2018 January & February Newsletter

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January & February 2018

Happy New Year to all my fellow Members, As I reflect on 2017 and years past, I think of how blessed we all are to be a part of Royal Oaks Country Club. This year, we attended our New Year’s Eve event at the Club. If you were there, you witnessed how special our Club and Members are. Thanks to the committees and staff for an amazing job with the James Bond theme. The entrance, décor, band, ambiance, food, service and the entire event was a display of just how special our Club is. I am also impressed by the people I am proud to call my friends and fellow Members. This is what is unique about Royal Oaks. I realized we have all sorts of people who are Members of this Club for different reasons, but all have a common thread, we choose to be here because we want to be around other people who share the same values and wish to enjoy the benefits of our Membership. This leads me to my point for this article. What is the future of our Club and what kind of Club do we want for the next 20 years? The Club was founded in 1999 and we are approaching our 20th anniversary. We became a Member-owned Club in July of 2015 and this summer will be our three-year anniversary since turnover from the developer. We do have many challenges after turnover, but despite our shortterm challenges, it was the right decision and we will be much better off in the long run as a result. Our Membership has evolved since the early days of our founders. Many of the Founding Members have shared memories of parties at the Palm Grille way back before we had the Main Clubhouse. They also reflect on the special relationship those

first 100 Members had because of their connection with being the first group to set the tone for Club. The Club has changed since its early days from that small close-knit group of founders of a “Sunrise Developed Club” to the Club we are today. That leads us to the challenge of what the Club will be like in the next 20 years. Throughout the last 2½ years, we have accomplished a great deal of work and progress on setting up board policies, committee structure, governance procedures, financial discipline, budgeting priorities, re- branding, and all the minutia of learning about how to make our Club the best it can be. We have tested a couple of different membership drive strategies with mixed results. We have applied our individual personal experiences, professional expertise, and researched best practices in the country club industry. We also are working through a long range strategic plan and expect to engage the Membership in this process early in 2018. As always, things take longer than expected and I am hopeful we will have some strategic options for our Membership to review very soon. Each of us that serve on the Board or Committees takes these fiduciary responsibilities very seriously and I can assure you, your elected Board members truly care about the Club and its future. I wish to thank our three departing Board Members, Mike Davitt, Daryl Schroeder, and Chip Schweiger for their service to the Club. I want to welcome our incoming Board members, Ed Lester, Allison Zuber, and Greg Hale. These three join myself, Ana Denena, Luke Drury, David Keel, Greg Cardwell, and Kathy Ellis. We have already met and

worked through initial orientation and assigned committee chairpersons. We have selected our Committee Members and plan on having a Committee kickoff meeting in late January to get the year started. As Members, I believe we all want the same thing, exceptional value for our Membership experience. I wish I could flip a switch or pull a lever to solve every challenge we face, but that is not how it works. It takes time and continuous effort to keep our Club moving in the right direction. We need to bond together as a Member-group and build our Club’s future. It is not always easy, and we need our Members to invest in our Club, not only financially, but with a passion and desire to see our lifestyle experience continuously improve for ourselves and for our future Members. That is what sustains successful clubs, members who care as much about the club as they do their own individual needs for their membership experience. There is a statement of “A Club” that is in the Membership office I wish to share with everyone. It is a good reminder of why we belong to a club.

A Club

Is a haven of refuge and accord in a world torn by strife and discord; Is a place where kindred spirits gather to have fun and make friends; Is a place of courtesy, good breeding, and good manners; Is a place expressly for comraderies, merriment, good will, and good cheer; It humbles the mighty, draws out the timid, and cast out the sorehead; And is one of the noblest intentions of mankind! - St Andrews, Scotland

The statement above describes our Club perfectly. I see this every day in the gym, The Bistro, the Golf Course, the Men’s Locker Room, and even at the New Year’s Eve party. It is incumbent on each of us to take ownership of our experience and our make our Club the best it can be for ourselves, and those that follow us. I ask each of you to join me in the coming year and act on the three initiatives I view as important for the Club and our future. 1. USE THE CLUB Enjoy the Club and its amenities. If you are a “power user” great, if not, please consider using the Club more often. 2. REFER NEW MEMBERS Engage in helping promote our Club through positive outreach and member referral. We need to gather kindred spirits to have fun and make friends. Check in with Karie Rogers, our Director of Membership on how you can help. 3. COMMUNICATE WITH THE STAFF We must program and hardwire our Membership to take the initiative to make reservations. We need to become accustomed to this new policy. If we expect perfect service every time, we should at least offer the courtesy of letting our staff know we are coming to the Club and don’t make them “guess” who is coming to dinner. On behalf of the Board and Management Team, it is a pleasure to serve our membership and support our Membership experience. I look forward to 2018 and “La Vie” at Royal Oaks. Thanks and see you around the Club,

Wayne Prejean, Club President

Earn $2,500 in Club Credit 2018 is a great time to sponsor a friend into Membership at Royal Oaks Country Club. Remember, by sponsoring a new Equity Golf Member you will receive a $2,500 credit to use on Club purchases! Contact Director of Membership, Karie Rogers to invite your friends to join you in Membership for the New Year! krogers@royaloakscc.com Hello Royal Oaks Country Club Members! I would first like to thank you all for the amazing welcome you have given me to the Club. I am honored to be your new Director of Membership and I am happy to be a part of the ROCC family! If we haven’t met yet, I look forward to it in the New Year.

