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The GCSE Curriculum
The academic programme in Years 10 and 11 consists of four elements. The study of a core GCSE curriculum Three additional GCSE courses chosen from our array of options subjects Games afternoon Specialised tutor, Careers and PSHCE programmes
All students study a core curriculum of English Literature, English Language, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and a Modern Foreign Language. Generally leading to a GCSE qualification in
English Literature English Language Mathematics Double Science Award or Biology GCSE, Chemistry GCSE and Physics GCSE
Students must choose one Modern Foreign Language from French, Spanish, German or in certain cases Japanese. The language selected should be one they have studied during Year 7 to 9 or, in the case of German and Japanese, for at least one year in Year 9. A second language may be chosen as one of the three additional subjects as shown below. Where the choice of a Modern Foreign Language is not suited to a student because their first language is not English or Learning Enrichment programmes have been studied previously then this element of the core curriculum can be replaced by either English as an Additional Language programme or the Curriculum Assistance Programme.
Students choose three subjects from the list below; Art and Design Business Studies Computing Design and Technology Drama
Food Preparation and Nutrition French Geography German or Japanese History
Media Studies Music Religious Studies Physical Education Spanish
To support you in choosing your programme of study, the following activities and timeframe is observed.
November 2020
14 December 2020
14 January 2021
2 February 2021
12 February 2021
March 2021
Start of GCSE Options Tutor Programme
Year 9 Progress Report and Tutor Review
GCSE Awareness Evening
Year 9 Parents’ Evening Submit the Options Form stating your chosen Modern Foreign Language option and three additional GCSE courses Option Blocks are created using student subject choice on which the academic timetable for 2021-22 is written Commence the study of GCSE courses for examination in summer 2023