Cambridge House Handbook 2023/24

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This is your guide to boarding in Cambridge House and contains everything you need to know.

We hope you will settle in quickly and soon feel at home. If you have any queries or a question to ask which hasn’t been covered here, please speak to the Boarding House Staff who will be on duty each evening and at weekends.

You are a member of a community in Cambridge House. We advise you to make the most of your time here; make friends from other year groups, other nationalities, take part enthusiastically in House events, look after the House environment, work hard and be nice to people.

Cambridge Housemaster

Contact Details for Cambridge House

No calls after 10:30pm please, but these numbers can be used in an emergency.

Cambridge House (Office)

Housemaster (Home)

House Mobile Phone

+44 (0)20 8657 6922 Ext: 236

+44 (0)20 8657 6922 Ext: 394

+44 (0)7715 901134

House Email


Cambridge House Staff

Mr Bueno Mr Chapman

Please treat all staff with respect and courtesy.

There is a phone downstairs for making internal (within the school) calls.

Useful Internal Telephone Numbers Mr Bueno’s Study 394 Common Room 286 or 259 Health and Wellbeing Centre 212 Cambridge Office 236 Mrs Jeffree 237 Reception 200

Boarding Principles

Boarding Principles

Royal Russell is a family school and the following principles will help our boarding pupils to thrive at the School.

• Being an open and trusting school, boarding is based upon mutual respect for all its members.

• Each boarder and each member of staff is to be treated as an individual, and with respect, by other pupils and by staff.

• Each boarder has the right to extend their intellectual growth in an atmosphere of positive encouragement and in conditions that are conducive to learning.

• All boarders should be able to develop physically, spiritually, intellectually, morally, and socially with provisions being made for them to celebrate their own religions and cultural festivals.

• We respect all boarders, regardless of ethnicity, culture, gender, sexuality or disability.

• Although living together, staff and boarders acknowledge the right of each other to privacy.

• Boarders will be provided with a range of activities and opportunities appropriate to age and maturity that will assist in their personal, social, and cultural development.

• Boarders will be provided with accommodation that is comfortable and suited to their needs, according to age and maturity, and which provides adequate levels of privacy.

• Within our community we will develop boarders' sense of responsibility and respect for self, for others and for the environment along with qualities of leadership and teamwork.

• Boarders will be encouraged to contribute to the needs and welfare of others in the House and School, as well as those in the wider community.

• We create a boarding community where pupils feel able to turn to members of staff to share the good things in their lives, as well as seeking advice and support during times of difficulty.

• Each boarder has the right to be able to work, play and relax free from abuse, intimidation, harassment, teasing and bullying.

• We will safeguard and promote the welfare of each boarder, by providing an environment that is, as much as possible, free from physical hazards and dangers of any sort.

• Despite the distance separating boarders from their families, links with parents are seen as an indispensable part of the support and development of boarders. Guardians will play a key role in this respect for our overseas pupils.


This is a list of equipment specifically for pupils who will be boarding. The full uniform list and academic equipment can be found within the Pupil & Parent Handbook.


We have limited storage available for luggage, therefore we ask that pupils bring only one hard-shell piece of luggage with them, with any additional luggage being the soft-shell type which can be stored inside the hard-shell case. Examples are:

Hard-shell luggage

Soft-shell luggage


Personal items

Clothes for weekend and evening use

1 x pop up laundry bag

3 x linen bags

Name labels for your clothes

12 x coat hangers

2 x padlocks with keys (or combination locks). Approximately 60 x 30 x 100 – shackle 3mm thick

1 x dressing gown

2 x pairs of pyjamas or night attire

1 x pair of slippers

4 x large bath towels or 2 x large bath towels and 2 x hand towels

Toiletries including any medication that you require (medication should be handed in to staff on arrival)

Chargers for devices (UK compliant)


Mug or cup for personal use

A school bag for books

Sports kit to suit personal interests and facilities available

Own bedding if desired (single bed size)

House Life

House Life

We hope you enjoy your time in House. We aim to ensure that you feel happy and safe and have a sense of independence.

There are a few House rules to ensure everyone takes responsibility for their House.

Your Bedroom

• All pupils are allocated a study bedroom.

• You may share this room with another boarder.

• You can personalise your room on the pin board provided.

• You must not put posters on decorated walls or wood.