Sponsoring a Friend

In just the last two months, I have spoken with several Members about potential opportunities to sponsor a friend into Membership. As a Royal Oaks Country Club Member, you have the privilege of inviting your friends, colleagues, neighbors and family to join you in Membership. I would love the opportunity to help you with sponsoring a friend. Please reach out to me at any time and I will extend an invitation on your behalf and give them a warm welcome as we go for a Clubhouse tour.

New to 2018

We will be creating an Ambassador Committee to help welcome our newest Members. The Ambassadors of ROCC will help create a sense of belonging to the new Members and invite them to events and activities. The Ambassadors of the Club are a vital role in helping our new Members get connected and feel comfortable with their new Club. If you have an interest in serving on the 2018 Ambassador Committee, please contact me for more information. Thank you for your gracious welcome and for being a Member!

Nick and Karen Burgin Ron and Leslie Eitze Charlie and Janet Menefee Jeb Bundock John and Szalan Boardman Shuji and Mieko Mori Jeff and Monica McNamara Joe and Toyin Ope Tom and Jennifer Luby Drew and Ana Damon James and Meredith Wiersma Sy and Debbie Strudler Rodger and Jamie Sumicek Rodrigo and Maria Sanchez Murillo Rick and Rhonda Plezia Jim and Mary Ann Torgerson

Doug and Paulanna Wilkinson David Berry Jun and Akiko Ohiwa Lino and Sara Morales Yasushi and Kaori Kokaze Shawn and Jennifer Skobel Patrick and Mindy Daniel Nishanth and Mari Raj Tom and Sueli Santoni Alejandro and Julene Gonzalez Karen and Howard Chapman Ken and Ayako Yamashita Johnny Johnson John and Chris Ogren Paul and Margaret Daffin Ken and Wynette Stuntz

Larry and Sara Carbo Phil Moncrief Todd and Stacy Seaberg Haselhorst Belgacem and Kaouthar Chariag Chris and Cristina Moore Sarah and Lee Cook Mukesh and Lorie Kapila Patrick and Paula McCarthy John and Jodi Malanga Christine Dai and Bob Cai Ryland Davis Joseph and Juliette Shum Mark and Suzanne Anderson

Are you ready to ROCC the New Year? Have you renewed your Ladies Association Membership? Not a Member yet? Don’t delay, join today! Our Ladies Association’s focus is to promote good friendship and social activities among the ladies of the Association. All of you have busy schedules, between the Sports Club, golf, tennis, pickleball, family and friends... there is lots to do, but don’t forget to include YOU on your list! We have a weekly schedule and monthly calendar. If you are new to the Club and don’t know anyone, the Ladies Association is for you. If you’ve been a Member but never participated, then what are you waiting for - it’s time to re-engage!

Games not your thing? It’s time to sit down

and read a good book. Join the Book Club and enjoy discussing your favorite chapters with your fellow Royal Bookies on the last Wednesday of the month.

Haven’t peeked your interest? What about

all those UFO’s you have? You know...those Unfinished Objects/Projects. Join our crafty ladies on the third Thursday of the month to finish those UFO’s or join in and share your skill.

Nothing still? Okay, how about joining me for

a glass of wine at the monthly Networking Happy Hour on the last Wednesday of every month. You can reconnect with your friends or meet new ones!

Are you a gamer? Join our weekly Bridge game

But wait – that’s not all! We have special “Pop-Up” events throughout the year. Stay tuned and check the ROCC website for details on the regularly scheduled and upcoming events.

On a time crunch? Jump on the train, the

Your Association, Your Club – our Ladies ROCC! See you at our next gathering,

played every Tuesday and some Fridays. If Bridge isn’t your game, try the mind-sharpening game of Mahjong played every Monday.

Mexican Train that is. Played on the first Thursday each month, it’s fast, fun and you don’t even need a boarding pass!

Ladies Association President, Mary Alice Lester maganded@gmail.com

Executive Chef, Jae MacKenzie jmackenzie@royaloakscc.com

2017 Dining Recap

The culinary team at Royal Oaks Country Club wishes you and your families a very happy New Year. It has been our pleasure to serve you throughout 2017. In between the holiday brunches, private wedding and events, golf tournaments, Bistro and poolside dining and social Club events, we had some culinary highlights in 2017 like Family Nights at the Pool, Bastille Day, Oyster Night, Lobster Weekend, Chophouse Night, Paul Hobbs Wine Dinner and of course, the unforgettable Harvey Party Prime Rib lunch! We had quite a year in the kitchen, and with several new additions to our crew we are looking forward to delivering great dining experiences in 2018. We have planned some exciting changes to our weekly offerings that we are rolling out in January.

2018 Dining Enhancements

allow Members to nosh on some shareable plates with friends while enjoying up to 50% off bottles of wine and $6.00 signature cocktails. Another fun option we will be offering during lunch service is our Presto Plate. This will consist of a plate of four chef-designed options that will include a first course, an entrĂŠe, side item and dessert. They will be petite portions but sizable enough to satisfy a full and complete three-course meal all served at once for a quick and less intrusive service experience.

