Weellcoom We me me Welcom me to Royal Russell Ju un nior School chool. From your first visit, you u willll experience the tangible ible sense of warmth and care that p perm meates everything that happens pens in our school com ommunity. It is a feelingg that nurtures our child ld dren and promotes curios r ity, creativity and collaborative tive endeavour. Our children take risks. Our ur children valu l e the diver versit s y of our communityy and ou ur childre ren take delight h in each other'ss success, cc striving ing for excellence in n all that they ey do. Our offeringg is unique. Our setting iss outsta standing and our facili f cilities are impre mp ssive, nevert everthele h ss, it is the people who make the differ ferrence in our special com mmu un nity. My colleagues, in every department of the he school, are p passsio onate, knowledggeable ea and succe cessfullyy dedicate themselves to achieving fantastic tic outcom comes for or allll pupils. We value bre b ad a th, balance lance and opportu unity. When a pupil joins our school, their heir family joins our com mmunity. Our parents support the whol h e school and enjoy becoming partners in their children’ss education n. We W build re elationshipss th that las ast and that place children at the ce centre of a shared set of values. Together, we are successful an nd we are eh happy. py We are re Royyal Russell.
110 Acr Acrrees ooff S Sp paacce Our stunning campus, set in 1110 accrees of private parkland, d, provides ides all the space your child d could need to learrn and play. playground and cross-cou o ntry cou urse, se to ou ur Forest School and nature trails, our chiildren n have p plenty of oppo ortunity to enjoy beingg outdoo ors throughou ut the year. We make full use of our grounds and the vast ast opportuniities they offfer. We explore and study them we photograph and film them, m them, m we we camp p in them, we plant and grow in them, we w p play in n them and cycle through the hem.
We e take lessons outside – wher ere better to read ad, re-e en nact a moment in history, build a giant volcano olcano or paint a masterpiece. Our buildin ings and grounds are exce c ptionallyy well c ed for car o and we e take gre eatt pride ride de in ou ur naturall environme ent. Our children have the space pace to learn, to play and tto be ch halle allle enged every day within our stunning, calm and welcoming environm ment, whilst breathing some of the cle c anest air in Lon ondon.
A Fa Famiillyy Sch hooooll h Wheen your child joins the h Royaal Rus Ru sell community com nity, yoour family do too and d we vallue and actively en encourage ge you our involv lveme ement. Royal Russel sell provide es a seam mless education f gir for girls and boys from m Nurse sery to Sixth Form, where brot othe ers and sisters can enjoy the same outstand n ingg educationa nal setting tti together. A strong family et ethos os runss th hroughou gh ut our school and d you’ll soon find tha t t yyou u have e an abundance of opportu un nities to t be involved w with ssch hool life e, w whethe er it is enjoyin enjoying a conc o ert or pe erforma ancce, help ping on a school s trip, or even ccoming ng in n to sch chool as a guest st speaker for our pupilss.
our Virtu ua al Le earning Environment, Firefly, curriculu um workshops and parent consu o lttation evenings. And we are always available at the end of the school day for a avail friendly dly talk. We have an energetic ge and enthusiastic Parents’ Association, TThe 1853 Society, who organise a varied calend dar of events for pupils, families and friends.
Our Family Day and Sports Days are w well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Royal Russell parents are a close e-knit community ity w who form strong friendsh hip groups,, orgganising nights out, book clubs bs an nd outings with their child ch ldren.
You’ll be kept up to date with your child’s progress in a variety of ways including through
Your level le of invo involvement is entirely up to you o , you’ll always y be warmly welcom wel omed.
What our parents say: From the momen nt my daughter joined Royal R Russell I have felt positively involved in her ed ducation and part of a won nderful, welcoming comm munity.
What our parents say: I would like to express how impressed I am with the Nursery. All the staff have such a kind and caring attitude, as well as being so enthusiastic and inspiring. It has been an excellent start to school life.
Our N Nu urser erryy When your child joins our Nurssery th hey are warmly mly welcoomeed into oour happy and nurturing school community. Our caring family atmosphere ensures that your child will quickly settle into their heir new routine,, make friend iends and become confid nfident early learners.
Ou ur st staff prioritise getting to know every child hild and d provide the care, time and personal attention tention to ensure that they get the most st out of o every learning experience.
