Junior School Prospectus

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We are Royal Russell

Russellians are ambitious

Russellians are lifelong learners

Russellians are energetic

Russellians are expressive

Russellians are creative

Russellians are stretched and supported

Early Years

A day at Royal Russell Junior School

Russellians are adventurous

Russellians are digitally confident

Russellians are nurtured

Russellians have heritage

Russellians have space to learn

Senior School transfer

How to apply to Royal Russell School

Junior | Royal Russell School

The family school of choice

We are Royal Russell

I am delighted that you have expressed an interest in joining Royal Russell School.

Royal Russell is different by design. We are a family school which means we value the things which make each of us distinctively brilliant. Royal Russell’s school motto is ‘non sibi sed omnibus’ which translates as ‘not for oneself, but for all’ and our commitment to each other is to help every member of our community to strive for their vision of success. Our happy, vibrant and ambitious atmosphere provides our pupils with an exceptional educational experience; with our young people right at the heart.

Royal Russell’s school motto is ‘non sibi sed omnibus’ which translates as ‘not for oneself, but for all.

From your first visit, you will experience the tangible sense of warmth and care that permeates everything that happens in our school community. It is a feeling that nurtures our children and promotes curiosity, creativity and collaborative endeavour. Our children take risks; they value the diversity of our community and they take delight in each other’s success, striving for excellence in all that they do.

Our offering is unique and distinctive. Our beautiful settings and our incredible facilities are impressive, however, it is the people who make the real difference. My colleagues, in every department of the school, are passionate, knowledgeable and successfully dedicate themselves to achieving fantastic outcomes for all pupils. We value breadth, balance and opportunity for all.

When a pupil joins our school, their family joins our community. Russellian parents support the whole school and enjoy becoming partners in their children’s education. Together, we build relationships that last and that place children at the centre of a shared set of values. Together, we are ambitious, courageous, open and distinctive. We are Royal Russell.

I look forward to welcoming you.

Russellians are ambitious

Pupils’ communication skills are excellent. They speak fluently and confidently.
- ISI Inspection

Our broad and stimulating curriculum, highly dedicated staff and the latest in learning technology combine to spark imaginations, inspire creative thinking and broaden horizons. Our pupils have an extraordinary range of talents, which we seek out, nurture and celebrate.

Challenging and supporting the growth of confident learners is at the heart of the Junior School experience. We provide the perfect environment in which children can develop their curiosity and find joy in learning as part of an adventure.

Academic standards are high and, guided by our expert staff, our children are ambitious for their own learning and development. Alongside our engaging and effective class teachers, the Junior School has a wide range of specialist teachers whose passion, subject knowledge and commitment to their area of learning ensure fantastic outcomes. Our children enjoy authentic learning experiences from experts. In these lessons they become scientists, musicians, actors, linguists and much else besides.

Russellians are lifelong learners

Our children are taught to use their initiative, to reason and think critically. Our Russell Powers for learning promote curiosity, creativity, resilience, reflectiveness and collaboration across our broad and exciting curriculum. With our small class sizes and robust processes for tracking pupil effort and attainment, we challenge pupils throughout the school in subjects where they demonstrate strong potential, whilst providing additional in-lesson support to enable all pupils to progress.

Royal Russell has a committed staff body that believes in being lifelong learners themselves. We pride ourselves on our ability to keep abreast of new pedagogical developments whilst our experience helps us to see what really works for our children. Children and adults share in a journey of discovery together and the progress is phenomenal.

Younger children concentrate very well in lessons, showing consideration for others in discussions and respect for their teachers.

- ISI Inspection

We have an excellent reputation of sporting success in local, regional and national competitions. Participation in sport at all levels, is at the heart of our ethos.

Russellians are energetic

Junior | Royal Russell School

Sport and activities promote a healthy lifestyle and develop teamwork, discipline, resilience and personal motivation. The competitions which children participate in allow them to learn all important lessons in winning and losing. We ensure that sport and activities at Royal Russell are an enjoyable experience.

We believe in sport for all, and from the earliest age our pupils enjoy an extensive range of sports and games. We have an excellent reputation of sporting success in local, regional and national competitions. Participation in sport at all levels, is at the heart of our ethos.

From Nursery, children have specialist dance, PE, games and swimming lessons, making full use of our extensive on-site facilities across the Junior and Senior School. Older children are supported to reach their sporting potential and are quickly identified and placed in carefully designed development programmes which are monitored by our dedicated teachers and specialist coaches.