2018 Prices

Dine Around - $29 Prime Rib Night - $29 Presto Plate - $22 with a glass wine $17 without wine

The Thursday Dine Around will be elevated with additional selections, premium items and special preparations. Also, Prime Rib Fridays will be even better, we will be serving the signature 1855 cut of prime rib. This cut of beef is from grain fed Midwestern cows which is considered prime grade. Very few steak houses can claim to have such a quality, and we will be serving it on a weekly basis.

We will be continuing to grow the food and beverage program in many ways with always making the Member value the driving factor of our decisions. If there is any feedback or suggestions you have, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or Sous Chef, Mario Rengal. We are looking forward to serving you and making the dining experience great, one bite at a time at ROCC!

We will be offering a menu to accompany our new Wine Down Wednesday program which will

Happy Eats, Jae Mackenzie, Executive Chef

Bistro Manager, Bill Ceriello bceriello@royaloakscc.com

Experience a new way to Happy Hour at ROCC’s Wine Down Wednesday! We’re excited to ring in 2018 with our new casual dining concept, Wine Down Wednesdays, starting January 3rd! Enjoy our happy hour menu featuring shareable goodies from Chef Jae’s tapasinspired menu along with specials on our rotating selection of wines by the glass and our revamped cocktail menu brought to you by Wine & Beverage Manager, Eric Blokkum. The Wine Down menu is designed to feed groups while sipping on top wines at very reduced prices. We are excited to bring Members a more casual Bistro experience on every Wednesday from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Whether

you’re coming home from work, the golf course, or just finished working out at the Sports Club come, we welcome all Members to come share some small plates, wine and cocktails for Wine Down Wednesdays! Our goal is to add value to the dining experience and to always be the first place you want to dine, entertain friends and spend quality family time. The dining experience at ROCC is such a great value already and with the lofty goals we have set for 2018, the value will only increase. Looking forward to meeting you all this year, Bill Ceriello, Bistro Manager

Must Try... ...our warm, creamy, gooey spinach and artichoke dip served with crispy fried tortilla chips with a glass of our buttery Sentall, Napa Valley, California wine.

Wine Down Wednesday Happy Hour Menu

Every Wednesday in January from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Warm Spinach and Artichoke Dip served with fried tortilla chips…$7 Tomato Bruschetta with shaved parmesan cheese and balsamic glaze…$4 ROCC Flatbread of the Night…$15 Arancini with a smoked tomato coulis…$6 Warm Baked Brie with ginger snaps and crackers…$13 Sweet Chili and Vanilla Fried Shrimp…$9 Chef ’s Charcuterie Board a selection of Italian meats, cheeses, dried fruits, caper berries, pickled green beans, cornichons, candied pecans, crackers and breadsticks…$15

Wine & Beverage Manager, Eric Blokkum eblokkum@royaloakscc.com

Paris Mule When I first heard about the Wine Down Wednesday concept I was absolutely enthused. Alongside Chef Jae’s wonderful selections, I will be featuring a wine of the week to pair with one of the dishes. If you’re not a wine drinker then all of our specialty cocktails will be offered at $6.00, a $3.00 savings! My personal favorite is the Paris Mule, it’s a spin-off of the Moscow Mule that has a French citrus vodka. Looking forward to seeing you on Wine Down Wednesdays. Cheers!


FOCUS WINE TASTING Friday, January 12, 2018 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Fleur de Lis Room $28 per person Ambassador, Sarah Harshaw will be here showcasing Lioco’s wonderful array of California wines. We will be offering small bites and a variety of wine tastings. Members will be presented with an exclusive offering to purchase wines by the bottle unavailable to buy anywhere else. WINE & SPIRIT MAGAZINE RATED THEM TOP 100 U.S. PINOT NOIR IN 2017

Sommelier's Fine Wine Selections In an ongoing effort to enhance an already extensive wine-by-the-glass list, I am happy to announce the new edition of the Sommelier's Finer Wine Selections. If you are in the mood for a high-end glass of wine, to try a few or simply do not want to commit to a bottle then this applies to you. These premium wines will range from $20 to $40 a glass. We are now able to offer these high-end wines by the glass due to a new wine pouring system called Coravin. This allows us to pour a glass of wine without introducing any oxygen to the wine. It eliminates the concern of allowing these open bottles of expensive wine go to waste. Next time you are in The Bistro, ask to see our Finer Wine Selections and perhaps treat yourself to a glass!

RSVP ONLINE OR CALL 281-899-3200

A Few to Try...

Sweetheart Dinner Wednesday, February 14 * 6:30 -11:00 pm Main Clubhouse * $97 per person, Inclusive Cocktail Attire 6:30 pm ~ Complimentary glass of champagne upon arrival 6:30 - 7:30 pm ~ Cocktail Hour 7:30 pm ~ Three-course platted dinner and dessert station Live Band until 11:00 pm

*All Beverages Member Sign*

RSVP Online or Call Concierge 281-899-3200

Cancellations after February 12 will result in a 50% charge.

