RPS Benelux Issue 2 Winter 2023

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Issue 2 Winter 2023



Issue 2 Winter 2023


VIEW FROM THE RPS BENELUX CHAPTER ORGANISER We are delighted that our second edition of the relaunched eJournal is here. Thank you so much to our Editor, Katherine Maguire ARPS and to our Proof-reader, Sue Goldberg LRPS for putting in the many hours.

The Royal Photographic Society Benelux Chapter Copyright The copyright of photographs and text in this eJournal belong to the author of the article of which they form part, unless otherwise indicated.

We have been very busy this summer! Read all about the International Photo Festival, ‘Lens op de Mens’ in Pelt, Belgium. Our weekend was excellent, with Martin Parr HonFRPS giving his presentation on Saturday 23 September. Then we held our workshop, led by Diana Bokje on Mindful Photography, on Sunday 24. See the colourful and strange images we produced. The weather was also good, so it really was a success. We look forward to the next edition in 2025. Thanks all round to all who helped and participated! Our Benelux Members Print Exposition photos all have been collected and for those in The Netherlands you can collect them at our next physical meet up in Het Palet, Rotterdam on 5 December. Meanwhile Distinctions go on, we have a successful A panel by Gerry Phillipson from France, to admire and a new RPS member, who went straight for her L panel, Minke Groenewoud-Beerda. Congratulations to both! RPS HQ are changing how L assessments will be done. Per April 2024 only Digital Submissions will be accepted. Last dates for Print Submissions have been released, so please book your assessment if you want your printed panel assessed. (See link) A and F panels will still receive printed submissions for assessments and the procedure will remain unchanged. Assessments can also be watched online, this is very helpful and educational if you are interested in going forward with Distinctions. I recommend watching these to help you on your way in your photographic journey, all levels of Distinction assessments can be observed. (See link)

Cover photo © Ton van der Laan LRPS

Editor & Designer eJournal Katherine Maguire ARPS

Proof reading Sue Goldberg LRPS

Treasurer Jeroen Dorrestein LRPS

Organiser Carol Olerud FRPS

Webmaster Katherine Maguire ARPS

Liability Disclaimer The author of an article is responsible and liable for all content, text and images provided by them. Neither the RPS Benelux Chapter nor the editor is responsible or liable for any content therein.

The RPS 2023 Awards have also been announced. Please take a moment to have a look. (See link) Our Summer Challenge – ‘At One with Nature’ has closed, we are ready to begin with the voting. Here you can find the photos, so please Vote! (See link) The next Edition will show the results! Please enjoy this edition and please submit photos and articles, Cover photos, Members’ Photos and more – see last page for information. Remember this eJournal is by us and for us, so share your photography here! Carol Olerud FRPS www.carololerud.com October 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023




IN THIS ISSUE RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend 23 to 24 September, Pelt Belgium Carol Olerud FRPS

Mindful Photography Workshop 23 September 2023, Pelt Belgium


In this Issue


Issue 2 Winter 2023

A Successful L Panel Minke Groenewoud-Beerda LRPS AFIAP QPSA


A Successful A Panel Gerry Phillipson ARPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023



In this Issue

About the eJournal

Upcoming Events



Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend WORKSHOP MINDFUL PHOTOGRAPHY WEEKEND AT ‘LENS OP DE MENS’ PHOTO FESTIVAL Pelt Belgium 23 to 24 September 2023 Carol Olerud FRPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend


The fourth edition of the International Photo Festival in Pelt, Belgium was held from 4 June to 1 October 2023. It was the second time the RPS Benelux Chapter supported the event. We provided a jury member to be part of the judging of the 1,000’s of photos sent in. This year I represented us, and my photos got to be part of the festival at POI 14 where all the jury members had a set of five photos in the exposition.

8 RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

We are very happy to be part of this amazing photo festival. As it grows bigger and better every time, there is more recognition for it and people from further afield are discovering it. They send in their photos for the competition and selection to be part of the great outdoors exhibition on the streets of Pelt. The organisation does a wonderful job! Summertime in Pelt is a real happening every two years!

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend



RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

This year we were very lucky to have our own RPS Benelux Chapter Members Print Exposition hang on the wall of the old church yard at POI 31, right near the main building, C.C. Palethe. We had 23 photos by our members with the theme of ‘Daily Life of Us’. This fits nicely with the festival theme which is always about people. All our photos can be seen on our webpages.

