
We are Royal Russell
Russellians are ambitious
Russellians are distinctive
Russellians are energetic
Russellians are expressive
Russellians are creative
Russellians are stretched and supported
University Destinations
A day at Royal Russell
Russellians are courageous
Russellians are global citizens
Russellians are open
Russellians have heritage
Russellians have space to learn
How to apply to Royal Russell School
Scholarships and Bursaries
Senior | Royal Russell School

The family school of choice
We are Royal Russell
I am delighted that you have expressed an interest in joining Royal Russell School.
Royal Russell is different by design. We are a family school, which means we value the things which make each of us distinctively brilliant. Royal Russell’s school motto is ‘non sibi sed omnibus’ which translates as ‘not for oneself, but for all’ and our commitment to each other is to help every member of our community to strive for their vision of success. Our happy, vibrant and ambitious atmosphere provides our pupils with an exceptional educational experience; with our young people right at the heart.
Royal Russell’s school motto is ‘non sibi sed omnibus’ which translates as ‘not for oneself, but for all.’

We are proud of the breadth and depth of what we offer at Royal Russell and our 110-acre campus is full of incredible facilities to inspire learning and personal growth; from our cutting-edge science facilities, our beautiful library, extensive sporting facilities, Chapel, Great Hall, spacious dining facilities, Performing Arts Centre and beautiful Houses.
Bespoke educational pathways mean we can support your child to realise their vision of success, guided by expert tutors, teachers, coaches and pastoral teams. We believe in a total education - encouraging pupils to extend their learning beyond the curriculum through enrichment activities and cultural experiences and learning together in an open community that reflects the real world and celebrates both individual and collective achievements.
I look forward to welcoming you.

Chris Hutchinson Headmaster
Russellians are ambitious

Our broad and stimulating curriculum, highly dedicated staff and the latest in learning technology combine to spark imaginations, inspire creative thinking and broaden horizons. Our pupils have an extraordinary range of talents, which we seek out, nurture and celebrate.
We know that at Royal Russell, the best progress takes place with girls and boys learning together, problem solving together and benefiting from different interpretations, perspectives and approaches. Emphasis is placed strongly on effort, both academic and in the wide range of cocurricular activities on offer to enrich learning.
Hard work and commitment is expected, recognised and rewarded.
Senior | Royal Russell School
We provide as broad a curriculum as possible before pupils choose their GCSE subjects, so that they can each challenge themselves and explore subjects and ways of learning. This approach prepares pupils for their public examinations and also life beyond Royal Russell. As we take the time to know every child, we can recognise those pupils who need to be stretched more and also those who would benefit from some extra support.
Each pupil is offered a bespoke educational pathway from Year 7 through to Year 13.
Senior School
Years 7 to 9
Core Subjects
Years 10 and 11
Sixth Form
Years 12 and 13 A Level
French or Spanish or German RSHE (non-examined)
Careers (non-examined)
Pupils may choose additional subjects from:
PE/Games (non-examined) Art
Option Subjects
Art and Design
Years 12 and 13 BTEC
Computer Science
Design and Technology
Drama and Theatre Studies
English as an Additional Language
Option Subjects
Modern Foreign Languages: French, German and Spanish
Russellians are Distinctive
“I joined Royal Russell in Reception, and I can truly say I have enjoyed every minute of my time here. All the way from the Junior School through to Senior School I have met some of the most amazing people; my teachers always made every lesson fun to be in, and my friends made me laugh throughout the day. I have always enjoyed participating in various sports throughout my time here, and it has been the highlight of my journey to represent the School in so many different teams like Hockey, Netball and Football. Royal Russell will always be a place I’d want to come back to, and my education at Royal Russell was truly the best gift I could have; I will always look back at my time here and be grateful for all the memories I have been able to make.”

“I joined Royal Russell as a shy and anxious 9 year old, but immediately found my place in the Junior School and for the first time, I enjoyed coming to school! Nine years later, now in my final year, I have grown in confidence and am proud to be one of the Heads of School and a member of the fantastic Royal Russell community. I have been supported and encouraged by my teachers and tutors who have genuinely cared about me and prepared me for the next stage of my journey, which will hopefully be studying aerospace engineering at university. Some of my favourite memories have been supporting the fantastic drama productions and performing with the School’s incredible Music Department. I will always consider myself part of the Royal Russell community and encourage all current and future Russellians to get involved and take advantage of the amazing opportunities on offer.”
I have grown in confidence and am proud to be one of the Heads of School and a member of the fantastic Royal Russell community.
“I joined Royal Russell in Year 6 and have enjoyed every second of it. Everyone is so warm and welcoming from the moment you arrive, and the family culture is evident throughout the School. The staff here particularly make a difference with their kindness, enthusiasm and passion for their subjects rubbing off in every lesson. I will definitely look back with many fond memories when my time here ends, with my personal highlight being the numerous sports and activities in which I have represented the School. I plan on studying History at University of St Andrews before pursuing my passion further as a teacher of History.”

