2 minute read

General Information

Firefly for Parents

This is the platform for parents to view information about their child and to access information relating to the

School. Among its various features, you can:

• View and print information about your child including timetable and attendance

• Information, grades and reports, reward and conduct information

• Access your child’s external examination results • Access the school calendar and general information relating to the School You can access Firefly using the URL: https://royalrussell. fireflycloud.net or through the School website

Firefly for Pupils

Pupils can access homework set and resources via Firefly - https://royalrussell.fireflycloud.net or through theSchool website.


Lockers are allocated to all pupils and are located in their House. Pupils need to provide a padlock and two keys, one of which is kept by the Housemaster/Housemistress. Pupils are required to assume responsibility for their locker and its contents.

Lost Property

• All possessions must be clearly named. Valuable items and large sums of money should never be brought to school

• If anything is lost, pupils are advised to report the loss to their Housemaster/Housemistress. If an item is found, this should be handed to a member of staff

• Changing Rooms will be checked on a daily basis and all forgotten items will be taken to the Senior School • Office to be sorted. Named items will be returned to each

House. Unnamed items are retained by the Senior School


School Sports

All of our sporting fixtures, team sheets and results are listed at www.royalrussellsport.co.uk.


• Lunch for all pupils is compulsory. In a long working day, having a healthy midday meal is important • Lunch is taken on a cafeteria system, managed by a rota.

The rota is posted in each House. The rota changes halftermly to allow a different year group to enter lunch first • There may be occasions when pupils will require an early lunch. The teacher in charge of the event requiring an early lunch will make the necessary arrangements with the pupil

School Trips

• At all times, it is important to remember that pupils are representing the School on trips. A schedule of all trips that take place throughout the year is sent to all parents • If behaviour on trips is unsatisfactory, pupils can be excluded from future trips • School uniform must be worn for all trips with the exception of fieldwork days, evening theatre trips or as advised by trip leaders

The Old Russellians (School Alumni)

• Old Russellians hold regular social events and reunions and keep members informed on matters relating to the


• Old Russellians often return to speak to current pupils about their career choices, attend our Careers Fair and, in some cases, provide work experience

The 1853 Society (Parents’ Association)

• The Royal Russell Parents’ Association, known as the 1853 Society, is a group of friendly and energetic mums and dads from across the Junior and Senior School

• It exists to bring the School community together with an array of events throughout the year, including a quiz night, pupil discos, the Christmas Fair, family movie nights and the Russellian Ball

• The Parents’ Association also raises funds for the benefit of the pupils to enhance their school experience

• More information can be found on our school website. If you would like to join the Parents’ Association or help at any event, please get in touch with the Chair, Mrs Emma

Thistleton at 1853society@royalrussell.co.uk

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