RPS Germany Chapter eMagazine 3rd Quarter 2022

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IMAGE TITLE: There is a king in each of us!

CAPTION: This image reflects the helpfulness of ordinary people who selflessly stand by others in times of crisis, no matter how great or small that help may seem, and in the process, rise above themselves.

This help makes them genuinely appear like kings in the eyes of the helped.

Fortunately, they still exist!

About the cover image Get featured as well

Liked to be featured as well on the front page? Then please send us your favourite image, including the title of the photo, the place where you have taken it; and a short caption. We would love to hear what your motives were for this photo and what emotions it triggers in you. You can send us the photo as JPEG, TIFF or PSD file. Please make sure that the photo has a minimum resolution of 3000 x 3000 pixel and 300 dpi.

Of course, we also have to adhere to the regulations for data protection and the rights of use according to the copyright law. Therefore, we ask you to make a short statement in the email regarding the declaration of consent of the person(s) depicted and to allow us to use your photo.

Please use the following email address to send the photo: germany@rps.org


Royal Photographic Society Germany Chapter Chris Renk Siegfried Rubbert Horst Witthüser

©2022 RPS Germany Chapter - all rights reserved

02 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE


Another three months have passed since the last issue of our eMagazine, and the terrible war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine continues to hold us in its spell. This war is increasingly affecting our daily lives and causing great concern for the future.

All the more, we hope to be able to give you at least a little distraction from the current situation with the latest issue of our eMagazine.

We start with an article by Christian Weiß about his experiences on his journeys along Route 66, which he has accompanied with pictures that are well worth seeing.

In the following article, our Chapter Secretary, Horst Witthüser, recently awarded the Fellowship of the British National Photographic Society for his project “An abandoned foundry”, talks about his affinity for abandoned places and why he decided to use a Smart phone instead of his DSLR.

In the “Member’s Photo Work” section, our members once again inspire us with their photographs from the past quarter.

The crowning finale is Chapter Chairman Siegfried Rubbert’s essay on one of his favourite photographic hobby-horses, the “Intentional Camera Movement”, which he has backed up with awe-inspiring images.

We certainly hope you have enjoyed the latest issue again and would like to call on you to participate in the design of the eMagazine actively.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have photo projects lying dormant in your archives. We would be happy to receive any contributions!

That’s it for this foreword.

It only remains for me to wish you all the best for your photographic projects for the next three months and that you stay in good health.

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42 | 3RD QUARTER 2022

In focus contemporary, still life, and nature

Rua Reidh Lighthouse - by Chris Renk
travelogue about collected impressions and experiences on Route 66 by Christian Weiß.
Why I
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photography. 04 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE




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An essay with tips and tricks on Intentional Camera Movement by Siegfried Rubbert.
EVENTS 80 | OCTOBER 2022 - DECEMBER 2022 Online Meeting, Release dates eMagazine, Webinars and Online Training of the Chapter. eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 05
Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on
Route 6606 | |TOP STORY 06 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE



Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route
66 07|| TOP STORY
what Christian Weiss tells us about his travels and the impressions and pictures he gathered on Route 66.
There are few original motels left along Route 66 like this one in Holbrook - by Christian Weiss eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 07

Route66 symbolises freedom, independence, adventure and a spirit of optimism. Its neon signs and motels stand nostalgicallysentimentally for the “good old days”. It was the first road to connect the East of America with the West over a distance of 4000 kilometres.

Along its route are neon-lit motels from the 1950s, diner-cafés, restaurants and petrol stations from the road’s heyday. It leads through unique landscapes and fascinating national parks such as the Painted Dessert or guides the traveller along the Grand Canyon.

“Route 66” has served as the backdrop for countless films, including “Grapes of Wrath”, “The Graduate”

with Dustin Hoffman and the animated movie “Cars”, which exemplifies the decline of the towns on the edge of “Route 66”. This street provided the impetus for this well-known film and is also the model for the road movie.

