2 minute read
Morning Registration
Morning registration takes place in Houses at 8:15am.
The Housemaster/Housemistress, Tutor, or delegated member of staff, marks pupils present on the electronic register, and notes reasons for absences, where known.
Each morning, the names of any Day pupils who are staying after school will be noted. It is important that House Duty Staff know which pupils are on the premises in the event of an emergency.
If a pupil is absent, it is necessary to have confirmation of the reason from parents by email or telephone.
Absence notification can be given by email to the Housemaster/Housemistress (and please copy in Attendance Officer (absence@royalrussell.co.uk) or by telephone to the School Office 020 8657 6922 extension 320. Notification must be given before 8.30am on the day of intended absence.
If a pupil is absent for three consecutive days, the Housemaster/Housemistress will telephone the pupil’s parents. If a pupil is absent for five consecutive days due to illness/medical reasons, a doctor’s certificate will be required.
Permission for absence for medical or family reasons may be given by the Housemaster / Housemistress; all other requests for leave must go to the Deputy Head, People giving as much notice as possible. Pupils who are absent without leave will be reported to the Deputy Head, People. There is a legal requirement for schools to complete the registers in a way which distinguishes between authorised and unauthorised absence.
If a pupil is absent and subsequently produces a valid note from their parents, or the reason for their absence is confirmed in some other way, the appropriate authorised code will be retrospectively entered. This procedure applies in every case of unauthorised absence.
Pupils arriving late should report to the Senior School Office and complete a Late Arrival Slip. We will contact parents should any pupil be repeatedly late.
Afternoon Registration
The afternoon register is taken in class at 1:50pm. The Attendance Officer registers any discrepancies.
After School
Day pupils intending to stay at school after 3:50pm for a club, activity, sports fixture or to study in the Library should notify their Tutor at morning registration. They should indicate their proposed time of departure,
whether they will be taking supper, what activity they will be attending and fill in the signing-in sheet in the House. Pupils must not go off site after school and before the activity.
Pupils not staying for a supervised activity must leave the site immediately. If a pupil is waiting to be collected in the car park, and their lift has not arrived by 4:15pm, they must return to their House and inform the member of staff or Prefect on duty. All pupils on-site at 5:30pm must go to their Houses. Supervised prep is undertaken in Houses. Prep ends at 6:25pm. If your child is staying for supper, they should arrive at the Dining Hall at 6:30pm.
Pupils wishing to participate in a late activity, for example Combined Cadet Force (CCF) in Year 9 and Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) in Year 10, may leave the site at the end of school, but must bring a letter signed by their parent/guardian saying they will not return on-site until the start of the activity. Pupils must still sign-in on the House activity sheet to confirm they are attending this event.
Pupils using public transport must comply with normal rules for behaviour whilst waiting for and whilst travelling on public transport. When crossing the road outside School pupils must use the crossing.