La Vie: September & October 2019

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September & October 2019

C o m e i n c o s t u m e to our Fa m i l y Ha l l o we e n Bas h ! Fr i day, O c t o b e r 2 5 , 5: 30 p m

Hello Fellow Members!!! I hope everyone has had a great summer. I know you are now looking forward to some cooler temperatures. We had some fantastic events this Summer, including our annual 4th of July event. In the previous newsletter, I spoke of our great turnout for the Memorial Day event and the expectation to achieve similar success with the 4th of July event. This was absolutely the case, as we had our largest turnout ever! More than 500 attended and got to experience a parade, great food, music, games, and a phenomenal firework show. Thanks to all for participating and to the staff for making it such a memorable festivity. The Club continues to take necessary steps to improve the financial success of our organization. The Charter resolution relieved the Club of almost $1.5 million in future debt (100% surrendered) and another $800,000 that was 50% surrendered (the remaining 50% refund must be approved as part of the long-range plan). Upon a successful vote by membership, the Club will have gone from about $5.1 million in contingent liability to just under $1.2 million. This includes the payoff of current Charters on the resignation list and paying out the remaining 50% that was surrendered by the Charter members. Though it’s hard to quantify the immediate impact of this resolution, it will help us ensure a much smoother journey moving forward and prevent unknown burdens to the membership. Thank you again to those generous members who helped relieve the Club of this debt. The Board and management continue to look to the future. We understand that the membership has been more than patient in waiting for a presentation of a capital plan, and I assure you that the process has not come to a halt but is moving slower than we all desire. We want to make the most fiscally responsible decisions for our Club and that is a lengthy process. As discussed previously, we can’t take on an additional loan without paying a substantial penalty to our current lender.

Therefore, we continue to work and explore the potential with our current lender so that we can accurately give our membership all their options for a capital project. Most importantly, there will be a Town Hall meeting to discuss these issues once the Long-Range Planning Committee and the Board have vetted all the possible options. Remember, nothing will be approved without a vote by our members. As we move into the Fall months, and have settled back from our Summer vacations, it’s time to get back to bringing prospects to our great Club. The “Discover Royal Oaks” promotion will end on September 13, 2019, so jump on it before the plan ends. A new plan will be announced shortly. This promotion will remain attractive and simple to keep the process streamlined and bring future members to Royal Oaks. In conjunction with a solid membership plan, it’s imperative we do more to get our current membership involved in the process. A club article that I recently read had this to say about the membership process “top clubs are confident that membership in their Club will be sought after, but they are not passive about the membership process.” Our continued development of the Ambassador program ensures we remain engaged in membership retention and member recruitment. Thanks to all the members that have “stepped up to the plate” to be a part of this program, and to Meghan and the Royal Oaks team for their efforts. In closing, we will continue to ask ourselves “how can we be better”? The answer to this lies not only with the Royal Oaks team, but also belongs to us. As “Owners” of this club, we must continue to invest our own energy and resources to keep improving the membership experience at Royal Oaks.

Sincerely, Luke Drury, Club President Royal Oaks Country Club

Fall is in the air! Well, maybe not yet, but soon! September is here and October is near, so you better start looking for your winter gear. But, before you do, search your closet for something fun to wear at one of our upcoming events. Mark your calendar to attend, you won’t want to miss!

You mustn’t forget about our Halloween themed Networking Happy Hour scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th. You get to wear your favorite witch’s hat, or just stop by to mix and mingle with your sister members.

Starting with our “Ladies Only” Movie Night on Wednesday, September 18th. The feature presentation: Breakfast at Tiffany’s! So, pull out your favorite PJ’s and Pearls and join us for a fun movie night at at your favorite country club.

But wait, there’s more! Mark your calendar for our Annual Member’s Luncheon scheduled for Tuesday, November 5th. I hope we’ll see you there.

Our October special event is scheduled for Thursday, October 10th. Let’s get creative and meet at The Rustic Brush Memorial. It will be your opportunity to get creative; stencil, paint and design your personal piece of home décor! More details to follow.

