1 minute read
Sandbanks at Night, Iceland

I photograph by instinct rather than as a result of pre-planned research, my intention always being to capture something of the moment and how it felt, rather than merely to record a scene and what it looked like. I generally previsualise the finished print at the time I make the exposure and then try to recapture that feeling later in the darkroom.
Such moods can be elusive and slippery to catch hold of and pass on visually. Sometimes less is more, and so it was here. The soft light played tricks with the shallow, still water, isolating the little sandbank in time and space and making it appear to levitate very slightly above the water in this eerie silent world. A brief moment gone, never to return.
This picture is from Tim’s book ‘Iceland. An Uneasy Calm.’ www.iceland-anuneasycalm.com www.timrudman.com