1 minute read
As the Creative Eye Group continues to grow, there have been a number of changes over recent months: a new name, a new logo, the introduction of a regular eNewsletter - and now, a brand new look to our regular Creative Eye Group magazine. In taking on the role of editor, I must thank my predecessor, Barry Freeman for handing over a well established and already enjoyed publication. I hope, that during my tenure, I can do it justice. We’ll be featuring Barry’s career and work in the next issue.
Putting this (my first) edition of the magazine together is a reminder of the breadth and scope of our membership who see the world through a personal lens. With a limitless subject matter there is inevitably some overlap with other RPS special interest groups - and nobody is claiming a monopoly on “creativity” - but read on to peer into the minds of our Creative Eye Group membership.
Steve Varman, Editor
Facebook facebook.com/groups/rpscg
Chairman and Exhibition Co-ordinator
Moira Ellice ARPS creative.chair@rps.org
Treasurer and Webmaster Barry Collin LRPS CPAGB APAGB creative.web@rps.org
General Secretary Gillian Beckett ARPS creative.secretary@rps.org
Exhibition Secretary Matthew Clarke BPE3* creativeimage@rps.org
Membership Secretary Bill Coles LRPS creative.membershipsecretary@rps.org
Barry Freeman ARPS DPAGB APAGB Vice Chairman and Assistant Exhibition Co-ordinator Nigel Rea ARPS
Events Organiser Jeremy Rodwell ARPS creative.eventorganiser@rps.org
Publications Editor & Facebook Administrator Steve Varman LRPS creative.publications@rps.org
Or search Facebook for ‘RPS Creative’
Flickr flickr.com/groups/3510780@N20/pool
Or search Flickr for Creative or RPS
Editor creative.publications@rps.org
Website www.rps.org/special-interestgroups/creative-eye
Cover image: Nature’s Diamonds by David Jordan FRPS (full story on page 4)
Contribute an article
Tell us about your stories, projects and distinction successes. If you would like to submit something for consideration, for either the eNewsletter or Creative Eye magazine, please contact Steve Varman at: creative.publications@rps.org
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