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Business Briefs
Express Employment Professionals, a staffing company whose operations include locations in Grand Junction and Montrose, ranks among the best employers in the United States in the latest ranking compiled for Forbes magazine.
Forbes and Statista, a statistics portal and industry ranking provider, selected 2022’s best U.S. employers through an independent survey of a total of 60,000 American employees working for companies with more than 1,000 employees in America.
The evaluation was based on direct and indirect recommendations from employees, who were asked to rate their willingness to recommend their own employers to friends and family.
“In a climate where job seekers have options with a number of employers, we are grateful they choose Express Employment Professionals,” said Bill Stoller, chief executive officer of Express Employment International. “Our goal is not only to offer a means for people to provide for their families, but to foster a company culture where people can thrive professionally. With our focus on providing hope through employment, we are honored to be included in this list with so many other quality businesses.”
Express Employment Professionals operates a total of more than 830 franchises in the United States and four other countries.
Nina Anderson operates a franchise with offices at 725 Pitkin Ave. in Grand Junction and 525 E. Main St. in Montrose.
For more information, call 242-4500 in Grand Junction or 249-5202 in Montrose or log on to https://www.expresspros.com/ grandjunctionco or https://www.expresspros. com/montroseco. The Business Times Opinion February 17-March 9, 2022
Business Briefs Business People AlmanacNOTEWORTHY Visiting Angels in Grand Junction ranks among the top home care businesses in North America in the latest results of an annual awards program. Visiting Angels received the Top 100 Leader in Experience Award from Home Care Pulse, an experience management company serving the home care industry. The award recognizes the top 100 home care businesses participating in the Home Care Pulse n APPLICATIONS DUE MARCH 7 program. FOR EXPORTING AWARDS Debbie Harrison, owner and director of Visiting Angels, attributed the award to a culture that values Applications will be accepted until employees. “As an organization, Visiting Angels has March 7 for an awards program honoring always put people first. If you run into an angel, just Colorado businesses for exporting. ask him or her if they like their job. They will tell you Established in 1970, the Governor’s that they do. It is because of our hiring practices and Award for Excellence in Exporting employee relationships that we are able to provide the recognizes economic development through best of care for our clients.” international business. To qualify for the award, 10 percent of Visiting Winners of the latest awards will be Angels clients and caregivers were interviewed each recognized at the World Trade Day event month. Using that information and benchmarks from scheduled for May 24. Home Care Pulse, Viisiting Angels set goals to reach Through November, Colorado the highest level of excellence. Over the course of a businesses exported a total of $8.4 billion year, Visiting Angels received high client and caregiver worth of products and services in 2021 en ratings for communication, compassion, compatibility, route to what could be record volume for scheduling and training.the full year. That’s a 12 percent increase Todd Austin, president of Home Care Pulse, said his company strives from a comparable span in 2020. to help hone care businesses exceed client and caregiver expectations. To participate in the awards program, The awards honor those businesses that do. businesses must be based in Colorado and “When we see agencies like Visiting Angels that have so effectively have exported products or services for at provided outstanding care and employment experiences, we know we’re least two years. Businesses may nominate on the right track,” Austin said. “Visiting Angels has worked extremely themselves or other businesses. hard to prioritize high-quality care and employment, and their work hasn’t The global business development gone unnoticed. This award allows them to show proof of quality to division of the Colorado Office of potential clients and caregivers.” Economic Development and International Established by Tom and Debbie Harrison in 2008, Visiting Angels Trade conducts the awards program. provides a range of services designed to help seniors remain in their Online applications, eligibility criteria homes, including bathing, cleaning, companionship, errands and and additional information is available assistance with walking. For more information, call 254-8888 or visit the at https://oedit.colorado.gov/governors- website at www.visitingangels.com/grandjunction.award-for-excellence-in-exporting. F
The Business Times welcomes submissions for free publication in Business Briefs. Email items to phil@thebusinesstimes.com or submit a news release online at www.thebusinesstimes.com. Debbie Harrison Todd Austin