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Legalisation and Crime

How police will be used moreefficiently

With cannabis being fully legal and, and the illicit selling of cannabis the police could focus more resources on more serious crimes such as murders and the underground slave market. police seized Cannabis over 130.7 thousand, however in future years police could employ their resources better. 210,000 drug offences recorded by the police in England and Wales however the number would decrease by an estimated 80,000 if the government legalised marijuana.

funds the police force, spending roughly

£4.36 Expenditure in billion GBP on prisons. The average expenditure per inmate is the average cost of a prison place in England and Wales was £44.6 thousand a year. A prison officer’s average yearly wage is between £24,000£32,000. However, with the legalisation of cannabis anyone in possession of cannabis wouldn’t end up in jail. Roughly 80,000 less dealers in operation would no longer end up in jail because of weed. The government would have more space in the prisons and less people would be in jail.

Politically this would show the Uk’s police efficiency and in turn would reflect nicely on the country. The government pays for and funds the police force, spending roughly £4.36 Expenditure in billion GBP on prisons. The average expenditure per inmate is the average cost of a prison place in England and Wales was £44.6 thousand a year. A prison officer’s average yearly wage is between £24,000£32,000.

Working towards legalisation

By 2025 pharmacies and firms to sell legal weed

The coming 2 years would be devoted into creating new legislations around how the public can access the marijuana, for example, that a maximum of 5g canbe purchased by a customer at a time unless prescribed by a doctor or GP. Furthermore, the two-year period would allow the government to investigate and research the criteria’s that would make the marijuana medical grade. Theprivatisedfirmswouldhavetimes topurchase the warehouses and start hiring people as well as becoming familiarwiththegovernmentstandard of weed. In addition, any prisoners due to the possession of weed should have their sentence terminated and their weed related crimes whipped from their criminal record.

Political views on Legalisation of Marijuana Support of legalisation

On the legal side, at the moment (before the legalization of weed), the maximum sentence for possession is 5 years imprisonment with an added £2500 fine; for production and illicit selling of a class B drug, such as cannabis, the maximum sentence is 14 years imprisonment. Despite the drug being a class B drug and never having been the direct cause of a death the penalties are still so tough.

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