We look forward to having you join us. See you at one of our next events!

In addition to our special events, the Ladies Association hosts regularly scheduled monthly games Next on our schedule is our “Welcome Home” and activities. To find out more about our group or networking happy hour on Wednesday, September 25th. to get details on our upcoming special events, check We have partnered with Kendra Scott to co-host this the Ladies Association page on the ROCC website. special night. It’s our way of welcoming everyone back Or just ask any ROCCLA Board Member or from their summer vacations! Committee Chair.

The Ladies in our Association ROCC!


Royal Oaks Country Club

Ladies Association

Membership Director Meghan Smith What an eventful summer! It was great to see so many members enjoying the club and entertaining their family and friends. We’ve welcomed some really wonderful new ones and I look forward for them to get to know everyone. The Discover Royal Oaks Preview program has been an amazing success. We welcomed new members in all categories with most choosing to permanently join the membership within 60 days of their 12 month preview commitment. Here is a breakdown of where we are with converted members since August 2018, with new applications being received weekly: Membership Type: Totals: Golf 29 Executive 8 National 4 Young Professional 13 Social 14 Sports 21 TOTAL 89

We are thrilled with the energy this program has created and decided to extend its benefits through September 13, 2019. Following the conclusion of this program, we will be announcing the next phase of the preview system for attracting new members. Its everyone’s job to show prospects what the club has to offer! The Ambassador program is in full swing and we appreciate those members who have stepped up to assist in engaging our new members and prospects. If you have any questions on the program or how you can help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to ensure everyone is having a great time. On a personal note, I want to thank you all for your support through my recent battle with breast cancer. Chemo is complete and I just finished surgery with radiation beginning in late September. I’m on the other side of the mountain and I could not have navigated this without the support and encouragement from my Royal Oaks family. I’m so excited about our future! I look forward to seeing everyone this fall and meeting your friends, family and colleagues. Cheers, Meghan

Hello Members!

Communications Manager Sylvia Morgese

I am excited to start promoting the lifestyle and beautiful amenities here at Royal Oaks. My background is in events and hospitality, and I have a rooted passion in food, fitness, and community - so I can't wait to get involved! Houston has been home to me for about 5 years now, but I grew up in a little beach town on the East coast of Florida. My current roommate is my dog, a Border Collie named Dash. I love to take him anywhere he is allowed, so you will be seeing him at the next 'Yappy Hour' on September 29! My other hobbies include running, cooking, yoga, and being outdoors. Please do not hesitate to introduce yourself if you see me roaming around the Club! I look forward to getting to know you all. Sylvia

2019 Ambassadors! Sports:




Tennis: ROCCLA:

If you are interested in joining the Member Ambassador Program, please email

Jessica & Rudy Wrabel Tom Williams Yasamin & Scott Micek Chris Bailey Beth & Robert Walsh Stevie & Corey Leonard Naomitsu Nishihata Rosemary & James Noe Cynthia & Kevin Shannon Jennifer & Rodney Nabors Chelsie & Corey Kilburn Suryani Kamis & Kolin Ibrahim Kalpana & Vidish Rao Meghan & Hunter Bentley Mallory Bailey & Christian Mazzini Dr. Paulette Arana & Robert Goldstein Kindel & Mark Burton

Going, going, gone! Summer vacation is quickly coming to end, and for some of us, the moans of our children have begun! I hope everyone had a happy and safe summer enjoying time with friends and family. We're winding down the summer schedule here at the club and gearing for fall, so be on the lookout for upcoming events like our Chophouse Night on September 21 and Dinner en Blanc on October 18!

