Talk-Walk-Talk Arbroath Beachfront September 2023
It was a mild, but windy day, and 6 intrepid Talk-Walk-Talkers gathered at Arbroath Beachfront to see how they each interpreted and captured their day and experience
Ken Ness FRPS
Ken was hanging his hat on to his medium format analogue camera. Old School, and sumptuous.
John Carracher LRPS
John was focussing on the wee details, trying to tease the width of his vision into a few selective images.
Claire Medland Claire had just moved to Carnoustie from the Black Isle, so was seeing the area for the first time, and was drawn to telling her version of the story of Arbroath beachfront.
Steven Whittaker ARPS Steven lives in Arbroath so is familiar with the nooks and crannies on the beachfront, but welcomes the ever changing light and human contact, and contrasts that with the more static elements.
Chamila Brieske
Chamila is fairly new to Scotland, arriving in June 23, and is loving the outdoors and fresh air. She honed her lenses on the textures and colours that she saw.
Manuel Brieske
Manuel is also new to Scotland, and was experimenting with shapes and formats of images, but with a strong sense of graphic construction and design.
And that was our shared day and our varied imagery. Braw