• Your room is where you can be private, and visitors must knock.

• People can only enter your room if you invite them.

• Be considerate to your roommates.

• You must ensure that any valuables are locked away in your cupboard when you are not there.


• Please keep your room clean and tidy (make your bed, tidy your desk, put dirty laundry downstairs).

• Use your space sensibly (hang clothes up, put empty luggage in the luggage cupboard).

• Personal hygiene is important. You should shower/wash every day and wear clean clothes.

Electrical Equipment

• Electrical equipment will be checked regularly by the school electrician. Any items which are considered to be dangerous may be confiscated.

• The School will provide an adaptor/multi-plug that is fused, earthed, and complies with UK standards.

• Laptops that are using the Wi-Fi must be checked with the IT Support Office.

• For safety, pupils must not have their own kettles, fridges, air conditioners / fans or heaters in their rooms.



Fire Alarm – What to do if you hear it:

Day Time

• If you hear the fire alarm in the building you are in during the day, you must leave that building by the nearest indicated exit immediately.

• There are signs to show you where you should assemble.

Night Time

• If you hear the fire alarm at night, you must get up immediately, exit via the nearest staircase and leave the House by the closest fire door.

• Make sure that everyone in your room has heard the bell and has left the room.

• Assemble at the House assembly point as instructed.

• You must keep a pair of shoes or slippers within easy reach of your bed, and you must also have a dressing gown or coat where you can quickly grab it, should the fire alarm sound.

• Do not stop to collect anything else.

• Never run down the stairs.

• Keep silent so that the register can be called.

Signing In and Out

• Sign out whenever you leave the House (apart from for lessons and meals) and only go to the destination you have signed out to.

• See your noticeboard or your handbook for where you can go.

• If in doubt, ask a member of staff.

• Sign back in when you return.

• Never sign in or out for another pupil.

Personal Safety

• Never open the front door to people you do not know. Do not be afraid to deny entry to an unknown adult. Ask a member of staff.

• Never use the fire doors except in an emergency.

• We have a large campus. When it is dark, please keep to the lit pathways.

• The woods around the School are out of bounds unless you are on a cross-country run.

• Take care when travelling outside of the School. Travel in pairs/groups.

• Ask a member of staff if leaving the campus.

Valuable and lockable areas

• All pupils have a lockable area in their bedroom. Pupils must provide their own lock, although

• the House will have a number of these for sale at given times.

• Lockers within the main school buildings are only available for day pupils.

• Mobile telephones, laptops and any other valuables should be kept in your lockable

• wardrobe/drawers.

• Any large sums of money (exceeding £50) should be deposited with the School bank.

• The School is not responsible for items that are lost or damaged.


All pupils must have a UK guardian in place before joining the School. The House staff must hold complete and up-to-date information about your guardian. If you change your guardian, it is essential to pass the latest information to the House Staff. Your guardian must be in the UK when you are here or appoint another guardian and let House Staff know.




You are part of a community and we all do our bit. Years 7 - 11 will do kitchen duty and Years 12 and 13 will do Senior duties. Helping and volunteering for other jobs as it is always very welcome.

House Tidying

• We all try and keep the house as clean and tidy as possible.

• The communal areas (lounges, lobby, kitchen, etc.) are for everyone to enjoy.

• They should be left tidy at the end of every day.


All personal bed linen, towels and clothing must be clearly named.

• All bed linen and towels must be washed every week.

• Items of underwear must be put into a white net washing bag.

• Your laundry must be put into the trolley in the morning before you go to school by 8:00am. It will be returned to your named pigeon-hole, usually the following day.

• Please check the returned laundry regularly.

• Look at the notices around the House to see which items can be put into the trolley on any day.

• A washing machine and dryer are available in the House for personal washing. Please ask a member of staff for assistance.

• Always treat the washing machine and dryer with care. You must collect the washing at the end of the cycle.

• Washing must not be left in the machines overnight, and machines may not be used after 10:00pm.

• An iron and ironing board are provided.

Prefect Duties (Years 12 and 13)

• Year 12 and 13 pupils (Sixth Formers) are Senior members of the House and as such are expected to always set a good example.

• All pupils in Years 12 and 13 must do Senior duties - helping to ensure that the younger pupils get up on time, work during Prep and get to bed on time.

• Full details of Senior duties are given out at the start of the year and are on noticeboards around the house.

