Parent & Pupil Junior School Handbook 2022/23
Our Values

2 Our Welcome,ValuesThe School, The Structure of the School, Useful Contact Details Parent Communication, Staff List School RegistrationRoutineand Absence, The Curriculum Home Learning Firefly Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), IPads for all Year 5 and Year 6 Pupils Pupils, Assessment, Reports Parents’ Evenings Learning Enrichment, Breakfast Club, Crèche Co Curricular Activities Additional Events, Musical Instrument Tuition House HomeAntiBehaviourStructureBullyingPolicyEnvironment, E Safety Safeguarding of Pupils, Emergency Contact, Late Pick Up/Missing Child Procedures PE/Games/Swimming Letter Catering, The Health & Wellbeing Centre Uniform, Mouthguard Policy Health and Safety, Security Parent Volunteers, The Parents’ Association, Parental Complaints Procedure School Policies Contents
The Senior School Headmaster is a member of the Headmasters & Headmistresses Conference (HMC) which represents the top 250 Senior Schools in the country. The Junior School is a member of the Independent Association of Preparatory Schools (IAPS).
For pupils and parents, IAPS and HMC guarantee the quality of education in their member schools by regular inspection and accreditation. They provide a wide range of opportunities for in service training for the teaching staff. All teachers in IAPS and HMC schools are fully qualified.
The Chairman of Governors is Mr Andrew Merriman and he is assisted by other Governors who bring a breadth of educational, professional and technical expertise to the running of the school.
The Headmaster of the Junior School is supported by two deputy heads; Mrs Ruth Bannon is responsible for Learning and Teaching and Mrs Sarah Pain has Pastoral responsibility. When necessary, these members of staff deputise for the Headmaster. Mrs Tanya Mawanda is the Head of Early Years. These members of staff form the Junior Leadership Team (JLT).
Royal Russell School is a co educational school with just over 300 pupils aged 3+ to 11 in the Junior School and over 750 pupils aged 11 to 18 in the Senior School.
This Handbook for pupils and parents is intended to provide information about daily life in the Junior School and it will also act as a useful source of reference as time goes by. It cannot be an exhaustive guide to every aspect of school life so please do not hesitate to contact the relevant member of staff to ask any questions you may have. Contact details are included in this handbook.
There will be updates to the handbook as we continually develop our procedures and policies to ensure an outstanding experience for children and their families. Significant updates will be highlighted in the Headmaster’s weekly newsletter.
Mr John Evans is the Junior School Headmaster and Mr Chris Hutchinson is the Senior School Headmaster who has responsibility for the whole school. They report to the Board of Governors who are the trustees of Russell School Trust, an educational charity which administers the school.
Mrs Alys Netherway oversees the operational elements of the Junior School in her role as Assistant Head Operations. Phase Leaders are responsible for both academic and pastoral matters within their phase in partnership with the Junior Leadership Team (JLT) and class teachers / subject specialists. The class teacher/s remain the first port of call for all matters concerning your child.
The Structure of the School Useful Contact Details
Staff followed by
email address: Lower Junior Clubs: Upper Junior Clubs: first initial and surname
4 There are eight year groups in the School: Lower Juniors Upper Juniors Early NurseryYears: aged 3 4 years Reception aged 4 5 years Key Stage 2: Year 3 aged 7 8 years Year 4 aged 8 9 years Year 5 aged 9 10 years Year 6 aged 10 11 years Key Stage 1: Year 1 aged 5 6 years Year 2 aged 6 7 years Each class has a class teacher / teachers who are responsible for the pupils’ pastoral and academic development. Pupils receive specialist teaching in Art, Computing, Dance, Drama, Science, French, Spanish, Music, Sport and Swimming. Junior School Office: 020 8651 5884 (8.00am 6.00pm) Main Switchboard: 020 8657 4433 Health & Wellbeing Centre: 020 8657 7861 Office email address: Reporting Headmaster’sabsence:email address:
Year 3
Year 5
Parent CommunicationStaffList
Year 1
Leadership Team Junior School Headmaster Mr John Evans Deputy Head: Leaning and Teaching Mrs Ruth Bannon Deputy Head: Pastoral Head of Early Years Foundation Stage Mrs Sarah Pain Mrs Tanya Mawanda School Management Team Head: Operations Head of Learning Enrichment and 2 Mrs Alys Netherway Ms Cheryl Parry Mrs Emma Lagartixa and Miss Stephanie McDonnell and Miss Danielle Barr
Our Virtual Learning Environment, Firefly, holds a wealth of information for Parents including curriculum information, home learning, reports, uniform lists, the school calendar, and forms such as medical and trip consent forms. More detailed information about school events will be emailed directly to you. A weekly whole school Newsletter is available each Friday and a link to this will be emailed to you. In addition, you will receive a weekly email from your class teacher which outlines an overview of learning during the week as well as reminders of upcoming events. Sports fixtures are detailed on SOCS (School Calendar, Co Curricular and Sports Communication Systems). Please note, if you have a “Hotmail” or “Gmail” account please ensure you check your Junk/Spam Mail and remove all filters in the “Rules” option. As above, please contact your child’s class teacher/s as the first point of contact for all matters concerning your child.Junior
Miss Katy Dickinson Mr Matthew Eaton and Mrs Gemma Raveney Mrs Lucy Summers Year 1 Miss Lauren Heasman
Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Mrs Ceri Warner Mrs Emma Austin and Mrs Rebecca Cooper Mrs Emma Lagartixa Year 3 Mrs Alys Netherway and Miss Siobhan Fox Year 4 Year 4 Miss Stephanie McDonnell Mrs Laura Pasquel Year 5 Miss Natalie Craigie Year 5 Miss Sam Holman Year 5 Year 6 Mrs Caroline King and Mrs David Edwards Miss Danielle Barr Year 6 Miss Emma Roberts Year 6 Mr Steve Urie
Head of Art and Design Miss Cristina Ciccone Head of Drama Mrs Bethan Parkin Head of Music Miss Siobhan Fox
Lower Junior Music Teacher Mrs Fiona Low Head of Sport, Health & Fitness Mrs Laura Lloyd Head of Modern Languages Mrs Aimee Gibbons Head of Science Mr Chris Lottering Computing Teacher/Librarian Mrs Jozie Quinn
6 Teaching Staff NurseryNursery
Ms Jessica Sydney Ford Mrs Gemma Jamieson
7 Post Graduate Mr Peter Dobson Sports Coach PE and Games Assistant Sports Coach Mr Frank Knight Miss Emma Doyle Breakfast Club Supervisor Mrs Anne Willis Crèche Supervisor Mrs Jan Vallance Crèche Assistants: Mrs Claudine Pettitt Teaching Assistants Mrs Teresa Bridgewater Mrs Adele Cane Mrs Denise Hall Mrs Yayoi Ikeda Mrs Sharmaine Nemar Mrs Karen Parsons Mrs Kelly Payne Mrs Jan Vallance Mrs Anne MissMsMissMsMrVisitingMrsPrepMrsMrsLunchtimeWillisSupervisorsMaggieHongAnneMarieNileandTeaSupervisorJoanneO’GormanMusicTeachersJeremyBarnettHilaryCameronHeatherdePoitiersFionaGriffithErinO’Hanlon
8 Mr Graham Scrivener Ms Barbara Snow Tommy Stankovic Mr Matthew Strover Mr Andy
Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am. Supervision for all pupils not attending Breakfast Club begins at 8.15am. Playgrounds will remain closed until this time. Children who need to arrive at School prior to 8.15am MUST be booked into Breakfast Club on a termly basis. Any pupils arriving before 8.15am will be sent to Breakfast Club and Breakfast Club charges applied.
