PHOTOGRAPHY EDEXCEL : A LEVEL PHOTOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION Photography is offered as an Art and Design A level endorsement. Through themes such as portraiture, landscape, still life and documentary, students will have the opportunity to develop personal responses creating work using a range of photographic media, techniques and processes. Students are taught both traditional and new technologies building up a portfolio of artwork. Students will be assessed through the 4 assessment objectives which have equal weighting. COURSE CONTENT We have skilled, highly trained staff and good facilities for delivering the subject successfully. The course is very exciting and allows students the opportunities to: Explore elements of visual language, line, form, colour, pattern and texture in the context of Photography Respond to an issue, theme, concept or idea Discover appreciation of viewpoint, composition, depth of field and other photographic techniques Be able to discern appropriate use of camera, film, lenses, filters and lighting. During the course, students are exposed to how ideas, feelings and meanings can be conveyed using photography, the historical and contemporary development and different styles and genres. COMPONENT Component 1 Personal Investigation Component 2 Externally Set Assignment
ASSESSMENT A body of practical work plus an essay produced in response to a theme chosen by the Art Department. A body of work showing development of ideas based on student’s chosen starting point from a given theme.
5 Terms
8 weeks of preparation time followed by a 15 hour exam
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Students will be assessed to these criteria. They must: Develop
Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
Present a meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
LOOKING FURTHER AHEAD Students can progress to foundation courses leading to degrees in Art, Craft, Design, Architecture and Film. Photography is useful for studying Media, Journalism, Web Design and Museum and Gallery education. Photography graduates from Royal Russell achieved 75% A* or A grades. Students have gone on to study Photography at UAL and London south bank university.