevertheless concealed concern that little, if any, progress was being made towards reducing the antagonism between communities and the murder and
mayhem it generated. His conclusions were later expressed in his book PeaceKeeping in a Democratic Society -The Lessons of Northern Ireland (1978), providing cautionary reading to those responsible for the direction of British involvement in the convoluted attempts to contain the violence in Yugoslavia in the 1990s and counter-insurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wrote: “The gap between theory (in dealing with violence in a community) and practice is that the Army has been left to operate in this role without discernible constitutional rules to guide it or a clear chain of constitutional responsibility. This has led to the Army acting with certain aimlessness and with repeated changes of policy as it tried to respond to each new wave of pressure that washed over it in order to please everybody.” As a serving officer, it would not have been helpful for him to speak his mind publicly in Northern Ireland in 1972, yet he never hesitated to set out his views frankly to senior officers visiting his Belfast headquarters. His return to the same operational sector towards the end of the following year found a quieter situation, as the antagonists reorganised and rearmed, but Eveleigh’s concern over the lack of a consistent policy to address the root causes of the grievances and the conflict remained. He was mentioned in dispatches after this second tour of duty but received no decoration. Between relinquishing command of 3rd Royal Green Jackets in 1974 and promotion to colonel two years later, he returned to Oxford to undertake a defence fellowship study that was to be the basis for his book. He had left the Army before publication in 1978 but the book emerged as an historically critical analysis of the problems that arise when government legislation and military practice fail to keep abreast, especially when the changing nature of conflict occurs within societies rather than between sovereign states.
Drawing on extensive research into the legal issues, Evelegh pointed out the dangers not only of failing to update key legislation relating to the use of armed force in the maintenance of law and JOURNAL 2010 49
order, limiting the Army’s usefulness, but also to relatively minor, less obvious issues; for example, rules preventing soldiers demanding driving licences or vehicle documents at checkpoints. He also criticised the propensity of British lawmakers to be imprecise -to leave flexibility in interpretation -with inevitable penalties to those attempting to apply them to an emergency situation. The book highlighted the weakness in British practice of detecting wrongdoers, however sound the procedures might be once they have been identified. This had serious consequences in Northern Ireland. Promoted to colonel in 1976, he was appointed head of the department of the Ministry of Defence responsible for monitoring and briefing on defence related developments in the Middle East. This was a job to which he was well suited but he decidedtoleavetheArmybeforetheendof the year to set up Ridgeway International, together with two brother officers from the Royal Green Jackets. Ridgeway soon found its niche in the international transport and shipping of explosives and ammunition for governments and commerce. As the company’s managing director for many years, Evelegh became a respected authority within the explosives logistics industry and sat on a number of government committees concerned with its regulation. In 1999 he became involved in a project to create a publicly accessible museum in Oxfordshire dealing with the histories of the county’s military, including the County Yeomanry. The Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars and the Oxford University Officers Training Corps as well as the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. The “Soldiers of Oxfordshire” museum is expected to open in the garden of the existing County Museum at Woodstock in 2012. He was an active member of the Wantage Conservative Party and helped to teach conversational English to immigrants living in Abingdon. Robin Evelegh is survived by his wife and two sons, one of whom served in the RGJ, and a daughter. Colonel J. R. G. N. Evelegh, soldier and author, was born on November 23, 1932. He died on May 15, 2010, aged 77.
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental association
OBITUARY NOTICES 14 JANUARY 2010 - 8 JANUARY 2011 Courtney Oxley-Boyle, Capt Desmond Eric-14 January 2010 Brownson, Lee Cpl – 3Rifles – KIA Afghanistan 15 Jan 2010 Farmer, Luke Rfn – 3Rifles – KIA Afghanistan 15 Jan 2010 Cresswell, John (SAS) 1GJ – 1RGJ – 15 January 2010 Aldridge, Peter –Rfn – 3Rifles – KIA Afghanistan 22 Jan 2010 Trevithick, (Maverick) Paul – 3GJ & 3RGJ 22 January 2010 Sefton, John – formerly Cpl KRRC – 23 January 2010 Cooper, Daniel-L/Cpl- 3Rifles– KIA Afghanistan 24 Jan 2010 Easdon, Anne – W/O Adam (Jock) 14 February 2010 Marshall, Mark Rfn – 6Rifles- KIA Afghanistan 15 Feb 2010 Wheeler, Douglas – formerly KRRC – 15 February 2010 Dardis, Mick – formerly 4RGJ – February 2010 Kinggett, Martin, Rfn – 4Rifles - KIA Afghanistan 25 Feb 2010 Costin Mark – formerly 2RGJ – February 2010 Apolis, Carlo – Rfn - 4Rifles - KIA Afghanistan 1 March 2010 Green, Richard- Cpl - 3Rifles - KIA Afghanistan 2 March 2010 Allott, Jonathan–Rfn- 3Rifles - KIA Afghanistan 7 March 2010 Maughan, Liam - Rfn-3Rifles - KIA Afghanistan 7 March 2010 Keogh, Tom – L/Cpl – 4Rifles - KIA Afghanistan 7 March 2010 Thompson, Steven – Cpl-1Rifles- KIA Afghanistan 7 Mar 2010 Allen, Jean – wife of Frank RB, 2-3RGJ - 15 March 2010 Clarke, Ray – formerly RB, 3RGJ – 16 March 2010 Mitchell, Michael (Punchy) RB-3GJ 22 March 2010 Campbell, Steven-Sjt-3Rifles-KIA Afghanistan 22 March 2010 Holkham, Daniel-Rfn-3Rifles-KIA Afghanistan 27 March 2010 Mullan, Harry Charles-BEM-60th 29 March 2010 Bourke, William, (Marty) formerly KRRC-2RGJ 31 March 2010 Turner, Mark-Rfn- 3Rifles-KIA Afghanistan 4 April 2010 Kyrle Simond Lt Col C- MBE-LRB-11 April 2010