• Prefects are responsible for a duty team one day each week.

• Please carry out your duties properly and report any problems to the member of staff on duty or the Head/ Deputy Head of House.

Your Property


The School recommends that all pupils open a bank account with a debit card as soon as they arrive in the UK for any personal expenditure.

The School does not accept responsibility for pupils’ cash kept in their rooms.

The School operates a pocket money system for pupils who do not hold a bank account, or as a temporary measure whilst an account is being opened. Pocket money should be sent via Flywire in advance and thereafter to ‘top-up’ pupils’ pocket money as required. Cash WILL NOT be accepted.

Pupils can make cash withdrawals on Monday and Friday between 4:00pm and 4:20pm. If pupils require more than £100, this can be collected on a Friday and pupils must email Ms Lawrence ( by Wednesday of that week.


All Flywire payments must clearly show the pupil’s full name and ‘pocket money’ as a reference. Bank cards and cash can be locked in the House Office for security.

To send money via Flywire, please click here or refer to the School's website by visiting Admissions/ Fees per Term/ Make a secure payment.

All Flywire payments must clearly show the pupil's full name and 'pocket money' as a reference.

Bank cards and cash can be locked in the House Office for security,

Post and Parcels

Any packages or letters for you will be delivered to the House.

Please make sure any packages are sent fully addressed with your name on and the name of the House.

Please DO NOT order bottled water or large amounts of dried food to be delivered.

Mobile Phones

You will need a mobile phone which works in the UK, and you must register the number with a member of the boarding staff. Remember to update this information if you change your phone.

Your telephone MUST NOT be used during school hours unless in the Sixth Form. It will be confiscated if you break this rule.

Your parents are responsible for making sure that your telephone is covered by insurance in case it is lost or stolen – please ask them about this.

Always keep your phone in a safe place – locked away (if possible) when you are at school.

Do not use your telephone at prep time or after ‘lights out.’ It may be confiscated if you break this rule.


Boarding pupils may not have cars at school.

Boarding pupils may not travel in a day pupil’s car without specific prior written permission from their parents and the parents of the driver.


Food and Drink


The Catering Department work extremely hard to ensure there is an impressive range of food available at every mealtime. Please do your best to eat a balanced diet – if you would like some advice on a balanced diet, please ask. If you have suggestions about the food on offer, talk to the Food Committee representative.

Meal Times

Years 7 - 11 must attend all meals. Sixth Formers do not need to attend breakfast but it is encouraged Mealtimes are as follows:


• Takeaways can only be ordered on weekends (Fridays, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons)

• They should not be a replacement for normal school meals. Pupils are expected to attend all meals unless given permission otherwise.

• Takeaways must be ordered in good time and should not arrive after 9:00pm.

• They should be eaten in the kitchen or any other designated area and not in bedrooms.

Kitchen Tidying

• If you use the kitchen, you must leave it clean and tidy; wash up your own plates/cutlery and put rubbish in the bin.

• Each pupil in Years 7 -1 1 will do kitchen tidying duty once a week, please see the rota for details.

• Years 7 - 9 should tidy the kitchen at 9:00pm.

• The Senior pupil on duty should supervise the kitchen tidying and ensure that it is done correctly.

Day Breakfast Lunch Supper
Friday 7:30
8:00am See rota Monday
Thursday 6:15
Monday to
Friday 6:15 –
Brunch 6:15
Saturday 8:30 – 9:30am
- 1:15pm 6:15 - 7:00pm Sunday 9:30 - 11:00am
– 1:45pm
- 7:00 pm

Weekly Routine

7:00am Duty staff wake up the House

7:30 - 8:00am All pupils in Years 7 - 11 to attend breakfast in school uniform

8:00 - 8:10am Tidy room, make bed, put any laundry in basket and get ready for House Assembly in the Lounge followed by Chapel or Tutor

8:15am Registration

8:20 - 8:35am Tutorial

8:45am - 12:45pm

Lessons 1 - 7

12:45 - 1:50pm Lunchtime 1:50pm Afternoon Registration

1:50 - 3:50pm

Lessons 8 - 11

3:50 - 5:25 pm Free Time. Be back in House before the start of at 5:30pm. Activities / Clubs

Visit local shops (Years 7 - 11 with permission) Years 12 and 13 visit Croydon

5:25pm House meeting and registration

After 5.30pm No pupils to leave the School site (exception for Years 12 and 13 on Friday with permission)

5:30 - 6:15pm First Prep time

6:15 – 7:00pm Supper (with registration)

7:00 - 8:00pm Second Prep time

8:00pm - until bedtime Free time.