Cliff Lede ~ Cabernet Sauvignon Stags Leap District, Napa Valley $25 / $33 Robert Foley ~ Merlot Napa Valley $20 / $27 Donatella Cinelli Colombini ~ Sangiovesse Brunello di Montalcino, Tuscany, Italy $23.50 / $31 Vignobles Brunier Piedlong ~ Red Rhone Blend Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Rhone, France $20 / $27

Director of Catering & Events, Allyson Brown abrown@royaloakscc.com

Happy New Year! We have elevated our game and service to provide you and your families a fabulous environment to create long-lasting memories throughout 2018. In an effort to make simplify pricing, you may have noticed that we have changed the way we advertise pricing for Club events. In the past, we have advertised the price with a “++�, which indicates the addition of the service charge and sales tax. Earlier in 2017 we received feedback that the pricing was misleading, because the price advertised did not match the total price charged to their Member account. To raise awareness of the total price of events, we started advertising events at an all-inclusive price. We began this new pricing structure back in April 2017; however, we will now advertise ALL CLUB EVENTS with this pricing structure for 2018. Please know that we have not raised the prices for events, but we have only advertised them differently, to show the true total cost to Members for the event. If you have any questions please let us know, and we hope this clears up any confusion with the current event pricing. As always, we appreciate your feedback, and continued support of the Club.

T ailgate party Sunday,,February 4 * 5:00 PM

Saturday, January 27 6:00 - 8:00 pm Versailles and Fleur de Lis Room Daddy: $39 per person / Daughter $24 per person Price is All-Inclusive and Includes: Buffet Dinner, Live DJ, Dancing Daddy Attire: Suits and Ties Daughter Attire: Dresses

RSVP Online or Call Concierge, 281-899-3200 Cancellations after January, 25 is 50% charge.

fleur de lis & formal lawn game day attire $32 per person * Inclusive Beer Pong Tournament - Sign-up when RSVP Cornhole, Complimentary Keg Beer, Tailgate Buffet *Beverages Member Sign*

rsvp by February 1 Online or Call Concierge, 281-899-3200 Cancellations after February 3 will be 50% charge.

2018 Member Private Event Benefits Starting in 2018, we have new benefits for our Members when hosting private events! ROCC would love to host your next birthday party or social gathering, corporate dinner, or even an entire retreat for your company. In an effort to add value to your membership, and become your home away from home, I feel it is important to offer some extra benefits to you, that have not been offered in the past. These are items that are exclusive to Member hosted events. • Complimentary Basic A/V Equipment (based on availability) o Podium o Microphones o Projector and Screen o LCD TV o Bluetooth Speaker • 10% off Banquet Retail Pricing for Food & Beverage • Complimentary Valet • Reduced Event Setup Fee o Includes linens, chargers, votive candles, menu cards, dance floor, etc. Royal Oaks provides service staff for your event, including servers, bartenders, and a manager to oversee your event until the end. I will work with you one-on-one to plan details of your event, customize menu selections, or have Chef Jae create a menu just for you! Our in-house Sommelier, Eric Blokkum, will pair wines to compliment your food selections, or suggest specialty wines to fit your palate and budget. Most importantly, we can be your full-service venue, and handle everything for your party, such as linens, flowers, entertainment, custom menu cards, specialty cakes/desserts, etc. We can even coordinate specialty entertainment, such as face painters, balloon artists, champagne girls, cigar rollers, etc... anything you can imagine! Another benefit to hosting your event at Royal Oaks, is we can offer in-house activities such as, a private golf academy experiences, volleyball clinics/tournaments, private yoga or Kinstretch classes, massages, croquet, pickleball, tennis and more! Any of these activities are available for your corporate retreats, family reunions, team building outings, or just to add to your party! Contact me for more information and pricing if you are interested in any of these activities, or to get started on planning your next event. I am excited for new opportunities and new events in 2018, and I hope to have the opportunity to work with each of you.

Sports & Fitness

Fitness Director, Pam Owens | powens@royaloakscc.com

Six Numbers You Absolutely Need to Know To keep heart disease and other lifestyle-related diseases at bay you absolutely need to monitor and know these key numbers. These six critical numbers can be monitored routinely; blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, blood sugar, waist circumference and BMI. All these numbers provide important clues to you risk of developing serious diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, sleep disorders, hormone deficiencies, and more. I want to personally invite each and every member to join the Sports Club staff on January 27 at our KNOW YOUR NUMBERS day for testing and more information to determine if you are at risk for developing any diseases related to nutrition, stress or activity levels. The Sports Club offers solutions for controlling these numbers through weight management, various types of exercise. Know your numbers then work to improve them by lowering and/ or managing blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol, increasing mobility and independence for many years of living the active, fun and healthy life!

Congratulations Pam!

Did You Know? Pam was recently named 50 Best Golf-Fitness Professionals in the United States by Golf Digest! If you are looking to improve your golf swing, gain strength, mobility and total control over your body... ask Pam about enrolling in KINSTRETCH.




