The Business Times Volume 29 Issue 6

Page 26

Contributors Opinion Bold predictions My solution is to for end2015 the Longevity has Business rewards main A new year affords Briefs problem to any solution more like not-so-bold repeats in working with sources a new opportunity Business People Almanac to meet local needs THE he B BUSINESS usiness T T Times IMES

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One of the advantages of working at one business journal for so long is the opportunity longevity affords to get to know entrepreneurs and others involved in the business community. One of the disadvantages is the people you meet and withalways whombrings you develop professional sometimes A new year almost an opportunity for arelationships fresh start and Theybetter. sell their ventures. They move away to take other renewed ambition toleave. do things They retire. In business, thatjobs. usually boils down to providing customers better products a bitcost likethan riding a subway. You onprocess at one stop and services faster and atIt’s lower competitors. Part hop of the mustand ride for a while with other passengers. If you’re include listening to customers to determine what they actually need fortunate, and then you get themgood and learn about interests meeting that need. After all,to it know does little to offer the their latestabilities, and greatest if andwhat goals. Eventually, nobody actually wants you’re selling.though, they get off. It’s unlikely you’ll ever getthat on and off the subway same group. Area All you Just like the businesses belong to the group,with the the Grand Junction can invariably do is enjoystarts theirout company Chamber of Commerce the newwhile year you withcan. a reassessment of I’llit never forget individuals. I long ago the services and resources provides andthem how as well they matchBut with members PhilJeff Castle of the collective number board of business owners and needs. Franklin,lost the track new chairman of the chamber of directors, managers, government and organizational personifies this approach in describing whatofficials he considers his role for theleaders coming I’ve counted as news sources over the years and with whom no longer year: listen to members, determine their needs and then meetIthose It’s a comes to mind as I report impending retirement of Diane role All withthis which Franklin is familiar as about marketthe president of Bank of Colorado. Schwenke. The president of the Junction Area The process will takeand on achief moreexecutive structuredofficer approach inGrand what the chamber Chamber of resumption Commerce is the sources it’s been my privilege to work with plans as the of among a program aptly called Listening to Business. Under the the longest. program, business owners participate in in-depth interviews to identify barriers to I still interviewing Diane for one of the first stories I wrote for the growth andremember other problems they encounter. Business Times. That wasabefore I became and worked on a freelance basis. The new year offers good time to joineditor the proverbial club. ThatAs wasanalso 25 years Doesn’t flyneed by? In a blink it seems.Times? advertiser orago. reader, what time do you from the Business I’ve interviewed Diane countless times sinceand then. I called upon hernews so to While business journals traditionally gather report the relevant frequently for several reasons. For one, she was always prompt in responding readers, communication isn’t necessarily a one-way street. That’s especially true as to mysites requests, mindful journalists face deadlines and sooner always better Web and e-mail make the dialogue more convenient than isever. than Good later. For another, she knew aboutThey Grandrespond Valley to businesses publications don’t existsoinmuch a vacuum. the needsand of the challenges businesses If there everneeded. was a go-to source who kept her advertisers local and readers. Theyface. provide what’s finger the do proverbial pulse of the business community, it was Diane. Soonwhat you need? IIstalked with others who’ve worked Diane over theyou years. They about there additional news coverage thatwith would help keep informed described her as aggressive and impatient — butthat in awould good way because she local business developments? Are there features be interesting or wanted to there tackleadvice problems findmake solutions as quickly possible. Again, the useful? Is that and would your jobs a littleaseasier? sooner better.important Moreover, afraidneed. of the often raucous intersection It’sthe equally to she ask was whatnever you don’t With limited time to of business and politics — orspace backed down from her fierce defense businesses produce content and limited in which to publish it, would timeofand space be and business That’selse? exactly the kind of leader businesses need in an better devotedinterests. to something advocacy What’sgroup. good? What isn’t? What’s needed? What isn’t? I’m notknow. certain when will Comment get off theonline subway expects Let us Send us Diane an e-mail. on— thealthough Businessshe Times Web asite successor will be selected soon. Nor I know retirement adventures at Youdo could evenwhere writeher an old-fashioned letter to will take her. Somewhere enjoyable and rewarding, hope. the editor if you’d like. Your feedback, both positive Iand negative, is valued and For now, though, I remain grateful for all those news sources with which I’ve will be carefully considered. beenGood blessed to enjoy our publications areride the together. result of not only the efforts of their staffs, but also That certainly Diane Schwenke. collaborative effortsincludes involving advertisers and readers. Like any other good business, we want to listen to our customers, find out Phil is editor of the Business Times. Reach him at 424-5133 or whatCastle they need and then meet those needs. It’s a new year. Please help us to do so. F ✦