For more than 30 years, “Route 66” has been removed from the official list of American roads. Where the new motorway has not overbuilt it, it has degenerated into a side road, sometimes littered with potholes.

The once bustling towns with travellers and business people are becoming lonely. Many of the buildings and motels along the route are falling into disrepair.

Christian Weiß from Würzburg explored the famous road between Missouri and Los Angeles twice.

The result shows the route of all roads, the "mother road" in its neon glow of the early decades, breathtaking landscapes, and pictures documenting decline and decay.

The highway replaced the old cosy road, which meant the end for many villages along the route - by Christian Weiss
Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
08 | |TOP STORY 08 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
Lack of gasoline - by Christian Weiss Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
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Time travel - by Christian Weiss
The great advantage of a hotel is that it is a refuge from home life.
- George Bernard Shaw
Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
10 | |TOP STORY 010 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE

The spirit of Route 66 is in the details: every scratch on a fender, every curl of paint on a weathered billboard, every blade of grass growing up through a cracked street.

- John Lasseter
Memories - by Christian Weiss Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
11|| TOP STORY eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 011
Bagdad in Newberry Springs - by Christian Weiss Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
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Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on
Route 66 13|| TOP STORY eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 013
Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route
6614 | |TOP STORY 014 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
Leave your past behind - by Christian Weiss Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
15|| TOP STORY eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 015

Well, the road didn’t cut through the land like that interstate. It moved with the land, it rose, it fell, it curved. Cars didn’t drive on it to make great time. They drove on it to have a great time. - Sally in movie “Cars”

No service… - by Christian Weiss Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
16 |

If you ever plan to motor west, travel my way, take the highway that is best. Get your kicks on route sixty-six.

Out of order... - by Christian Weiss

Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
17|| TOP STORY eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 017
Neon (Neon signs herald the street’s old, glory days as a mother road.) - by Christian Weiss Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
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Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on
Route 66 19|| TOP STORY eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 019
Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
Time to dance - by Christian Weiss Without camp and tent - by Christian Weiss
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Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route
66 21|| TOP STORY
The last remains - by Christian Weiss Nothing to sell - by Christian Weiss
eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 021
Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route
6622 | |TOP STORY 022 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
Just try – the taste of homemade food during a road trip - by Christian Weiss Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
23|| TOP STORY eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 023
Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on Route 66
Colorful – the art installation “VW Slug Bug Ranch” - by Christian Weiss
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Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on
Route 66 25|| TOP STORY eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 025

At first, it was only a movie, then it was a trip – now it is a passion! When we hit the road to travel from St. Louis to California for visiting friends it was at first just like a journey from A to B.

After a short while, we fell in love with the old mother road and the people living there. We discovered fancy motels, saw great National Parks and finally made friends.

Route 66 is about 2500 miles. It leads through eight states from east to west, through rich parts and rural countries. Along the road are many crazy places to discover.

Like the Big Blue Whale made from concrete in Catoosa, which a husband had made for his beloved wife as a gift. Another one are the Wigwam motels built in in Holbrook and San Bernadino, founded in the 1930s, where you can sleep in a wigwam made from concrete founded in the 1930s.

There are also famous places. The El Rancho Hotel in Gallup for example. In this hotel, movie stars like Gregory Peck, Jane Fonda and Katharine Hepburn stayed overnight because the El Rancho Hotel was serving as headquarter for their films.

As the original road no longer exists, you need some maps for trip. But for long stretches parts of the original Route 66 run along the highway, so you can still enjoy the feeling of driving the old road, which moved with the land.

During this trip, we learned a lot about American culture and the people who are living in different regions of the United States. We explored big towns like Los Angeles or St. Louis and small towns like Erick (OK) with about 10.000 inhabitants.

In these small towns you learn a lot about the American spirit and fundaments of the nation.

Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour
on Route 6626 | |TOP STORY
026 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE

Route 66 is the essence of Americana: The Mother Road as America’s Main Street, embodies the core small-town values of America, with its Mom-and-Pop stores, its vintage service stations, motels, and diners. It is also a representation of freedom, a roaming, mobile, and automobile-oriented society, where new horizons for personal growth and experiences can always be found.

Christian Weiß Dust and Glamour on
Route 66 27|| TOP STORY
Sunset in Sayre - by Christian Weiss
eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 027


It was with great pleasure that we learned that our long-time member, Horst Witthueser, was awarded the Fellowship of the National Photography Society with his submitted panel, “An Abandoned Foundry”. In this article, Horst tells us about his love of old industrial plants and shows us his panel images as well as his Statement of Indent.

Ilovevisiting old industrial buildings and industrial sites. They are usually quite challenging photographically because the terrain is difficult to access, and the lighting is diffuse. At first, I thought my DSLR was far superior to a smartphone, but I was taught better. The decisive disadvantage of iPhone photography is the fixed, constant aperture and the lack of zoom.

This makes the choice of depth of field and image detail more difficult. However, if you use the built-in telephoto lens with the attached telephoto lens, the result is satisfactory. You can select exposure times of up to 8 seconds without a tripod and with a steady hand. The internal photo app is able to create a sharp photo through interpolation.

Some apps from other providers elegantly allow setting exposure time and ISO value freely. For this project, I relied purely on my iPhone 13 pro and took the pictures without any additional light (flash, etc.) or a tripod. It made me feel much closer to the photographic subject and allowed me to climb around the buildings without “big baggage”.

01: Main view onto one of the main buildings Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society
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02: Interior view of foundry hall 03: Detail view ventilation in foundry hall Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society
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04: Detail view air exhaust 05: Work clothes left behind Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society


06: Equipment left behind 07: Detail
view exhaust
air pipe
Horst Witthueser
the National Photography Society 31|| eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 031
08: Electrical junction boxes 10: Window sill as storage space
Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society


09: Pass-through to the adjoining room 11: Telephone with powder from fire extinguisher Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society
33|| eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 033
12: Mandolin in the office Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society


13: Discarded work shoe Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society
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Witthueser Fellowship
the National Photography Society36 | |DISTINCTIONS
14: Shelf 15: Sink with mirror in workroom
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Horst Witthueser
of the National Photography Society
16: Soundproofing 17: Bulb for checking the freshly prepared test medium for correct magnetic powder concentration
eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 037
18: Electrical distributor
Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society
Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society
39|| eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 039
19: Fuses with construction foam Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society



Ten years ago, the traditional company “ IRONWORKS

GEWEKE ”, which is more than 100 years old, had to close.

The steel foundry specializes in stainless steel castings weighing up to 4 tons. After the closure, most large machine parts, such as casting ladles, cranes and moulds, were dismantled and sold.

Since then, the iron has gone cold, and the place has been left to its own devices. The closure was not very long ago, so vandalism and destruction have not yet taken over, except for some spray attacks.

This place is unique because it is almost untouched. You can still see quite well how people once worked and lived here.

It almost seems as if no one knew this was the last day of work.

Factory halls and administrative buildings have been preserved with their furniture and trim parts.

The employees’ coffee cups are still on the desks. It almost seems as if no one knew this was the last day of work. One wonders - did they leave one day? Why? What happened?

This extraordinary, partly melancholic atmosphere of decay exudes a unique charm to me.

That is why I chose a limited colour palette with mainly brown, grey and yellow tones.

I have avoided any artificial lighting to convey the property’s atmosphere as directly as possible. As a result, some of the shots were taken in almost complete darkness with long exposure times of several seconds.

Please join me on my way around and through the building.

20: View from above over a part of the roofs Horst Witthueser Fellowship of the National Photography Society
eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 041


3rd quarter 2022

Every quarter, Members are asked to send in their best photos of the current quarter to provide stimulation for the others.

During the third quarter it became apparent once again how different the photographic orientation of the members of the German chapter is.

