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The majority of Students will follow the course for the IGCSE Double Award Science - with specialist teaching for each of the components - Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Double Award is now enhanced to provide even stronger preparation for the study of Science at A level and beyond. Students learn important scientific principles and learn about relevant scientific issues. The results of exams in each of the three separate sciences are combined to produce two IGCSE qualifications.
IGCSE Separate Sciences
For those students who are performing at a high level in all three of their Sciences, there will be an opportunity to take an additional qualification in the sciences (a 3rd GCSE) . Students in this position will gain IGCSE qualifications in all three sciences - Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which again provides excellent preparation for those students who wish to go on to study Science at A level and beyond.
IGCSE Double Award Science (Edexcel) Students are taught by separate subject teachers in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The exam for IGCSE Double Science consists of three 2 hour papers in each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There is no separate assessment of coursework.
IGCSE Separate Sciences (Edexcel) The examinations for this course will consist of two written exam papers per subject - a 2 hour paper covering the Double Award content and a 1 hour 15 minute additional paper. There are no modules and no assessment of coursework. There will be regular internal tests to assess progress.
Students joining the School in Year 10 will sit a test in the first term so that they can join the most appropriate group for them.
Students can study Science A levels if they achieve a high standard in either the IGCSE separate Sciences or IGCSE Double Award.