“My journey at Royal Russell, despite being relatively short, has been profoundly fulfilling. Having been granted an academic scholarship, I was able to move across the globe and join Royal Russell in Year 12 as a full-time boarder. When I first joined, I felt very much out of place, but the kindness of other boarders and their willingness to show me the ropes helped me ease into an environment much different from anything I had ever known. Joining Royal Russell gave me the opportunity to create unforgettable memories with my newfound friends, friends I see almost every mealtime and consider family. I chose English, History and Religious Studies for my A levels and am eternally grateful for the dedication my teachers have in supporting me holistically. With their help, I have been able to pinpoint exactly where I can and should improve to excel in my studies.”

Senior | Royal Russell School
Russellians are energetic
Sport and activities promote a healthy lifestyle and develop teamwork, discipline, resilience and personal motivation. We aim to make sports and activities at Royal Russell engaging and enjoyable for everyone.
We offer an extensive range of sports for quality participation, fitness and fun including football, netball, hockey, cricket, gymnastics, trampolining, table tennis, basketball, athletics and rounders. All pupils have timetabled PE lessons along with their Games afternoon.

We enjoy a busy fixture list throughout the year and are proud to have a large number of teams, giving all pupils the opportunity to represent their school.

Royal Russell regularly win local, regional and national titles. We employ the latest coaching techniques, physical conditioning methods and video technology alongside training from specialist coaches, each expert in their field.
We are able to identify those pupils displaying sporting talent and provide tailor made development programmes for teams and individuals.

Russellians are expressive
Music and drama play an exciting and prominent role at Royal Russell, with pupils of all abilities encouraged to perform regularly. Activity centres around our superb Performing Arts Centre at the heart of our campus, providing an abundance of opportunities for creative expression, music-making and performing.
Our Drama Department is lively and dynamic, offering all pupils the opportunity to take part, both within the curriculum and as a co-curricular activity. This helps to build their public speaking skills as well as enabling those with a creative streak to fully express themselves.
There are many productions throughout the year, including House competitions and the eagerly anticipated annual school play. The Year 7 to 9 productions provide the opportunity for our younger pupils to be in the spotlight.
Our thriving Music Department has a reputation for musical excellence with a large amount of our pupils taking individual music tuition and achieving significant musical success.
Pupils have an abundance of opportunities to perform in the many concerts held throughout the year, with a Jazz Band, Swing Band, Samba Band, Orchestra and numerous choirs.

Russellians are creative
Our art, photography, media, food and design technology departments nurture the creative streak in every pupil, with exceptional results in public examinations. Our pupils’ creations can be seen throughout our school. Art and photography adorn our corridors and the results of design and technology projects can be seen across the School.
1853 Productions, our crew of media pupils, take advantage of our Media Studio and Mac editing suites to help produce school videos. Their work is featured at our annual Prizegiving Day and is showcased each year at the Royal Russell ‘Roscars’ event.

Senior | Royal Russell School
Russellians are stretched and supported
Royal Russell provides an immersive educational environment which challenges and supports every pupil so that they can develop their current interests, discover new ones and strive towards their vision of success.

Learning enrichment
Royal Russell is a family school and we pride ourselves on creating a supportive learning environment where pupils can thrive and become successful, independent learners.
We put the pupil at the heart of everything we do, making sure we know the strengths and areas for development of each Russellian. Ensuring that our most able pupils are intellectually stretched is at the core of what we do. This is achieved through our academic extension programme which ensures pupils are set extension tasks in appropriate subjects, receive mentoring, access seminars and lectures in their subjects of interest, and participate in national and international competitions.
We aim to assist those pupils who require additional support in order to reach their maximum potential. The team also support parents and subject teachers with additional guidance and strategies when required.

We know that the development of social skills, confidence, leadership and resilience cannot be achieved through a purely academic curriculum. We therefore encourage a healthy balance of academic rigour and co-curricular participation, where pupils can try something new, explore alternative interests and unearth hidden talents.
The opportunities for academic enrichment are wideranging and include a programme of debates, lectures, trips, discussion groups and competitions which run throughout the year.
English as an additional language
Royal Russell is a school with a truly international outlook. Our English as an additional language department (EAL) quickly helps pupils to improve their English skills and make the most of their time at Royal Russell. Tuition takes place in small groups so that every pupil is fully supported.
University Destinations

Year 13 pupils successfully secure positions at their preferred universities, obtain coveted apprenticeships, or enter the workforce in their chosen career fields.
Here is a list of universities that pupils have moved on to over the past few years.

