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A View from the Chair

They say there are no problems, only solutions. But that was not what we felt in our long search for a new editor of this magazine.
David Cooke FRPS retired after years in which he had single-handedly run Visual Art and built up its reputation to the point where the prospect of taking on this task looked like a poisoned chalice. It requires a massive investment of time and effort, combined with a rare skillset of editorial judgment, visual awareness and creative flair. For free. Anyone?
Carole Lewis ARPS volunteered, but this on the understanding that it could only be for two issues - a stop-gap offer to give us breathing space for another year. Yet still no takers.
The solution to this knotty problem turned out to lie in ancient Gordium. Cut it. Split the task into editorial and production, lighten the load and concentrate on individual talent. You are looking at the result. This issue of Visual Art has been produced by a content editor, Nicki Gwynn-Jones FRPS, and a professional graphic designer, Paul Mitchell FRPS.
They have done a stunning job. And we will not stop there. Whilst Paul will