Headmaster’sWhite PA Mrs Melanie Jones School Secretary School Secretary & First Aid Officer Junior School Registrar Miss Titia Lewer Mrs Jacqueline Cufley Mrs Kim Keen
Breakfast Club Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am. Breakfast Club for pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will take place in the Lower Junior Dining Hall. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk through the School Lobby down to Lower Junior Dining Room. One of the Breakfast Club team will ensure a positive handover at the entrance to the Lower Junior Dining Room. Please use the doorbell should a member of staff not be immediately available. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible so that the children can settle into their morning routine. Year 3 and 4 Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am. Breakfast Club for pupils in Year 3 to Year 4 will take place in the Junior School Gym. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk through the School Lobby down to Junior School Gym. One of the Breakfast Club team will ensure a positive handover at the entrance to the Lower Junior Dining Room. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible so that the children can settle into their morning routine
School Routine
All pupils who travel to School on the school minibus service will be chaperoned to the Junior School Hall and supervised by their chaperone until 8.15am. The chaperone will ensure a positive handover to School supervision staff at 8.15am Drop Off and Collection Beginning and End of Core School Hours
Collection at 12.45pm for pupils attending for morning sessions only
Year 5 and 6 Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am. Breakfast Club for pupils in Year 5 to Year 6 will take place in the Junior School Gym. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk through the School Lobby down to Junior School Gym. One of the Breakfast Club team will ensure a positive handover at the entrance to the Lower Junior Dining Room. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible for the safety and welfare of our community. Pupils in Year 5 and 6 may access Breakfast Club independently from the car park.
Collection at 3.15pm for pupils attending full days Collection for pupils who are not attending Crèche is at 3.15pm. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk down the main slope to the Junior School. One of the Nursery team will ensure a positive handover at the gated entrance to the Early Years Centre. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible for the safety and welfare of our community. If waiting for a sibling in an older year group, children must remain with their parents for their own safety. Parents are reminded that lessons continue for older children at this time.
Collection for pupils who are attending the morning session only is at 12.45pm. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk down the main slope to the Junior School. One of the Nursery team will ensure a positive handover at the gated entrance to the Early Years Centre. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible for the safety and welfare of our community.
Should any pupils booked in for Breakfast Club not been registered by 8am, contact will be made with families. Pupils Arriving on School Mini Bus Service
for Nursery pupils begins at 8.15am in the Early Years Centre. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk down the main slope to the Junior School. One of the Nursery team will ensure a positive handover at the gated entrance to the Early Years Centre.
One of the Reception team will ensure a positive handover at the gated entrance to the Reception Outdoor Learning Area. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible to allow children to settle into their morning Collectionroutine. at 3.15pm
for Year 1 and 2 pupils begins at 8.15am in the Lower Junior Playground. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk through the School Lobby down to Lower Junior Playground. A member of staff will ensure a positive handover on the Lower Junior Playground. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible to allow children to settle into their morning routine.
for Reception pupils begins at 8.15am in the Reception Outdoor Learning Area. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk through the School Lobby down to Lower Junior Playground.
Year 1 and 2 Drop SupervisionOff
Collection for Reception pupils is at 3.15pm from the Reception Outdoor Learning Area. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk through the School Lobby down to Lower Junior Playground.
Collection at 3.15pm Collection for Year 1 is at 3.15pm from the black gates to the Year 1 Outdoor Learning Area. Collection for Year 2 pupils is at 3.15pm from the Snail Quad door Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk through the School Lobby down to Snail Quad. A member of staff will ensure a positive handover. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible for the safety and welfare of our community.
One of the Reception team will ensure a positive handover at the gated entrance to the Reception Outdoor Learning Area. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible for the safety and welfare of our community. If waiting for a sibling in an older year group, children must remain with their parents for their own safety. Parents are reminded that lessons continue for older children at this time.
If waiting for a sibling in an older year group, children must remain with their parents for their own safety. Parents are reminded that lessons continue for older children at this time.
Collection from Clubs Nursery and Reception Clubs for pupils in Nursery and Reception end at 4.15pm. Pupils who are staying for Crèche will be taken straight to Crèche, which will be based in the ground floor classrooms below Snail Quad.
Supervision for Year 5 and 6 pupils begins at 8.15am. Families can either use the Drop Off facility in the car park or can park in the main school car park or escort children to the green gates at the entrance of the Upper Junior playground. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible to allow children to settle into their morning Collectionroutine.
Supervision for Year 3 and 4 pupils begins at 8.15am. Families can either use the Drop Off facility in the car park or can park in the main school car park or escort children to the Upper Junior Quad. Parents are unable to enter the playground or enter the Quad and are asked to leave as promptly as possible to allow children to settle into their morning routine.
Drop Off Year 5 and 6
Year 1 and Year 2 Clubs for pupils in Year 1 and Year 2 end at 4.15pm. Pupils who are staying for Crèche will be escorted to Crèche, which will be based in the ground floor classrooms below Snail Quad. Pupils who are going home should be collected from the Snail Quad door. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk through the School Lobby down to Snail Quad. A member of staff will ensure a positive handover. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible.
at 3.30pm Collection for Year 3 to Year 6 is at 3.30pm from the Upper Junior Quad. Families should use the main school car park to park and then wait on the slope above the Upper Junior Quad. A member of staff will ensure a positive handover. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible for the safety and welfare of our community.
Year 3 to 6 Drop Off Year 3 and 4
Nursery pupils who are going home should be collected from the Early Years Centre. Reception pupils going home should be collected from the Reception Outdoor area. Families should park in the main school car park and then walk down the main slope to the Junior School to access either the Early Years Centre or Reception Outdoor Area (via the School Lobby). A member of staff will ensure a positive handover. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible.
All pupils arriving late, after 8.30am, should be taken to the Junior School Office to register.
Year 5 and 6 Clubs for pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 end at 4.40pm. Pupils who are staying for Tea will be escorted to meet the Tea supervision staff. Pupils who are going home should be collected from the Upper Junior Quad. Families should use the main school car park to park and then wait on the slope above the Upper Junior Quad. A member of staff will ensure a positive handover. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible. Reception, Year 1 & 2 All pupils must be collected from Snail Quad between 5.30 and 6pm. Families should use the main school car park to park and then walk down the main slope to the Junior School. One of the Crèche team will ensure a positive handover at the gated entrance to the classrooms. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible.
