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Chairmans REPORT cont:
oncentrat.ed my report far from earning critisism _ --:-o p, without reference· for small jobs perhaps not done :-:-:.:~sism of Bath,as some or missed, we all should be very ave expected,I hope to grateful that someone is prepared a Sub-Committee set-up soon to put themselves out, even put review the Group "RULES & their hands in their pockets . "'GULATIONS. and any. other matters at times, for the well being requiring attention. of a great institution which And now lastly but not least, my very especial thanks to those Officers who have given freely will one day hopefully be still part of the Great British Heritage of the future. of their valuable time to this To those unpaid unsung and little backwater of the Royal much abused at times, workers Photographic Society, and rememb- at the back of every RPS Group, ering that they each and every lets give our grateful thanks. one have private lives, a living to earn and jobs to go to. Victor. AGM. 1986.
:elegates,we only have limited --4-places,& the regulars are sufle to get in FIRST.If --you •ould like to take part 'iE PROORAt41E ? "iOW about Films & Talks -ERITAGE, WORKSHOPS ON in the YEAR'S event-ACT NOW I(& I . from Exp&rts on ARCHAEOLOGY & ALL MANNER OF SKILLS andALL WILL get printing I • your pie-entry) __ _ - - - •. • ; I ·r " g " g • I 3E AGAINST A BACKGROUND OF GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY. lHE USUAL ::HAIRMAN'S PET INSISTAt-CE OF DUE REGARD FOR A BIAS TO+ •#/ARDS PICTORIAL t.()l'-OO-tRa.1E WORK OF EXHIBITION STANDARD ILL AGAIN BE FEATURED •• A big surprise will be the Guest of Honour tor the WEEKEND,YES I The Pf'esident tor 1987,88. Arthur Downs FRPS.and his Lady. 9 B 7 1 · CX) 0 Q)~ I ..._. .., ~..,. .1 0 ... ...,3: • I :::E: !l 8 c O : o:: o. ,.. .S a.i::i:J.., a ... ... =.I >- S u rn LL.. -~ co~ I a, ... ,Z .-1 .., G> • • •-C!J i::,:JM <...!)C •:o"' ••••· g a> :z: co~ I en g, : c:: it =.t u:!::z='o~
1RPS CONFERENC·E-~ •Ji;~ :11Ji ~i 2RYSTAL PALACE NATIONAL SPORTS CENTER I _g >- :::, M 1---l : ci.$ =:_,· ll. Cl Z .,J U • ~3: NORWOOD. LONDON. S. E.
- Z «s 1---l • >,_ .... F RESERVE A PLACE AT THE BEST RPS EVEN TI.~ m < a:..c: THE YEAR-BOOK yes BOOK A PLACE TODAY.. en ,a : Dffi]-o~ i :~ =.I i• u s t send Cheque · / P • O • o r I. 0 • U • q u i ck l Y I N •r-l Q) UI i . I Confexence 8/.C/o.Victor.12 Marlings l-tislehurst..Kent.BR7 6QW.(0689-23325) Park Ave. I. 1,.1 lz-<0;-; 1t1 :-:.,