Executive Chef, Jae Mackenzie

Our September 26th themed Dine Around will be “A Taste of France”. In the meantime, check out our Weekly Features menu with new items every Tuesday, or come see our Breakfast and Dinner offerings. We've been experimenting with more plant-based options on all menus and they have gotten a great response from members! I hope everyone had a wonderful experience using the pool and dining at The Palm Grille over the summer. Please feel free to share your comments and suggestions with us. We appreciate your feedback and value what you have to say! Thanks again, and I hope to see you around the club soon! Happy Eats, Jae Mackenzie, Executive Chef

S a t u r d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 9

CHOPHOUSE night in The Bistro

5: 00 - 9: 00 PM | $56

per person

c hoice of on e fir st cour se : Classic Iceberg Wedge


Dinner en Blanc FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 | 7:00PM

Friday night under the lights dressed in white

bleu cheese, bacon, tomatoes, green onions, choice of dressing

Chopped ROCC Caesar Salad Soup of the Day

c hoice of on e secon d cours e:

A l l en t r ées a r e s e r ved w i t h a s au c e, vegeta bl e a n d sta r ch .

8 oz. Filet Mignon 12 oz. NY Strip Steak 12 oz. Ribeye S au c e s ( c h oos e on e )

Béarnaise – Herb Butter – Green Peppercorn Demi – Red Wine Demi – Chimichurri Ve ge t abl e s ( c h oos e on e )

Grilled Asparagus – Roasted Brussels Sprouts – Creamed Spinach S t arc h e s ( c h oos e on e )

Scalloped Potatoes – Baked Potato – Whipped Potatoes – Mac and Cheese

Bistro Dinner Menu still available. Eric will be featuring specialty wines & cocktails.


To make a dinner reservation, contact The Bistro, 281-899-3230.

Humm Feedback System Introduction

Clubhouse Manager Bill Ceriello

Businesses all across the world are using new technology to help them improve. Here at Royal Oaks, the management team has implemented a new feedback system in the Bistro Dining Room to evaluate and improve the food, drinks and service we deliver to our members. Back in March, we began a pilot program with the Humm Feedback System. Small tablets are delivered with the check to each table at the end of the member’s dining experience, presenting questions for the member to assess five different aspects of their experience: the quality of the food, the manner of the greeting by the staff, the attentiveness and availability of the server, the accuracy of the order, and the quality of the drink service. Members are prompted with 4 levels of response for each question, with an opportunity to type in their feedback in a more specific manner if their

answer is not the top mark. At the end of the session, there is a section for the member to give general feedback on their dining experience and provide their contact information for a manager to reach out to the member if they would like. We have had great success with the Humm program overall. It has not only allowed the management team to focus training sessions based off the feedback that is received, but it has also provided an opportunity for us to reward the staff when there is an abundance of positive feedback. The management team is constantly apprised of the overall scores from Humm, and Humm provides a ranking system of each server's scores, with a monthly prize distributed to the server with the highest ranking each month! We look forward to continuing this program in the Bistro Dining Room, and we appreciate all the feedback provided to date that has helped the club grow our service culture to be the best it can be! Bill Ceriello, Clubhouse Manager

With so many avenues for businesses to take in and assess feedback, the following features are what made Humm Systems especially appealing to the ROCC Management Team:

Anonymous Feedback Reviews are sent directly to Humm’s cloud-based system and accessed by the Management Team. We felt that this was crucial to receive honest, candid feedback about the member’s experience directly from the member in a way that the server did not have access to see what had been said. This has helped us pinpoint areas that we can hone in on with individual servers, or with the service team as a whole, in order to continually improve our service through staff training. Immediate Notifications to Management Humm sessions that fall below a certain score are “flagged” by the system, and send an email and text message directly to the management team. This aspect of Humm was enticing to the management team because it enables us to take action and address any issues before the member leaves the club. The immediate feedback sent to management has been a successful aspect of the Humm pilot program, allowing management to tackle food and service issues on the spot, and help assure members that their feedback is always heard.