Prep and Tea Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Collection for Year 3 6 will be from the Upper Junior Quad between 5.30 and 6pm. Families should use the main school car park to park and then wait on the slope above the Upper Junior Quad. A member of staff will ensure a positive handover. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible.
12 Upper Junior Clubs Year 3 and 4 Clubs for pupils in Year 3 and Year 4 end at 4.40pm. Pupils who are staying for Tea will be escorted to the meet the Tea supervision staff. Pupils who are going home should be collected from the Upper Junior Quad. Families should use the main school car park to park and then wait on the slope above the Upper Junior Quad. A member of staff will ensure a positive handover. Parents are asked to leave as promptly as possible.
Structure of the School Day
collection for morning only children from the gate to the Early Years Centre 1.00pm Period 6 1.30pm Period 7 2.00pm Period 8 2.30pm Period 9 3.15pm3:00pm Period 10 End of School day for Lower Juniors. Start of Crèche (chargeable extra) and Clubs 3.30pm End of School day for Upper Juniors 4.15pm3.40pm Prep/Clubs begin for Upper Juniors End of Lower Junior Clubs 4.40pm End of Upper Junior Clubs 4.45pm Tea 5.30pm Collection of pupils from Crèche and Tea
If you are delayed for any reason you should let the School Office know on 020 8651 5884 prior to 5.30pm. A member of the Junior Leadership Team is on duty until 6.00pm each day.
7.45am Breakfast Club (chargeable extra, booked termly) 8.15am Arrive at School 8.30am End of Breakfast Club. Registration. 8.40am Period 1 9.10am Period 2 10.109.40amam Period Assembly3 /Form Time 10.30am Break 10 55am Period 4 11.4511.25amam Period Nursery5Lunch 12.4511.55ampm NurseryLunch
A late collection fee of £15.00 per child will be added to the school fee account for each 15 minutes or part thereof after 6.00pm. Parents may not collect children other than their own unless school has been made aware of any alternative arrangements.
Absence due to significant family events and ceremonies such as weddings, graduations, landmark birthdays and funerals, along with religious celebrations clearly of significance to a particular family, may be authorised. Other frequent requests, such as those linked to holiday flight availability and price, may not be authorised.
Where absence is unauthorised by the Headmaster, work will not be set. There are seventeen weeks available for holidays during the year and these dates are published well in advance.
If your child arrives after 8.30am, we must record this as late. Should this happen, parents must accompany their child to the Junior School Office to record their attendance and give a reason for the late arrival.
In addition to the knowledge, skills and understanding planned in accordance with the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils are encouraged to develop learning behaviours to maximise their educational opportunities and equip them with dispositions for lifelong learning and success in future workplaces. These learning behaviours and dispositions are known to staff and pupils as the seven Russell Powers (Initiative, Curiosity, Collaboration, Reasoning, Reflectiveness, Creativity and Resilience).
The curriculum is the planned allocation of teaching and learning opportunities and the designated content for each subject to each age group throughout the Junior School. Throughout the Junior School, social, emotional development, positive behaviour and respect for Fundamental British Values are promoted across the curriculum and explicitly through the teaching of PSHE, Religious Education and the consistent implementation of our Junior School Behaviour Policy, as well as in assemblies.
If your child is absent, you should telephone or email the school on each day of absence / to report the reason for the absence which will be entered into the register
We are required by law to maintain registers of attendance and to report attendance statistics to the Department for Education.
If parents need to request absence from school, they are required to write to or email the Headmaster well in advance giving details of the reason why the absence is necessary and asking for permission to be granted.
3 Prime Areas of Learning • Communication and Language • Physical Development • Personal Social & Emotional Development 4 Specific Areas • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding of the World Registration and Absence The Curriculum
Our Early Years classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which is a distinct phase of education for children aged from birth to five This guidance sets out seven areas of learning which form the basis of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. These areas are:
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are expected to read on a daily basis. In Reception, children will receive weekly phonics activities to further support their reading and spelling and 'Maths Challenges' to reinforce the learning in class. In Years 1 and 2, children have a weekly home learning activity relating to the phonics and spelling patterns they have learnt in school. Year 2 children also start learning their times tables from January. Children in Reception to Year 6 are also provided with a login to ‘DoodleMaths’, an online resource containing a range of maths activities relating to our curriculum. These can be completed at the children’s own leisure and may also be set as Home Learning tasks
In Key Stage 1 and 2 the largest proportion of the timetable is devoted to English and Mathematics Science, French, Drama, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Art, PSHE, RE and PE are allocated appropriate teaching time. We use a number of Schemes (based on the National Curriculum) to ensure our pupils are experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum. A curriculum newsletter is sent each term to outline the areas of learning. For more information on the Curriculum, please do not hesitate to ask your child’s Class Teacher or their Phase Leader.
Children in Years 1 6 will also have access, through Firefly, to a bank of activities throughout the year. The activities will span all aspects of the curriculum and be presented in a variety of ways. These activities are introduced in Year 1 from the second half of Spring term and become increasingly frequent as children progress throughout the school. Home Learning
• Expressive Arts and Design
We recognise that children all progress at varying rates. As a starting point to the academic year we assess children in Maths and English, to provide a gap analysis for teaching to then be targeted at specific areas for development. We will continue to use regular and on going formative assessments to inform our planning and the delivery of the curriculum. (See Assessment)
Each area of learning has a set of related Early Learning Goals intended to help our staff plan to meet the diverse needs of all children. Most will have met or exceeded the Early Learning Goals by the end of the Foundation Stage. We use a range of current methods for teaching children phonics, the letters and sounds correspondences combined with high frequency words
Children in Year 3 and above will be provided with weekly home learning tasks for Maths and English in addition to the expectation that they will read daily.
Firefly is an online educational tool which provides access to lesson resources and home learning tasks. It can be accessed via any PC, tablet or any mobile device. Firefly can be accessed at or via our school website, Click Firefly VLE.
Royal Russell Office365 Users: Pupils in Year 1 6 will be provided with a ‘login card’ where we provide their password for the following which remain the same throughout the year: Linguascope (Modern Foreign Languages) PupilsDoodleMathsusethe same password for Firefly and Office 365 and if updated in either one, this will update for the Overother.the course of the year, all pupils will be able to access exciting learning materials via the VLE such as videos, quizzes, and lesson presentations to further enhance their knowledge of the curriculum.
In addition, we will be encouraging our pupils to take a “flipped” approach to their learning. Children will have access to a wide range of content prior to their lessons and will be encouraged to visit Firefly to access learning materials chosen by their teachers. By allowing our pupils access to resources prior to the lesson, they will be better prepared for their lessons.