609 North Ave., Suite 2, Grand Junction, CO 81501 TEL (970) 424-5133 • FAX (970) 424-5134

Publisher/Owner: Craig R. Hall

Editor: Phil Castle

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Subscribe or submit press releases online at The Grand Valley Business Times, a subsidiary of Hall Media Group LLC, is published twice monthly and distributed throughout Grand Junction, Fruita and Palisade. Advertising rates and deadlines are available upon request. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, editor, staff or advertisers. Copyright © 2015 — AllCopyright rights reserved. © 2022 — All rights reserved.

Those of you who know me know I end up inIt’s toothat many conversations that take up time of year when entirely too much of my time and attention. resolutions and prognostications abound. When I’m honest, a bad My favorite sayingI realize appliedthat’s to New Year’s thing — whether I beganthey’re the conversation, resolutions is in saying basically a jumped someone or bunch ofinto promises toelse’s breakconversation the first week was invited into conversation. of January. Andawhile I won’t predict a Welot, also know whole I can pretty much accurately where mostthings of these nail a few that without question little chats that can You will see these are will make the news. turn intowell, full-blown pretty, predictable: diatribes take All ■ Prediction too many place on There willtake be some Facebook. Moreevent, than a sort of weather few havedisaster me involved natural or via email.occurrence And if my heinous life history is anywill where someone indication, a fewand occur be interviewed say Craig Hall after a beer or two at the following: “I’ve local holes. neverwatering seen anything Nowinyou like that mymight say all these “arenas” remind lifetime.”— It’sthey as if this me of the Roman Hall Colosseum the fightsCraig to the death I’ve person is a given required experienced — arenews avoidable. And you’d be attendee at every right. But that’s another column reporting event.fodder Whilefor I understand most on another day. In these people’s perspective cantrying, indeedgovernment be limited overreaching, insanity laden are by, or contained within, theirtimes, own there personal just some things can’tmuch let gotoonce experiences, it isI too ask someone to makes statement. And those statements consultasome historical perspective before usually comeafrom folks to use can saying such thing? Yes,who thislust response government to control takeitaway apply to some events. others, But when comes inalienable and, yes, the government to weather rights and natural disasters, I’m pretty itself. sure this is simply history repeating itself. when and I do,millions my SameSoasI itdabble. has forAnd millions of role is More generally a simplethe one. At least years. important, planet made it! to me.didn’t Yet forwere thosecertain on thespecies. left, it always What How’s seems their capacity to think that foroutside perspective? about. percent timeto a ■ Honestly, Prediction99 two: Whenofitthe comes my response can be that summed upbetween in a few crime or something occurs sentences: the government humans, theRemove other required attendee from at all its rolereporting in whatever is occurring. Letwho the news events is the person free comewe’re up with says market this: “They just solutions the nicestto make situation better. choices people,theand in no way didAnd I seegive something to government overreach likethose this affected coming.”by Exactly. No one does to decide what’s them and most of the time best whenfor it comes to their families. believe for just about everyshould neighborsI and acquaintances. People instance in society, thatonsimple. be surprised at whatit’s goes from time to for those who can’t even begin time But in their neighborhoods, towns and to comprehend government is at people best a are with people they know because necessary believing good. Andevil for — themistakenly times that they shouldn’t it’s always the for solutions, be shocked — best like source with politicians, repeat especially in using force— to make others offenders and terrorists where’s the behave while rights interview thatsubjugating says, “This individual doesn’t surprise and freedoms — my solution isn’t even seen me in the least.” as an■option. Let alone any thought. Prediction three:given Something good There’seconomically, a reason I’m and writing will happen the this, and it comeswill down a response I getmost government taketocredit for it. The time again is in gas these conversations. It’s recentand example prices, where people basically theI same what’s ask me why won’tquestion: credit the “Then president for your solution, Outside of not low gas prices. Craig?” My answer is simple: actually comprehending I’veofbeen Government never makes what the price saying — probably by dismissing outright something go down and simply takes credit my solution to Gas almost everyis problem for good news. pricing subject to in the global publicfactors. arena — it’s there to remove many Now are government from thetocrisis. Especially government answers addressing some of since government create, increase them to keep pricesloves stabletofor Americans, in and thenhas offer solutions butseverity our government none of themtoin those place. crises. The only things it has in place in the