Economics and Finance with Industrial Experience
(with foundation year) Economics (SocSci)
Human Geography
Politics and International Relations with a Placement Year
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
Biology foundation year then Genetics
Sustainability and Environmental Management
Computer Science

Politics and International Business
Computer Science with Software Development with a Year in Industry

Biomedical Sciences with Industrial / Professional Experience (4 years)

Science with Foundation
(Integrated Honours Programme)

Childhood and Youth Studies with Psychology

A day at Royal Russell
Pupils enjoy so much more than a day of lessons.
Here are a range of activities a pupil could enjoy on a typical day.

8:15 am
All pupils register in their Houses.
We begin the day with a tutorial period, an assembly or chapel service.
8:45 am
Pupils begin their lessons for the day. The distribution of lessons and daily schedule depends on the year group and school timetable. 12:45 pm
All pupils break for lunch, selecting from a delicious range of hot and cold options from the servery. Pupils dine in the Dining Hall or in Drapers’, our café. Pupils can enjoy an extensive range of lunchtime clubs including Running Club, Chamber Choir, STEM Club, Golf, Orchestra, Photoshop Club and Japanese Club, to name but a few.
Pupils enjoy so much more than a day of lessons. There are many opportunities to try something new.

1:50 pm
Lessons commence again, running through to 3:50 pm. Pupils can also enjoy a vast array of sports in the afternoon including football, cricket, hockey, trampolining, basketball, athletics, gym sessions, cross-country and swimming.
3:50 pm
Our extensive range of after school activities allow pupils to meet new people, extend their skills and pursue excellence in an activity which interests them.
Pupils may attend Prep in the Library in order to complete work set for them.
6:00 pm
Supper for boarding and day pupils wishing to stay.
Concerts, rehearsals and boarding activities extend into the evening.
Russellians are courageous
We encourage a healthy balance of academic rigour and co-curricular participation, where pupils can try something new, explore alternative interests and unearth hidden talents.
We run an exciting programme of enriching clubs and activities, in which all pupils are encouraged to participate, to enhance their studies, learn new skills, extend their friendship groups or simply just to have fun and relax at the end of a busy school day.
Our Model United Nations (MUN) programme is second to none in the UK and our own annual conference, held in October, has an international reputation for excellence.
We have an active Combined Cadet Force (CCF) who train weekly in Army and RAF sections. Our cadets attend prestigious leadership courses and travel to many residential camps at military bases throughout the year.
Our Duke of Edinburgh training represents significant personal challenges, with regular Bronze, Silver and Gold expeditions.

There are over 100 activities on offer every year and pupils are encouraged to try something new. There is something for everyone, from creative and expressive clubs to physical and mentally challenging clubs.

Russellians are global citizens
A Royal Russell education runs far beyond the classroom and helps pupils to understand their place in the world. We recognise the benefits of new surroundings and we offer a comprehensive schedule of day and residential trips for every year group each year.

Academic departments lead educational trips to inspire and engage pupils in the topics being taught and to deepen their understanding by first-hand experience. Learning is brought to life by fieldwork trips, visits to galleries and museums and attending conferences and workshops.
Residential trips provide the opportunity for adventure, study and the broadening of horizons. Pupils gain independence away from home and form new friendship groups.
Previous trips include Uganda, Spain, America and Iceland for our geographers; our linguists have enjoyed cultural exchanges to France and Spain. The History Department has visited Berlin and the battlefields of Ypres; the Science Department has visited the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland and a large group of pupils of all ages attended the annual ski trip to America.
We also run regular evening and weekend trips to the theatre, theme parks and London attractions, purely for our pupils’ enjoyment as well as a comprehensive programme of activities for our boarding pupils. As a school with a truly global outlook, we are proud of our international links, including Royal Russell Vilnius in Lithuania, and we look forward to developing Royal Russell campuses in China and South Korea.

Russellians are open
In our family school, it is of paramount importance that our girls and boys are happy and enjoy their time at school and their emotional and physical needs are fully catered for. Pupils perform best when they feel secure, accepted and supported and are not unduly stressed or pressurised. We do all that we can to ensure that pupils quickly settle in, get involved and make new friends.
Our approach to individual warmth, care and attention is highly valued by our pupils and their parents. Our outstanding pastoral care is strengthened by our House System. The boarding and day houses are at the centre of school life, with each pupil allocated to one of nine Houses. Each House is led by its own Housemaster or Housemistress, supported by a dedicated team who ensure each pupil receives individual pastoral care.
All pupils, boarding and day, are supported by our tutor system. Personal tutors get to know each child well and understand their interests, needs, aspirations and concerns. They work hard on an individual level to nurture, inspire, motivate and encourage self-belief and confidence.