Dear Members,

Director of Catering & Events, Allyson Brown

Welcome back! Now that school and the “reality” of life are back in full swing, I am sure you are looking forward to the holiday months for parties and time spent with family and friends. Well, I am here to give you something to get even more excited about! Our New Years Eve Gala is always the best party of the year - you don't want to miss it! The champagne will be flowing and our culinary team creates a menu fit for ringing in the new year. Past menu items include caviar, a fresh seafood bar, filet mignon, lobster, sea bass, lamb, and many other exquisite items! We love coming up with new ways to make each year better than the last with over-the-top decor and exciting live entertainment – our goal is to WOW you! This year, the theme for the New Years Eve Gala is “Roaring 20’s of 2020” and it is going to be a night to remember! We are already planning some fantastic surprises for our final 20th anniversary celebration. Mark your calendars for December 31st and start the search for the perfect flapper dress or pinstripe suit. Members can make reservations beginning in October and capacity is limited, so secure your spot early! Allyson Brown Catering & Events Director

Be Sure to RSVP or Make Reservations for Events! SAVE THE DATE

Family Halloween Bash FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2019 5:30-8:30 PM

Join us in your best costume

Doggie Yappy Hour Sunday, September 29 | 5:30-7:30 PM | The Palm Grille Member: $20 per person / Member Guest: $25 per person

Stay Tuned for M

dress: country club casual , denim permit ted

All-Inclusive price includes:

“Yappetizers” • games • dog trainer & trick show prize for best dressed dog • prizes & dog talent show


Pools open for dogs and their owners. Fun for the entire family! Buffet Bad-to-the-Bone Charcuterie and Cheese Tray with Crackers Mini Bark-isket Sliders with All the Fixins' "Good Boy" Finger Sandwiches Pup-ta-to Chips create your own kibbles and bits in cones (trail mix) Desserts mini cupcakes Snickerdoodles

Beverages Member Sign

rsvp online or call the concierge 281.899.3200

Commitment to Quality Head Golf Professional, James D. Brown | Let me start by saying “Thank You” to you all, the Royal Oaks membership. This has been a wonderful first year and it has certainly gone by in a flash. It has been a blessing getting to know you all. If we haven’t met yet, please stop by the golf shop, range, or find me driving around on-course. I look forward to speaking with you soon! There have been some changes in the golf operations; not only in personnel, but also in operational areas. It has been nice to hear the positive feedback from these changes and we are eager to continue enhancing the experience for all of our golfers. Please feel encouraged to come and get to know Matt Qualls, Tyler Bulterman, Brandon Mabry and our other staff members when you get a chance. You can also contact the Professional Staff for any club fitting, golf instruction, and/or club repair needs…it’s that time to fine-tune your equipment and work on your swing for the season ahead! Please take note of the items being addressed to directly impact YOUR golf experience. We want you to come first. Your pride in the Club should be the reason you encourage guests and prospects to join. I have personally made a commitment to spend more time with our members in the cart staging areas, around the practice facility, and on the golf course. I believe this helps create the atmosphere that we all want at Royal Oaks.

We are commited to creating the best possible golf experience for our members by providing the following: •

and guest experience •

Organized and tidy cart staging area

Private carts in front of locker rooms and parking area in front of small putting green open and available for golfers beginning and finishing play

Cleaner cart fleet

Golf Professionals as starters on a regular basis

More sand bottles available at sand stations (walking and cart bottles)

More availability for ice towels during the summer months - ice towels now on the beverage cart, at the starter station, wagon at the back of range, and we are committed to more staff exposure on the course

Better use of parking lot attendant around starter station for members and guest service - bag drop can be utilized by Members and Guests and staff will work diligently to get to the bags and place

Thank you for allowing me to be your Golf Professional and I look forward to seeing all of you around the Club!

Fairways and Greens, James D. Brown, PGA, Head Golf Professional

Constant training of staff to improve member

on carts and/or range so golfers can utilize the Locker Rooms. •

Regular communication about upcoming tournaments

Weekly drop in games and Socials - select Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

Starter box and wagon at Starter Station has more conveniences for golfers - tees, ball mark repair tools, ball markers, Sharpies to mark golf balls, scorecards, pin-sheets, cart rules for the day, tools to adjust clubs, sunscreen, towels, water, band-aids, etc.