We are in a privileged position at Royal Russell to be able to offer each child in Year 5 and 6 their own School iPad for the academic year. This is a school owned device that they are permitted to use both in school and at home to further their learning. We believe that offering our children the opportunity to use their iPad will not only prepare them for the 21st Century but it will help to boost their IT skills. Furthermore, allowing our children to use Firefly in conjunction with their iPads will help prepare them for lessons using the flipped learning approach. Learning (or “VLE”)
Firefly Virtual Learning Environment (or “VLE”)
Firefly Virtual
iPads for all Year 5 and 6 Pupils
Pupils will be reminded of procedures for access and passwords issued for new pupils. Please do contact the school office if you have any difficulties in gaining access.
“The vision is nothing less than the transformation of learning at Royal Russell from what to learn to how to learn, from passive to active, from teacher centred to learner centred, from impersonal to personal, from good to great. Modern mobile technology can play a huge part in transforming learning and teaching so that we can continue to meet the 21st century needs of young people”.
All pupils in the school will have their work continually assessed in order to monitor progress. Pupils in Years 1 to 6 complete online INCAS assessments Additionally, the children undertake annual Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning assessments These standardised assessments give an accurate measure of each child’s individual attainment compared with national statistics. Children in Y1 6 complete a termly Progress in Reading Assessment. Additionally, children complete regular independent writing tasks and half termly maths assessments (through our Assertive Mentoring Scheme) to enable teachers to identify areas of strength and those to develop. Any assessment data is shared with parents and is included on the termly reports. Children entering the Nursery and Reception will be initially observed against a baseline assessment which will inform planning and next steps. Children in Reception and Nursery are observed and assessed daily. Evidence of learning in the 7 areas is documented in their Early Years Digital Learning Profile These ‘Tapestry’ journals are released to parents every half term. Attainment in relation to the Early Learning Goals is formally recorded at the end of Reception. Progress is outlined in regular parental reports and also reported to Croydon Council. Parents are encouraged to contribute observations from home to the ‘Tapestry’ Journals.
In order for each child to receive their iPad they must complete a Home/School Agreement which is to be signed and agreed to by the parents. At Royal Russell we encourage responsible use of technology and it is our aim to educate our children about using their iPads correctly and responsibly.
It is an assumption that a pupil in Year 6 of Royal Russell Junior School will continue into the Senior School. All pupils progressing to the Senior School will be expected to demonstrate: good work habits, academic ability, willingness and ability to contribute positively to the life of the School and an ability to benefit from the educational opportunities on offer. There are occasions when our assessments suggest that a pupil may have difficulty coping with the academic demands of Royal Russell School and parents will be alerted at an early stage if this is the case. Where a pupil is struggling to make the expected progress, support systems are put in place Careful monitoring of progress will take place and regular communications will be held between school and home (please see Learning Enrichment). Reports are written termly and provide parents with information about progress and next steps. Reports are available via Firefly. For Years 1 6, the Autumn term report includes comments on Maths, English and Science, and identifies areas for development as well as providing any assessment data that has taken place that term. A pastoral comment is also included in this report. The Spring term report contains effort and achievement grades across all areas of the curriculum. Attainment grades are provided to clarify whether your child is ‘emerging’, ‘expected’ or ‘exceeding’ expectations for that subject at that point in the academic year. The Summer term report contains a
At Royal Russell we are using the iPad with a blended learning approach. Traditional methods of reading, writing and spelling are still very much encouraged and the iPad is to be used by the teacher to further enhance the work we are doing in the classroom. Our aim is to revolutionise our curriculum and to excite the children through the use of technology.
It is important to remember that effort is a very different measure to attainment as it is not linked to ability. The children understand what teachers are looking for and why we award the grades and it is hoped they will then strive to improve their effort, enthusiasm and commitment.
Parents wishing to pass on information at the beginning of the school day are asked to speak to contact the School Office by telephone or email. Parents wishing to speak to the Headmaster are welcome to call the School Office at any time for an informal chat, or may arrange an appointment with Mrs Jones.
Effort grades for subjects focus on the following areas: 1. Approach to learning 2. Completeness of work 3. Behaviour for learning
If you would like to discuss any specific aspect of your child’s report in more depth with the Class Teacher or subject specialist, an appointment can be arranged at a separate time. Parents are welcome to have an informal discussion with a teacher at any mutually convenient time. Should you wish to arrange a formal meeting, please email the member of staff directly.
Allgrades.reports also include a grade (Emerging, expected or exceeding) for five different attributes: Behaviour, Courtesy and Consideration, Independence, Motivation for Learning and Organisation.
Parents’ Evenings are held regularly so that parents may discuss their child’s progress with the Class Parents’ Evenings take place with the class teacher and with subject specialists.
For a full break down of how judgements are made on effort grades for subjects and the five different attributes, please see the Firefly of effective learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
18 comment section for each area of the curriculum, as well as a pastoral comment and effort and attainment
In the Autumn Term, parents are invited (usually in week four) to make an appointment to speak with the Class Teacher early on in the term, with a pastoral focus and to ensure a smooth transition into a new year group has been made. In the Spring Term, parents have a further opportunity to make an appointment with the Class Teacher and Subject Specialist Teachers
At the beginning of the day, teachers are often very busy welcoming their classes and taking the register, and it is often not possible for parents to have a discussion at this time.
Parents’ Evenings
The School seeks to identify pupils’ needs at an early stage and Class Teachers who are concerned that a pupil is not progressing as expected will raise any concerns with parents in the first instance. If, after some carefully planned intervention within class, a pupil is still not making expected progress, our Head of Learning Enrichment may conduct an assessment and suggest further support strategies. An individual plan may be created for the pupil and this will be shared with parents. Our Head of Learning Enrichment may advise parents to consult outside specialists for more detailed assessment. In a small minority of cases, where a pupil’s educational needs are very specific, the school may advise parents to consider other schools with more specialised provision in the best interest of the pupil. On the other hand, within the class there may be some children, working in the more able group who need more challenges and exceed expectations. At Royal Russell School we define such children as ‘High Achievers’ children who show an exceptional level of ability in one or more areas of the curriculum. Individual pupils with specific gifts and talents benefit from different and additional learning opportunities.
Breakfast club runs from 7.45 8.30am daily. Mrs Anne Willis is our Breakfast Club Supervisor, ably supported by our own Teaching Assistants. There will be two Breakfast Club facilities: For pupils in Nursery to Year 3 Lower Junior Dining Room For pupils in Year 3 to Year 6 Junior School Gym Breakfast Club is open to all pupils and the children are offered a good selection of breakfast options that includes cereals, toast, crumpets and spreads as well as fruit juice, milk, fresh fruit and yoghurt. The cost is £4.10 per morning, which is added to the School fee account The Breakfast Club booking form is available on Firefly and bookings may be made for one or more mornings per week, however, parents must commit to booking for a whole term in advance. Half a term’s notice of withdrawal from Breakfast Club is required.