Russellians have heritage
Royal Russell is proud to have enjoyed Royal Patronage from its foundation, and for having the late Queen Elizabeth Il as our Patron during her reign. She inspired generations of Russellians through her life of duty and service, her example of kindness and her success in bringing communities together across the world through common aims.
Royal Russell was founded in 1853 as a charity to look after orphans of families from the textile trades. Former Prime Minister Lord John Russell became President of the School and the majority of pupils were supported by generous donations and scholarships.
Charles Dickens spoke of those who supported our school in a speech he made at the London Tavern in 1857: ‘This is a school which provides such a home as their own dear children might find happy refuge in, if they themselves were taken early away. And I fearlessly ask you, is this not the sort of school which is deserving of your support?’
Reference to our heritage can be seen throughout the School in the many plaques laid by our generous benefactors, the stained glass in the Chapel and Great Hall and the many portraits of Queen Elizabeth II, Presidents and Headmasters. The original architecture, designed by Sir Aston Webb, continues to blend effortlessly with our more modern buildings.
Whilst our school dates back over 170 years and we are incredibly proud of our heritage, we are very much a forward-thinking 21st century school, equipping pupils to be global citizens, confident in their unique skills and abilities.

Russellians have space to learn

Our extensive and impressive facilities and state-of-the-art technology blend effortlessly with the stunning original architecture on our 110-acre campus.

11+ Entry Timeline
Around 50% of our Year 7 pupils progress from Royal Russell Junior School, with the remaining places allocated following our assessment process.

Year 4 –
September of Year 6
Get to know us by attending an Open Day or taking a tour
13+ Entry Timeline
How to apply to Royal Russell School
Every year, Royal Russell accepts five forms of Year 7 pupils with an additional form added at Year 9. Classes are mixed at the start of every academic year, so that pupils can explore new friendship groups as they progress through the School.
November of Year 6
Assessment or auditions for Scholarships take place
Year 6 or Year 8
Get to know us by attending an Open Day or taking a tour
October of Year 6
Registrations close
October of Year 8
Registrations close
Beginning of February of Year 6
Offers of places in Year 7
Beginning of January of Year 6
Royal Russell assessment and interview day
November of Year 8
Assessment or auditions for Scholarships take place
March of Year 6
Deadline for acceptances and deposits due
Beginning of February of Year 8
Offers of places in Year 9
Beginning of January of Year 8
Royal Russell assessment and interview day
March of Year 8
Deadline for acceptances and deposits due
The first step for 11+ or 13+ entry is to register your child online when they are in Year 5 (the academic year of their 10th birthday). You can do this online at www.royalrussell.co.uk/ admissions/welcome/applynow.
Visiting the
Parents should bring their child to visit us when they are in Year 5 at one of our Open Days.
Meeting and assessing your child
We will meet and assess your child when they are in Year 6 for entry at Year 7 or in Year 8 for entry at Year 9. We do this by gathering information from a selection of sources.
The Assessment Day
This consists of a number of activities at Royal Russell between 8:00 am and 1:30 pm. We believe the day gives us the opportunity to get a well-rounded view of your child, rather than depending solely on assessment results and the interview.
The day includes:
Assessments in English, Maths and Online Reasoning. We use our own online assessments and samples of these can be found at www. royalrussell.co.uk/admissions.
We interview all candidates and ask them to bring a piece of work or object of interest as a starting point for discussions.
Candidates will have the opportunity to relax with their peers and enjoy a delicious Royal Russell lunch.
Afternoon Activity
In the afternoon, all candidates take part in an activity; for example Art, Science, Drama, Music, Football, Swimming.
School Report
We attach great importance to the report we receive from a child’s present school. We ask for information about the child’s character, interests and potential; as well as their alignment with the school values of Ambitious, Open, Distinctive and Courageous.
Reaching a decision
We look carefully at all the information we have assembled before deciding whether to offer a child a place at Royal Russell. We send offers of places in February.
The waiting list
Places for 11+ and 13+ at Royal Russell are oversubscribed to an average ratio of 8:1. We cannot, therefore, offer a place to all applicants. If we are not able to offer an immediate place, we may add your child’s name to the waiting list, should a place become available. We will explain this and the next steps to you fully.
Scholarships and Bursaries
Scholarships and Bursaries programme is aimed at encouraging excellence and supporting Russellian families.
A scholarship is awarded in recognition of a pupil’s merit and potential and is, as such, highly prized. Scholarships are awarded in the categories of Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sport (Football, Hockey or Netball only). Awards are determined by the results in the competitive entrance assessment and performance in assessments and auditions. Scholarships are awarded irrespective of financial means.
The total financial value of a scholarship may be between 5% and 35% and scholarship amounts are non-negotiable.
A bursary award is available to a small number of pupils who are offered a place but require financial assistance. Bursaries are means-tested and the value of the bursary is related to the income and financial resources of the pupil’s family. A pupil can hold both a bursary and scholarship.
| Royal Russell School

For more information regarding bursaries, please contact admissions@royalrussell.co.uk