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Benelux Chapter Weekend



RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend


A highlight of the photo festival was Martin Parr HonFRPS. He had an exposition of his work in the main building and on the 23rd of September he gave a fabulous presentation with lots of photos of his work over the years. He answered questions and signed books people had brought with them. This can be seen on YouTube, here.


RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

As an international group, we were part of a special dinner and local beer tasting and Martin was present as well. Here I had my opportunity to get my own book signed and we had wonderful conversations all evening as we sat at the same table. How lucky I was, as I’ve been a fan for a long time!

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend



RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

The Sunday 24 September, saw us having our workshop. We had asked Diana Bokje from The Netherlands to lead it for us. Diana told us about Contemplative photography and Mindfulness.

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend



RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend


We did some exercises which included some meditation and colour calibration for our brains! This was fun. We were lucky with perfect sunny weather, we could be outside and stand in a circle when we did this.


RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

It was preparation for us to then go out and do some assignments. This you can read about and see in another article with photos by the participants. Very colourful indeed!

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend



RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

You can download the presentation give by Diana from here

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend


Janet Haines ARPS, the previous Benelux Chapter Organiser, had sent in her photos in 2021 where she won the Bronze Award for Amateur Photographer, This year she was invited to send in a portfolio of her photos, which she did. These could be seen at POI 29 with all the other winners from 2021.


RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Everyone who visited the Photo




enjoyed themselves: so many photos to look at on the streets as well as several


expositions. Worth a day’s visit or a weekend.

Issue 2 Winter 2023

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend


2025 will be the next one so keep an eye on the website so you can also have an opportunity to have your photos hanging in the streets of Pelt. We hope to also be part of it again as Supporters and we look forward to it!


RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Thanks to all who joined in and a very big thank you to Diana Bokje as well as the Pelt Organising Committee.

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Carol Olerud FRPS RPS Benelux Chapter Organiser All photographs © Carol Olerud FRPS

RPS Benelux Chapter Weekend



Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography Workshop Given by Diana Bokje

24 September 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography



Mindful Photography


Issue 2 Winter 2023

n 24 September, Diana Bokje held a workshop on Mindful Photography.

During the workshop we learnt about Contemplative Photography, some meditation techniques, living in the moment, slowing down and being aware of what is around us. This can help us experience that flash of perception in the moment before our mental filters take over. We were given two assignments during the day, the first challenge was to walk around, trying to find our ‘flash of perception’ by focusing on photographing a colour. Second, we were assigned an ugly object. We were to sit for 15 minutes observing the object and thinking about how to photograph it. After the 15 minutes, we were told to take 20 images of the ugly object, then go for a 5 minute walk and come back to our object and take a final 21st image, the image that we might not have taken. On these pages you will see one image from the colour assignment and one from the ugly object assignment from those photographers who have chosen to share their work. Some of the photographers have also provided their thoughts on the workshop. Katherine Maguire APRS

The photographers that shared their photos are: Mary Ros Jan Ros ARPS Alan Waldern Kim Bybjerg LRPS Carol Olerud FRPS Joaquim Capitao Ton van der Laan LRPS Sue Goldberg LRPS Katherine Maguire ARPS

See all the submitted photos in our mindful photography workshop gallery.

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


Colour assignment Jan and Mary Ros We had a wonderful weekend in Pelt. The photos exhibited were varied, fascinating and had a high level of content, including the photos of the members of RPS-Benelux. Martin Parr's lecture was very interesting. The experience of the Mindful Photography workshop was nice. Diana Bokje is a great ambassador of this genre of photography. Not photographing with the mind but photographing with the heart. Thanks to Carol for organizing this wonderful weekend. We are already looking forward to Pelt 2025.

© Mary Ros


Mindful Photography

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Jan Ros ARPS

© Jan Ros ARPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


Alan Waldern Walking on water I was surprised how many blue items could be found walking around Pelt. It was a great exercise in observation as it is rarely found in nature. I was not the only one to notice the blue water valve covers, but as I looked down to capture it, I realised that my blue trainers were a good match. At f5, the brown laces were nicely out of focus.

© Alan Waldern


Mindful Photography

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Kim Bybjerg LRPS I looked around the room we were in, strong autumn sunlight coming in through the windows casting shadows. My eyes caught the beautiful scenario at a red door where the shadows even had a tint of red. I couldn’t resist and made the photo. I like the result because it is not only shadows in black but also shadows in red which gives it a special look.