Our member Grahame Soden once again took to the track at an eGrandPrix, this time in London, to indulge his passion for sports photography.

Horst Witthueser, this time on a trip to Holland, brought home a remarkable motif from the beach.

Eberhard Potempa explored the streets of his holiday location and discovered an interesting combination of letterbox, flowers and colours.

Siegfried Rubbert turned to the world of still life photography this quarter and impressively captured a scene of glasses, table and chairs with his camera.

For my part, I once again went into the animal kingdom along the Amber River to capture animals with my camera.

Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.
- Marc Riboud
2nd Quarter 202242 | |PHOTO WORK 042 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
2nd Quarter 2022 43|| PHOTO WORK eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 043

Photographer: Eberhard Potempa

Image title: secured letterbox (Friedrichstadt)

Image subject: Contemporary Photography Country: Germany

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2nd Quarter 2022 45|| PHOTO WORK eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 045

Image title:

Image subject: Nature

Country: The

Photographer: Horst Witthüser LRPS AIPS FNPS
Beach life
Netherlands 2nd Quarter 202246 | |PHOTO WORK 046 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
Photographer: Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Image title: During an inspiring moment Image subject: Still Life Photography Country: Germany (Cologne) 2nd Quarter 2022 47|| PHOTO WORK eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 047

Photographer: Grahame Soden

Title: Oliver Turvey on the indoor section of track during the 2022 London ePrix

Subject: FIA Motor Racing ePrix 2022

Location: London ExCel Arena, London Docklands, UK

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2nd Quarter 2022 49|| PHOTO WORK eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 049

Photographer: Chris Renk

Image title: Aythya fuligula

Image subject: Wildlife Photography

Country: Lake Amper, Germany

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2nd Quarter 2022 51|| PHOTO WORK eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 051

You are a member of the Germany Chapter and would like to submit pictures to the quarterly project “Members Photo Work” as well?

Here is a list of the deadlines for each quarter:

4TH QUARTER 2022: 31.12.2022

1ST QUARTER 2023: 30.03.2023

2ND QUARTER 2022: 30.06.2023

3RD QUARTER 2023: 30.09.2023

Please send us the photos with a minimum resolution of 3000 x 3000 pixels and 300dpi.

For the naming of the photos please use following naming convention:


Each participant is responsible for compliance with the Data Protection Ordinance and the Copyright Act.

Participants please send the photos to the following email: germany@rps.org

2nd Quarter 202252 | |PHOTO WORK
052 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
2nd Quarter 2022 53|| PHOTO WORK eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 053


In this essay, discover what Siegfried Rubbert has to tell us about his passion for intentional camera movement (ICM) and what tips he gives us along our way.


ICM photography’s history on the internet has not been easy. However, while researching the beginning, the first photographs with the ICM technique, I came across a beautiful article by the Italian photographer Giacomo Bucci, born in 1949 in Parma, that is worth reading. In the 60s, he studied graphic design and the history of art in Milan.

The London period in the early 1970s allowed Bucci to make an international name for himself just as photography was beginning its journey to be recognised as a fully-fledged artistic expression.

I contacted Giacomo Bucci, and he permitted me to use parts of his excellent report for my article on the same day. Moreover, his article is peppered with numerous wonderful, exemplary photographs.

He wrote in his remarks on the history of ICM photography. “Already at the end of the Nineteenth Century, Marey

and Muybridge experimented with a series of discontinuous photographic shots of the representation of people and animals in motion.

But the first to attribute artistic value to blurred photography was in 1913 by Anton Giulio Bragaglia. His futurist photodynamism wanted to represent in an image the “effective, realistic dynamism of objects in the evolution of real motion”.

ICM in the Twentieth century : Italian futurists carried out the first ICM experiments in the 1930s. The seed of intentional camera movement was already found in futurist photography.

Filippo Masoero, 1934 experimented with research on aerial photography with long exposure in free fall. He achieved the same effect as zooming by being dropped from a plane.