Fall Golf Events Save the Date! September 11th: Kick-Off Scramble September 17th & 18th: Stroke Play Championship October 22nd & 23rd: Bordeaux Cup November 12th & 13th: Royal Tee September 7th & 8th: Stroke Play Championship (Championship Flight ONLY) September 21st & 22nd: Match Play Championship September 20th: Championship Flight Qualifier October 3rd – 5th: Men’s Invitational Member/Guest November 2nd & 3rd: Fleur de Lis Cup September 8th: Junior Club Championship November 10th: Husband/Wife Club Championship


WEDNESDAY 'AFTER WORK' SOCIAL SCRAMBLE Se pt e m be r 1 1 & O c t ob e r 16 , 2 0 1 9 a t 6 P m TEAMS RANDOMLY SELECTED BY THE PRO SHOP MG A S PONS O RED (Membership not Required) W INE DO WN WE DNES DAY IN THE BIS TRO AF TER PLA Y Happy Hour and WDW offerings until 9 pm

CART FEES AND GREEN FEES WILL BE CHARGED WHERE APPLICABLE RSVP through foretees or by calling the golf shop at 281.899.3270

Mark Your Calendars for Remaining Wednesday Social Scrambles! MGA Membership not Required


The Path to Lower Scores Director of Instruction, Derek Hooper | I am always looking at how the best players in the world get the ball around the golf course and shoot such low scores. I recently came across the displayed table illustrating key statistics that we can all learn from. I was always aware of these numbers, but this table presents them in a way that allows us to draw some important conclusions. What are the statistics telling us? 1. What is your 50% one putt distance? PGA Tour Players are making 50% of their putts at 8 feet. For a scratch golfer, that distance is reduced to 7 feet. For a player who averages in the mid 80’s, that distance is reduced further to about 4 feet. 2. What is your expected two putt distance? PGA Tour Players are averaging a two putt from 40 feet. That means at that distance they will three putt as often as they one putt. It is safe to assume that your average two putt distance is less that that, so your goal on putts outside of 25 feet should always be to ensure a two putt rather than trying to make the first one and risk missing by so much you end up taking three putts to get down. 3. Be realistic. Whenever you stand over a putt your expectation should absolutely be that you are going to make it. However, at the end of your round when you are assessing your day, be realistic about your putting. Even if your 50% make distance is 5 feet, that still means you will miss from there 50% of the time. 4. Increase your make distance. If you want to make more short putts, then you have to practice making more short putts. One of my favorite drills is the North-East-South-West drill. Place a tee in the green, 3 feet from the hole at each of North, East, South and West around the hole. The point of the drill is to putt a ball from a different location each time as you move around the hole. Your goal is to hole 10 putts in a row. Once you can do that, move back to 4 feet and repeat. Keep working at this drill and see how far you can get from the hole.

5. Make your first putt shorter. This may seem obvious, yet not enough players give this part of their game the attention it deserves. If your chip shots average 8 feet from the hole, but your 50% make distance is 5 feet, then you are not going to get up and down very often. Be sure to invest some time working on your short game and learn to get the ball closer to the hole, preferably inside your 50% make distance. Learning from what these numbers tell us is helpful, but it is only when you apply this to changing the way you practice that your scores will truly change. If you would ever like to discuss the best ways to practice these skills, or confirm your technique is suitable with your shots, the instruction team is always very happy to help! Derek Hooper, Director of Instruction

Benefits of Aerification

Golf Course Superintendent, Cody Alexander | Are we all ready for the fall to arrive? It seems like it’s been a fairly long summer. The grounds maintenance staff was extremely busy with aerification and is doing a fantastic job in getting the course ready for the fall golf season. As you may know, this summer’s aerification regimen was aggressive but very much needed. As the course ages, maintenance practices must adapt to it's unique character. This year, thatch reduction along with organic removal/dilution were among the main focal points. The greens were aerated in both June and July with an additional sand injection in July. After the initial core aeration and thatch removal, 80 more tons of sand was injected into the greens to further dilute the percentage of organic matter in the greens profile. This process improves turf firmness and overall air and water infiltration into the soil profile. Fairways and approaches received much attention and actually took the most amount of time! During the course of the summer, we utilized the UniRake three times to aide in removing undesirable thatch. We core-aerated the landing areas of fairways two times and aerated the entire fairway with large diameter deep tines once. These practices help reduce the number of “mud balls”, firm up the fairways which will increase roll out, and remove accumulated thatch which serves as a sponge of sorts.

