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The Business Times Contributors THE BUSINESS TIMES JuneJANUARY 17-30, 2021 15-28, 2015 Opinion Opinion Business Briefs Business People Almanac A new year affords a new opportunity to meet local needs It’s that time of year when resolutions and prognostications abound. My favorite saying applied to New Year’s resolutions is in saying they’re basically a long run always hurt consumers. Another fact is that unemployment reaches a certain level based on the economy. And while the government might brag the number is low, Bold predictions for 2015 more like not-so-bold repeats But in this day and age, much of PR has become plausible repudiation. How’s that, Craig? Well, considering I’m surrounded by it daily in my job, I get-the-time-back-Wednesday-nights in “college” — the Exxon Valdez oil spill and Challenger space shuttle explosion. Those examples taught me the second PR isn’t just about public relations, it’s also about public responsibilityStatistically speaking, numbers can mislead It’s been said facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable. In other words, statistics mean never having to say you’re certain. British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli was famously credited for lumping in statistics with lies and damned lies. bunch of promises to break the first week see this in many ways and forms every it’s more than likely the government did most valuable lesson: You really have to
A new year almost always brings an opportunity for a fresh start andGiven the number of humorous quotes about statistics, of January. And while I won’t predict a time I open my inbox. Whether it’s by something to cause that number being low dig down into both PRs to get to the truth. renewed ambition to do things better.it’s tempting to make up a statistic about quotes about whole lot, I can pretty much accurately commission, omission or flat out diversion, — and not in a good way. Conversely, when Let’s take the wandering, three-hour
In business, that usually boils down to providing customers better products statistics. I’d estimate 67 percent of them are funny. nail a few things that without question it happens all the time. business picks up, it’s because the people tour of the Exxon Valdez and its unmitigated and services faster and at lower cost than competitors. Part of the process must Joking aside, I’m a big fan of statistics. They’re a useful will make the news. You will see these are Back when I was who need to buy widgets who were not disaster. Here’s the only thing Exxon needed include listening to customers to determine what they actually need and then tool for the editor of a business journal to report important pretty, well, predictable: wasting money to buying widgets because the economy was to say: “Our boat wrecked, the wrong guy meeting that need. After all, it does little good to offer the latest and greatest if news. But like any tool, statistics must be used properly. ■ Prediction one: get my degree at the contracting due to natural (or unnatural, was at the helm cause El Capitan was nobody actually wants what you’re selling.Otherwise, there’s the potential for abuse and, ultimately, There will be some University of Phoenix government caused) reasons, decided we hammered and we’ll pay to clean up the
Just like the businesses that belong to the group, the Grand Junction Area deception. There’s the matter, too, of context. sort of weather event, scam of a college, one better buy some widgets. The government mess.” But what did we get? Diversion, Chamber of Commerce invariably starts out the new year with a reassessment of All this comes to mind as I report the latest statistics natural disaster or of the required classes had nothing to do with this. deflection and outright lies. This goes to the the services and resources it provides and how well they match with members for real estate activity and tax collections in Mesa County. heinous occurrence was public relations. ■ Prediction four: In keeping with heart of why my version of public relations needs. Jeff Franklin, the new chairman of the chamber board of directors, personifies this approach in describing what he considers his role for the coming Judging solely by the proportional gains from May 2020 to May 2021, real estate sales and tax collections have increased Phil Castle where someone will be interviewed and say To this day, it’s the only class that applied things the government does, I predict the government will manipulate the numbers to is about the truth. It always comes out. In the end, the PR campaign did Exxon more year: listen to members, determine their needs and then meet those needs. It’s a by jaw-dropping amounts. the following: “I’ve to my vocation for the make the claim the economy is getting harm than good. role with which Franklin is familiar as market president of Bank of Colorado. The process will take on a more structured approach in what the chamber Real estate transactions increased 58.2 percent on a year-over-year basis, while the dollar volume of those transactions jumped 74.5 percent. As for sales never seen anything like that in my past 21 years. Let’s look at what I found Craig Hall better because of how hard it is working to help all of us “working Americans.” Now Let’s not forget the other sides of the Valdez disaster, the environmentalist plans as the resumption of a program aptly called Listening to Business. Under the program, business owners participate in in-depth interviews to identify barriers to tax collections, the City of Grand Junction reported a 61.2 percent increase and Mesa County reported a 42.2 percent increase. lifetime.” It’s as if this person is a required Craig Hall about the definition of public relations related to its current state. you might say, “Craig, you always say this about President Obama because you don’t and disaster-response PR campaigns. How many times were you told it would growth and other problems they encounter. Then there’s my personal favorite. Year-over-year lodging tax collections in attendee at every newsPublic relations (PR) is the practice like him.” You’re right in a sense. I don’t take decades for Prince William Sound The new year offers a good time to join the proverbial club. Grand Junction jumped in May a whopping 189.8 percent. Now, I don’t have any reporting event. While I understand most of deliberately managing the release know the man, but what I know of him and to recover? Yet it only took a few years As an advertiser or reader, what do you need from the Business Times? idea exactly how big an increase is required to reach the whopping level, but it’s people’s perspective can indeed be limited and spread of information between an his thinking, I don’t like it or him one iota. for the waters to recover, contradicting While business journals traditionally gather and report the relevant news togot to be a lot. Right? by, or contained within, their own personal individual or organization (such as a Before you go off, however, I didn’t like the environmentalist PR while wildlife readers, communication isn’t necessarily a one-way street. That’s especially true as Considered by themselves, those statistics create a paint-by-numbers picture experiences, it is too much to ask to business, government agency or nonprofit President Bush and his bailouts, stimulus benefitted from the clear PR winner of the Web sites and e-mail make the dialogue more convenient than ever. of a red-hot economy. consult some historical perspective before organization) and the public to affect and his abandoning the free market to save disaster, the makers of Dawn dish soap.