© Kim Bybjerg LRPS

Carol Olerud FRPS For me this was quite a challenging experience as I’m a street photographer as well as documentary photographer. I like people and places, events, emotions and those kinds of things to photograph.

Having to stand still and observe my immediate surroundings, doing the meditation exercise was very new. I actually really enjoyed being in the moment, looking at colours, turning in circles and closing my eyes/opening my eyes. Then going off to photograph a colour only.

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


I chose blue. It’s a calming colour, the sky – when cloudless is something I really love, so that was my first image. Walking along for half an hour and only looking for blue was fun. I soon realised that the blue things were all inanimate objects. Painted blue by someone. This was less fun and more difficult than I realised! My second image is an old drum – painted blue. Rusting and scratched. Not really exciting at all. The photo turned out alright. Then as I carried on, some cars are also blue. I took some photos which aren’t in my selection which I actually liked, but thought were too obvious. Then I came across a window and reflections in it. I played around with my viewfinder to see how I could capture what I saw. This is precisely what the workshop was all about – only photograph the detail of what you saw. Leave out the 70% around it. Final photo is just that. Reflections/shadows/light and some lines in a window.

© Carol Oleurd FRPS


Mindful Photography

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Joaquim Capitao The “mindful photography” workshop with Diana Bokje was the opportunity for a small peek at an approach to photography with which I was not familiar, at least consciously.

I found the idea of photographing without the weight of experience and knowledge an interesting one, although I don’t think I could leave it completely behind. I think my tendency to look for geometry and patterns in everything I see conditioned my choices of subject for the two practical exercises in the workshop.

© Joaquim Capitao

The first exercise was on colour and I was fascinated, as soon as I entered the room, with the way sunlight projected the drawings on the windows onto the top of the green tables, so when I had to pick up a colour, it had to be green!

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


Sue Goldberg LRPS My chosen “colour” was green turning to yellow, which I had seen everywhere when I blinked my eyes open and shut during our workshop on a very sunny day. My eyes were attracted to a bright area of green/yellow in a leaf set off by shadows and brown




without worrying about the


focusing on the colours.

© Sue Goldberg LRPS


Mindful Photography

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Ton van der Laan LRPS I chose the colour red, inspired by the big umbrella on the square in front of the venue where our workshop was held. I liked the lines, the light, the different tones of red and the portrait of a smiling young boy hiding in the background. Because of the strong sunlight hitting the viewfinder of my camera it was hard to find the right composition. I pressed the shutter button anyway. Not bad.

© Ton van der Laan LRPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


Katherine Maguire ARPS I enjoyed the workshop but the meditation at the beginning of the first session did not work for me. Trying to feel the earth under my feet, only left me getting in touch with




nerves in my feet. For the colour assignment I chose red, which I saw all over the streets of Pelt, my only problem being that my lens could




enough to exclude any other colour.

© Katherine Maguire ARPS


Mindful Photography

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Ugly object assignment Jan Ros ARPS

© Jan Ros ARPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


Alan Waldern What lies beneath It was a pleasure sitting on a concrete bench for 20 minutes in the town square. As an object, it had strong lines, good texture and few signs of its life in a public place. Satisfied, I went for a 5 minute walk and returned wondering how the 3 ‘n’ shaped beams were held together. A completely different perspective which was the objective of the last photograph.

© Alan Waldern


Mindful Photography

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Kim Bybjerg LRPS I loved this exercise, observing an ugly object for 15 minutes, the more I observed the

more it grew on me and almost became beautiful. I photographed every angle of it. As the final photo I chose to show the object without its physical form, so only the shadow.

© Kim Bybjerg LRPS

I really liked this exercise which gave me a lot to think about for my future photography.

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


Joaquim Capitao The second exercise was on photographing an “ugly object” on the street, and I was assigned an electrical box on a sidewalk… But the triangular symbol, with the additional attractive complementary colours, was asking for a photo.

© Joaquim Capitao


Mindful Photography

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Carol Olerud FRPS

© Carol Olerud FRPS

The next assignment was photographing an ugly object. This was fun, the long observation of it, counting only 20 photos of it and coming back to it with new eyes. My ugly object was a bicycle repair station. Something I had never seen before! As I was sitting someone came along and closed an open latch on it. Gosh! This just took away a viewpoint I had wanted to photograph! Haha. I left it and carried on as it was exactly in front of me. In the end quite hard to select only two images.

