04 Royston First | UPDATE
Pop-Up Shop Earlier in the year, Royston First invited responses from anybody interested in participating in a Royston ‘pop-up’ shop. This has resulted in the opening, for two months, of a ladies fashion boutique in Angel Pavement. Town Manager and representative of Royston First, Geraint Burnell, states “The idea of a pop-shop is to improve the town by filling an empty retail unit whilst at the same time giving a new retailer a chance to taste ‘life on the High Street’. Royston First has acted as facilitator but we have only succeeded with the huge co-operation of a local landlord and the owner of Madisons.” The new retailer, Madisons & Co, is currently purely an online boutique delivering current styles in ladies fashion. “We offer the perfect cocktail of: fresh new brands; a pinch of perfect gifts; a splash of inspiration from our personal stylist; and a spritz of exceptional customer service!”
One is a guide to the town centre locating: places of interest; public facilities; places to eat, drink and shop; on and off-street parking. The other is a street map of Royston in its entirety.
and we will supply free-of-charge (within reason!)
Award-winning design agency moving to Kneesworth Street Well known Integrated Marketing agency Black Pig is moving to new premises … with the assistance of Royston First. According to Managing Director of Black Pig, David Higgins, “we have had a good working relationship with the BID company and the Town Manager for many years and they were able to network us with another Royston BID supporter - with the result that we move into Church House at the end of the month”.
ROYSTON F1RST c/o Town Hall Melbourn Street Royston SG8 7DA t 01763 878 242 e info@roystonfirst.com
Royston Information Centre The Royston Information Centre has now been built in the library to provide a source of information for visitors and residents who are interested in learning more about our town.
As part of the Royston Information Centre project, Royston First sponsored the origination of two maps.
01763 878 242
Both maps are bound in tear-off pads of 50. Any business in Royston that feels either or both maps would benefit their business should register their interest with our answering service on:
Royston First UPDATE - Su mmer/Autu mn
The focal point of the RIC is a touchscreen display which highlights local attractions and, through the use of an interactive quiz, challenges people to reconsider what they think they know about Royston. The RIC is located in the NE corner of the library and is supported by existing library seating and staffed by library employees. A series of supporting materials for visitors to take with them have been developed by Royston First.
Touch-screen display highlighting local attractions
These include: • Accommodation Guide – detailing hotels and guest houses in Royston • Clubs & Societies – contact details and summary information on the 200+ local organisations • Tear-Off Maps – one complete street map of Royston; one focussing on the town centre, locating attractions, facilities, parking, pubs, restaurants, takeaways and shopping areas.
02 Royston First | UPDATE
Royston First | UPDATE 03
Community Development BMX clubhouse facilities
2015 Events
Headquartered from an empty shop at 53 High Street, the music event featured a trail where children were set the task of finding 12 inflatable musical instruments in the windows of a various retailers throughout the town centre. Once completed forms had been returned to HQ, children were then given the opportunity to try their hands at making a drum or to adorn themselves with the glitter tattoos on offer.
The second staging of the annual Royston Pirates Day brought an estimated 1,000+ people into our town centre. The entertainment, run by a team of professionals, included activities such as walking-the-plank, pirate craft activities, pirate badge making, pirate glitter tattoos, a fancy dress competition. The main attraction was a PIRATE TREASURE TRAIL - where participants were issued with clues and a treasure map which will lead them around the town centre to discover hidden treasure in the shops.
The hugely successful Royston Rockets BMX Club, which had its race track rebuilt in 2013 with grants from the Sport England Inspire fund and NHDC, now has a brand new club house thanks in part to funding from Royston First (using legacy funding from the first BID term). The new facility, built in the centre of the track, is divided into three areas including a basic kitchen area and an office area for club administration. The remaining area is used for riders to rest and for first aid and equipment storage. The addition of mains electricity to the site, as part of the project, has eliminated the need for petrol generators and compressors and so reducing noise and improving safety for the users and local residents.
The new facility includes a kitchen, office and rest area for riders
© T.Hartga 2015
The Arts Festival 2015
As appropriate for the biggest annual event staged in our town, Royston First is a core funder of the Royston Arts Festival.
Royston Town website Work has been progressing for several months on an ‘umbrella site’ for Royston.
This year’s event saw 10 days packed with activities throughout the town. Staged by Creative Royston, events included yarn-bombing at the Cross, the ‘big make’ at Royston Museum (there were also many other opportunities to get involved in workshops, drama and more) … and then there were the twinkling lanterns on the Tree of Light (very appropriate for this year’s theme of ‘Illumination’). Musical highlights included Blue Skies Big Band, the town’s first busking stage in the market square (the Camper Van stage additionally provided by Royston First) and a twilight concert by Royston Town Band in Priory Memorial Gardens. In a letter to Royston First after the event, the Vice Chair of Creative Royston stated “… without support from people like yourselves we wouldn’t be able to run the festival” and later commented “…we have had a great deal of positive feedback – a lot of it mentions the bunting in the High Street (also supplied by Royston First) which people felt brightened up the area!” Images courtesy of Royston Photographic Society
Designed to bring all Royston related information together in one place, the site is scheduled for launch before Christmas and will be available at www.roystontown.uk
New show reel for Royston Town We are again filming in the town! Saturday 5th Dec 2015
This time we are focusing on Royston as a place to come to visit. The short video will be available from December and will be on the Royston town website and shown in the cinema.