Our impressive Early Years Centre has be een p posefully designed to meet the needs of pur our youngest g girls and boys. Spacious learning environments are fu f lly equip ipped with stimulating resources and the t latest est technology to develop inq nquisitive ve young minds. Two outdoor learning ng areas allow llow for a fu ully ll free-fl ee owing, child led experience and a safe enviro onment for exploration and learning through play. p
IIn addition ion to the eE Early Ye earrs cu urriculum, m our Nurse ery pupil upils enjoy specialist pec t teacchingg in Music, ic Da Dance, e, Swimming, French, Computing, Drama, Art and PE.
Our Nursery pupil O p s are taught by qualified teacher ch s who arre ably supported by teaching assistants, ants, giving a very high adult to child ratio.
Each day b brings new opportunities for our children to acquire new skills and develop their ‘Russell Po Powers’, including the key skills of collaboration ation and com co munication. tion. Their confidence incr crea e ses thrrough first-hand meaningful exper xperiences ass they progress through Nursery an nd into Reception ception to continue their Early Years Fou oundation Stage learning.
What our parents say: I consider R Rooyal R Russe ussell to be an excellent school. Every aspect of school life is welll thought out and executed with the h children always being the main ffocu ocus. T Teeaching staff are amazingg without exception and the individual ual needs of my son are always conside dered. He LO OVES VES coming to school! I would come myself if I could d get away with it.
Low weer JJu unio ior ors At R Ro oyal R Russ usssell we value chil hild dhood and believe in making the most of every second of you our young child’s tim me in sch hool. During ri g theirr Nursery yea ar,, child c rren become familiiar wi with the th Reception p settingg and the learning environmen ent that awaits them. Each Recep eption class has their own base, known as their ‘ne est’, from which they are encouraged to explore all areas of learning through the free-flowing shar s ed spaces indoors and outdoors.
physical, musical and artistic areas. They are encouraged to try out new experiences during llessons and through the cco-curricular programme aftter e school. With small classes lasses taught by highly assistant, child c ren feel value l d, are successfu ul and make excellent prrogre ess.
Daily small group-focu cused learning ng activities underpin secure developm pment in phoni honics,, reading, writing and mathematics.
Not only do we promote th he acade demic excellen ence expected of every young p person s here, e, we continu ually encourage and nd d mod de el sociall skills, effecti e ive communication, goo ood man anners an nd
Throughout the Early Years Foundatio tion Stage and d Key Stage One, children are provided with ith a wonder fully broad curriculum that motivates them h in all areas of learning. High standards of English and Mathematics are promoted.
through Lower Juniors and d are exception na ally well e p prepar ed, both academica ally and emotionalllly, to move to the Upper Juniors at 7 years of age.
All children have exciting oppor tunities to develop their strengths and creativity in academic,
Up Up pp per Ju Junio iioors Our teaching goes far beyond d the National nal Curricu culum, stretchin ng your child’s imagin gination and encouraging independentt thinking and creativittyy.. Children make remarkable pr p ogrress during their ye ears in the Upper pp Juniors. s. LLessons sons are stimulating imulating lating and pupils are encou ouraged to use their heir initiative, collaborate and think critically. Topics are brought to life fe thr hrough inspiring teachers who deliver exciting projects, activities and trips. With our smalll class size zes and robust processes for track ackingg pupil effort and d attainment, we are able le to challeng nge pupils throughou gh t the school in subjects b s where they demonstrate strong potential, whilst providing additional in-lesson pot support to enable all pupils to progress. Children throughout the school belong to one of four Houses, a system which hi encourages
What our parents say: My child thrives in this school! As a family we are very happy with his progress.
positive competition alongside e a sense of belonging and comraderryy. Inter er-House competitions encourage childr hildr dren to work as a team to achieve collective succ c ccess, supporting our school motto: Non on Sibi Sed ed Om Omnibus – Not for Oneself But for All. Our children are in no hurry to o leave school ool at the end of the day, and the majo jority of childrre en stay for one of the extensive range e of clubs we offer to extend their learning or simplyy to try something new, nurturing many talents. Our pupils acquire the self-bel elief and academic skills needed to move o beyond the Upper Juniors rs to t our Senior Scchool with confidenc nce and ease.
Spoorrt We believe in We i sportt for all, and ffrrom the earliest age our girls and boys y enjoy a extensive range of spoorts and games. Par ticipation in n Spor t, at all levellss, is at the hear t of our etho os. Spor t promotes good g health, teamwork, re r silience, discipline and a those all impor tant lessonss in winning and losing. ng. In our Nursery and Lowerr Junior setting, nce, PE, Games and children have specialist Dan s, making full use of our Swimming lessons, extensive on-site facilit ilities. Throughout the Upper Junio niors, children are coached in a wide range of spo orts inclu incl ding din Football, Netball, Hockey, Tennis is, Cric C ket, Gymnastics, Athletics and Trampolining, ning all of which are available to both girls and boys. All pupils participate in regular competitive levels. They like to win, but they enjoy takingg par t just as much!