The Workshop Mindful Photography led by Diana Bokje was lots of fun – Thanks Diana!

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


Sue Goldberg LRPS My “ugly object” was a large granite boulder shoved up against a building’s brick wall. I was intrigued by an unnatural metal protuberance on the rock when I was lying down to see the rock from below. This opened my eyes to the similar “protuberances” of overhangs in the buildings above and I snapped a photo.

© Sue Goldberg LRPS


Mindful Photography

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Ton van der Laan LRPS Arriving at the Old Market Square, Diana assigned me a cart with some poles in the cart and next to it. I decided to take my 20 images while circling the cart to achieve some kind of 360degree effect. That part was easy. Now the last photo, nr 21. During the 5-minute walk to think about that last photo, some men came, loaded the last poles on the cart and took the cart away. I took a photo of the space where the cart had been: the last photo became the image of the missing object

© Ton van der Laan LRPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Mindful Photography


Katherine Maguire ARPS

© Katherine Maguire ARPS

My ugly object was a pile of paving slabs, which I found very interesting, providing me with a lot of different shooting angles. It was difficult for me to stop at 20 images, which meant once I came back from 5 minutes walk, I still had shooting the slabs from above in my head.


Issue 2 Winter 2023

A Successful L-Panel By Minke Groenewoud-Beerda LRPS AFIAP QPSA

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful L-Panel


© Minke Groenewoud – Beerda LRPS AFIAP QPSA


A successful L-Panel

My Licentiate Presentation layout

06 - 09- 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful L-Panel

© Minke Groenewoud – Beerda LRPS AFIAP QPSA



A successful L-Panel

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Amateur Photographer I (a photographer for only 2 years) joined the RPS this summer 14th of July and applied the same week for my LRPS distinction. ”I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that” just like Pipi Longstocking, I laughed to myself about this, I am very honored to have obtained my LRPS so quickly and in one go. After signing up, I asked Carol Olerud FRPS for information. She helped me get started and I started to get a better idea of what my panel should look like. However, the nerves increased: I saw that the level of the RPS is very high. Can I actually do this? Carol advised me to book a 1-2-1 to discuss whether I am on the right track. I had my 1-2-1 with Mike Psyllides on August 9th via Zoom. That gave me peace of mind: my panel looked good, and we discussed the option of choosing a photo from the 'bonus photos' that Mike was very enthusiastic about. It was a selection with daring photos, where I was sometimes in conflict with the common photography 'rules'. There is a photo where the person walks out of the frame instead of into it, a Swan at the rising of the sun (in the mist) that as a single photo can be judged as 'questionable' but in a panel it is clearly an artistic choice (Mike said: "The other photos show the jury that you really have control of your camera, so -in my opinion- the Swan can stay") and a colorful butterfly depicted in black and white. I have puzzled with about 100 panels, ha-ha. So many Darlings removed to accommodate the entire panel. You do understand that this panel certainly does not contain my best work, but it does contain a coherent picture of my work, The jury's statement 'you are a bold, edgy rule-breaking photographer' naturally filled me with joy. I am very honored to now be able to add ‘LRPS’ after my name.

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful L-Panel

© Minke Groenewoud – Beerda LRPS AFIAP QPSA



A successful L-Panel

My biography I was born in Purmerend (1974) and wanted to go to the Rietveld Academy after secondary school at the age of fifteen. But I was not accepted there because of my young age. That also applied to the conservatory, I then attended the M.T.S. vocational school in Schoonhoven and also moved into rooms there. In the first year, everyone is taught in all subjects; watchmaking, gold and silversmithing, jewelry making and engraving; five professional directions. After the first year I opted for engraving and obtained my diploma for this, together with the establishment diploma (business economics and administration and computer accounting). After that time, I moved to Hoorn where, after a failed marriage, I moved to another house with my daughter. I retrained (after a shortened HBO study in Industrial Engineering and Management) to become a dental assistant, which fitted in nicely with my M.T.S.- training. After all, you work to the thousandth of a millimeter. I did this for about eight years, first full-time, later part-time and in the evenings, I obtained my dental assistant diploma In 2008 I suffered from a burnout and was completely rejected for my job – any job. After research it turned out that I have five autoimmune diseases. In 2011 I met my husband and I moved to Hoogwoud in 2013. In 2016 our son Jaap was born (his twin sister died halfway pregnancy).