All Years 7 - 11 pupils must remain in House unless at an activity Years 12 and 13 can visit the other Boarding Houses Year 12 and 13 return by 10:00pm and Year 13 School Prefects by 10:30pm.


Year Group Lights Out and Quiet

Years 7 - 10 By 10:00pm (younger pupils may be asked to go to bed earlier at the discretion of House Staff)

Year 11 By 10:00pm 12 and 13

Please note – NO showers after 10:00pm and the house should be quiet after this time.

You must sleep in your own room. You must go to bed at the correct time and be quiet after ‘lights out.’ All mobile phones shouldbe switched off and charging away from your bed afterlights out. Any pupils playing on laptops or phones after these times will have them confiscated.

On a Friday and Saturday night, these times are extended at the discretion of the duty member of staff.

By 11:00pm

Saturdays Sundays

8:00 - 8:15am Get up

Lie-in unless there is a morning Chapel

8:15 - 11:00am Breakfast 12:00pm Roll call see Noticeboards for details

Roll call in House 6:15pm Roll call in House followed by supper 6:15 pm Roll call in House followed by supper

- 8:30pm Quiet Prep time / Tidy rooms

10:00 - 11:00pm Bedtimes at discretion of House staff Usual bedtimes as for Monday-Thursday

Friday and Saturday evening (Friday after Prep, Saturday after Supper)

• Years 7 - 11 must not leave the school site after supper.

• Years 12 and 13 may go to a restaurant/cinema if they have been given permission by the member of staff on duty. They must provide details of where they are going and not go alone.

• They must return by the time agreed and no later than 11:00pm.

Saturday and Sunday Morning

• In House or on-site unless in an activity away from school or on Weekend leave.

• Free time - In House or Activity

Saturday and Sunday Afternoon (12:15 - 6:00pm)

• All pupils may go into Croydon at these times.

• Junior pupils (Years 7 - 9) must be accompanied by a Year 12 or 13 pupil.

• Pupils can only leave after lunchtime roll call (10:30am on Saturday and 12:15pm on Sunday) and must be back in time for evening roll call (6:00pm).

• Check noticeboards for and changes to roll call times.

Visits to Local Shops

Monday-Friday 3:50 - 5:15pm where can boarders go?

If you want to go anywhere else (e.g., Lloyd Park, The Viewpoint), you MUST ask permission from the member of staff on duty.

Visits to London

• Pupils in Years 7 - 11 cannot travel to London unless they are accompanied by an adult or guardian.

• Pupils in Year 12 and 13 can travel to London in pairs if they have permission from their guardian or your Housemistress.

• For Years 12 and 13 please complete a weekend leave form if you wish to go in to London and hand to house staff by 5:30pm on the Thursday before.

Sunday Evening (after 6:30pm)

• All pupils MUST be back on site by 5:30pm.

Year Groups Chapel View or M&S (Gravel Hill) Croydon 7
Yes No
Yes Yes
- 11
12 and 13

Prep (homework) Times and Guidelines

• Years 7 - 9 do Prep in the Prep room however, sometimes we may allow year 7 - 9 to work in own rooms.

• Years 10 - 11 do Prep in their own rooms.

• Years 12 and 13 should all be in their own rooms and quiet during Prep

• Any pupils playing games on laptops during Prep will have them confiscated.

Prep times are as follows:

• Prep should be done quietly and in an orderly way. No food or drink, apart from bottled water, is allowed in the Prep room. Junior Prep is supervised; the Prep room must be maintained as a quiet area outside these times for pupils continuing to work.

• If you have another organised activity, such as sports matches, music or drama performances and you must miss the scheduled homework time, please ask permission from a member of the House Staff.

• All pupils attending the gym must register for additional Prep and complete this in a communal area.




These are all over the house and contain lots of useful information and they will also have important messages on them, please regularly check them.

House Computers

• House computers are for use by everyone.

• They are connected to the school network.

• House computers are for work, internet research and emailing.

• Please do not plug your devices (laptops etc.) into the House computers or their sockets.