Group Exercise Schedule - January & February MONDAY 8:00-8:55 a.m. YOGA VARIETY (Sarah) 9:00-10:00 a.m. BARRE (Sarah) 5:00-6:00 p.m. YOGA (Sarah) 6:00-7:00 p.m. POWER CYCLE (Shayne) TUESDAY 6:00-7:00 a.m. POWER CYCLE (Cathy) 8:15-8:55 a.m. POWER CYCLE (Cathy) 8:05-8:50 a.m. ZUMBA (Sarah) 9:00-9:50 a.m. MUSCLES (Pam) 6:00-7:00 p.m. TOTAL FIT 30/30 (Eileen) WEDNESDAY 8:00-8:50 a.m. MIX IT UP! (Shayne) 9:00-10:00 a.m. CSI (Shayne) 6:00-7:00 p.m. POWER CYCLE / Strength (Leslie) 6:00-7:00 p.m. YOGA (Sarah)

THURSDAY 7:00-8:00 a.m. POWER CYCLE / Strength (Leslie) 8:15-8:55 a.m. POWER CYCLE (Leslie) 8:00-8:50 a.m. STEP UP (Angie) 9:00-10:00 a.m. CORE & MORE (Angie) FRIDAY 8:00-8:50 a.m. CORE FUSION (Leslie) 9:00-9:50 a.m. MUSCLES (Pam) SATURDAY 8:10-8:55 a.m. POWER CYCLE (Shayne/Cathy) 9:00-9:50 a.m. CSI (Shayne/Cathy) 10:00-11:00 a.m. YOGA (Heidi)

Tennis & Pickleball

Tennis Director, Craig Pendrys | cpendrys@royaloakscc.com

Top 10 Reasons to Play Tennis in 2018 Of all the activities to try, why tennis? It’s more than a great way to stay active and here are 10 reasons why you should start (or keep) playing tennis. #1 A Longer Life - Scientists and doctors around the world point to tennis as one of the healthiest activities that you can participate in because it delivers overall physical, mental and emotional gains. It will add years to your life. #2 A Happier Life - Tennis engages your mind and body at the same time, unlike a traditional workout at the gym. Tennis players are more confident, healthier, less stressed and more socially interactive, they’re just plain happier. #3 It’s Social - On court and off, your guaranteed to make friends in tennis. The sport encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun. Plus, it’s great for making business connections too. #4 The Whole Family Can Play - No matter the age, gender, ethnicity, ability level or fitness level, tennis is perfect for families to play together. Few sports can offer the opportunities for families that tennis can. #5 Tennis Teaches Life Lessons - Participants, particularly youngsters, develop a work ethic, learn sportsmanship, accept responsibility, manage mistakes, enhance discipline, learn to compete, cope with pressure and adversity, develop healthy habits, learn teamwork and more. #6 Tennis Can Be Anything You Want It To Be -Looking for competition, social play, team camaraderie, a good workout, time with family or friends, tournaments and national championships? Tennis has all of that, and more. The sport can be anything you want or need it to be. #7 It’s Fun - At every level of the game and at any age, from 10 and under to the senior leagues, players have fun while getting a great workout. #8 It Develops Your Mind - Tennis requires alertness, tactical thinking and problem solving and evidence suggests it may generate new connections between nerves, promoting a lifetime of continued development of the brain. #9 Fitness - The constant movement and action in tennis will burn calories, build muscle, increase bone strength, improve flexibility, fine-tune coordination and enhance overall health and fitness. #10 It’s A Sport Of A Lifetime - There’s no other sport you can play throughout your whole lifetime form the earliest ages to your later years…that gives you the physical, mental, emotional and social benefits tennis gives you.

Los Tres AMMMigos

Golf Course Superintendent, George Manuel | gmanuel@royaloakscc.com

I want to take this opportunity to recognize three members of the Golf Course Maintenance (GCM) team that have won the prestigious ROCC Employee of the Year in the past six years. ROCC recognizes an outstanding individual every year by selecting an Employee of the Year, nominated from one of our 12 Employees of the Month. They serve as role models, deliver exemplary service and teamwork. All three of these individuals are at the top of the GCM ladder and all of their names begin with a “M.” Coincidence...I think not. We call them Los Tres “AMMMigos,” and their names are Mariano Moreira Torres, Martin Villagomez and Mauro Arias. Mauro Arias was the 2017 Royal Oaks Employee of the Year! Mauro began his Royal Oaks career on December 25, 2004 equating to 13 plus years here at ROCC. Prior to that he worked for me and a few other sod busters at Sweetwater Country Club for 20 years. He is one of our key guys and sets a great example for the rest of the crew. Mauro is married to his loving wife Marta and has four terrific kids. When he’s not out repairing ball marks on the greens, sodding areas, and/or mowing fairways, he is an avid sports fan. He enjoys a leisurely round of golf with friends and is especially fond of fall when football season rolls around. Congratulations Mauro, you are a great asset to all of Royal Oaks! Martin Villagomez won this honor in 2016! Martin was born and grew up in Lima, Peru, moved to