At Royal Russell Junior School we recognise that every single pupil has their own abilities, talents and needs. Therefore we are committed to providing a learning environment where all children are able to develop their own personal skills and abilities. Through an exciting and creative curriculum, we hope to challenge all pupils and provide opportunities to achieve their full potential.
We seek to provide these within the framework of the school curriculum and also look for enrichment activities within the community. Enrichment activities allow High Achievers to promote higher level thinking skills, to have a broader learning experience or to complete peer work with other High Achievers.
Upper Juniors
for extended Early Years Funding may receive a funded place in Crèche subject to availability.
The Crèche runs from 3.15 6.00pm daily and is overseen by Mrs Jan Vallance and our own staff. When the weather permits, full use is made of the School grounds. Tea is included in the charge of £13.55 per session, which is added to the School fee account. The Crèche booking form is available on Firefly. Bookings may be made for one or more evenings per week, however parents must commit to booking for a whole term in advance. This termly charge will not be reduced if the child does not attend Crèche for any reason. Bookings for Crèche may be amended after clubs have been allocated. Half a term’s notice of withdrawal from Crèche must otherwise be Parentsgiven.eligible
In the Lower Juniors, a range of co curricular activities are offered after school. These activities vary according to demand. Parents will be informed of club options and should log on to SOCS in order to register interest for these activities. Places be limited and allocated as fairly as possible. As we also offer a childcare facility after school in the form of Crèche, we would request that club selections are based on a child’s preference or interest in the chosen club and not as a childcare option.
Lower Juniors Co Curricular activities are an important part of the Junior School experience. These activities are organised through our online system, SOCS. A separate email will be sent with details on how to use this system.
Crèche Juniors only)
A varied programme of co curricular activities is provided for pupils in Years 3 6, and families are invited to sign up to clubs via SOCS before the Autumn term (and then towards the end of each of the following terms) Parents will be notified via SOCS which clubs their child has been accepted into. If a pupil is unable to attend their club, we ask that they inform their Class Teacher at Registration and to apologise to their club teacher or Mostcoach.activities run from 3.45 4.40pm daily; however, some activities run until 5.30pm and in this event, it is not possible for those pupils to have tea. Pupils who register for an activity are expected to attend regularly throughout the term. Healthy snacks are provided for those pupils who are staying for a match after school or a club which continues through to 5.30pm.
We aim to ensure all children can access at least one club per term and do not allocate these on a first come first served basis. We ask that parents please collect children promptly, as detailed above at 4.15pm. It will not be possible for children to return to Crèche after their club if they have not already been booked in ahead of time. Please use the booking form on Firefly to ensure your child is booked into Crèche as ad hoc sessions will not be available. Clubs for Nursery pupils commence after pupils have attended a full term.
Co Curricular Activities
Pupils who stay for tea must be collected between 5.30 and 6pm. There will be a member of staff on duty each day until 6.00pm. A charge of £15.00 will be incurred for children collected after 6.00 pm and a further £15.00 for children collected after 6.15 pm.
There is also a supervised learning session (Prep) from 3.45 4.40pm every day. Pupils should book into Prep via PupilsSOCS.who have stayed at school to participate in an activity, or join the supervised learning session, may either be collected at 4.40pm or may stay for Tea. Those not collected at 4.40pm will be taken to Tea. We ask that all pupils who are staying for Tea to sign up to the appropriate sessions at the beginning of term so that we are able to arrange staffing accordingly. Bookings for Prep and Tea can be made through SOCS.
Trips, outings and sports fixtures are part of the academic year at Royal Russell Communication and full details regarding any trips, outings or fixtures will be sent by relevant members of staff.
Trips / Outings & Sports fixtures
It is our school policy that, unless your child has authorised absence at least two weeks in advance of a trip, the cost of the visit will be added to your school account. We are unable to refund the cost of the trip if your child is absent on the day. We know that school events form an important part of the rich tapestry of life in the Junior School and often form an important part of the link between home and school.
Any parents who wish their children to learn to play an instrument should complete an Instrumental Lessons Request Form which may be obtained under the Junior School Forms section, on Firefly.
All pupils receive class music lessons with our specialist music staff every week. In addition to this, opportunities exist for pupils to receive individual tuition in a range of musical instruments. All pupils in Year 1 learn to play the recorder and all pupils in Year 2 will participate in starter lessons for violin as part of their class music lessons, in the Autumn Term.
Instrumental teachers charge parents directly and lessons can only be provided if the fees have been paid in advance as requested by the teacher. In the unlikely event of wishing to withdraw a pupil from instrumental lessons, parents are expected to give five weeks’ written notice (not including holidays), or they will be liable to a half term’s fees in lieu.
Please look ahead at the Calendar on Firefly to see what events are on offer each term.
For any child wishing to take up a new musical instrument, please discuss with our Head of Junior School Music (Miss Siobhan Fox). Pupils are able to commence musical instrument tuition from the Summer Term of Year 1.
Additional Events Musical Instrument Tuition
Children in the Lower and Upper Juniors may also receive a credit for academic work which is above the standard expected in relation to the ability and effort of that individual child. Staff stamp the child’s book, record the credits on a central spreadsheet
On a weekly basis, the class with the most academic credits will receive the Class Academic Cup in the Upper Juniors or Russell Lion in the Lower Juniors. At the end of the year, all credits and tokens are totalled and the House Shield for the best performing House is awarded to the house representatives on Royal Russell Day. Prizes for individual effort and achievement are presented at both Royal Russell Day and at Prize Givings
22 All children in the Junior School belong to one of four Houses Canterbury, Durham, Exeter and York. Each House is a “vertical slice” of the school which provides exciting opportunities for collaboration, competition and team spirit in all aspects of the curriculum as well as providing opportunities to develop and use our Russell Powers and Moral Compass. Each House has approximately equal numbers from each year group. Siblings will be placed in the same House. Instances of exemplary, age appropriate, behaviour may be rewarded by teachers using our In School system. These points will be totalled every half term and the winning House will receive the House Credits Cup. Additionally, pupils may be awarded the ‘Silver Star’ for exceptional behaviour that is above and beyond expectations for that child. Children who reach the Silver Star during the week will also be awarded a certificate in the weekly celebration assembly. Any child who is moved to the Silver Star will gain a silver star token (worth 5 house tokens). In the Upper and Lower Juniors, a child may be awarded a certificate for using or displaying Russell Powers. These Russell Powers are learning skills that are essential to develop and can be applied across all areas of the curriculum (for example the powers of being reflective, curious and creative) Certificates are awarded according to who is most deserving and a tick list / turn taking approach is discouraged. Certificates are awarded at the Lower and Upper Junior Celebration Assemblies Certificates are also awarded where pupils demonstrate characteristics from our Moral Compass. These certificates are awarded where pupils model and demonstrate one of the key characteristics, in an age appropriate way.