Arnold, Vera-Wife of Alfie Arnold- 14 April 2010 Parker Ian - post dated entry died 2006 Pepper, Pauline - wife of Brian Pepper - 8 May 2010 Charlton, John `Charley` - 3RGJ - 14 May 2010 Evelegh, Colonel Robin - O & B LI - RGJ - 15 May 2010 Selby, John James - RB - 3RGJ - 15 June 2010 Vernon, Cyril William `Bill` - 8RB 1944-45 - 2 July 2010 Bell, (Geordie) Joe - 3RGJ, 2RGJ - 15 July 2010 Cummings, Robert - 3RGJ - Killed Afghanistan 20 July 2010 Bygraves, Max - Lt Div Buglle Major - August 2010 Green, Coliin - KRRC - 2GJ - 2RGJ - 7 August 2010 Chavner, Eddie - 3RGJ - 19 August 2010 Wheatley, Philip Charles - 4RGJ - 23 August 2010 Coldham, Fred - Rifle Brigade 1953-56- 25 August 2010 Johnson, David - RGJ - 29 August 2010 Clark, Hugh - Capt, MC - Oxf & Bucks LI 11 September 2010 Dodson, Lotty - wife of Richard (Dickie) - 15 September 2010 Seymour, GR, Major CVO-DL - KRRC - 6th October 2010 Hills, Ron - Rifle Brigade 1953-55 - 9th November 2010 Edwards, Brian - 1RGJ Band - 13th November 2010 Cleaver, Bill - 1951-53 Nat Service - 14TH November 2010 Bateman, Norman - 1RGJ 1975-89 - 24TH November 2010 Chessum, Edward - WO2 7 Rifles - 1st December 2010 Bines, Phillip - The Rifle Brigade - 3rd December 2010 Mitchell, Brian (Mitch) - 3RGJ - 10th December 2010 Cormack, David - 2GJ- 2RGJ 1968-1988 - 22nd December 2010 Conlon, George, Formerly Rifle Brigade - 25 December 2010 Wilmot, George, Formerly 60th Rifles - 3rd January 2011 Kearl, Capt DV, Formerly 2GJ - 2RGJ - 8th January 2011
OBITUARY, FORMER BUGLE MAJOR COLIN GREEN- KRRC & 2ND BN RGJ ColinGreenwasbornonOctober2nd,1939 at Winton, Bournemouth and on leaving school he worked for his father and then another local butcher. He originally joined the local, 256 Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment Royal Artillery TA, in 1957. However, when delivering orders one day he met a Sgt PaddyMcCannofthe60th,arecruiterinthe Bournemouth Office. He was so impressed with what McCann had to say about the regiment, that with the orders still in the basket and the bike parked outside, he went into the recruiting office and signed on in the 60th Rifles. The customers’ orders were delivered. The new Rifleman Green completed his training at Winchester and joined his battalion in Ballykinler, Northern Ireland. Next posting for the Battalion was West Berlin in an old Wermacht Barracks close to Spandau Prison. Colin was, by now, thanks to the tutelage of the legendary Bugle Major Reuben Silver, (who fought at Calais in 1940 and became a POW), an able Bugler. Sadly, Silver died watching a football match on the barracks pitch. SWIFT AND BOLD
Colin continued to serve with the battalion, returning to be stationed at Colchester. Colin and Billie married in Colchester in December 1962 and their son Mark was born in 1963. Whilst in Colchester, the battalion was sent to BritishGuyanaforlocalproblems.Thencame Penang, Malaysia and then the Indonesian Confrontation in Borneo. The Green Jackets became The Royal Green Jackets in January 1966. Colin was first appointed Bugle Major in 1966 and further promotion followed. He finally retired in August 1994 leaving to those who had met him, myriads of memories, particularly of the accuracy, style and panâche, which he brought to his share of Light Division music. Colin died on August 7th, 2010 and was buried on August 19th with a host of his chums in attendance.
There is, of course, much more to a chap than that. Colin’s fascination with uniforms of different periods led to serious and perceptive study, along with his creating model soldier replicas. His wide interest in both soldiers’ equipment and music had 50
him often consulted for opinions and these frequently caused research and discussion until points were resolved. Major Ron Berry recounts how when they were teaching in America and when Colin was giving lessons to the Cadets on “bulling” their boots. Most evenings he would have fifty or sixty Cadets under instruction outside hisquarters.TheCadetslovedhimastothem he was like something from another planet with his great moustaches and somehow one can imagine the conversation and the later, “chat”, when on parade! Colin’s legendary standing next had he and Billie moving North so he might become Bugle Major to the 7th Battalion, The Light Infantry. It was not long before he created a first class bugle section, one to equal any in theregulararmy. Doesthearmystillfindsuch characters as Bugle Major Colin Green now? He is, certainly, sorely missed. Colin’s ashes were scattered on Horse Guards Parade on Remembrance Sunday as per his wishes. JOURNAL 2010
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