Travel Weekend Leave

Collect a ‘Weekend Leave Form’ from outside the office.

• Ask your guardian to email your Housemaster requesting permission and giving details of your proposed weekend address and relevant telephone numbers.

• The form and the permission should be received by 5:30pm on the Thursday prior to your weekend away.

• Boarders may accept invitations to go out with a friend’s family if their parent/guardian agrees and at the discretion of your Housemaster.

First Prep Second Prep Monday - Thursday 5:30 – 6:15pm 7:00 - 8:00pm
7:00 - 8:30pm Quiet Time/Prep/Tidy time in rooms.

If the pupil is required to leave earlier or return later from a weekend leave, your guardian must make this request in writing to your Housemaster.

Weekend leave begins at 4:00pm on Friday. Weekend leave ends at 5:30pm on Sunday.

Pupils are permitted to stay with their guardian or parents.

If pupils wish to stay with anyone else (another family member, family friend or the parents of another pupil) then permission and details must be received from all parties. Your Housemaster will have final say as to whether the weekend leave is permitted.

Travel Arrangements

• You must make sure travel arrangements to and from School are made well in advance and notified to House staff.

• It is essential that you do not arrive after term starts or depart before the end of the term. Pupils are not permitted to miss term time for the convenience of travel arrangements and unauthorised absence is not permitted.

• Pupils with parents overseas must try to confirm their flight arrangements with House Staff at least one half-term in advance.

• You must hand your passport, Visa, ID cards and tickets to your House Staff for safe keeping when you arrive back from a holiday.

• Overseas pupils who are over the age of 16 are normally required to register with the Authorities at London Bridge within seven days of arrival at school. You should discuss this with House Staff who can assist with the arrangements.


Your passport must be handed in for security purposes and they will be locked in the office. This also includes Visa and ID cards.

Oyster Zip Card

The Oyster Zip Card provides discounted travel on trams and buses. The House Staff will organise this when you arrive.

Activities and Wellbeing


There is a wide range of activities on offer at Royal Russell.

Regular activities

Every day after school, and most lunchtimes, there are clubs that you can join (Music, Sport, Drama, CCF, Model United Nations, Computing, learning a new language, etc.).

Most evenings and at weekends boarders can also make use of the onsite gym and swimming pool, at designated times. There are also many opportunities to participate in sports, including basketball, volleyball, football and badminton.

Sunday trips and special activities

A boarders' activities programme runs throughout the year, including a mixture of trips and onsite activities. This programme includes trips to London, Brighton, Premier League football matches, Theme parks, bowling and the cinema. There are opportunities to try everything from mountain biking to pottery painting, laser tag to go-karting.

Boarders are expected to sign up at the start of each term and are encouraged to suggest activities to be added to the programme.



Feeling Down or Unwell

• If you have any worries or concerns, you should not hesitate to talk to your Tutor, Housemistress, any member of staff or your friends.

• The Childline number (0800 1111) is always displayed on the House Noticeboard.

School Counsellor

Pupils are encouraged to discuss personal concerns, worries or problems with someone they trust a parent, friend, mentor, or teacher. At school there are always people who are available to help including House staff, academic tutors, and House tutors.

If you would rather talk to someone who is not a member of the School, you can see the Counsellor on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Health & Wellbeing Centre. Please speak to your Tutor or Housemistress to arrange a referral for you.

Health and Wellbeing Centre

• If you are feeling unwell, you should inform your teacher during the school day or the duty member of staff at other times.

• During the night, you should knock on the Housemistress, Deputy Housemistress

• The staff at the Health & Wellbeing Centre are Nurses Hayleigh Schenk, Jordon Benney, Melanie Perry and Katie White and Healthcare Administrator Janet Brockwell.


• Pupils should not self-medicate unless they have permission from your Housemistress or the Health and Wellbeing Centre staff.

• Any past/current medical conditions must be disclosed to the house staff so that we can ensure the best medical care is in place.

• Any medicines should be handed in to staff on arrival.

• Pupils with medicines in their room may have them confiscated.


• Royal Russell has a Christian ethos but welcomes pupils of all faiths. Boarders will attend Chapel services on several weekends throughout the year as well as once a week with day pupils. The services are a time for collective worship and prayer or quiet reflection.

• Boarding houses will also organise and participate in numerous services.


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