We have an excellent reputation of sportingg success in local, regional and national competitions. Children who demon m nstrate placed in carefully designe ed de evel elopment programmes which h are m monitored by our dedicated teach achers and specialistt coachess, across the Junio ior and d Senior Se School hoo . O r impressive on-site facilities inclu Ou nclude four full size and an four junior siize ggrass football b pitches, a and tennis. ennis We also have a larrge g wel ell equipped p d spo s r ts hall, all, a gymnasium, a 25 25m m in indoor sw wimming pool and separate tea a ach hing pool. A challenging c ng cross-country co ourse winds its i way round our extensive grounds. s
What our parents say: My daughter hass developed a love of sport that extends beyond school. Itt is good to see her enjoying being healthy and activve.
What our parents say: My son has gained much more confidence through all the performances. He has even joined the Musical Theatre Club!
The A T Art rts Ou ur chi hildren love to b be creattive, to act, to ma make music sic and d to dancee. Participa ipation in Thee Art Ar s is encourage c d from the ear arliest years rs. TThe Ar ts play an excitingg a and prom mine ent role e at Royal Russell, w with children hildren of all a ages and abilities regularlyy pa articipating. g. Every child enjoys wee ekly musicc lessons, sons, which focus o on an a appreciation preciation o of music a and thr hrough singing ging and playing p a variety of i struments instr m s and child chi drren have plenty of fun w whilst developing early skills as compose ers, prod o ucers and nd per formers. Whil hilstt many child ildre en have in ndivid dual instrum umental and voca al lessons essons and go on n to be accomplishe hed musicians, all childrren have reg lar op regu pportunities niti to per form simply for their eir enjjoyment.
We hol ho d regu gulla ar assemblies, ssemblies, con ncerts, House competition ons a and d class productions where all childre hi n enthusiastically act, dance e and sing sing. ng. g We enterr many local competitions and an fe vals throughout the year with significantt festi individual u and collective success. Our stunning Auditorium, in our dedicated Per forming Ar tts Centre, is home to many productions in ncluding the eagerly anticipated Key Stage One e Christmas Per formance and Year 6 Producttion. Our Art Room oom is a wonderful setting to encourage creative activity. vittty. Our pupils enjoy a range of stimulating activities ctivities vities in Art and Design Technology, producing an incre i dibly high standard of work. dib
Digi Di igitall T Teechnolo h logy gy Our blended lend learning et eh hos ensu ures es our use off technolog chn ogy transforms learnin ng. Our childr ch en engage g e with w th tecchnol nolog ogy throughout their dailyy lives and readily accept c and embrace this in the e classroom o m environ onment. So fam miliar a are a they with the use of technology that it has b become one off the th most impor tant skills th hey will learn in pre epa aration n for the modern world. Whilst children have spe pecialist Computingg llesssons, the t e use of o Chrom mebooks, iPads and in nteracti tive Clever ertouch screens ee in many lesso sons is now w the norm. Techn hnology is mobile and available wherever th hey are, through our fully Wi-Fi enabled site. We integrate technology into our children n’s learning in a meaningful way. Children are home learning projects, produce and deliver presentations and conduct online research ahead of lessons. Children create and edit short films, digitally enhance photography and learn basic programming and coding. With the increased use of our Virtual Learning in En nvi vironment, children are able to access vi conten nt to enhance their educatio onal experiencce both at home and at school s .
Modern technol ology allows us to deliver new learningg’ where children can access lesson co ontentt in advance. “Flipped” lessons move at a faster pace, allowing more pupils to move a on to the extension work as a result of their pri learning. prior We carefully plan and nd invest for future technological advances, introducing new technology where it is appropri op ate and Children in Years 5 and 6 are alloccated an iPad forr schoo s ool use and for home learni rning. Onli safety is paramou Online am nt, and e-safety iss givven high regard. Spe Sp cialist teachers ensure r that staff, taff child children and their pa parents are ggiven up to date information mati abou a t how to kee ep themselve vess, and others, safe online so o that alll childre ch n can enjoy the use of techno ology and for pleasure in a responsible for learning an and safe way.
What our parents say: I have really noticed a difference in his independen nt working and enjoyment of research. Having access to Firefly and the learning apps hass really encouraged my cchild to automatically usee them every day. It's also nice to bee able to see a project he has been working on in class and feel in ncluded.