Houston in 2000 and his first job in the USA was at ROCC! We were very fortunate that Martin chose our door to knock on first, he is our “go-to-guy.” He has never turned down an opportunity to work extra hours and is the most unselfish employee I have ever had the good fortune to work with. Martin shows great initiative as we discuss answers to issues or problems on the course. This was the fourth time he has been selected as Employee of the Month over the past nine years. When he’s not working, Martin, enjoys cooking Peruvian cuisine while watching the Peru soccer team on television. Jose Mariano “Mario” Torres was selected as ROCC’s Employee of the Year in 2011. He just celebrated his 16-year anniversary with ROCC! Mario takes great pride in his work and is an excellent role model and leader of the GCM crew due to his strong work ethic and high moral character. His calm and friendly nature makes him a joy to work with. He is a dedicated family man to his wife and four children. He enjoys spending weekends in Galveston fishing with his family including his two grandchildren. Mario is also an avid golfer which gives him a unique perspective as he maintains all of our landscape. We’re proud to have these three outstanding men leading the ROCC GCM team. We hope you will congratulate them for their dedication and exemplary efforts to ROCC. From all of GCM we wish you a prosperous New Year both on and off the golf course!

The Best Year Yet

Director of Instruction, Derek Hooper | dhooper@royaloakscc.com How was your golf game in 2017? Did you enjoy playing and did your scores and index go down? What would you like to accomplish in golf in 2018? Break 90, break 80 maybe even break par? I am so impressed with the number of Members who utilize the driving range. To see you all dedicated to getting better and working on their game is wonderful. Unfortunately, majority of these players will not see the results they desire from all that practice for a few simple reasons. 1. No clear plan of where they are, where they want to go and how to get there – too often players have never completed a skills assessment. Instead of an understanding of their current strengths as well as the skills that represent opportunities for improvement, they work on the latest tip from a golf magazine, The Golf Channel or YouTube. 2. Feel is not real – what we think is happening in our golf swing is rarely what is actually happening. Feels are always influenced by our past and is thus an extremely inaccurate way to assess movement during the swing. There is so much amazing technology that can give you accurate information, so why guess and mostly guess wrong. 3. Playing golf swing NOT golf skills – there is so much more to playing golf than the golf swing. The ability to putt, chip, pitch, play bunker shots, play from uneven lies, different stances, course management and manage your emotions on the course are just a few skills that will have a huge effect on how you score on the golf course. You may have the best range golf swing possible but without considering the myriad of other skills there is a real possibility your goals will remain out of reach. 4. No balance between long game and short game – approximately 65% of all the shots you play in any given round of golf will be played from inside 100 yards. Yet so many players invest almost their entire practice time on shots longer than 100 yards. Hitting a golf ball long distances is fun, but it is not the only skill required to shoot lower scores. 5. Practice does not translate to the golf course – hitting shots from the same flat lie, to no specific target, with the same club is not an accurate representation of the real game of golf. Yet that is how the majority of players practice. Golf is the only sport where we practice in an area different from where we play. The best players in the world have a support team that helps them assess their game to guarantee they are successful. You may not be able to have a large team like a Tour Player, but you can have your own Golf Coach to guide you through this process. Over the past couple of years, we have conducted the Biggest Loser Competition, a yearlong Coaching Program that addresses all the challenges listed above. Players in this program have regularly reduced their scores and indexes by between 20% and 30% and some players have even seen reductions of over 40%. If you are serious about playing better golf in 2018, then do something different to what you did in 2017. Invest the time and join the Biggest Loser Program and make your 2018 golf season your best season ever.


The Biggest Loser Program is yearly program designed to improve your game and decrease your handicap by receiving instruction on a regular basis. The program will also include monitored practice times to ensure that your game and swing are headed in right direction. Each coach is dedicated to helping their team achieve their goals whatever they may be. Players who have been apart of this program have seen improvements to their handicap up to a 45% decrease in index.

What’s Included:

» Personal Coach: Derek Hooper, Ryan Polzin, Robert Scott, Michael Rodriguez, Justin Engel, David Lindsey, Shang Huang, Sadie Martinez » Three – 1 Hour Lessons or Six – 30 Minute Lessons of Private Instruction per Month » 9 Hole-Playing Lessons at a discounted rate of $100 (Optional)

Price: (Pictured in order from left to right)

$300 – Derek Hooper $250 – Ryan Polzin $220 – Robert Scott, Justin Engel, Michael Rodriguez $180 - Shang Huang, Sadie Martinez


There will be quarterly winners as well as an overall champion at the end of the year. The overall champion will be determined by the Biggest Loser from each coaches team competing against each other. The format of the competition will be determined at the end of the year. If you sign up for the Biggest Loser program, you are committing to the year. We ask that you fill out and sign a commitment letter (which can be picked up at the Golf Shop) indicating that you are committed to the program for the entire year. You will only be able to transfer 4 hours of private instruction to the next month if lessons are not redeemed. Pick your coach and register in the golf shop today as spots are limited per instructor!!

Sign Up Today - Golf Shop, 281-899-3270

Your 2018 Golf Support

Head Golf Professional, Ryan Polzin, PGA | rpolzin@royaloakscc.com Derek Hooper - Director of Instruction

Derek will be overseeing all instruction based programs. Derek will work alongside Ryan to create new programs, market current programs and schedule instructors for all programs. If you have any questions regarding instruction you may contact Derek at dhooper@royaloakscc.com.