All of this work was very extensive and could not have been done in a shorter timeframe than what we were given! The factor that has the greatest effect on the golf course we have zero control over. The difference rain has on the turf from that of artificial irrigation is difficult to explain! In the two weeks following the June aerification, we received almost 4 inches of rain in comparison to the 1 inch received in the four weeks following the July aerification. This rainfall frequency plays a role in turf recovery, but also affects moisture levels around the golf course. We have been diligently monitoring irrigation to ensure optimal performance this summer and I believe it shows. Today, the golf course is in fantastic shape and we are starting to witness the benefits of the work done during the summer. The golf course maintenance staff is very excited about the upcoming fall and we look forward to seeing you out on the course. Enjoy your round! Cody Alexander, Golf Course Superintendent

Sports Club News Member Spotlight:

Rosy Zuklic

Rosy enjoys many aspects of the Sports Club. She attends spin classes on the weekends, and trains with Cathy Staerker during the week. Her goals of working on core stability, balance and building upper body strength are being achieved by actively participating in the variety of opportunities offered at the Sports Club.

Full Class for the Mach3 Training Clinic with Sarah White!

Rosy’s husband and son, John and Ethan, can be seen out on the golf course often! Daughters Lydia and Lauren attend spin classes, use the cardio equipment and use the rowing machines. They all enjoy having dinner at the club together and like all the amenities that ROCC has to offer!

Added Sugars: Know Your Limit Fitness Director, Pam Owens |

Decades of research show that sugar is actually worse for the heart than saturated fat. In fact, a diet high in sugar triples risk for fatal Cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. Many other studies have linked dietary sugar to a host of diseases from diabetes to cancer and Alzheimer’s. There is a difference between “added sugars” and naturally occurring sugars as found in whole foods. Added sugars are found in processed foods under many names and labels including high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, corn sweetener, maltose, malt syrup, lactose, table sugar, honey, molasses, syrups, and fructose. What is the recommendation for SUGARS? The American Heart Association states the maximum amount of added sugars in a day are; men - 150 calories (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons) and women - 100 calories (25 grams or 6 teaspoons). Although this is the recommended limit, why add that much sugar to your diet? Wean yourself from added sugars and use fruit or other whole food sources to add flavor and taste. Know your limits and develop a taste for natural, whole foods. Knowing and Doing Perhaps this information is not new to you, but knowing is not doing! Doing is what creates change. Nutrition coaching, consistent weight training and cardiovascular exercise is available for you at the Sports Club! We have many classes and trainers who can guide you to reducing your disease risk and holding you accountable to better habits. Contact the Sports Club desk for more information at 281-899-3250.

Carbs & Sugars Quiz 1. Which of following is a healthy selection for carbohydrate consumption? a) fresh fruit b) fruit juice c) energy drink d) soft drink

2. Cardiovascular disease risk increases when added sugars make up what percentage of daily calories? a) 8 – 10% b) >15% c) 5 – 7% d) 2 – 5%

3. Naturally occurring sugar as found in fruit is not linked to incidence of Type 2 diabetes. __ True __ False

4. Sarcopenia (gradual loss of muscle):

a) leads to insulin resistance which is a symptom of Type 2 diabetes b) is due to aging and inactivity c) can be prevented with resistance training d) all of the above

5. As long as you do regular cardio & weight training some “bad” carbs are not a health risk. ___ True ___ False

ANSWERS – 1.a, 2.b , 3.True, 4.d, 5.False

Tips for Cutting Down on Sugar 1. Toss table sugar and reduce by ½ or more the amount of other sweeteners you use. 2. Swap out soda for water or unsweetened tea. 3. Read food labels and choose products with no additives or with the least amount. 4. Add fresh, frozen, canned or dried fruit to bland foods for flavor and fiber. 5. Cut back on sweet food serving sizes. 6. Lastly and perhaps most important, eat only whole foods.