Throughout the academic year, as the children in the Upper Juniors collect credits, they will be awarded certificates by the Headmaster during Celebration Assembly. Once a child has reached the Bronze/Silver/Gold stages, they will also be awarded a star badge alongside their certificate which they may wear on their blazers. Headmaster’s Merit Cards are awarded for work that is exceptional for that individual child at the discretion of the Headmaster. This award will be presented in the weekly Rewards and Recognition Assembly The children are very well motivated by the House system and are keen to participate in the competition it encourages. There are exciting competitions between the Houses in many areas throughout the year, including competitions in sports, drama, maths, games and music.
The House Structure
Year Pink Blue Purple Bronze Silver Gold 3 6 10 20 30 45 60 75
* Respect other people’s views
Compass helps to guide our pupils behaviour as well as guiding their personal growth and development. Our Moral Compass characteristics are: integrity, generosity, respect and kindness. These values are discussed and modelled daily.
* Greet teachers and visitors in a polite and courteous manner
InClassroomtheclassroom, we expect children to:
* Wait for their parents in the agreed place at the end of the school day
* Respect the right of other children to play without interference
* Disagree without losing their tempers
* Let others complete their work * Listen to and follow instructions
* Ensure that other people are not put at risk by their actions
* Raise hands and wait to be asked to contribute Outside the Classroom Outside the classroom, we expect children to: * Walk quietly and sensibly around school, holding doors open for each other and adults
* Line up quickly and quietly at all times
We expect children and adults to:
* Care for their surroundings and other people’s property * Value and respect the school environment
* Respect other teachers and supervisors, in the playground, at lunch, in clubs and during ‘Prep’ and tea
Fundamental Values Throughout Royal Russell School, the Fundamental British Values underpin our Code of Conduct, Policies and Behaviour
* Use resources sensibly and return them to the appropriate place
Children and Adults
This School is a calm and purposeful working environment and the playgrounds must be places where the children can enjoy playing sensibly together. Each member of the School, irrespective of gender, culture, social or background, should be free from discrimination of any kind. The school’s Behaviour Policy clearly sets out the expectations in the Lower and Upper Juniors, together with the rewards and sanctions that are in place.
Staff will act in accordance with the school policy for managing behaviour. All forms of corporal punishment are Ourforbidden.Moral
* Resolve differences of opinion without resorting to aggression
* Remain supervised and move around the campus only when accompanied by an adult
* Only leave school if accompanied by an adult, unless other arrangements have been authorised by the Headmaster for Year 6 children. Behaviour other than this is unacceptable
* Adhere to the high standards of punctuality, appearance and politeness
* Listen to each other * Care for all people and treat them with respect and politeness
* Complete work responsibly and to the best of their ability
Advice to Procedurepupils:forpupils
BullyingStatement:will not be tolerated in any form. Pupils are encouraged to speak out if they are being bullied or aware of someone who is being bullied. All allegations of bullying will be thoroughly investigated; the punishments will be severe and can include suspension or exclusion. Bystanders also have a role to play in reporting acts of bullying. Bullying will not be tolerated in any form. Pupils are encouraged to speak out if they are being bullied or aware of someone who is being bullied. All allegations of bullying will be thoroughly investigated. Royal Russell School develops strategies to prevent bullying in the first place. This includes talking to pupils about issues of differences during anti bullying week, in Assembly, tutorials and in our PSHE programme. Good behaviour where pupils treat one another and the school staff with respect is modelled by both staff and older pupils, which helps create a culture of respect that permeates the school environment.
Anti-Bullying Policy
The link to our Anti Bullying Policy can be found here
24 Practice and are promoted by staff and pupils in every aspect of our school lives: * Democracy * The rule of Law * Individual Liberty * Mutual Respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and those without faith.
either observing or being bullied
A pupil who feels that they are being bullied should report it to their Class Teacher, Phase leader, Tutor, Housemaster/Housemistress (HoM), Head of Year (HoY) or any member of staff they feel they can approach, remembering that being a bystander and doing nothing is passive bullying. Any pupil observing an incident should report the matter to their Class teacher, Phase Leader, Tutor/HoM/HoY or any other member of staff who will then take the appropriate action. The concern will be recorded on MyConcern, our safeguarding platform, and logged against all relevant pupils’ names, in order to track any trends in behaviour or repeated instances of bullying behaviour. Parents will be informed by the appropriate member of staff.

● Tell a teacher or another adult in the School
● Do not blame yourself for what has happened. When talking about bullying with an adult be clear on: ● What has happened to you?
● How often this has happened to you ● Who was involved? ● Who saw what happened to you? ● Where it happened to you ● What you have done about it already.
The guiding principles of all the adults involved must be to resolve conflict or misunderstanding, amend behaviour patterns appropriately, and help the pupils involved to move on. A bullying incident can be treated as a child protection concern when there is “reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer, significant harm”.
it clear to all pupils that bystanders have a key responsibility to the School community and to anyone they see being bullied or victimised. They are encouraged to stand up for what they know to be right, for example by telling a member of staff what they have seen or heard.
● Tell your family ● Ask a friend to come with you if you need support in telling a teacher or an adult
If you are being bullied: ● Be firm and clear, look the person in the eyes and tell them to stop
The Anti Bullying policy is referred to in this Handbook however the full policy is available on the School Website. It is also fully discussed within the PSHE curriculum and assemblies. Our annual Anti Bullying week in November enables pupils to explore topical issues and raise awareness. Parents of a pupil are asked to notify Royal Russell immediately if they are concerned that they are being bullied. They should report the incident to their Class Teacher, Phase Leader, Tutor, HoM, HoY or any member of staff they feel they can approach. The appropriate measures will then be taken as set out in this policy.
● Tell an adult what has happened straight away. After an incident of bullying:
Procedure for parents who feel that their son/daughter is being bullied
If necessary, other agencies may be consulted or involved, such as: the police (if a criminal offence has been committed) or other local services including early help or children’s social care (if a child is felt to be at risk of significant harm). In this case, we will be working alongside external agencies and parents to support the pupil.
Advice to parents/guardians: A note of reassurance Bullying is a rare occurrence at school and any incident runs counter to the traditions of Royal Russell. Consequently, reported incidents will be explored very carefully.
● Keep on speaking up until someone listens
Experience has shown that any episode dealt with quickly and in line with this policy has led to a positive outcome. Sensitive handling by staff is necessary, of course, and the support of parents in a ‘no blame’ approach is very important, too.
● Get away from the situation as quickly as possible
Please inform us of any changes or events at home that could emotionally impact on your child, e.g. illness, family separation, death of a relative or pet, in order for your child to be offered the support required.
• Talk to your child show an interest. Know what your child likes to do on their mobile device, what apps they like to use and who they are communicating with. Home Environment E -Safety
E Safety advice for all pupils:
● If the problem persists, make an appointment to discuss the matter in person as soon as possible
• Treat your password like your toothbrush keep it to yourself and change it regularly.