Pupils are coached in a wide range of sports including football, netball, hockey, tennis, cricket, gymnastics, athletics and trampolining. All pupils participate in regular competitive and friendly fixtures, representing their school at appropriate levels.

Russellians are expressive

Music and drama play an exciting and prominent role at Royal Russell, with pupils of all abilities regularly participating. Activity centres around our superb Performing Arts Centre at the heart of our campus, providing an abundance of opportunities for musicmaking and performing. We enter many local competitions and festivals throughout the year with significant individual and collective success.

Our drama department is lively and dynamic, offering all pupils the opportunity to take part, both within the curriculum and as a co-curricular activity. This helps to build their public speaking skills as well as enabling those within a creative streak to fully express themselves.

There are many productions throughout the year, including House competitions, the eagerly anticipated Early Years and Key Stage One Christmas performances and the amazing Year 6 production.

Other year groups also take to the stage with musical theatre performances, class assemblies and LAMDA club.

Our thriving music department has a reputation for musical excellence with many of our pupils taking individual music tuition and achieving significant musical success. All pupils enjoy weekly music lessons, which focus on an appreciation of music and confidence in performing. Music is taught through singing and playing a variety of instruments and children have plenty of fun whilst developing early skills as composers, producers and performers.

From an early age, pupils build their confidence in a range of drama opportunities in lessons and assemblies.

- ISI Inspection

Russellians are creative

Our art department nurtures the creative streak in every pupil and their creations can be seen throughout our school. Art and photography adorn our corridors and the results of design technology projects can be seen across the school. Our art room is a wonderful setting to encourage creative activity and pupils enjoy a range of stimulating activities, working with a large selection of media and producing an incredibly high standard of work.

Junior | Royal Russell School

Russellians are stretched and supported

Learning enrichment

We put the pupil at the heart of everything we do, making sure we know the strengths of each Russellian. Ensuring that our most able pupils are intellectually stretched is at the core of what we do. This is achieved through our academic extension programme which ensures pupils are set extension tasks in appropriate subjects, receive mentoring, access additional materials in their subjects of interest and participate in national and international competitions.

We ensure pupils who require additional support reach their maximum potential. The team also support parents and subject teachers with additional guidance and strategies when required.

Royal Russell is a family school and we pride ourselves on creating a supportive learning environment where pupils can thrive and become successful, independent learners.


We know that the development of social skills, confidence, leadership and resilience cannot be achieved through purely academic curriculum. We therefore encourage a healthy balance of academic rigour and co-curricular participation, where pupils can try something new, explore alternative interests and unearth hidden talents.

The opportunities for academic enrichment are wide-ranging and include a programme of visiting speakers, trips, discussion groups and competitions which run throughout the year.

Early Years

When your child joins our Nursery, they are warmly welcomed into our happy and nurturing school community. Our caring family atmosphere ensures that your child will quickly settle into their new routine, make friends and become confident early learners. Our staff prioritise getting to know every child and provide the care, time and personal attention to ensure that they get the most out of every learning experience.

In addition to the Early Years curriculum, our Nursery pupils enjoy specialist teaching in Music, Dance, Swimming, French, Spanish, Computing, Drama, Art and PE. Our impressive Early Years Centre has been designed to meet the needs of our youngest pupils; spacious learning environments are fully equipped with stimulating resources and the latest technology to develop inquisitive young minds. Two outdoor learning areas allow for a fully freeflowing, child-led experience and a safe environment for exploration and learning through play.

Care for others is embedded from the start, and children in the EYFS understand the need to be considerate to one another, taking turns and treating each other well.

- ISI Inspection

The Early Years journey extends into our Reception classes where Nursery children become familiar with their Reception setting, becoming a base from which they can explore all areas of learning.

Daily small group-focused learning activities underpin secure development in phonics, reading, writing and mathematics. Not only do we promote the academic excellence expected of every young person, we continually encourage and model social skills, effective communication, good manners and self-confidence.

Junior | Royal Russell School

A day at Royal Russell

Pupils enjoy so much more than a day of lessons.

Here are a range of activities a pupil could enjoy on a typical day.


From Year 1, pupils participate in Games and PE. Additionally, from Year 3 pupils also enjoy Health Related Fitness classes. Russellians engage with an array of sports including football, cricket, hockey, trampolining, athletics, cross-country and swimming.


Afternoon lessons continue to provide a broad and balanced curriculum.



All pupils register in their classrooms before learning starts in earnest with the first lesson of the day.


Our morning lessons include a variety of subjects taught by the perfect blend of class teachers and specialists.


Pupils dine in the Senior or Junior Dining Hall.

