1. Introduction
2. What has happened in the SE region since the last newsletter
3. News in the region
4. Planned events for the next 6 months and a taste of future events
5. Hello to new members
6. Congratulations to new distinction holders
1. Introduction
I thought you might like to see a selection of images from the Broadstairs Folk Festival on 13th of August. It was a bright sunny day and there were 9 of us with cameras as we walked around the beautiful setting of Broadstairs. Morris Dancers were a prominent theme with some wonderful musicians accompanying them. The day was very successful and is marked for a return in 2024. The images are from Hedley Basford, John Gough and Lester Cunningham. Our next click event is around Ramsgate harbour on 29/10/23, in the afternoon to end with a, hopefully, excellent sunset.
2. What has happened since the last newsletter?
Although I said we would issue the newsletter on a bi-monthly basis, this issue is a special because we have the AGM coming up on 1/10/23. This is an opportunity for you in the SE to voice your comments and concerns.
I am delighted to say that Alex Hare is going to join us to give a talk broadly centred on Photographing Kent; a Landscape Photography Tour and Britain’s Best Kept Secret!
Don’t worry, Alex is particularly interested in Kent as he lives there, but goes on to say:
“I discuss the more general, the technical and artistic ideas behind the images. It’s also really about finding landscapes that are local to you, which may not be on the usual ‘bucket list’ and exploring your area and interpreting it as a photographer. I have found this message to be broadly appealing to people near or far from Kent”.
The full AGM agenda is
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes from AGM 2022
3. Finance report
4. Regional Organiser report
5. Election or approval of officers
6. Online survey results
7. Any Other Business
8. Talk by Alex Hare - Photographing Kent; a Landscape Photography Tour and Britain’s Best Kept Secret!
9. Thanks from Andrew Page - Positive View
10.Online exhibition poll results
You will find the following items by going to the SE website. I am aiming to have these there by 14/9/23.
Minutes from AGM 2022
Finance report
Regional Organiser report
If you have any items for Any Other Business, can you please submit them to me by email by 20/9/23?
Don’t forget we have Online exhibition which just requires you to enter up 3 images taken in the region this year. (Wherever you live counts as the region). These will be shown online.
Here are the details: Here is the link
I mentioned the TWT, (talk, walk, talk), events last month. One of these is scheduled for Folkestone on 6/10/23, (sorry, the bookings are now closed). They are looking to do another set of TWT events and the theme this time is Architecture and the Built Environment. The scope is as wide as you like and they are looking for leaders to help with this all over the country. If you feel you could help, let me know by mid-October and I can let you have the details. The actual walk is scheduled for Feb/Mar 2024
4. Planned events for the next 6 months and a taste of future events
Sorry, we’re still trying to arrange an online LRPS advisory day. If you are interested in travelling to near Bournemouth, there is a face to face Advisory day there on 1/10/23, (coincidentally, our AGM day). Click here for details
RPS SE event programme -Sept 2023 - Nov 2023 (Status of event correct as of 08/09/23)
British Wildlife Centre
01/10/2023 2023 AGM
Birds of Prey workshop (no link yet)
Crossness Pumping Station - with models (no link yet)
Ramsgate Royal Harbour and in the footsteps of Van Gogh and Marx - click event
Street Photography in London - maybe with models (no link yet)
Led By
Paul Stillman
John Gough
Paul Stillman
Paul Burgess
John Gough
Paul Burgess
The Crossness Pumping station is a fantastic venue for architectural photogram and we are trying to secure models to make the day even more worthwhile. More news as we finalise this event.
5. Hello to new members A very warm welcome to all of the following: Jo Pannier, Julie Cousens and Nina Carrington
6. Congratulations to new distinction holders, (when information permits) This report is one I am still unable to get at present.
If you have any ideas for the region or want to help contact me at southeast@rps.org. There are only 5 of us left on the committee. help is urgently needed.
John Gough, RPS SE Regional Organiser