From the second half of the Twentieth century, photographers tried their hand at the artistic production of a blur.

Among these, Giacomo Bucci, since the 70s, has been dedicated exclusively to intentional camera movement. “

Furthermore, I found his following thoughts extremely remarkable.

“At the base of ICM, there is always a long exposure time, but the correct combination between the type of movement and the type of subject is decisive for a good result.

The subject and vice versa condition the choice of the kind of movement; that is to say, there are ideal subjects for each type of movement.

Technical planning is necessary to obtain creative ICM photos, but it is not sufficient to give them artistic value; you also need the imagination and intuition of the photographer.

However, true intentional camera movement photos do not need post-production work because they are already creative themselves. “

54 | |HOW TO DO
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Abstract composition of Lucebert sculpture (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert
Camera Movement
55|| HOW TO DO eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 055

Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement

- Giacomo Bucci https://www.giacomobucci.it/intentional-camera-movement/

the Norderney lighthouse (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS
56 | |HOW TO DO
So with the intentional camera movement, you enter the art world.
056 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE

There is hardly anything to add to these beautiful remarks. But what was my path to ICM photography like? I have been involved with ICM photography for many years. My mother probably planted the seed in my childhood through her love of art, especially Impressionism and Expressionism in painting.

Nothing else can be achieved through photography, especially with the ICM technique. After all, what else does ICM photography do than capture the light combined with telling a story as the painters of Impressionism masterfully tried to do? Photography is nothing else at all.

Sur les planches de Deauville (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
57|| HOW TO DO
eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 057

For example, I titled a photograph from 2010 "Angelite Impressionism", in which I did nothing other than deliberately focus into the blur.

And consider the ever-stronger turn towards the abstract as achieved by the Expressionists.

These pictorial style elements can be implemented and achieved without difficulty using the ICM technique.

That appeals to me immensely.

Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
58 | |HOW TO DO
„Schön und einzigartig. Eine Brücke zwischen Traum und Realität, als würde ich die Welt mit halb geschlossenen Augen anschauen. Das ist für mich die ICM Fotografie. Magie.“
- Dr. Violetta Ivan
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Angeliter Impressionism (august 2010) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
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Egmond impressionism (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
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Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement 61|| HOW TO DO eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 061
Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
62 | |HOW TO DO 062 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
Winter time in beech forrest (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert
Camera Movement
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Norderney west beach (2021) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
64 | |HOW TO DO 064 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE

Siegfried Rubbert


Intentional Camera
65|| HOW TO DO eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 065
In the alleys of Venice (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Wuppertal bridge Moritzstraße (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
66 | |HOW TO DO 066 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Wuppertal suspension railway (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert
Camera Movement
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Cologne Rhine promenade (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
68 | |HOW TO DO 068 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
Cologne Rhine promenade with Hohenzollern bridge (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert
Camera Movement
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Norderney Friedrichstraße (2021) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Egmond lighthouse (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
70 | |HOW TO DO 070 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
The billion view (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Norderney Surfcafe (November 2021) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
71|| HOW TO DO eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 071
Le colombage de Trouville-sur-Mer (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
72 | |HOW TO DO
Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.
– Peter Adams
072 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
Alkmaar City (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert
Camera Movement
73|| HOW TO DO
Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.
– Henri Cartier-Bresson
eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 073
Norderney ferry terminal (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
74 | |HOW TO DO 074 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE
Camera Movement
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And now a few characteristics and tips:

• The ICM shot is always a long exposure.

• I usually use between 1/15 or 2 sec.

• Set the iso setting to Iso 100 or even 50.

• If the subject is too bright, use an ND filter. It reduces the incident light and allows a longer exposure time.

• The use of a tripod is not necessary but allows for a more even effect

• There are no limits to the camera movements.

• Horizontal or vertical panning movements with more or less rapid camera movement emphasise and intensify architectural structures.

• Very slight undulations or camera rotation produce their special effects.