What our parents say: My son came home with so many stories to tell after his trip to Juniper Hall. He had a fantastic time!
Trrips ips pss aan and nd Visit n Visitts Learning frequently takes p L plaaces beyond nd the school hool gates and your child will enjoy oy cultural al trips and exp periences. th hrou ugh g exciting ng trips throu ughou gh t th the he year. How better to lea arn abou bout the Tudors than to visit Hever C Castle and walk in the footsteps of kings and queens? Pupils learn first-hand about river erosion by wading through the wa ater, study Egyptian artefacts at the e Br B itish Museum and touch rainforres ests at Kew Ga ardens ns.
followed ed by a n night in their sleeping bags. This is followed d by a one-night one-nigh ght off site adventure for our Year 4 pupil up p s. pil In Years 5 and d 6, the th prospectt of a week of outdoor educa ation and adventure gener g ates much anticipation ation and excitement.
mu oved local pantomime. much-l
time away from m their families, chi hildren shine on many levelss, demonstrating all their ‘Russelll Powers’ includ ding responsibility, teamwork, resilience and leadership skills, while having vi an abundance of fun.
In Year 3, pupils experience their largest ever ver sleepover, with an evening of activities led by our Senior School Combined ined Cadet Force
The annual Sk ki Trip, Bushcraft Challenge and Sports Tou o rs add to the many oppor tunities available e.
Pupil p s also enj njoy trips to the sea easide, sports
Wh our parentss say: What My son is eenjoying y ng Senior or ol and nd all the School vities it h has to offer. activi H has He as made many new friends ends as well as remai ainiing close se to those he knew in i the Junior School. th
Senior iorr Sch cho hool Traanssfe fer Royal R Russel ussell JJunior unior School is fort fort o unate to share itts 110 acre site and extensive facilit facilities with our Sen nior or School. pupils co-educational experience from Nurse ery to Sixth Sixt Form, allowing them to build d lasting ffriend dships ips and thorough knowledge of their scho ool.
offered uncon u dit ition onal place pl s ahead of external c ndidates. can s In Year 7 they are joined d by new ggirls and b boys from a number of Juniior School S s ffrom our wide w catchment area.
By the he end of Year 6, our pupils are exttremel ey familiar with the Senior School campuss, having r regu larly used the Dining Hall, Great Ha all, Chapel, hapel Sports Sp Facilities and the Performing Arts Centre.
Our Sen nio or School offers a broad and nd d enriched rich curricu ulu um and d an n abun ndance a e of coo--curricular oppor tu unities inc ncluding in ou ur Com mbi b ne ed Cadet Force and Model United d Nat ation io s.
Pupils fully prepared for the exciting ting new challen cha engess ahead. Our pupils consistently live up to the a high gh Royal Russell expectations of effor t and applica cation, making the move to the Senior School a n natural progression. The vast major Th ority of our girls and boys contin tinue to our Senior Se School, meeting the high aca ademic stand dards required. Pupils are assesse sed at the end nd of Y Year ear 5 and are
Examin ination results at both GCSE an nd A level are exce elllent with over 53% of all GC CSE grades awarded att 9, 8 and 7 and 45% of A level grades at A* *//A in the e 2019 public examinattion se eason aso . All our pupils acce cept places es at the un niversity of niv ge of courses. their choice to studyy a diverse range successful and grounded you un ng people, ready to embrace all that their bright fu uture es have to offer.
1 Car Park
Royal Russell Estate Map
2 Reception / Headmaster’s Study 3 Junior School
4 Early Years Centre
5 Performing Arts Centre / Auditorium
Sports Facilities
Boarding / Day Houses
15 Sports Hall
25 Cambridge
14 Swimming Pool 16 Top Pitch
17 The Paddock
6 Dining Hall / Café
18 Netball Courts
8 Great Hall
20 Astroturf Pitch
7 Chapel
9 Chapel Quad
10 Lime Tree Quad
11 Aston Webb Building
12 Library / Sixth Form Study Centre 13 Medical Centre
19 North Pitch
21 MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area)
22 West Pitch 23 Pavilion
24 Buchanan / Reade 26 Hollenden 27 Keable
28 Latessa
29 Madden 30 Oxford
31 Queen’s
32 St Andrew’s
Royal Russell School Coombe Lane | Croydon | CR0 5RN www.royalrussell.co.uk Tel: 020 8657 4433 /RoyalRussellSchool