1. Introduction
2. What has happened in the SE region since the last newsletter
3. News in the region
4. 2024 AGM
5. Planned events for the next 10 months and a taste of future events
6. Hello to new members
1. Introduction
I hope you all had a happy Easter and managed to get out there and take some photos in the Spring weather. I tried to take some pictures of new born lambs, hoping to capture them leaping around. No such luck as they were frightened by other people out walking or me just sitting there pointing a large lens at them.
One of our members, Julie Elmes is phone photography tutor for East Kent Jet Black Squares. Julie and another RPS member set up one of their courses for a local camera club. The image above is an iPhone image from a puddle setup to get a great reflection and then using Snapseed, a second image of a picture from the local cafe was blended in. All of this was demonstrated at very photogenic venue in Faversham on the day. We are planning to offer the same course to RPS SE members, probably next year, unless a gap appears this year.
2. What has happened since the last newsletter?
Thanks must go to David Jordan for leading the LRPS online advisory day. Given the transition to digital only LRPS distinctions, the day was very timely. David showed just how much work advisors and assessors have to put in as he looked at over 100 pictures in detail. We will be holding these events annually and I do recommend them.
The other event held since my last newsletter was the Talk- Walk- Talk, (TWT) event in Canterbury. It is very heartening to report that all such events like this are fully subscribed and, in this case, everyone liked Canterbury. I will be using our favourite picture from the day as the front cover next newsletter, following our post event Zoom.
We are now in April and the date for prints in an LRPS distinction has passed. I believe there are still details to be worked out with the new digital system.
We are continuing to use Billetto to supply event tickets. There was also to be a new release of the software CRM, that amongst other things, provides a ticket to our events. I understand this is also behind schedule
The fairly prescriptive terms of reference for Regional committees have been passed. Our exposure is currently high as we do not have a separate RO, Finance officer and Secretary.
The AGM taking us up to Q4 2023 is planned for Sunday 28th April at 1000 via zoom. You can go via the RPS SE website or directly to Billetto to get a ticket and the Zoom link. The agenda is:
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes from AGM 2023
3. Finance report
4. Regional Organiser report
5. Election or approval of officers
6. Any Other Business
7. Close
You can also download items 2, 3 and 4 on the RPS SE website
We are financially secure and, in my opinion, catering for the apparent SE membership requirements. The 2 things that concern me are mentioned in the news above. I will talk more about these at the AGM.
I am using this newsletter to ask if you have any other business to submit it to me via email no later than 21-04- 2024
5. Planned events for the next 6 months and a taste of future events
Our philosophy is to provide free to attend events called click events. Sometimes you may be required to pay an entrance fee. A click event is focused on a photogenic venue with a number of like minded people coming together to take images and socialise. We may opt to provide expert tuition via Zoom prior to some of these events. In addition to these events we will look at 1 or 2 Face to Face events with a tutor and 1 advisory day per annum.
You can see the proposed programme until December 2024 below, followed by ideas for 2025
RPS SE event programme: April 2024 - December 2024 (Status of event correct as of 2/4/24)
2024 AGM
Places available
This event is designed to give the members information on the future programme, strategy, our financial position and appeal for volunteers.
Bluebell Photo Workshop click event
Sold out, sorry
This is a click event, walking around King’s Wood, near Challock. There will be a professionally led Zoom talk prior to the event telling us how to photograph bluebells and where to go. There is no cost apart from the car park.
Arundel Wetlands click event (pay on the door)
Places available
This is based at Arundel Wetland centre. We will meeting the cafe just inside and walk around concentrating on bird photography. The only cost is the entrance fee to Arundel.
Bewl Water click event (pay on the door)
Places available
This is a click event, walking around Bewl Water with the opportunity to take photographs of the wildlife, water and beautiful surrounding countryside. The only cost is the car park.
Lullingstone orchid flower photography click event (pay on the door)
The web link takes you to the Lullingstone own web page
This event is proposed in September, hoping that the Orchids, which are under grown glass are still available. The only cost is the entrance fee.
Knole Park click event (pay on the door)
The web link takes you to the Knole Park own web page
Knole Park is near Sevenoaks. It is a SSSI and has plenty to photograph. The only cost will be the entrance to the park and we will then concentrate on the 1000 acres of woodland. The link is to the actual Knole Park website which is a NT location. The only cost is parking and entrance fee. (Free to NT members)
Photographing autumn colours click event
The web link takes you to the Bedgebury own web page
This is a face to face click event without a tutor to capture the majesty of autumn colours at Bedgebury. The colours at this time of year are magnificent.
Street Photography in London Dec 24 click event (no link yet)
15/12/2024 Timing TBC
This is a street photograph day in LONDON. We will choose a route and roughly follow this. There will be no fee
February 2025
April 2025
May 2025
August 2025
September 2025
RPS SE event programme: 2025 (Ideas and rough timings so far)
LRPS distinction advisory day 2025
Use your phone as a camera
Margate click event
Broadstairs Folk Week ’25 click event
Birds of Prey workshop
6. Hello to new members from 13/02/2023 through to 29/03/24
Jo Teasdale, Michele Cohen, Stephen Brosnan, Peter Wilson, Paul Nowlan, Savitri Kegge, Beverley Birchley, Solveig Burton, Eula Mickelborg, Edward Adams, Oliver Johnson, Sarah Tate, Martin Johns, Ben Kirby, Imelda Turnock, Carly Clarke, Jon Daly
If you have any ideas for the region or want to help, contact me at southeast@rps.org.
According to the terms of reference we should have a minimum of Regional Organiser, Financial Officer and a Secretary. We have the required number on the committee to make decisions, but ideally, we do need specific people for these above roles. The Finance role is not onerous at all with most of the work done by finance in RPS central.
John Gough, RPS SE Regional Organiser