• Make sure you use the privacy settings on social media sites and only use sites that are appropriate for your age.
Parents How you can protect your child?
● If you believe your child is being bullied, as defined by this policy, you should contact their Class Teacher, Phase Leader, Tutor, HoM or HoY immediately. They will take the matter very seriously, follow the procedure set down in this policy and keep you informed at every stage of the enquiry.
• Block the bully learn how to block or report someone who is behaving badly.
• Make sure you tell an adult you trust, for example, a parent, a carer, a teacher, or the child protection officer or call a helpline like Childline on 08001111 in confidence.
● It may be that following initial enquiry the matter will be investigated by the Deputy Head/s who will draw up a plan of action for a successful outcome.
• When using a mobile device, make sure you also pay attention to your surroundings.
Advice to parents: ● Make time to talk to your child and ensure that they are happy at school
• Be kind online you wouldn’t say something hurtful in person, so don’t do it online
• Always respect others be careful what you say online.
• Only add people you know and trust to friends/followers lists online. When talking to strangers, keep your personal information safe and location hidden.
● If your child’s behaviour changes, try to establish the reasons why
● If the situation does not improve, contact their Class Teacher, Phase Leader, Tutor, HoM, HoY or any member of staff you feel you can approach for an informal chat
• Be careful what pictures or videos you upload. Once a picture is shared online it cannot be taken back.
• Do not retaliate or reply to offending e mails, text messages or online conversations.
• Save the evidence. Always keep a copy of offending e mails, text messages or a screen grab of online conversations and pass to a parent, a carer or a teacher.
• Most social media services and other sites have a button you can click on to report bullying. Doing this can prevent a bully from targeting you and others in the future. Many services take bullying seriously and will either warn the individual or eliminate his or her account.
The home environment has a very significant effect on the children’s performance and happiness at school. A close partnership between home and school will help to support your child’s development and progress.
• Be proactive and attend school meetings on eSafety. There is a wealth of information and expertise at both the Junior and Senior School and we are more than happy to speak to you regarding any questions you may have around this topic.
• Does an 8 year old really need a smartphone? If your child is asking for the latest device for Christmas and birthdays, stop and think about whether they really need it.
• Sign up to alerts and newsletters to receive the latest news. For example; and carers . eSafety and mobile technology is forever changing and keeping up with the latest apps is difficult for both teachers and parents alike. Signing up to newsletters will help you keep abreast with the latest updates.
• Keep all mobile devices in one central place at night. At Junior School age, no child should be going to bed with a mobile device. This can be very disruptive to their sleeping patterns and can lead to friendship issues if they are sending and receiving messages late at night.
• Know your device and the parental controls.
• Set time limits for their usage and ensure they are using their device in a communal room

Emergency Contact Late Pick-Up / Missing Child Procedures PE / Games / Swimming Letter
The processes and policies in place ensure children are safe and secure at all times. In the case of your being late collecting your child, it is very important that you phone the School Office as soon as you can before 5.30pm. After 6pm, your child will be taken to the Headmaster/Deputy Heads. In the event that children are repeatedly collected late, the school reserves the right to temporarily remove the option of after school activities. Although being late is sometimes unavoidable, the children do find it extremely unsettling, so please bear this in mind and make contact with the school, so that your child can be reassured. Any child collected after 6pm will have a £15 late collection charge added to their termly account. A further £15.00 will be added for children collected after 6.15pm.
It is vitally important that the school always has a contact telephone number which may be called in case of emergency, this is in addition to the parental contact information. If the emergency contact number given to the school should change, parents must inform the School Office immediately.
Safeguarding of Pupils
The Whole School Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Nathalie Hart, Deputy Head People. In the Junior School the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Sarah Pain, Deputy Head Pastoral supported by Miss Siobhan Fox, also Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. Should you have any concerns or information you think the school should be aware of, Mrs Pain or Miss Fox would be more than willing to talk with you. Our Safeguarding Policy is published on the school website.
If your child is well enough to be in school, they should be able to participate in all activities, including swimming. However, if for genuine medical reasons your child is unable to participate fully in PE or swimming, please send an email to the PE staff and to your class teacher explaining the reasons why. This should be before the start of the day to enable staff to make suitable arrangements for the care of children not participating.
If your child has a special dietary requirement based on religious or medical grounds, the School will seek to provide a suitable alternative. Please contact Mrs Jones / giving full details of any such requirements in advance of your child starting school. In the case of a proven medical allergy please send in a letter from your Doctor, confirming the diagnosis, and provide full details of the foods which must be avoided and pass any medication, which must be available in the event of an allergic reaction, to the Medical Centre.
A pupil who is ill should not be brought to school. In this event, parents must telephone or email the School Office to explain the absence. Pupils should not be given pain relief, such as Calpol, and then sent to school if they are under the weather as this can mask symptoms.
The Health & Wellbeing Centre Catering
A pupil who falls ill while at school, or who is injured, will be attended by the School Health & Wellbeing Centre Staff, who will be able to administer appropriate treatment.
As ever, our catering team aims to provide pupils with a healthy and varied menu. We are fully committed to meeting the dietary requirements of all pupils.
All children are offered a choice of a piece of fruit and a drink at mid morning break. At lunch time, pupils are provided with a full meal from a broad and nutritious menu. For Lower Juniors, morning snacks and lunch are included in our School fees; for Upper Juniors Tea is also included. A weekly menu is available on Firefly.
The School provides a medical service which is staffed by healthcare professionals. This operates whilst day pupils are on site. There should be no medicines in the classroom or in children’s pockets or bags. For children who have asthma, two inhalers should be provided, one for the School Office and one for the Health & Wellbeing Centre. When pupils need to take medicine at school, their parents must take the medicine to the Health & Wellbeing Centre and sign a consent form. The staff will look after the medicine and dispense it at the correct times.
If you are aware that your child has an infectious condition, please do not send your child to school, but telephone the school so that, if necessary, other parents may be warned of the infection. A pupil who has suffered from sickness/diarrhoea may not return to school until 48 hours after their final episode.
If, in their clinical judgement, a pupil needs to go home or to attend hospital, they will telephone the parents and an ambulance should an emergency situation occur.
• is designed with health and safety in mind.