Fall Fun on the Courts Tennis Director, Peter Farrell |

Junior Programs

Summer tennis camps are finished up and school is back in session, but we are excited to announce that our 2019 Fall Junior Tennis Classes are back! September 3rd will be our first day back in action. The Pee Wee group (ages 4-7 yrs. old) and the Australian Open group (ages 8-10 yrs. old) have been extended to motivate the kids in reaching new goals this year. Contact Antoine Ford ( or stop by the Sports Club to get your child signed up.

Ladies Tennis New to fall programming, we are introducing the Ladies Beginner Tennis Clinic : Friday mornings from 10:30 - 11:30 am, $25/per visit. We are excited to invite new players or members that have never picked up a tennis racket to come try it out! We have an array of league teams looking for players to fill their rosters! Each of our teams run drills and participate in one scheduled match per week with other programs in the Houston area. Please contact Peter Farrell if you are interested.

Drop in Clinics

Come get a great workout in a competitive atmosphere! Try one of our Open Drop-In Clinics: Tuesday from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Pickleball Social Play Mondays and Thursdays, 7 pm Courts 6 and 7

Crown Green Bowling

Lawn Bowling is low impact and can be competitive or purely social! If you enjoy shuffle board, curling, or putting, this is an activity you will love! Look out for socials and free play nights coming up. We have everything you need to get started!

Need a paddle? You can check one out at the Sport Club desk! If you are new to the game or could use some pointers, we run a free clinic on Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30pm.

2019 Fall Junior Tennis Programs September 3 - November 14 Pee Wee Tennis (Red Ball): Tuesdays and Thursdays

4:00 - 4:45 pm

Australian Open Tennis (Orange Ball): Mondays and Wednesdays

5:00 - 6:30 pm

French Open Tennis (Green Ball): Tuesdays and Thursdays

5:30 - 7:00 pm

U.S. Open Tennis (Yellow Ball): Tuesdays and Thursdays

5:30 - 7:00 pm

AGE GROUPS Pee Wee: Ages 4-6 Australian Open: Ages 7-9 French Open: Ages 10-12 U.S. Open: Ages 13+ C A M P F E E S 1 class/ 8 classes Member Guest

Pee Wee $13.50/$102 $15.50/$117

Australian Open $24/$156 $26/$161

French Open $27/200 $31/$148

U.S. Open $27/$200 $31/$148





29 • Yappy Hour




CLUB OPEN LABOR DAY • Open Pickle Play • ROCCLA Mah Jongg


3 CLUB CLOSED "Monday Hours"


4 • WGA Play Day • W.D.W. • Co-Ed Drop-in

11 • WGA Play Day Kick-off Scramble • W.D.W. • Co-Ed Drop-in 18 17 16 • WGA Play Day • Open Pickle Play Championship • ROCCLA Mah • Bistro Bites • ROCCLA Bunko • W.D.W. Jongg • Ladies Drop-in • Co-Ed Drop-in • ROCCLA Movie Night 23 24 25 • Open Pickle Play • Bistro Bites • WGA Play Day • ROCCLA Mah • Ladies Drop-in • W.D.W. Jongg • ROCCLA H.H.




9 10 • Open Pickle Play • ROCCLA Mah • Bistro Bites Jongg • Ladies Drop-in




5 • WGA Tee Timers • ROCCLA Mexican Dominoes • Dine Around • Open Pickle Play

12 • Dine Around • Open Pickle Play




7 • MGA Stroke • ROCCLA Play Finals Bridge • Lobster Weekend • Back to School Kick- Off Party • Lobster Weekend 13


19 20 • MGA Men's • Dine Around • Open Pickle Play Match Play • ROCCLA Bridge 26 27 • Dine Around • Nine, Wine and • Open Pickle Play Dine

21 • MGA Men's Match Play • Chophouse Night


30 • Open Pickle Play • ROCCLA Mah Jongg


7 •Crystal Foundation Tournament •ROCCLA Mah Jongg •Open Pickle Play 14 CLUB OPEN •ROCCLA Mah Jongg •Open Pickle Play