March 24-a15-28, Pril 6, 2015 2022 JANUARY

Perhaps an anecdote would help. Another a chat recently long run participant always hurt in consumers. Another asked my solution was toa the fact is me thatwhat unemployment reaches certain pathetic performance of ourAnd education level based on the economy. while the system. Thismight question from someone government bragcame the number is low, in in a nutshell it’seducation more thanwho likelytold theme government did a teacher’s important role was to teach somethingmost to cause that number being low kids to not get in along withway. everyone and give — and a good Conversely, when them the picks valuesup,needed to make world business it’s because the the people awho better place. need to buy widgets who were not No,widgets it isn’t.because The jobthe of economy our schools buying was is to teach kids to write complete contracting due how to natural (or unnatural, sentences with goodreasons, grammar, add up government caused) decided we numbers get the right answers, read better buytosome widgets. The government and comprehend had nothing to do information with this. and develop the cognitive skills needed to address ■ Prediction four: In keeping with the situations they’ll experience. It’s notthe to things the government does, I predict promote agenda-based ideals valuesto government will manipulate theand numbers in molding minds. make the claim the economy is getting education system kids a to betterOur because of how hard itgives is working horrible, woke-valued, help all ofagenda-driven, us “working Americans.” Now underperforming experience in most you might say, “Craig, you always say this school districts.Obama It’s because of you one don’t thing: about President because Government involvement in the Ieducation like him.” You’re right in a sense. don’t system. ironic well, sad — howand know theIt’s man, but — what I know of him the biggest decline with feds his thinking, I don’t began like it or himthe one iota. taking theoff, system. ThatI didn’t gave unions Before over you go however, like ultimate as government unions Presidentpower, Bush and his bailouts, stimulus tend to have, with the of save and his abandoning theDepartment free market to Education in theAnd 1970s. “How canhim this the free market. I don’t know be?” ask.theSimple. Government What government does, and the solutions — only thingcreate it can more do, is problems hurt the economy. which intent, by — that Unlessisit their does nothing or the put way criminals in prompt more louderwith callsthem, from nothing those jail instead of and partnering in for still more thecontrol government does willgovernment help. Always look solutions. Andwhatever the wheels on the bus go at it this way, the government says round and round. Dothe they even that it is doing, whatever name of teach the law it ditty anymore? Probably since theyof is passing, or whatever thenot, name or goal don’t teach much else. the bureaucracy it is presenting to the Theexpect why our in education and people, the decline polar opposite to occur. society is simple. Government, along with I guess what I’m saying is that those in control bureaucracy, perhaps it’s timeoftowhichever get out of our own is always about implementing the latest, perspective. There’s plenty of history greatest, coolest and research most expensive books and historical out there to programs available from its of hand-picked begin to understand that all this has “experts” solveAnd problems. one happened to before. it will Yet again, question is never Will solution whether the topic asked: is people orthis government. actually results, or are we going Thegive best us recommendation is to find to justbooks go along with good intentions some or try that whole Googleand create more problems? thing. There’s a lot of information on the answer ISThe obvious, GreatThe Depression. truth and is it yet wasn’t ignored or never to be even a good one attempted until the government got understood because there’s noofpower in involved. There’s also plenty research just saying no to warm government on the medieval period solutions. when the To quote Sonny “There’s planet was muchCorleone, warmer than todayawith lot of money in that ****, Pop.” Power, a whole lot less people (and warmer well money and control areatwhat before man was here all). government And yep, solutions arebeen all about. people have killing other surprised Don’t believe me? How’re those people since history was first written. COVID-19 working ya?stop Maybe solutions some research willfor help we don’t takeOtherwise, the first step to solve all ofIfthese trends. we’ll be society’s problems, will neverlike be ita in saying we’ve never there seen anything solution. our lives. And not in a good way. Craig Craig Hall Hall is is owner owner and and publisher publisher of of the the Business Business Times. Times. Reach Reach him him at at 424-5133 424-5133 or or F ✦

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