photography unit of the Museum of London given by Miss Cox. This was followed by a demonstration of Bowens lighting equipment by the staff of KJP. Dr Sandor van der Leeuw then showed the use of photography from satellites in the study of archreological sites. After lunch Dr. Anita Herle gave a talk on the Museum of Archreology and Anthropology followed by a tour of the museum.
The Art Photography Workshop at the Horniman'sMuseum John Spence ARPS
The conference dinner was held in the impressive Wordsworth room of St John's College and an excellent meal of courses, each from a different century , was followed by an amusing speech by Brian Tremaine FRPS.
Archceology and Heritage is concerned with understanding the life of the past. The remains of buildings and the artefacts used by the inhabitants are often the main evidence used to reconstruct the lifestyle of both primitive societies and civilisations.
Sunday morning was a guided tour round Cambridge. This was comprehensive but left little time for photographs. After lunch Mr.Martin Gienke reviewed the current trends in video and Mr. Chris Hurst talked about his work with old paintings to find evidence of overpainting to repair or alter the original work. The afternoon finished with a talk by Professor Renfrew, Master of Jesus College, on the meaning of Heritage. The conference closed with tea in Emmanuel College followed by a tour of some of the rooms.
Most towns have a museum, often with photographic facilities or a room which could be used as a studio, where museum exhibits could be made available to interested photographers.
We stayed in Cambridge until the Tuesday for more photographs and a visit to the Fitzwilliam museum. Once again the Archreology and Heritage Group have organised a highly successful and very enjoyable conference and our thanks must go to all the people who helped to run it.
A pioneering example of cooperation between museum and local photographers is provided by the Horniman Museum in Forest Hill, I ondon, where for the past 14 years an Art Photography Workshop has I> n run as part of an Adult Education Programme. The workshop is • upervised by Bernard Brandham, the Museum's Exhibition Manager. tudio and darkroom facilities are available with full lighting equipment. Art facts are provided from the museum's collection and these range lrorn Palceolithic tools to twentieth century ethnic carvings and masks. The students must have a basic knowledge of photography and d.trkroom techniques and provide their own cameras and films. The ourser is informal with each member free to follow his/her own artistic 1 r ferences, which range from 'pure record' to 'near abstract' lr 1t rpretation of the subjects. The Horniman Museum specialises in llmic subjects and has a fine collection of musical instruments.
I came across the workshop by chance, when I picked up a leaflet visit to the museum. I have always been interested in archceology