In accordance with England Hockey guidelines, we would like to advise you that all children from Year 3 to Year 6 will, as part of their Physical Education programme, participate in hockey for which a mouthguard is compulsory. OPRO provide many options available online and these mouthguards vary in protection and price depending on the sport or use. There are many other mouthguard alternatives, however, in our experience, OPRO offer good quality options. Mouthguard
30 Please refer to the separate Junior School Uniform and Games Kit list, which is also available on Firefly
• engenders a sense of community and belonging towards school; supports positive behaviour and discipline; • is practical and smart; • identifies the children with the School and encourages identity with the School; • prevents children from coming to school in fashions or ‘designer’ label clothes that could be distracting in class or create a sense of competition; • makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance and helps nurture cohesion between different groups of pupils;
Our policy is based on the notion that school uniform: • promotes a sense of pride in the School in line with our ethos;
There is a lost property basket at the rear of the Assembly Hall and in the Reception cloakroom containing un named property. The School cannot accept responsibility for lost property and cannot easily return un named Theitems.“Coach House” Shop for Second Hand Uniform sales is run by The Parents’ Association and is situated behind the main car park. We will advertise opening times in the weekly newsletter. Parents wishing to donate items of uniform should leave them in the container outside the shop. All items of clothing donated to the Coach House Shop should be washed and have name tapes removed.
Policy Upper Juniors only
All Staff have been issued with security passes and are required to wear these at all times whilst at School. All visitors to the School are required to sign in a visitors’ book, read safeguarding information and wear a security pass at all times whilst on School premises.
The School provides a secure and safe environment for our pupils. The number of access points to the building are minimal and external doors have security key pad locks or electronic swipe card entry Only pupils and staff may freely pass through doors with security locks operating. Throughout the School day, pupils are kept under appropriate supervision by members of the staff.
There is a ‘stop and drop’ zone for Upper Junior and Senior School pupils only. Please do not park in this area. All Lower Junior School pupils should be accompanied across the drive by their parents before and after school using the crossing. Parents are not permitted to leave vehicles in the car park during the day
The Swimming Pool has its own staff, led by the Sports Facilities Manager, and all aspects of Health and Safety in the pool area are continually monitored.
The Headmaster carries responsibility for the Health and Safety of pupils and staff, but this responsibility is entrusted to the Operations Director on a day to day basis, who ensures that our facilities are properly maintained.
Health and SecuritySafety
The School takes all Health and Safety issues very seriously and there is an extensive Health and Safety Policy document. All staff carry out regular Risk Assessments of their classrooms and communal areas of the campus to provide the safest possible environment for the children’s work and play.
Parents may not enter the school building without an appointment. Please assist us in keeping pupils safe by speaking to the Office Staff before entering the school buildings for any reason.
If parents have any Health and Safety concerns, they should take these up with the Headmaster in the first Prinstance.iortoany off site visits, the staff involved will undertake a rigorous Risk Assessment of the activity and will submit this to the Educational Visits Coordinator for approval. Only then will parents receive information about the visit and be asked to provide their formal consent.
The car park and driveway are potentially very dangerous places and all who drive on site are required to limit their speed to a maximum of 5 mph. There is a security barrier across the drive and only those drivers who have been authorised by the School will be given a security pass to operate the barrier. Parents must not park on any part of the driveway. Please park considerately to enable as many parents as possible to be accommodated at one time.
In recent years, the Junior School has received generous donations from the Parents’ Association to purchase extra facilities for playground use and contributed to the adventure playground, which the children enjoy and use
There is a flourishing Parents’ Association, “The1853Society”, which organises many social events and raises funds to provide extraordinary items for the School for the benefit of the children.
As our grounds are in use for school co curricular activities after school with large numbers of visitors, for reasons of safeguarding and safety children must stay with adults at all times. Families are not permitted to use the playgrounds or School facilities after school and should leave the grounds promptly
Royal Russell School has long prided itself on the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its pupils. However, if parents do have a concern or complaint, they can expect it to be treated by the School in accordance with this procedure. The Complaints Procedure is published on the School’s website for easy access by parents.
Parental Volunteers Parents’ Association Parental Complaints Procedure
of the 1853 Society meets from time to time to arrange activities and to decide how to spend the funds raised. New parents are warmly encouraged to join. Posters and notices advertising the AGM, Christmas Fair and many other events are brought to the attention of parents, who can volunteer to be involved or just attend and enjoy. Each class has a parent Class Representative. More information can be found on the School website
Central to any requests for parental involvement are the learning needs of the children. The School may contact parents in certain year groups to help with trips or events. Please do not worry if you are not available to help. Regular helpers will need to be approved by the Disclosure & Barring Service and required to read our Safeguarding Policy
33 The following policies and information are available to be viewed on the Website. • Current Risk Assessment • Curriculum Policy • Anti bullying Policy • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy • Admissions Policy • Behaviour Policy • Health and Safety Policy • E Safety Policy • Parental Complaints Procedure • Inspection Report • Staff List School Policies
34 Who can I talk to at Royal Russell Junior School ? SAFEGUARDING YOU

PavilionWestMUGAAstroturfNorthNetballTheTopSportsSwimmingPitchPaddockPitch Boarding/Day StQueen’sOxfordMaddenLatessaKeableHollendenCambridgeBuchananAndrew’s Sports Map_1170x830mm_2020.qxp_Layout 1 25/11/2020 09:44 Page 1 Library / Sixth Form Study Centre Car ReceptionPark / Headmaster’s Study Junior PerformingSchoolArts Centre / Auditorium 1 2 3 Car ReceptionPark / Headmaster’s Study Performing Arts Centre / Auditorium 1 2 Car ReceptionPark / Headmaster’s Study Junior School Early Years Centre Performing Arts Centre / Auditorium Dining Hall / Café LibraryAstonLimeChapelGreatChapelHallQuadTreeQuadWebbBuilding/SixthFormStudy Centre Swimming Pool Sports Hall Top Pitch The MUGAAstroturfNorthNetballPaddockCourtsPitchPitch(Multi-Use Games Area) West PavilionPitch Boarding/Day Houses Buchanan / Reade KeableHollendenCambridge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 25 26 27 28 Sports Facilities Car ReceptionPark / Headmaster’s Study Junior School Early Years Centre Performing Arts Centre / Auditorium Dining Hall / Café AstonLimeChapelGreatChapelHallQuadTreeQuadWebbBuilding Swimming Pool Sports Hall Top Pitch The MUGAAstroturfNorthNetballPaddockCourtsPitchPitch(Multi-Use Games Area) West PavilionPitch Boarding/ Day Houses Buchanan / Reade Cambridge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 25 26 Sports Facilities SPORTS BOARDINGFACILITIES/DAYHOUSES PAGE 26 General Equipment List for Lessons & Examinations All pupils should attend lessons with the correct equipment. Each pupil should have: Calculator for Years 7-11 FX - 83GT Plus or FX - 9911ES Plus FX - 991EX Calculator for A Level Pupils • School bag (any colour/style) • Large pencil case • Ballpoint pens / fine liner pens (Blue, black, green and red) • Pencils and coloured pencils, pencil sharpener and rubber • 30cm ruler • Glue stick • Scissors • Compass • Protractor and set square • Clear stick-back plastic for covering books • 2 x padlocks with keys (or combination locks). The padlocks should be approximately 60x30x10mm and the shackle about 3mm thick. iPad for years 7 to 10 Text NotebooksExercisebooksbooks Items supplied by the School PAGE 27