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Woodland Ways

Woodland Ways

Visual Art Group 2018 Members’

Print Exhibition

Official Opening & Annual Luncheon

17 February 2018

12:00 - 16:00

Croydon Clocktower, Katherine Street, Croydon, United Kingdom, CR9 1ET

Official opening of the Visual Art Group’s 2018 Annual Exhibition by the President of The Royal Photographic Society, Robert Albright HonFRPS. This is followed by the group’s annual luncheon which is bookable with the form downloadable from the website. The exhibition will run in Croydon until 10 March 2018.

Event organiser: David Wood ARPS (wood.david.j@virgin.net)

See more at: https://tinyurl.com/y8txpcn6

Rollright Visual Art Group

Winter Members’ Day

03 March 2018

10:00 - 16:00

Village Hall, High Street, Long Compton, Warks, United Kingdom, CV36 5JS

Another opportunity for you to show a selection of your work and offer it for general discussion in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

RPS/Non RPS Member £8.00, Ploughman’s Lunch £5.00

Event organiser: Andreas Klatt ARPS (rpsva@klatt.co.uk)

See more at: https://tinyurl.com/nuosl6l

SW Visual Art Group

A Day with Robert Canis

07 April 2018

10:30 - 16:00

The Dolphin Hotel, Station Road, Bovey Tracey, United Kingdom, TQ13 9NG

Robert Canis is a professional nature photographer, workshop and tour leader who has been photographing the natural world for more than 30 years. He regularly contributes to the photographic press and has been the recipient of numerous awards in such prestigious competitions as Wildlife Photographer of the Year, British Wildlife Photography Awards and International Garden Photographer of the Year. To see more of Robert’s work, please see his website: http://www.robertcanis.com/

All are welcome at this event, but please book your place with Linda Wevill FRPS by e-mail.

Event organiser: Linda Wevill FRPS (linda.wevill@btinternet.com)

VAG Member £5, RPS Member £8, Non RPS Member £10

See more at: https://tinyurl.com/yaa39ebe

Visual Art Group

Spring Weekend

20 April 2018 - 23 April 2018

The White Swan Hotel, Bondgate Within, Alnwick, United Kingdom, NE66 1TD

Our next residential Spring Weekend will be set in Alnwick (Northumberland). The region is famous for its rich history, brought to life in architectural treasures and great natural beauty - a photographer’s dream. Speakers will include Paul Mitchell FRPS, Philip Joyce ARPS and Jeff Teasdale. Our base will be The White Swan Hotel, an historic coaching inn, much loved for its interior with splendid panelling and stained glass windows from the Titanic’s sister ship, the Olympic. This event is now fully booked.

Event organiser: Andreas Klatt ARPS (visualart@rps.org)

See more at: https://tinyurl.com/ycpcuxcc

Visual Art Group

Notice of AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the RPS Visual Art Group will be held at 21:00 on Friday 20 April 2018 at The White Swan Hotel, Bondgate Within, Alnwick, United Kingdom, NE66 1TD. Relevant papers will be filed on the microsite in due course.


Andreas Klatt ARPS (Chairman) visualart@rps.org

David J Wood ARPS (Vice Chair & Programme Secretary) wood.david.j@virgin.net

Robert O Charnock (Honorary Treasurer & Exhibition Organiser) rjcharnock@hotmail.co.uk

Viveca Koh FRPS (Honorary Secretary) viveca.koh@gmail.com

Gill Dishart ARPS (Portfolios Secretary) gill@dishart.plus.com

Eddie Morton ARPS (Exhibition Organiser) eddiemorton@gmail.com

Paul Mitchell FRPS (Co-ordinator of The Stephen H Tyng Foundation) paul@pmd-design.co.uk


Michael Butterworth LRPS (Group Web Editor) visualartweb@rps.org

Jay Charnock FRPS (Exhibition Organiser) jaypix@hotmail.co.uk

Mark Deutsch (Membership Secretary) mrkdeutsch@aol.com

Max Klatt (Digital Communication Adviser) max_klatt@hotmail.com

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