Wiyoga Muhardanto's exhibition handout for his solo show 3 -in-1

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[12] [3]



beli beli beliiii


[11] What if? [1] [4] [9] [7]

NO it is, yes. YES, is it not. NOthing ever happens

High maintenance IBU KOTA

[10] Dear customer, [8] [6] [2]


happy ending

papa aliens

BOSS, mau kemana? Artist: Wiyoga Muhardanto Curator: Roy Voragen

3-in-1 Wiyoga Muhardanto

The solo exhibition 3-in-1 is Jakarta-born and Bandung-based artist Wiyoga Muhardanto’s

highlight the spatial context of his work, to guarantee site-specificity vis-à-vis our bodies,

second collaboration with ROH Projects (What if? at the Discovery Section of ABHK ’16) and

to confuse us, to throw us off balance and to illicit uncomfortable questions. And he does so,

his third collaboration with the Bandung-based curator Roy Voragen (What if? and Dangling

as always, in a witty way and without a dogmatic expectation that easy answers are

Durians at Equator, Yogya, ‘15). This current show is the fourth installment of the artist’s

feasible or even desirable.

engagement with the absurdities of contemporary urban life (the first was the self-curated project Ada Perlu Sebentar, PLATFORM3, Bandung, ‘14).

Wiyoga Muhardanto’s work raises questions concerning everyday urban living – in which the alien Other and the random are always proximate – by replicating, combining (parts of)

Wiyoga Muhardanto’s show 3-in-1 deals with social, spatial and temporal (im-)mobility and

and re-contextualizing everyday objects within a re-shaped space. The artist

the anxieties that it requires in an effort to move around a city: to move up the social ladder,

conceptualizes and problematizes the quotidian in which our embodied desires attempt to

to move within the city, etc. A megalopolis like Jakarta is gridlocked because of our

find an unruly home.

addiction to the automobile. We try to create shortcuts but there is no way out. Shortcuts tend to end up into detours of epic proportions. The narrowing one-way streets are closing

Wiyoga Muhardanto only shows bits and pieces or combines unlikely fragments in his

in on us the further we try to go towards our desired ideas of progress and the more we

works to subtly play with everyday contradictions that are inherently part of our embodied

attempt to further our insatiable need for speed. Even our dreams are congested.

desires, expectations, needs hopes and dreams we would like to identify ourselves with. And he does so without offering a possible easy ‘reading’ of his works to avoid a moralizing

Wiyoga Muhardanto’s solo exhibition at ROH Projects deals with the multifaceted issues

tone of a know-it-all. Like our cities, the interpretations of Wiyoga Muhardanto’s works

playing out within the urban mundane as a contemporary tragic comedy – but are there any

could be regarded as open-ended (and revisable).

heroes? are there any unsung heroes? is there an Apollonian choir singing some sense in us? and what about the Dionysian impulses? Our desires are infused with hieroglyph-like

The title of, 3-in-1, refers to the unintended and unwanted consequences of both

social codes of class and prestige as well as narcissism.

implementing (jockeys, bribery) as well as revoking (worsening of traffic jams) the policy to only allow a minimum of three passengers per automobile at main thoroughfares in Jakarta

Wiyoga Muhardanto transformed the space of ROH Projects considerably by adding an

during peak hours.

elaborate structure – but not in a criticism of the so-called white cube exhibition space – to Roy Voragen

Wiyoga Muhardanto (1984) studied at the sculpture studio of the Institute of Technology Bandung’s art school, 2002-2007 (BFA), and since his graduation he has been very prolific. In 2009 as well as in 2015, he participated in the Jakarta Biennale (respectively curated by Agung Hujatnikajennong and by Charles Esche); he also participated in the Yogyakarta Biennale in 2011, which was curated by Alia Swastika, and the Shanghai Biennale (2012, Bandung Pavilion, curated by Agung Hujatnikajennong and Charles Esche). Moreover, he participated in the art fairs of ArtJog (Yogyakarta, 2010), Art Stage (Singapore, 2011), Art Hong Kong (2012) and ABHK’s Discovery Section (2016). He also participated in many group shows; and he already had several solo projects: in Selasar Sunaryo Art Space (Bandung, 2008, curated by Agung Hujatnikajennong), Equator (Gillman Barracks, Singapore, 2013), PLATFORM3 (Bandung, 2014), and at Equator (Yogya, 2015; see here for the publication: bit.ly/1otv7EJ). He also participated in several residency programs: Cemeti Art House (Yogyakarta, 2009), 3331 Arts Chiyoda (Tokyo, 2011) and SLADE School of Fine Art and Camden Art Center (London, 2015). He is the co-founder of both the artist collective Parallab and the artist-run space PLATFORM3, of which he’s the current director. His work has been collected by Singapore Art Museum. Wiyoga’s portfolio: http://bit.ly/2b15ish.

Roy Voragen is a curator and conceptual poet (issuu.com/royvoragen). His poem Futile Erasure is published by P and not P.

Work details [7] Ibu Kota [1] No it is, yes. Yes, is it not.



plastic figurine, epoxy putty, scale model kit, auto paint, pigmented resin, plywood

pigmented resin, speakers, plywood

115 x 35 x 20 cm

85 x 43 x 35 cm [8] papa [2] BOSS, mau kemana?



plastic figurines, epoxy putty, painted resin, clothes, shoes

scale model kit, auto paint, epoxy putty, pigmented resin, acrylic paint

90 x 54 x 25 cm

120 x 10 x 10 cm [9] high maintenance [3] beli beli beli beli beli



plastic figurines, epoxy putty, pigmented resin, acrylic paint

pigmented resin, plywood structure, semi gloss clear coat

145 x 18 x 15 cm

16.5 x 110 x 73.5 cm [10] dear customer [4] nothing ever happens



plexiglass, neon lamp, sticker, rubber

plywood, pigmented resin, enamel paint, auto paint, iron structure

90 x 45 x 30 cm

200 x 85 x 15 cm and 200 x 50 x 45 cm [11] what if? [5] happy ending



pigmented resin, automotive paint

scale model kit, plexiglass, plastic figurine, epoxy putty, auto, acrylic paint

4 x 58 x 50 x 16 cm

250 x 20 x 25 cm [12] 3-in-1 [6] aliens



wood, glass

scale model tracks, plastic sheet, MDF, auto paint

75 x 50 cm

305 x 180 x 27 cm

3-in-1 Wiyoga Muhardanto 19 January – 9 February 2017


Equity Tower 40 Floor Suite E SCBD Lot 9 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta 12190 +6222151402116 info@rohprojects.net rohprojects.net instagram.com/rohprojects (#3in1)

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