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful L-Panel


© Minke Groenewoud – Beerda LRPS AFIAP QPSA


A successful L-Panel

Issue 2 Winter 2023

The how and when I got into photography As a 10-year-old child, my parents gave me my own camera; one of those where you have to arrange the settings yourself (my mother's old camera). I thought it was great, photographing. But film rolls and developing/printing, were costly affairs. I shot maybe ten rolls, but my love for photography was a fact. Our son Jaap was homeschooled by me during lockdown and school chose the theme 'garden birds'. I took a few photos of garden birds with the camera that we received from my father before Jaap’s birth and put them on my new Instagram account. They hit great. A well-known photographer then encouraged me to continue with photography. At the end of the summer of 2021, the moment was there when my husband Ted said: 'My wife has a hobby'. So, from the summer of '21 I was officially a hobby photographer. A few months later, in October 2021, I joined a photo club nearby to further expand this hobby. 3 days later I became a member of the Kunstkring Beeldende Kunsten Opmeer (Art group), where I was allowed to participate in 3 photo works during the spring exhibition in 2022. Since then, I have been a board member there. From that time on, everything has been a rollercoaster for me in the field of photography in terms of receiving (inter)national awards, mentions and exhibitions. My first year I had six exhibitions and this year 8. The Schermer Art route and the exhibition in the Grote Kerk in Oosthuizen were two of them. So, I have to be careful with my body, next year I have to take it a bit easier as far as doing exhibitions. Last October, I had just been a photographer for one year, I was admitted to the FIAP (Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique). Two months later I received my AFIAP award. I'm a bit proud of that because I'm the first person ever to have achieved this AFIAP award so quickly. In addition, after a thorough preliminary study, I was allowed to judge for the Koninklijke Fotobond Nederland and received my QPSA distinction this summer, just before receiving my LRPS. Currently I have my EFIAP application ready to submit and joined this month Fotokring Polderlicht, (a leading photo club in The Netherlands)

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful L-Panel


© Minke Groenewoud – Beerda LRPS AFIAP QPSA

where I can develop my skills and where I am surrounded by enthusiastic photographers. I am very grateful that I can use my artistic qualities in this way. The reactions of people who are touched by my photos is the most rewarding gift in addition to the happiness of being surrounded by lovely and supportive family and (photo) friends! My website:


A successful L-Panel

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful L-Panel


© Minke Groenewoud – Beerda LRPS AFIAP QPSA



Issue 2 Winter 2023

successful A-Panel The Marais, Grolejac, France 18 April 2022 Gerry Phillipson ARPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

© Gerry Phillipson ARPS

A successful A-Panel



A successful A-Panel


Issue 2 Winter 2023


The Marais, Grolejac, France The Marais is an area of wetland about nine kilometres from my home in France. It consists of inlets, ponds, winding watercourses and streams that infiltrate the dense forest around it. There is only minimum maintenance, thus fallen logs and foliage are left to rot in the water while some of the narrower channels become overgrown with trees hanging over them. The result is that the light is often sombre. The Marais is not a location for dramatic landscapes but for those of a more intimate kind that capture the sense of enclosure and containment, and the quietness and stillness of an environment in which all the various features are inter-related. My purpose is to show this close-knit inter-relationship between the forest, plants and the water 126 words

Gerry Phillipson ARPS

18 April 2022

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful A-Panel



A successful A-Panel

Issue 2 Winter 2023

ABOUT THE MARAIS By Gerry Phillipson ARPS As the Marais is enclosed by dense forest







photographs in the genre, “intimate landscape”. This gave rise to interesting exchanges with Joe

Cornish, Tony


Olerud with



members of the Benelux Chapter. The RPS Landscape SIG does not offer a definition of “intimate landscape.” Joe Cornish suggested it was a

matter of

geography, that a close up of a spider’s web with fly might fit a nature brief but if the web was shown on a bush with some background, it might be an intimate landscape. It’s a matter of

judging at what point










photographers from whom I learned that









should concentrate on the details within what might otherwise show the

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful A-Panel


© Gerry Phillipson ARPS


A successful A-Panel

© Gerry Phillipson ARPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful A-Panel


greater scene. Because the concept of intimate




judgements made about its form and content are subjective, I was never sure my submission would succeed.