Michael Rodriguez - Director of Golf Shop Operations

Mike will be overseeing all Golf Shop operations. Mike is the key contact with billing questions, registering for bag storage, private carts, MGA, WGA and hole in one records. If you have any questions regarding any of these areas please contact Mike at mrodriguez@royaloakscc.com.

Debbie Grabsky - Director of Buying and Visual Merchandising

Debbie will be overseeing all purchasing and visual merchandising of clothing in the Golf Shop. She will continue to work at making our Golf Shop one of the top in the country by providing the latest and greatest in the industry. If you would like to recommend a clothing brand or to special order clothing please feel free to contact Debbie at dgrabsky@royaloakscc.com.

David Lindsey - Director of Tournament Operations

David will be in charge of all tournament operations in 2018. David will work alongside Ryan to produce all tournament flyers and keep Foretees and the Foretees App up-to-date with all pertinent information. If you have any questions regarding tournament formats or registration for events David can be contacted at dlindsey@royaloakscc.com.

Sadie Martinez and Shang Huang - Directors of Outside Operations

Sadie and Shang will begin managing the outside operations crew. Together they will work with the team to help ensure that everyone is handled before and after your round. All outside crew will report directly to them so if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to them. Sadie can be reached at smartinez@royaloakscc.com and Shang can be reached at shuang@royaloakscc.com.

Robert Scott - Director of Junior Golf

Robert will be beginning a new chapter in his career taking on more teaching responsibility. He will now be an Assistant Director of Instruction as well as the Director of Junior Golf. Ryan and Robert will work together to build a strong Junior Golf program with more competition and junior based instruction. If you have any questions regarding Junior Golf, Robert can be reached at rscott@royaloakscc.com.

Justin Engel - Director of Golf Course Experience and Cart Fleet Management

Justin will be engaged in overall experience while on property. Working alongside the entire team to make sure that all details are being handled and set ups are happening consistently. Justin will also be overseeing the routine maintenance of the fleet as well as making sure all broken aspects are handled in a timely manner. If you have any questions relating to your experience or if we can help assist you and guests for a VIP service Justin can be contacted at jengel@royaloakscc.com.

Monica Buentello - Customer Relations Specialist

Monica will work to help all guests with their golf needs when contacting the Golf Shop. Monica will help the member be guided to the right person with questions as well as answer all your questions regarding Golf Shop related information. If you need any assistance with your

ROCC Golf Tournaments & Play Days MGA

» Jan. 13: One Man Scramble » Feb. 10: Two Man Scramble » March 3 & 4: Better Ball Championship » April 5 - 7: FDL Classic » April 28 & 29: Senior Club Championship » May 19 - 20: Club Championship » June 30: Superintendent's Revenge » August 18: D-Select » Sept. 15 - 16: Match Play Championship » Oct. 4 - 6: The Invitational » Nov. 10 & 11: Fall Member-Member » Dec. 1: Member-Member-Guest-Guest


» Jan. 10: WGA Scramble & Meeting » Jan. 17: Middle 9 » Jan. 24: Criss Cross » Jan. 31: Ghost Holes » Feb. 7: 3's & 5's » Feb. 14: T's & F's » Feb. 21: Luck 4's » Feb. 28: Low Net » March 7: Tee to Green » March 14: Even Holes » March 21: One-Day Member Guest » March 28: Low Net » April 18: Partner Diablo » May 2: Tee to Green » May 9: Stableford » May 15 & 16: Member Member Ringer » May 23: Low Net » May 30: Partner Scramble » Sept. 5: T's & F's » Sept. 12: Low Net » Sept. 18 & 19: Stroke Play Championship » Sept. 26: Black Marks » Oct. 3: Middle 9 » Oct. 10: Worst 3 » Oct. 23 & 24: WGA Bordeaux Cup » Oct. 31: Tombstone Contest » Nov. 6 & 7: WGA Royal Tee » Nov. 14: Turkey Shoot » Dec. 5: Annual Holiday Luncheon

Travel With Us

Royal Oaks is Heading to Streamsong Resort I am excited to announce the 2018 Men’s Golf Trip to Streamsong Resort outside of Tampa Bay, Florida. Hosting three top 100 courses, Streamsong is becoming one of the top destinations for golf in America. The first 7 members to register will reserve their spot. Register: Contact, Head Golf Professional, Ryan Polzin rpolzin@royaloakscc.com 281-899-3205 Itinerary: April 9th – Depart Houston April 9th – Streamsong Red April 10th – Streamsong Blue April 11th – Streamsong Black April 12th – Fly Home Cost: $1850 per person (includes single occupancy room, breakfast and golf )












