SUSAN BROWN FRPS A Walk in the Blue Mountains If you go down to the woods you maybe pleasantly surprised, as Susan Brown found out in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia.
Reflected Falls I was ready to leave for a walk in the rain forest of the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. Destination - The Katoomba Falls. It was raining, and the fog was dense in places – PERFECT! It was a challenging walk, slippery in the rain and the fog made the dense forest seem eerily quiet. An occasional rustling amongst the leaves would startle me; maybe snakes? The strange sounds of the
Australian birds were haunting; the Kookaburra laughing at my occasional anxieties.
“It was raining, and the fog was dense in places – PERFECT!”
life large and lush and then occasional clearings where on a ‘good’ day you can the see the iconic Three Sisters. For me this day was a good day as I couldn’t see the Three Sisters because of dense fog, but I could feel they were there and had glimpses as patches of fog cleared momentarily.
The Falls are beautiful, tantalising with occasional views of waterfalls between the trees, the plant
16 Landscape Magazine Winter 2018