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Study facilities
Our state-of-the art facilities and friendly staff will help you get the most out of your studies.
With a large part of your academic life spent in self-directed study you will almost certainly be making fi rm friends with the university library, both online and on campus. The Emily Wilding Davison Building
Our library is located within the fl agship Emily Wilding Davison Building, which is at the heart of our campus. The building is named after one of Britain’s most famous suff ragettes, and Royal Holloway alumna, Emily Wilding Davison.
Everything about the library was created with your ambitions in mind. We’re open for you seven days a week nearly all year round, with plenty of space to learn. You can easily and quickly access all the current reading list materials and browse our extensive physical and online book and journal collection. You can’t fail to feel inspired with study spaces off ering views of the impressive Founder’s Building and the beautiful Surrey countryside. Presented with such a vast array of books and research materials, available at the click of a mouse or the perusal of a thumb, you might, at fi rst, feel a little overwhelmed. To help make things easier and to assist you with your essays, dissertation and project work, we off er library skills training as well as support and advice from expert staff , including specialist subject librarians. We also have laptops available on self-service.
As well as the library, the Emily Wilding Davison Building is also where you can access other non-academic support and guidance you need to succeed, including Student Services, Careers & Employability, a shop, exhibition space and café. The building, along with others on campus including Shilling and Moore, is also built to be sustainable, using photovoltaics to create energy in a carbon neutral way, and using rainwater to fl ush all toilets in the building.
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Other areas for study
The original and historic Victorian Reading Room in the Founder’s Building continues to play an integral part of our library service, providing further study spaces. Additionally, every Royal Holloway student has access to Senate House Library, in central London. Within its walls, you’ll fi nd Arts, Humanities and Social Science research collections and special collections giving you access to millions of books and journals. Many of its digital resources are also accessible remotely.