We have an extensive fixtures list, regularly competing against other schools in local, regional and national competitions and leagues as well as friendly fixtures.

Our extensive range of after school activities begin including Animal Rangers, Coding club, Mindful Me club and Hockey club to name but a few.


Tea for pupils remaining on campus after clubs, training or supervision.

5:30pm to 6:00pm

Children who stayed for tea are collected.

Pupils enjoy so much more than a day of lessons. There are so many opportunities to try something new.

Russellians are adventurous

Learning frequently takes place within our beautiful Forest School and also beyond the school gates. Your child will enjoy an array of cultural trips and experiences as a Royal Russell pupil. Subject-specific learning is brought to life in exciting trips throughout the year.

Pupils learn first-hand about river erosion by wading through the water, study Egyptian artefacts at the British Museum and touch rainforests at Kew Gardens. Pupils also enjoy trips to the seaside, galleries, sporting events, concerts and the much-loved local Christmas pantomime.

Our approach to residential trips is progressive. In Year 3, our pupils experience their largest ever sleepover, with an evening of activities led by our Senior School Combined Cadet Force followed by a night in their sleeping bags. In Year 4, this progresses to a one-night off site adventure.

In Years 5 and 6, the prospect of a week of outdoor education and adventure generates much anticipation and excitement whilst allowing for new friendships to be formed outside of the classroom.

During these residential trips - often the first time away from their families - children shine on many levels, building on their already well-developed characteristics of responsibility, teamwork, resilience and leadership skills, while having an abundance of fun. The annual Ski Trip, Bushcraft Challenge and Sports Tours add to the many opportunities available.

There are an incredible number of activities on offer every year and pupils are encouraged to try something new. There is something for everyone, from creative and expressive clubs to physical and mentally challenging clubs.

We encourage a healthy balance of academic rigour and co-curriculum participation.

There are over 100 activities on offer every year and pupils are encouraged to try something new. There is something for everyone, from creative and expressive clubs to physical and mentally challenging clubs.

The school is highly successful in meeting its aim to provide an outstanding academic education and an extensive range of cocurricular activities in the context of a family School. – ISI Inspection

The digital skills which pupils learn now prepare them for the workplaces of tomorrow.

Russellians are digitally confident

Junior | Royal Russell School

Our blended learning ethos ensures our use of technology transforms learning; it supports progress and allows for unique learning experiences. Children engage with technology throughout their daily lives and embrace this in the classroom environment. The digital skills which pupils learn now prepare them for the workplaces of tomorrow. Whilst children have specialist computing lessons, they also use Chromebooks, iPads and interactive Clevertouch screens in many lessons throughout their school day.

We carefully plan and invest for future technological advances, introducing new technology where it is appropriate and beneficial to the learning experience. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 are allocated an iPad for school use and for home learning.

We integrate technology into our children’s learning in a meaningful way. Children are encouraged to electronically submit home learning projects, produce and deliver presentations and conduct online research ahead of lessons. They create and edit short films, digitally enhance photography and learn programming and coding.

Online safety is paramount, and e-safety is given high regard. Specialist teachers ensure that staff, children and their parents are given information about how to keep themselves and others safe online so that all children can enjoy the use of technology for learning and for pleasure in a responsible and safe way.

Our rigorous computing curriculum and specialist team of teachers ensures we are up-to-date with progressive advancements within software, hardware and AI.

Russellians are nurtured Russellians have heritage

In our family school, it is of paramount importance that our pupils are happy and enjoy their time at school and their emotional and physical needs are catered for. Pastoral care is woven into the fabric of Royal Russell. From our School motto, “Non sibi sed omnibus”, “Not for oneself, but for all” is the essence of how our pupils learn to care for those in their community. From the youngest year groups, our children learn about their important role in our inclusive family and the understanding of social responsibility grows alongside our children. Guided by our Moral Compass and the characteristics of kindness, respect, generosity and integrity, our children develop character and moral strength and build a compassionate and thoughtful view of the world around them. They have the courage to stand up for what is right and the support necessary to build friendships that last a lifetime.

Our Houses give the opportunity for friendly competition alongside a sense of belonging and comradery.

Inter-House competitions encourage children to work as a team across sports and a wide range of activities like art, photography, dance, singing and music. Everyone is valued. Through the House system, our children make friends across year groups and build confidence in collaboration and leadership.

Our PSHE curriculum is expansive and progressive, ensuring pupils learn about personal, social, health and economic education and Space 2 Be sessions provide a warm welcome and support open conversation about wellbeing and positive mental health. Alongside all of their many achievements, we are so proud of the young people our Junior School pupils become.