02 Royston First | UPDATE
Royston First | UPDATE 03
Community Development BMX clubhouse facilities
2015 Events
Headquartered from an empty shop at 53 High Street, the music event featured a trail where children were set the task of finding 12 inflatable musical instruments in the windows of a various retailers throughout the town centre. Once completed forms had been returned to HQ, children were then given the opportunity to try their hands at making a drum or to adorn themselves with the glitter tattoos on offer.
The second staging of the annual Royston Pirates Day brought an estimated 1,000+ people into our town centre. The entertainment, run by a team of professionals, included activities such as walking-the-plank, pirate craft activities, pirate badge making, pirate glitter tattoos, a fancy dress competition. The main attraction was a PIRATE TREASURE TRAIL - where participants were issued with clues and a treasure map which will lead them around the town centre to discover hidden treasure in the shops.
The hugely successful Royston Rockets BMX Club, which had its race track rebuilt in 2013 with grants from the Sport England Inspire fund and NHDC, now has a brand new club house thanks in part to funding from Royston First (using legacy funding from the first BID term). The new facility, built in the centre of the track, is divided into three areas including a basic kitchen area and an office area for club administration. The remaining area is used for riders to rest and for first aid and equipment storage. The addition of mains electricity to the site, as part of the project, has eliminated the need for petrol generators and compressors and so reducing noise and improving safety for the users and local residents.
The new facility includes a kitchen, office and rest area for riders
© T.Hartga 2015
The Arts Festival 2015
As appropriate for the biggest annual event staged in our town, Royston First is a core funder of the Royston Arts Festival.
Royston Town website Work has been progressing for several months on an ‘umbrella site’ for Royston.
This year’s event saw 10 days packed with activities throughout the town. Staged by Creative Royston, events included yarn-bombing at the Cross, the ‘big make’ at Royston Museum (there were also many other opportunities to get involved in workshops, drama and more) … and then there were the twinkling lanterns on the Tree of Light (very appropriate for this year’s theme of ‘Illumination’). Musical highlights included Blue Skies Big Band, the town’s first busking stage in the market square (the Camper Van stage additionally provided by Royston First) and a twilight concert by Royston Town Band in Priory Memorial Gardens. In a letter to Royston First after the event, the Vice Chair of Creative Royston stated “… without support from people like yourselves we wouldn’t be able to run the festival” and later commented “…we have had a great deal of positive feedback – a lot of it mentions the bunting in the High Street (also supplied by Royston First) which people felt brightened up the area!” Images courtesy of Royston Photographic Society
Designed to bring all Royston related information together in one place, the site is scheduled for launch before Christmas and will be available at www.roystontown.uk
New show reel for Royston Town We are again filming in the town! Saturday 5th Dec 2015
This time we are focusing on Royston as a place to come to visit. The short video will be available from December and will be on the Royston town website and shown in the cinema.
04 Royston First | UPDATE
Pop-Up Shop Earlier in the year, Royston First invited responses from anybody interested in participating in a Royston ‘pop-up’ shop. This has resulted in the opening, for two months, of a ladies fashion boutique in Angel Pavement. Town Manager and representative of Royston First, Geraint Burnell, states “The idea of a pop-shop is to improve the town by filling an empty retail unit whilst at the same time giving a new retailer a chance to taste ‘life on the High Street’. Royston First has acted as facilitator but we have only succeeded with the huge co-operation of a local landlord and the owner of Madisons.” The new retailer, Madisons & Co, is currently purely an online boutique delivering current styles in ladies fashion. “We offer the perfect cocktail of: fresh new brands; a pinch of perfect gifts; a splash of inspiration from our personal stylist; and a spritz of exceptional customer service!”
One is a guide to the town centre locating: places of interest; public facilities; places to eat, drink and shop; on and off-street parking. The other is a street map of Royston in its entirety.
and we will supply free-of-charge (within reason!)
Award-winning design agency moving to Kneesworth Street Well known Integrated Marketing agency Black Pig is moving to new premises … with the assistance of Royston First. According to Managing Director of Black Pig, David Higgins, “we have had a good working relationship with the BID company and the Town Manager for many years and they were able to network us with another Royston BID supporter - with the result that we move into Church House at the end of the month”.
ROYSTON F1RST c/o Town Hall Melbourn Street Royston SG8 7DA t 01763 878 242 e info@roystonfirst.com
Royston Information Centre The Royston Information Centre has now been built in the library to provide a source of information for visitors and residents who are interested in learning more about our town.
As part of the Royston Information Centre project, Royston First sponsored the origination of two maps.
01763 878 242
Both maps are bound in tear-off pads of 50. Any business in Royston that feels either or both maps would benefit their business should register their interest with our answering service on:
Royston First UPDATE - Su mmer/Autu mn
The focal point of the RIC is a touchscreen display which highlights local attractions and, through the use of an interactive quiz, challenges people to reconsider what they think they know about Royston. The RIC is located in the NE corner of the library and is supported by existing library seating and staffed by library employees. A series of supporting materials for visitors to take with them have been developed by Royston First.
Touch-screen display highlighting local attractions
These include: • Accommodation Guide – detailing hotels and guest houses in Royston • Clubs & Societies – contact details and summary information on the 200+ local organisations • Tear-Off Maps – one complete street map of Royston; one focussing on the town centre, locating attractions, facilities, parking, pubs, restaurants, takeaways and shopping areas.