21 • Young Life Tournament •ROCCLA Mah Jongg •Open Pickle Play 28 •Star of Hope Tournament •ROCCLA Mah Jongg •Open Pickle Play



1 2 • ROCCLA Bridge • WGA Play Day • Bistro Bites • W.D.W. • Ladies Drop-in • Co-Ed Drop-in

9 8 • ROCCLA Bridge • WGA Play Day • Bistro Bites • W.D.W. • ROCCLA Bunko • Co-Ed Drop-in • Ladies Drop-in



3 4 • ROCC Invitational • ROCCLA Mexican • ROCC Invitational • ROCCLA Bridge Dominoes • Dine Around • Open Pickle Play 10 11 • Dine Around • ROCCLA Rustic Brush • Open Pickle Play

5 • ROCC Invitational 12

15 CLUB CLOSED "Monday Hours" • ROCCLA Bridge • Ladies Drop-in

16 • WGA Play Day • W.D.W. • Co-Ed Drop-in


• Dine Around • Open Pickle Play

18 • ROCCLA Bridge • Dinner en Blanc


22 •WGA Bordeaux Cup •ROCCLA Bridge •Bistro Bites • Ladies Drop-in 29 • ROCCLA Bridge • Bistro Bites • Ladies Drop-in

23 • WGA Bordeaux Cup • W.D.W. • Co-Ed Drop-in

24 • MGA Fleur de Lis Cup • Dine Around • Open Pickle Play

25 • Family Halloween Bash


30 • WGA Play Day • W.D.W. • Co-Ed Drop-in • ROCCLA H.H.

31 • Themed Dine Around • Open Pickle Play

W.D.W. = Wine Down Wednesday @ The Bistro Lounge Calendar details subject to change. Please refer to the online calendar for details and most updated version.


3 • MGA Fleur de Lis Cup 10 • Husband/Wife Chsllenge


• The Mick Dinner





4 • Boys and Girls Club Tournament • ROCCLA Mah Jongg • Open Pickle Play 11

5 6 • ROCCLA Bridge • WGA Interclub • Bistro Bites • W.D.W. • Ladies Drop-in • Co-Ed Drop-in


19 • ROCCLA Bridge • Bistro Bites • Ladies Drop-in

12 13 • WGA RoyalTee • ROCCLA Mah • WGA RoyalTee • ROCCLA Bridge • W.D.W. Jongg • Co-Ed Drop-in • Open Pickle Play • Bistro Bites • ROCCLA Bunko • Ladies Drop-in 20 • WGA Turkey Shoot • W.D.W. • Co-Ed Drop-in

• The Mick • ROCCLA Mah Jongg • Open Pickle Play 25 27 26 • ROCCLA Mah •ROCCLA Bridge • W.D.W. Jongg •Bistro Bites • Co-Ed Drop-in • Open Pickle Play • Ladies Drop-in • ROCCLA H.H.



1 2 • MGA Fleur de Lis • MGA Fleur de Cup Lis Cup • ROCCLA Bridge

7 8 9 • MGA Fall Social • ROCCLA Mexican • Fall Demo Day Dominoes • Dine Around • Open Pickle Play 14 16 15 • Dine Around • MGA One Day • Harvest Dinner • Open Pickle Play Member Guest • ROCCLA Bridge • Harvest Dinner 21 • Theme Dine Around • Open Pickle Play




• Thanksgiving Brunch • Open Pickle Play


• Founding Member Dinner 30

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Mission Statement: Royal Oaks Country Club provides an environment of enjoyment to all Members and their families by offering exceptional golf, fitness, recreational sports, social and dining experiences. Vision Statement: To be recognized as the private club of choice for Houston families by offering a convenient and relaxed lifestyle with superior amenities and facilities. Values: Members • Members are our most important asset • Membership is a privilege through a thoughtful selection process Amenities • First class golf and recreational sports experience • Remarkable social experiences promoted by members Employees • Attract staff who are high performers and outstanding in their field • Uphold fiscal responsibility through effective Club governance Community • Promote fellowship in a welcoming social environment • Adhere to the Golden Rule…treat others as you want to be treated


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