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Academic support
We know you want to feel confi dent studying at university which is why we provide academic support from the day you arrive until you graduate.
The transition from sixth form to university is a big life step. There are new people to befriend as well as a new way of living, working and studying, away from established support networks. All of this can be a challenge to take in at once. It can also take some getting used to if you’ve been out of education for a while. We off er a number of initiatives to help ensure your fi rst year of studying is successful. Peer Guide
During your fi rst week with us, you will be introduced to your Peer Guide. They’re a fellow student, specifi cally selected and trained for the role, there to off er informal, non-judgmental support and advice about being a Royal Holloway student. Personal Tutor
You will also be assigned to a Personal Tutor, a member of staff in your academic department, in case you should need someone to turn to for advice about personal and practical matters or your academic progress.
%87 Overall student satisfaction
(National Student Survey, 2020) Reaching your potential
When it comes to queries of a purely academic nature, the Centre for the Development of Academic Skills (CeDAS) is there to help you reach your full academic potential through: • workshops that introduce you to crucial academic skills • sessions that focus on writing in your discipline • courses that develop your confi dence and competence in academic English • 1:1 advice from experts to help you master a statistical technique, guide you on a maths problem, or sharpen your academic writing skills • drop-in sessions for advice from student mentors. International students
For international students, adapting to university life can sometimes be particularly challenging, especially if English is not your fi rst language. If this applies to you, we off er presessional English language programmes to help build your confi dence in your use of English in an academic setting. The programmes run before the start of the academic year and last for either 12, eight or four weeks, depending on your profi ciency in English and the level required for your degree course. Visit our website for more information.
“CeDAS have provided me with important writing skills that have helped me achieve the marks that I’ve been aiming for. The tutors are extremely helpful and always welcoming. They’ve really helped me to develop my confi dence and my own voice in my writing, and now I enjoy writing essays more because of the support I have received. I also feel a lot more assured as a university student because of the academic support structures that Royal Holloway off ers.”
Lily, BA History