3 • Wine Down Wednesday

4 • Dine Around

5 • Presto Plate Lunch


10 • WGA Scramble & Meeting • Wine Down Wednesday

11 • Dine Around

12 • Presto Plate Lunch • LIOCO Focus Wine Tasting

13 • MGA One

Man Scramble


15 • Club Open MLK Day

16 • Club Closed

17 • 80's Pedal Party • Wine Down Wednesday

18 • Dine Around

19 • Presto Plate Lunch





24 • Wine Down Wednesday

25 • Tex-Mex Theme Dine Around

26 • Presto Plate Lunch

27 • Know Your Numbers • Daddy Daughter Dance


29 • Jr. Tennis Academy LI #3

30 • Jr. Tennis Academy LII #3

31 • ROCCLA Happy Hour • Wine Down Wednesday






• Dine Around




4 • Super Bowl Tailgate Party



7 • Wine Down Wednesday

8 • Dine Around

9 • Presto Plate Lunch

10 • MGA Two Man Scramble




14 • Sweetheart Dinner • Wine Down Wednesday

15 • Dine Around

16 • Presto Plate Lunch



19 • Club Open Presidents Day

20 • Club Closed

21 • Wine Down Wednesday

22 • Chinese New Year Theme Dine Around

23 • Presto Plate Lunch • Go Texan Day in The Bistro



26 • Jr. Tennis Academy LI #4

27 • Jr. Tennis Academy LII #4

28 • ROCCLA Happy Hour • Wine Down Wednesday







1 • Dine Around

2 • Presto Plate Lunch

3 • MGA Better Ball Tournament Day 1

7 • WGA Scramble & Meeting • Wine Down Wednesday

8 • Dine Around

9 • Presto Plate Lunch

10 • Family

4 • MGA Better Ball Tournament Day 2

5 • Aerification





14 • Wine Down Wednesday

15 • Dine Around

16 • Presto Plate Lunch





21 • WGA One-Day Member Guest • Wine Down Wednesday

22 • Tex-Mex Theme Dine Around

23 • Presto Plate Lunch • Farm-to-Table Wine Dinner





28 • ROCCLA Happy Hour • Wine Down Wednesday

29 • BBQ Theme Dine Around

30 • Presto Plate Lunch

31 • Annual Easter Egg Hung

Board of Directors: Wayne Prejean - President Luke Drury - Vice President Ana Denena - Treasurer Greg Hale - Secretary Kathy Ellis, Greg Cardwell, David Keel, Allison Zuber, Ed Lester

Golf & Grounds Committee Ed Lester - Chairman Mark Hansen - Co-Chairman Nick Phillips, Paul Daffin, Clay Hightower, Yvonne Hawley, Bob Smith, Ann Clayton, Keith Fergus, Bob Hermann

Employee Scholarship Committee Kathy Ellis - Chairwoman Bob Smith - Co-Chairman John Ogren, Bob Sonfield, Thomas Luby, Jodi Malanga, Michelle Cardwell

House & Facilities Committee Greg Cardwell - Chairman George Foteh - Co-Chairman Cindy Barrett, Elizabeth Verbeek, Ken Harry, Linda Botchlett, Thomas Luby, Ron Fink

Finance Committee Ana Denena - Chairwoman Bob Clayton, Gene Waguespack, John Malanga, Peggy Smith, Craig Hall, Len Kaplan

Legal & Bylaws Committee Greg Hale - Chairman Richard Meadow - Co-Chairman Mark Clark, Bryant Banes, Jodi Malanga

Membership Committee Greg Cardwell - Chairman Luke Drury - Co-Chairman Ana Denena, David Keel, Ed Lester

Membership Dev. Committee Luke Drury - Chairman Jan Parker, Michael Villemarette, Dave McMahon, Andrew Way, Janece Blanche, Vicki Kanaly, Nick Phillips

Crawfish Boil

Long Range Planning Committee Wayne Prejean - Chairman Luke Drury - Co-Chairman Mike Thiele, Randy Elkins, Reid Smith, Janece Blanche, Laura Robert, Joe Lawless, Ana Denena, Kathy Ellis, Greg Cardwell, David Keel, Greg Hale, Allison Zuber, Ed Lester Social Committee Allison Zuber - Chairwoman Diane Williams, Margaret Daffin, Rebecca T. Van Winden, Diana Llewellyn, Adriana Valerio, Jan Parker, Jerry Scott Yoder Tennis & Sports Club Committee Allison Zuber - Chairwoman Nghi Ho - Co-Chairman Lori Von Plonski, Hal Martin, Liz Martiny, Angela Meloy, John Malanga, Sandy Haddad, Kip Hall, Agnes Ho, Patti Mennes Wine Committee David Keel - Chairman Kelly Prohl - Co-Chairwoman Ginny Endecott, Jon Major, Linda Hacas, Joris Verbeek, Ronald Dillee MD, Stephen Mahoney, Rodger Sumicek

Mission Statement: Royal Oaks Country Club provides an environment of enjoyment to all Members and their families by offering exceptional golf, fitness, recreational sports, social and dining experiences. Vision Statement: To be recognized as the private club of choice for Houston families by offering a convenient and relaxed lifestyle with superior amenities and facilities.

Values: Members • Members are our most important asset • Membership is a privilege through a thoughtful selection process Amenities • First class golf and recreational sports experience • Remarkable social experiences promoted by members Employees • Attract staff who are high performers and outstanding in their field • Uphold fiscal responsibility through effective Club governance Community • Promote fellowship in a welcoming social environment • Adhere to the Golden Rule…treat others as you want to be treated

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