• Rectangular movements require an exposure time of 6 sec or even 10 sec to write a square in the air when releasing the shutter and thus multiply lines. An ND filter is almost indispensable unless it is a shot at night.

• A zoom burst is when the lens is rotated further during a longer exposure time between 0.8-2 sec with manual focus mode.

• Multiple exposures are possible if the camera allows it in its settings.

• Bad weather conditions are no obstacle, quite the opposite.

Night rectangle (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Vennini Zoom Burst (2022) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
76 | |HOW TO DO 076 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE

In conclusion, I would like to summarise the following:

ICM photography means a fascination with the uniqueness of the resulting image. No two pictures are the same.

The colours are preserved, but abstract colour gradients emerge.

The result of an ICM photograph is not reproducible.

Each photo is an unrepeatable, unique piece, the light changes constantly, and the hand-held movement cannot be repeated in a standardised way.

However, with time you get a feeling of where to begin and end the action to be able to reproduce a motif harmoniously on the picture frame.

ICM offers the possibility to create feelings, set thoughts in motion, and make the viewer take a sideways step back, which he cannot do in reality.

ICM is the art of abstraction.


Tenerife garden (already 2007) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Norderney beach (2021) - by Siegfried Rubbert LRPS Siegfried Rubbert Intentional Camera Movement
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Learn more about the current composition of the Germany Chapter, the location of its members in the federal states, its Distinction Holders and in which Special Interests Groups the members participate.

50 Members 4 Countries

Facts about the RPS Germany Chapter
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Facts about the RPS Germany Chapter 79|| DEU CHAPTER eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 079


For upcoming meetings, please visit frequently our Chapter Page on RPS.org.

https://rps.org/germany ....


Please revisit our exhibition page for the latest updates!

https://rps.org/chapters/germany/ exhibitions/


As already mentioned iwe plan to publish the Magazine quarterly.

This will take place on the 5th day after the end of the respective quarter.

Here is an overview of the specific publication dates:

4TH QUARTER 2022: 05.01.2023

1ST QUARTER 2023: 05.04.2023

2ND QUARTER 2023: 05.07.2023

3RD QUARTER 2023: 05.10.2023

The Magazine will be published via email as well as on the RPS’s account on ISSUU.

Flensburg Harbour- by Chris Renk
.... October 22 - December 202280 | |DATES & EVENTS 080 / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / eMAGAZINE


You would like to submit pictures to the quarterly project “Members Fotowork”?

Here is a list of the deadlines for each quarter:

4TH QUARTER 2022: 31.12.2022

1ST QUARTER 2023: 30.03.2023

2ND QUARTER 2023: 30.06.2023

3RD QUARTER 2023: 05.10.2023

Please send us the photos with a minimum resolution of 3000 x 3000 pixels and 300dpi.

For the naming of the photos please use following naming convention:


Each participant is responsible for compliance with the Data Protection Ordinance and the Copyright Act.

Participants please send the photos to the following email: germany@rps.org


After the RPS Journal is published by an external company, the rules for contributions and the recording of events are more restrictive.

As an indication, a lead time of 2 months can be assumed for the inclusion of articles in the journal.

Events of the German Chapter are automatically included in the journal if they are published on the Chapter website under the heading Event.

Here the lead time is about one month before the publication of the journal.

Please note this when planning events and articles.



Since the magazine is published by the chapter itself, we are very flexible concerning the time schedule for submission of texts, pictures and dates for events.

In order not to make the editor’s life too complicated, we ask for a sufficient amount of time in advance.

As a rule, contributions should be received by the editor about 30 days before the publication date

Otherwise, simply inform us that you need some additional time for the creation of a contribution.

The publication dates, please take from the adjacent column.

Lighthouse Burnham-on-Sea - by Chris Renk
.... October 2022 - December 2022 81|| DATES & EVENTS eMAGAZINE / 3rd QUARTER 2022 / 081

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