Northern - Glen Cannich

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RPS Northern Group

Outing to Glen Cannich Sunday 22nd October 2023

Taken at Neptunes staircase Fort William October 22nd 2019

In memory of Morton Gillespie ARPS This is the Northern Groups first e-Zine. After the death of our dear friend and colleague, Morton Gillespie ARPS on Wednesday the 25th October 2023, those who attended on the day decided to supply 5 images each and make this, our 1st edition, a commemorative edition to him. Morton was our outings organiser but sadly had to withdraw from this event as he was already starting to be quite unwell. The last time Morton was in Glen Cannich was November 2014 with me and one other friend to photograph the Autumn colours. We were not members of the RPS then. It was Morton's idea to return this year. We hope you enjoy our efforts from the day.

Dave Shillabeer ARPS

Northern Group Representative

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Alan O’Brien ARPS



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Andy Kirby LRPS




10 7

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Kevin Arrowsmith LRPS




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Dave Shillabeer ARPS

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The sun shone through the canopy and set fire to the woods

Undressing for Winter


20 17

First signs of Winter Page 8

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The setting sun through the West window backlit the Autumn creation Across the nave the setting sun lit another display

Mike Tibbs ARPS



Driftwood View

Mike has provided these two photographs taken on earlier trips attended by Morton


Off Roading

View cross Loch Mullardoch Page 10

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Glen Affric


Loch Leven

We waited with baited breath for the atrocious stormy weather of the last week to pass but on Sunday the 25th October the weather Gods looked kindly upon the assembled motley crew. The group photo at lunch time was a very fortunate capture. Mike used his iPhone all day. To take the group photo he set it up on its very small legged and unstable tripod in the long grass. He set the timer and rushed across to get in the picture. Making it in time we all posed. The wind blew and just as the shutter went, it slowly fell over. After the raucous laughter we checked the image and this was the result. There is one missing who would have joined in the frivolity. Sadly. we now know that he will only be with us in spirit. RIP Morton. Page 12

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