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KRRC Report . Crime Prevention . Mark Adams

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London Branch

London Branch

The summer months have found Alamein busy, starting at the end of the football fixtures in late spring early summer (18 Mounted Officers of all ranks have received a commendation for the part they played in the Millwall -V-West Ham football violence which made the national news in August 2009 ) with his ceremonial duties. The Mounted Branch performs various functions around the ceremonial events of central London. These range from counter terrorist patrols around the environs of military procession routes through to controlling the large crowds that descend daily on the Buckingham Palace Guard Change ceremony throughout the high season. The branch also provide daily mounted escorts for the Queens Life Guard, some officers sweep the routes in advance and closer officers deal with the traffic and those members of the public that think it’s OK to run out in front of a Troop of cavalry! The Trooping of The Colour (and this spring) a State Opening of Parliament also keeps us on our toes with early morning rehearsals requiring a 2am start. Throughout these very high profile events the branch fulfils a variety of roles from general policing of the crowds through to more specialised tasks. Alamein is also familiar with being ridden close to carriages and this year he has been used to escort The Regalia Carriage that carries Her Majesties Crown on State occasions. Foreign Ambassadors presenting their credentials to Her Majesty in Royal Mews carriages are also escorted by Mounted Officers with motorcycle out riders, often at a fast trot through some of London’s busiest streets. This duty is always a great favourite with the officers. As the summer heats up and high temperatures, long school holidays and too much alcohol start to manifest themselves in violence and disorder the Mounted Branch are frequently called upon to provide extra support in ‘hot spots’ These crime patrols can be anywhere in London. Residents in the most urban of locations some who would not normally speak to the police, love to see the horses and will spend time talking to officers. Already this year Mounted Officers have been involved in a number of incidents including the stopping of a vehicle used by known armed criminals and the capture of a burglar. Alamein has played an active role in burglary patrols around the Brixton area. As with most things relating too crime the fear is often disproportionate to the reality. However taking care will reduce the chances of falling victim to criminals: 1) The high profile property marking and recording of valuables is a deterrent. Post coded property is harder to sell as the criminals know that it is traceable. 2) If you can afford it burglar alarms and good sturdy windows and doors with decent locks will help to keep thieves out. 3) Local watch schemes and looking after your neighbours works well in some communities. This is important if you are going away. In the summer unmown grass or wheelie bins left out and in the autumn or winter leaves on drive ways, can tell thieves that your home is unoccupied. When the nights draw in, dark houses with drawn curtains are also a give away. 4) Do not leave valuables on display. 5) Don’t leave wallets or car keys out in the hall or in the fruit bowl on the microwave. 6) In hot weather do not leave downstairs or reachable windows open at night. 7) Make sure that garages and sheds are properly secure. Thieves will often use your tools to break in. This way they don’t risk being arrested for going equipped to steal as they travel around. 8) Cancel milk and papers before going away. For more information about crime reduction and crime in your local area in general please visit the Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhoods Website. http://www.met.police.uk/ saferneighbourhoods/ Jon Taylor “The branch also provide daily mounted escorts for the Queens Life Guard, some officers sweep the routes in advance and closer officers deal with the traffic and those members of the public that think it’s OK to run out in front of a Troop of c avalry!” Police Horse Alamein on duty in The Mall GUAR DIAN O F THE GUEST BOOKS - MARK ADAMS Mark Adams is the third and without doubt the most undervalued member of the Web Site Team. The chances are that unless you use one of the many Guest Books on the Association site you will not have come in contact with him because Marks job within the Team is to regulate those books and the Bulletin boards that help our members communicate with one another but its not just about removing the odd swear word. Its also means doing a very thankless job in such a way that keeps the peace and ensures that certain behaviour lines are not crossed within the public domain. Not always an easy job to do! We thank you for that Mark!

ON YER BIKE EUROPE Bill `Dutch` Holland completed 1500 miles and two weeks in the saddle between 26th June and 11th July this year in support of the Care for Casualties appeal. Bills Marathon ride was dedicated to Rfn Andrew Fentiman who was killed in Helmand whilst serving with 3 Rifles. Currently the amount raised is £4589 but it is expected that this will increase to £5000 when all sponsor money is collected Well done Bill!


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