The main challenge for the panel was to avoid repetition. I tried to manage this by concentrating on the forms and structures of the bushes, trees and plants as a kind of architectural background to the water and its reflections. Most importantly, I tried to achieve variety using the light, how it touched the plants and water, sometimes giving an overall softness to the scene. The wetland is a rich habitat for wildlife but showing this had to be resisted as it was beyond the terms of my SOI.


A successful A-Panel

© Gerry Phillipson ARPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

A successful A-Panel


© Gerry Phillipson ARPS


A successful A-Panel

© Gerry Phillipson ARPS

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Issue 2 Winter 2023

© Gerry Phillipson ARPS

A successful A-Panel



Issue 2 Winter 2023

Upcoming Events

Photo © Katherine Maguire ARPS

5 December 2023 Study Group Meeting An opportunity to share your work and get feedback from a friendly group of people. Everyone is welcome - members and nonmembers. It costs €5 per evening, which includes a drink and biscuit. For further details please our events page. Time: 19:30 until 22:00 Location: Het Palet, Duikerstraat 29, Rotterdam.

9 January 2024 Online Study Group Meeting An opportunity to share your work and get feedback from a friendly group of people. Everyone is welcome - members and nonmembers, this is a free online event, Zoom link will be sent out before the event. For further details please our event page. Time: 20:00 until 22:00 Location: Online Zoom Meeting

6 February 2024 Study Group Meeting An opportunity to share your work and get feedback from a friendly group of people. Everyone is welcome - members and nonmembers. It costs €5 per evening, which includes a drink and biscuit. For further details please our events page. Time: 19:30 until 22:00 Location: Het Palet, Duikerstraat 29, Rotterdam.

5 March 2024 Online Study Group Meeting & AGM AGM: 19:45 to 20:30 An opportunity to share your work and get feedback from a friendly group of people. Everyone is welcome - members and nonmembers, this is a free online event, Zoom link will be sent out before the event. For further details please our event page. Time: 19:45 until 22:00 Location: Online Zoom Meeting

Issue 2 Winter 2023

Upcoming Events


2 April 2024

4 June 2024

Study Group Meeting

Study Group Meeting

An opportunity to share your work and get feedback from a friendly group of people. Everyone is welcome - members and nonmembers. It costs €5 per evening, which includes a drink and biscuit. For further details please our events page.

An opportunity to share your work and get feedback from a friendly group of people. Everyone is welcome - members and nonmembers. It costs €5 per evening, which includes a drink and biscuit. For further details please our events page.

Time: 19:30 until 22:00

Time: 19:30 until 22:00

Location: Het Palet,

Location: Het Palet,

Duikerstraat 29, Rotterdam.

Duikerstraat 29, Rotterdam.

7 May 2024 Online Study Group Meeting An opportunity to share your work and get feedback from a friendly group of people. Everyone is welcome - members and nonmembers, this is a free online event, Zoom link will be sent out before the event. For further details please our event page. Time: 20:00 until 22:00 Location: Online Zoom Meeting

Photo © Katherine Maguire ARPS


Issue 2 Winter 2023

About the eJournal

Photo © Katherine Maguire ARPS

We plan to produce an eJournal on a regular basis. The current release dates 2024 are: 16 February for Spring 2024 17 May for Summer 2024 16 August for Autumn 2024 15 November for Winter 2024 Contributions from the members and friends of the Benelux chapter are welcome, whether that be an article or details of the current photo project that they are working on. Deadline for contributions 2 weeks before the release date. The eJournal can also be a place that gives our new members an opportunity to introduce themselves to the chapter. Photo Submission Requirements Please send images with the following specifications: • • • • •

3000 pix long side Image quality 8 240 dpi no watermark or text in the image no borders around the image.

When naming your photos please use the following convention. FirstName_LastName_For_eJournal_Title.JPG

Issue 2 Winter 2023

About the eJournal


The submitter of the article(s) or photo(s) is responsible for compliance with Data Protection and Copyright Acts. Please send your photos via WeTransfer to the following email address beneluxweb@rps.org For articles, please send an email to beneluxweb@rps.org Remember to include “for eJournal” in the subject line. You can also send your photos to be used as Cover photo (Portrait format), in the Upcoming Events and About the eJournal sections (landscape format), just include eJournal: Cover photo, eJournal: Upcoming Events, or eJournal: About the eJournal in the subject line when sending the photos via WeTransfer.

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