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Band & Bugles

Band & Bugl es reunion report - belated - WINC HESTER - OCT 2009 The 2009 reunion started with me arriving late to find more members than ever already there and raring to go. I quickly started to sign members in and try to sell them 2010 diaries. Here’s a summary of my introduction to the day. Good afternoon Ladies, Gentlemen, Honouree Members, New Members, Guests and those uninvited. Thank you for attending this year’s reunion, my 6th at the helm. This year the raffle will be drawn during lunch. I have a few things of relevant importance to say this year. If you have any suggestions, complaints or questions please write, email or phone me after the weekend as I have a tendency to forget them by Sunday morning. Since our last meeting it has been bought to the committee’s attention that some things of importance to many of you have drifted away from the reunion. So I have resigned myself to the fact that this is my fault for letting this happen and will try and get it right in the future. So I must ask you all to show your thanks to: Tom Goudie and his helpers and also to the bar staff for all their hard work now and in the next 12 hours, Members of the Waterloo Band & Bugles of the Rifles for bringing their kit along to allow some of us to have a blow, Tony Dowd and his mate for arranging the Raffle, Nearly there but not quite, I would like you all to thank the secretary-me- for trying to get it right! FINALLY Would you all please be upstanding and raise your glass with me in a toast to remember those who have left us since last year. ALAN ATCHINSON DAVE JENKINS TERRY BROOKS MARTYN SUMNER RAY FOSTER JIM McQUAID PETER CAIN JOHN POWELL AND ALL THOSE WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE Absent friends! Dave Timms “I have a few things of relevant importance to say this year. I f you have any suggestions, complaints or questions please write, email or phone me after the weekend as I have a tendency to forget them by S unday morning.” RGJ Band members at their

Winchester reunion


King’s Royal Rifl e Corps Association report

“M any, if not all, members will have heard of the death of the legendary Bugle M ajor Colin Green BEM . Colin joined the King’s Royal Rifle Corps/2nd Green Jackets in 1959 and not long after the untimely death of Bugle M ajor Ruben Silver in Berlin he became Bugle M ajor. M any members and friends attended C olin’s funeral in M iddlesbrough on July 19th and our condolences go out to B illie his widow. A full obituary of Colin’s life and service will be published in the King’s Royal Rifle Corps 2011 Journal and the Rifle’s C hronicle. M ay he Res t in Peace.”

Our Association continues to thrive with over 1,500 Members world-wide. A Journal is produced each March to which members are encouraged to send articles and photographs for inclusion. The Annual Reunion at Davies Street held jointly with the Rifle Brigade Association was held in London on Cup Final Day to which over 200 Old & Bold attended, having a most convivial evening, meeting old friends. If you would like to join us next year you will be interested to know that the date of the Reunion is Cup Final Day, May 14th, when the doors will open at 17-30hrs. Cost of admission is £10 and includes a hot or cold buffet meal. Tickets can only be obtained at the door on the day. Many people book accommodation at the Union Jack Club in Waterloo or at the Victory Ex-Services Club in Seymour Place close to Marble Arch underground station on the Central Line, however it is wise to book early as it is Cup Final Day. We held our 26th Annual Band and Bugles Concert in February that was pretty much sold out six months before the event. If you are interested in attending next year the date of the concert is Thursday, February 17th, tickets are £15 each and your cheque should be made payable to “Central Fund the London Regt (KRRC)”, should be sent to Hon Sec, KRRC Assn, 52/56 Davies Street, London W1K 5HR. Our Annual General meeting will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 20th commencing at 14-30hrs at Davies Street. This will tie in perfectly for those wishing to attend the annual Regents Park Memorial Service held at 11a.m. As an Association we meet on the anniversary of the atrocity at the Bandstand along with family and friends of those who perished there. The bar will be open at Davies Street for all to return there after the Service and those wishing to stay for our AGM will be most welcome. On Remembrance Sunday as is customary the KRRC contingent will gather on Horse Guards Parade and march past at the Cenotaph. A buffet lunch will be available at Davies Street for those wishing to return there. A limited number of tickets are available for a brief service at The Queen’s Westminsters Memorial in Westminster Abbey prior to the National Memorial Service. If you are unable to join the parade at the Cenotaph and would like to attend the service in the Abbey please let the Hon Sec, KRRC Assn know ASAP. The KRRC Association Headquarters Committee its Officer’s and all members wish all our fellow Riflemen a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous future. Richard Frost

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