RPS - Benelux Chapter eJournal - Volume 8 Autumn 2017

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VIEW FROM THE RPS BENELUX CHAPTER ORGANISERS In this special edition you find all kind of information about our Rockin’ Rotterdam photography project, the exhibition on 11th October and our Chapter meeting on 15th October. See our eJournal but first:

The Royal Photographic Society Benelux Chapter Copyright The copyright of photographs and text in this eJournal belong to the author of the article of which they form part, unless otherwise indicated. Cover photo Rockin’ Rotterdam photobook Proof reading Dawn Black

15th October Chapter Meeting This special meeting has been organised to coincide with the Rockin’ Rotterdam Exhibition.


Arrive Timmerhuis, Rodezand, 3011 AN Rotterdam


View the Photo Exhibition


AGM (at the Café inside the Timmerhuis). This will include discussing the programme for 2018




Advise of series of members prints by Armando Jongejan FRPS Members may each bring a series of 5 prints for discussion. It would be useful if you would let the organisers know if you are bringing prints so that we can manage the afternoon appropriately.


Meeting closes.

Editor eJournal Armando Jongejan Journal Editorial committee Richard Sylvester Eddie Maes (B) Dawn Black (NL) Simon Hauxwell (L) Janet Haines (NL) Webmaster Tony Roe

Please note that the Timmerhuis is closed to the public on Sundays but the café is opening especially for us. They will also have to give us access using their key code. Wait by the main door in Rodezand and we will let you in. Ring Janet Haines mobile if we do not see you 0031644474144. It would be useful to know how many people will be at the meeting. We hope that it will be as many of you as possible. Please let us know if will have the pleasure of your company.

Janet Haines ARPS Richard Sylvester LRPS RPS Benelux Chapter Organizers



VIEW FROM THE RPS BENELUX CHAPTER ORGANISERS In this special edition you find all kind of information about our Rockin’ Rotterdam photography project, the exhibition on 11th October and our Chapter meeting on 15th October. See our eJournal but first:

The Royal Photographic Society Benelux Chapter Copyright The copyright of photographs and text in this eJournal belong to the author of the article of which they form part, unless otherwise indicated. Cover photo Rockin’ Rotterdam photobook Proof reading Dawn Black

15th October Chapter Meeting This special meeting has been organised to coincide with the Rockin’ Rotterdam Exhibition.


Arrive Timmerhuis, Rodezand, 3011 AN Rotterdam


View the Photo Exhibition


AGM (at the Café inside the Timmerhuis). This will include discussing the programme for 2018




Advice of series of members prints by Armando Jongejan FRPS Members may each bring a series of 5 prints for

Editor eJournal Armando Jongejan Journal Editorial committee Richard Sylvester Eddie Maes (B) Dawn Black (NL) Simon Hauxwell (L) Janet Haines (NL) Webmaster Tony Roe

discussion. It would be useful if you would let the organisers know if you are bringing prints so that we can manage the afternoon appropriately. 17.00

Meeting closes.

Please note that the Timmerhuis is closed to the public on Sundays but the café is opening especially for us. They will also have to give us access using their key code. Wait by the main door in Rodezand and we will let you in. Ring Janet Haines mobile if we do not see you 0031644474144. It would be useful to know how many people will be at the meeting. We hope that it will be as many of you as possible. Please let us know if will have the pleasure of your company.

Janet Haines ARPS Richard Sylvester LRPS benelux@rps.org

ROCKIN’ ROTTERDAM PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT The Royal Photographic Society - Benelux Chapter started the Rockin' Rotterdam project in October 20 16. We held a trial meeting for a few of our members in October when we did the 3024, 3025 and 3029 areas. It was a bright sunny dry day and everyone enjoyed it, so we made the decision to make it a winter project.

By November we had established a web site www.rockinrotterdam.eu. Found information on the web listing all the streets in the 30XX postcode and formed that into a working spreadsheet to record photos by street/postcode. We established a Meet Up account, a Facebook page and got some airtime on the local radio announcing our first public Meet Up, outside the “Markthal” in late November.

In January 2017 we held two meetups (photo walks). It was cold. It was wet. But still the photographers turned out and were growing in numbers. Not everyone came to every meeting but normally there were about 15-20 each time. Some became regulars and got new people involved as well. The message was getting out there and people responded well to the idea.



Fairly early on we announced an 'Own a Postcode' scheme. Individuals, friends or clubs could commit to taking all the photos of every street in a chosen postcode. This proved quite popular. As you look around the exhibition you will see some panels where the information sheet shows just one person’s name, or carries the club logo. 16 postcodes were part of this scheme.

Meet UPs continued through till the end of April. By then we had some streets where we had more than one photo submitted and some postcodes with missing streets. We discovered how the map of Rotterdam is continually evolving as some new streets were found and old ones had disappeared. Some photographers then went to shoot specific streets to fill the missing gaps. Finally by the end of May we had completed the task - one photo in every one of the 2809 streets that we could find inside the ring road.

We had now turned the map completely red and filled in all the gaps in our spreadsheet. It was time to start working on the exhibition. First we wanted to thank all the photographers who had been involved, so we invited them to an evening celebration. Many had stories to tell of funny things that had happened whilst out in the streets of the city. We made some small presentations and enjoyed each others company in a warm comfortable environment - indoors for once.


The Rockin' Rotterdam organising team now got into preparing all the street images ready for printing. Proof readers checked every sheet. Choosing the image that would be printed large for each postcode and getting information sheets made involved many people. There were translations to be done. Sponsors to find and agree terms with. Suppliers to get prices and information from. Avenue needed to be identified and agreed with all parties. The list was endless - the team pulled together.

finding the venue

preparing the images

proof reading

With the photos sent off to the printers, profotonet, within hours we got a photo back showing them rolling off the printer. It will take the car to get them all back as the pile is so big. Next they all have to be backed.

rolling off the printer

collection from Profotonet

The final icing on the cake was to produce a Rockin' Rotterdam photo book. This meant many hours of hard work for the book editors. They finally chose 381 of the exhibition images to fill the I04 pages of this quality book. It will make a wonderful keepsake for all those involved or who have enjoyed the project with us.

sorting into postcodes



Order before October 10th for €15, after you pay € 20 To make your payment here are our bank account details. NL44 ABNA 0247 9242 02 The RPS Benelux Chapter Please make sure you tell us your name when making the payment. Once we check the bank account we will confirm payment has been received. Please collect your book at the launch of the Rockin’ Rotterdam exhibition at Timmerhuis, Rodezand, 3011 AN Rotterdam at 18.00 on October 11th. If that is not possible and you need us to post it to you add €5 to your payment and tell us your postal address please. More information: info@rockinrotterdam.eu






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