Master Programmes
Master of Science in International Health The Master of Science in International Health (MIH) aims to develop the capacity of health professionals working in clinical care, at the interface of national health systems, in international organisations and on global health issues. Studying an MIH at KIT allows you to design a
the COVID-19 pandemic is a clear example of how
programme that is tailored to your specific needs
experts in International Health can play a role
and goals, with a combined offer from tropEd
by contributing to the generation of evidence
institutes around the globe - and approximately
and through the design, implementation and
100 different advanced modules to choose from.
evaluation of the response.
With this broad variety, the MIH prepares you optimally for your desired field of work – for
Course Objectives
example in maternal and child health, HIV and
The MIH provides health professionals with the
AIDS, humanitarian contexts, research, health
competencies and attitude required to effectively
systems and policy or human resources for health.
deal with current challenges, understand and analyse international health issues, conduct
The MIH can be completed within 1 year (full-
applied research, and develop adequate,
time), and up to 5 years (part-time) and as a
appropriate and evidence-informed responses in a
“blended programme” with face-to-face and
global context.
online modules. This flexible programme targets health professionals who want to follow an
After the programme you will be able to:
academic programme without taking long periods
• Advocate for and address equity and human
of leave from home and/or work.
rights in international health • Identify and analyse current and emerging
The MIH is organised by KIT Royal Tropical Institute and the VU Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
What is International Health? Experts in International Health work across national, regional and global boundaries, focusing
health problems and its determinants in different population groups • Identify the needs for and generate ethically sound evidence to address health problems through research and evaluation • Formulate effective responses and contribute
on health issues of disadvantaged populations
to its implementation in health systems
integrating the complexity of social determinants
management and organisation across the
of health. Key elements are a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approach, generating and applying
continuum of healthcare • Initiate and manage collaborative relations
evidence and focusing on reducing disparities
and communicate effectively across disciplines,
by analysing health issues with an equity lens.
sectors and cultures within complex
In addition, professionals working in the field of International Health, master health systems
environments • Critically self-reflect your own practice and
management skills across the continuum of
values, cultural competence and motivation,
health care. The expert functions as an advocate
adjust them accordingly, and act as an agent of
to improve the health of the populations most
in need and often assists in the mobilisation of resources and capacity strengthening. Given its global scope and its implications across sectors, 11