3 minute read
World Heritage Art Festival 2021-2022
from Suzlee Ibrahim Selected Series 2005-2017 South East Asian artists Magazine Vol 2 issue no 6
by Roy Espinosa
The Art Pivot, a centre for contemporary art and ideas is organizing “World Heritage Art Festival 2021-2022” to promote Art and spread awareness for Art in an effort to increase local as well as foreign Artists in our country. In this modern world we had almost forgotten our cultural values and the heritage we inherited from our ancestors and to promote these forgotten values and cultural paradigm that is no more inculcated in our younger generations through Various Art forms and theatre.
The fact that the global village of the 21st Century with its versatile cross continental communication capacity has redefined the value, dissemination and role of culture in human interaction. If the place of global inter-cultural and cross-continental influence during the era of Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Zheng He, Ibn Battuta and their peers in the era of enlightenment that followed later were marvels, then, the future holds greater marvels considering that social media has broken hitherto impervious boundaries.
The emerging cross-continental communication opportunities provide an unprecedented platform from which to share value systems, cultures, beliefs and traditions of people across the globe. It is now upon you to give the content that will be shared—both implicitly and explicitly—the texture of universality, application and relevance in the ever growing industrial world. In the last decades of the 20th century, the term heritage was characterized by expansion and semantic transfer, resulting in the generalization of the use of the word at large, frequently used in place of others, such as monument and cultural property. However, all these terms are not able to cover the semantic fields.
We at Art Pivot took initiative to approach the heritage through Art and envisioned the modern society to thrive and dive in the ancient values through a rather indirect approach of ideas where we can express our gratitude and admiration to our ancient values and traditions.
The World Heritage Art Festival is a celebration of our ancient traditions which are losing its importance in this modern era. Calling upon the International artists and Indian artists to work together and through their Art, we will try to spread and educate the richness of our ‘Heritage’ to benefit the culture at large.

The “World Heritage Art Festival-21-22” is divided in Four Phases-
1. WORLD HERITAGE ART FESTIVAL, INDIA: December 24th to 30th, 2021– Will be concluded as first phase with the Opening ceremony along with the exhibition of the art forms received through competition and International artists and Indian artists showcasing their live skills and workshops. 2. WORLD HERITAGE ART FESTIVAL, NEPAL: MAY 25TH to 30th, 2022 – Second phase of the Festival with many International and Indian professional artists showcasing their live skills and workshops along with the exhibition of the art forms received in the competition. 3. WORLD HERITAGE ART FESTIVAL, BHUTAN: June 2nd to 7th, 2022– Third phase of the Festival with many International and Indian professional artists showcasing their live skills and workshops along with the exhibition of the art forms received in the competition.
4. WORLD HERITAGE ART FESTIVAL, INDONESIA: October 26th to November 2nd, 2022 - Fourth phase of the Festival with International and Indian professional artists showcasing their live skills and workshops along with the exhibition of the art forms received in the competition.

During the phase of World Heritage Art Festival 20212022, the art lovers, Professional artists, school children, locals, industrialists and interested ones can visit and encourage the participated artists and our effort to organize such a wonderful, unique camp with our noble vision.

International artist Rajesh Yadav is the founder of The Art Pivot in India and the World Art Migration Program, from Udaipur Rajasthan India. He did his art education from Rajasthan School of Art, Jaipur Rajasthan University. His work has been a part of many national and international exhibitions and has been displayed in various art galleries, museums, hotels and government buildings in Rajasthan, Italy, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, UK, China, Indonesia, etc. Rajesh is an art guru and has organized many art camps, workshops and international exchanges for senior and amateur artists. He has received several awards including the Global Achievement Award by South Korea Museums, the Peace Prize, the International Bronze Medal by AAA Singapore, and accolades for his contributions to the arts. Presently serving as the Cultural Arts Ambassador of South Korea-India and Contemporary Artist.