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Watch Cyber Security for Online Gaming in SA Webinar
Watch Cyber Security for Online Gaming in SA Webinar
The Israel Trade Mission to South Africa in conjunction with the Israel Export Institute and Gaming for Africa hosted an webinar for Cyber Security for Online Gaming in South Africa.
THERE WERE four case study presentations presented by the below companies:
1. The biggest mistakes gaming CISOs are making – Reuven Aronashvili Founder and CEO of CYE
2. How to protect your data without any code changes. – David Talinovsky SecuPi COO
3. Mitigation of Ransom denial of service attacks on online gaming organizations – Egbert du Toit Imperva, Enterprise Account Executive
4. Automated penetrating testing for the gaming industry – Noam Segev Pcysys Regional Director Southern Europe, CEE, CIS & Africa.
There were over 70 registrations, and over 20 B2B meetings. Majority of the registrations came from the Gambling industries in South Africa.
The feedback that was received from Israel and South Africa participants was very positive and we expect many opportunities to develop from this event, said Israel Trade Mission to SA’s Karishma Sewduth.
WATCH THE RECORDED WEBINAR HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6mkbW8sQE8&feature=youtu.be