Our progressive Emotional Literacy programme enables pupils across the School to develop skills in recognising, understanding and expressing emotions in themselves as well as others.

Royal Russell is proud to have enjoyed Royal Patronage from its foundation. Our former Patron, Queen Elizabeth II, visited our school on four occasions.

Royal Russell was founded in 1853 as a charity to look after orphans of families from the textile trades. Former Prime Minister Lord John Russell became President of the school and the majority of pupils were supported by generous donations and scholarships.

Charles Dickens spoke of those who supported our school in a speech he made at the London Tavern in 1857: ‘This is a school which provide such a home as their own dear children might find happy refuge in, if they themselves were taken early away. And I fearlessly ask you, is this not the sort of school which is deserving of your support?.’

Reference to our heritage can be seen throughout the school in the many plaques laid by our generous benefactors, the stained glass in the Chapel and Great Hall and the many portraits of our Patron, Presidents and Headmasters.

The original architecture, designed by Sir Aston Webb, continues to blend effortlessly with our more modern buildings.

Whilst our school dates back almost 170 years and we are incredibly proud of our heritage, we are very much a forward thinking 21st century school, equipping pupils to be global citizens, confident in their unique skills and abilities.

Our stunning campus, set in 110 acres of beautiful woodland, provides all the space your child could need to learn and play. From our extensive sports fields, adventure playground and cross-country course, to our Forest School and nature trails, our children have plenty of opportunity to enjoy being outdoors throughout the year. We take lessons outside - where better to read,

Russellians have space to learn

Our children have the space to learn, to play and to be challenged every day.

re-enact a moment in history, build a giant volcano or paint a masterpiece?

Our buildings and grounds are exceptionally well cared for and we take great pride in our natural environment. We explore and study them, we photograph and film them, we camp in them, we plant and grow in them, we play in them and cycle through them.

Senior School transfer

Royal Russell Junior School is fortunate to share its 110 acre site and extensive facilities with our Senior School.

Our pupils benefit from an uninterrupted coeducational experience from Nursery to Sixth Form, allowing them to build lasting friendships and thorough knowledge of their school.

By the end of Year 6, our pupils are extremely familiar with the Senior School campus, having regularly used the Dining Hall, Great Hall, Chapel, Sports Facilities and the Performing Arts Centre.

Pupils move up with ease and confidence, fully prepared for the exciting new challenges ahead. Our pupils consistently live up to the high Royal Russell expectations of effort and application, making the move to the Senior School a natural progression.

The vast majority of our girls and boys continue to our Senior School, meeting the high academic standards required. Pupils are assessed throughout their

time in the Junior School and are offered unconditional places ahead of external candidates without the need for formal assessment. In Year 7, they are joined by new girls and boys from a number of schools throughout the UK and overseas.

Our Senior School offers a broad and enriched curriculum and an abundance of co-curricular opportunities including our Combined Cadet Force and Model United Nations.

Examination results at both GCSE and A Level are excellent and our most recent results can be viewed on our website.

All our pupils accept places at the university of their choice to study a diverse range of courses. Children leave Royal Russell as confident, successful and grounded young people, ready to embrace all that their bright futures have to offer.

How to apply to Royal Russell School

In the Junior School, we accept entry into all year groups. Most pupils join us in September, however, we will consider entry in January and April on a case by case basis. We encourage you to come and visit us and experience a warm Russellian welcome and a tour of the school for yourself.

If you feel your child would thrive at Royal Russell, you may formally apply for a place by completing the online Registration Form. We will then arrange an assessment and taster day for your child and request a reference from your current school or setting at offer stage.

Three year olds may join the nursery in the term after their third birthday. Our three plus assessments take place in March for an Autumn Term start.

Please note that we also arrange additional dates for assessment later on in the Spring and Summer Terms, for children to join the nursery at an appropriate point in the academic year.

Classes are mixed at the start of every academic year, so that pupils can explore new friendship groups as they progress through the school.

Nursery Entry Timeline

When choosing a nursery

Get to know us by attending an Open Day or taking a tour

Acceptances are required within two weeks of the offer letter Registration


Offer letter

Offer letters will be sent following the assessment

Reception to Year 6 Entry Timeline

When choosing a school

Get to know us by attending an Open Day or taking a tour

End of October Registrations close


Taster Days

Early January-March

Acceptance of places

Applications for year groups where places are available will be considered throughout the year.

End of December

Offer of places

We encourage you to come and visit us and experience a warm Russellian welcome.

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