2 minute read
an excellent time was all, & our sincere thanks to Viviana Tremain for organising our visit,
An exhibition of work by David Eames can be seen close to the British Museum Map below,
Chairmans AGM REPORT cont:
WILLIAM HAYES 1871-1940 by Terry Buchanan
Hutton Press £4.25
It might be thought that the story of a profess'onal hotographer in a provincial city during the first half of . the cen ury and comparatively unknown elsawhel8, would be only of I al interest, but I found this little book fa~inating. Its not all bad news thoµgh, ~11 the time our small band gets to make the kind of visit it most appreciates and after all if more than a dozen members turnout we should be falling over ourselves and our tri-pods.
We should not expect me to turn up regularly, like Scouts at their weekly assem the visits and meetings we arranged for the Group the past 12 Months have amoung the best to date, is more,thanks to our "PROG ~EC"they have received the publicity ever in the JOURNAL. Let us keep up this c_ra-c pace and achieve an even bet record for 198 6. Heritage even now one of the most co words in the English langua let's really --explore the .subj while its still popular. The Nature Group are placed I believe our way ah somewhat differently, you can as a viable Group of the Ro always lose 50 or so members Photographic Society, sho in a Cornfield or a wood. be. A/. To establish a ro r So perhaps we should consider so that members can obtain ev ourselves most fortunate, taking possible assistance in achiev into account our espeyial not a DISTINCTION for their photogr to say peculiar interests in B/. To im rove the ualit old buildings to name one· aspect, of the Group Newsletter, Magaz that we are generally few in or whatever you wish to c number at our meetings. Which it, intecesting articles brings me to the main point I OK as a general filler, a wish to raise, "Could it be that perhaps to trigger off speciali our Members, being observant interests of members, but and very particular, would much "MEAT IN THE SANDWICH" just rather READ about Group exploits, to be the "EXPLOITS". of 1 than be part of them ?" OUR members as individuals, After all, getting frozen their work and spare time, t in a ditch or up to your knees interests and handi-work, in mud is not the best way to 2/. the exploits of the G treat good camera gear, as John generally· Walden will testify, incidently As an ordinary "STAND-AL I still have a strange brown member, this is what "I" w alluvial substance on my best be most interested in and I · camera case· that defies elimination that you will all agree that from the Groups very first me and make a special ef visit to Tunbridge Powder Mills, to try and achieve this Years ago. in the difficult times ahead.