Good publications don’t exist in a vacuum. They respond to the needs of Of course, those statistics offer only part of the picture. Thankfully, real estate saying such a thing? Yes, this response can public perception. the free market. And I don’t know him To know all that, one had to put in advertisers and readers. They provide what’s needed. activity and tax collections have increased in Mesa County. But the gains for May apply to some events. But when it comes That’s the sad truth. And it couldn’t either. What the government does, and the some time and effort to know the simple So what do you need? 2021 were so big in part because the numbers for May 2020 were so small. to weather and natural disasters, I’m pretty be further from the truth as far as what I only thing it can do, is hurt the economy. truth. It was Exxon’s fault, environmental
Is there additional news coverage that would help keep you informed about Think back to a year ago and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and sure this is simply history repeating itself. took away from the one valuable class at Unless it does nothing or put criminals in groups overhyped the end times and the local business developments? Are there features that would be interesting or related restrictions. For a time, real estate showings and open houses were Same as it has for millions and millions of the college where five weeknights gets jail instead of partnering with them, nothing free market came up with a ton of solutions useful? Is there advice that would make your jobs a little easier? prohibited. More people were hunkered down at home than traveling and staying years. More important, the planet made it! you three credits. Because I just used the the government does will help. Always look to help. But that’s not what you heard, is it? It’s equally important to ask what you don’t need. With limited time to in hotels and motels. That’s part of the context to consider, the asterisk forever What didn’t were certain species. How’s one word which was my takeaway from at it this way, whatever the government says As for the Challenge disaster, I produce content and limited space in which to publish it, would time and space be attached to comparisons between 2021 and 2020. that for perspective? the class. To me, public relations is about it is doing, whatever the name of the law it can sum this up in a few words. It was better devoted to something else?Fortunately, statistics offer more accurate assessments the larger the sample ■ Prediction two: When it comes to a the truth. Like it or not, we’ll all have to is passing, or whatever the name or goal of the government’s fault. I’ll simply ask What’s good? What isn’t? What’s needed? What isn’t?size and the longer the term involved. crime or something that occurs between face it eventually. Which also explains the bureaucracy it is presenting to the one question: Do you know why the
Let us know. Send us an e-mail. Comment online on the Business Times Web Consider, for example, real estate activity in May 2021 topped May 2019. humans, the other required attendee at all corporate and government avoidance of it. people, expect the polar opposite to occur. Challenger exploded? I am betting no. In site at www.thebusinesstimes.com. You could even write an old-fashioned letter to And by the end of 2019, the number of transactions climbed in Mesa County to its news reporting events is the person who So let’s get back to the truth while I guess what I’m saying is that a nutshell, the government banned a most the editor if you’d like. Your feedback, both positive and negative, is valued and highest level in more than a decade. The same thing holds true for tax collections, says this: “They we’re just the nicest touching on the other PR — the press perhaps it’s time to get out of our own important component in the manufacture will be carefully considered. which in May 2021 topped those for May 2019. That’s context, too. people, and in no way did I see something release. Now all public relations memos perspective. There’s plenty of history of the O rings on the booster rockets.
Good publications are the result of not only the efforts of their staffs, but also Statistics can be funny things. In every sense of that word, I suppose. like this coming.” Exactly. No one does are indeed press releases, but not all press books and historical research out there to The component in question? Asbestos. collaborative efforts involving advertisers and readers. But here’s yet another quote that’s both funny and true: 99 percent of all statistics most of the time when it comes to releases are public relations. Press releases begin to understand that all of this hasWorse, the government knew the new Like any other good business, we want to listen to our customers, find outonly tell 49 percent of the story neighbors and acquaintances. People should should be simple. They inform the media happened before. And it will again, O rings wouldn’t hold up. What did it do? what they need and then meet those needs. be surprised at what goes on from time to someone or some entity has a story that whether the topic is people or government. It believed its internal PR that all was safe It’s a new year. Please help us to do so.Phil Castle is editor of the Business Times. Reach him at phil@thebusinesstimes.com time in their neighborhoods, towns and could be worthy of coverage. We get those The best recommendation is to find in spite of objections to the contrary. And or 424-5133. ✦ with people they know because people are all the time at the Business Times. You know some books or try that whole Google it took forever for the truth to come out. F good. And for the times that they shouldn’t what? Most are indeed worth covering. thing. There’s a lot of information on the The truth is simple: Challenger exploded be shocked — like with politicians, repeat To answer another question I get all the time, Great Depression. The truth is it wasn’t because the government banned a product offenders and terrorists — where’s the many press releases become cover stories. even a good one until the government got it had previously approved for safe use. THE BUSINESSTIMES 609 North Ave., Suite 2, Grand Junction, CO 81501 interview that says, “This doesn’t surprise me in the least.” But there are also times when a press release is a “new definition” public relations involved. There’s also plenty of research on the medieval warm period when the Hear any examples of that lately? So, is anyone surprised when a good TEL (970) 424-5133 • FAX (970) 424-5134 ■ Prediction three: Something good ploy — that is when it isn’t an ad disguised planet was much warmer than today with chunk of the public has little to no faith in will happen economically, and the as an advertisement. And both of those a whole lot less people (and warmer well the response to COVID-19? Look who’s Publisher/Owner: Craig R. Hall Editor: Phil Castle government will take credit for it. The most go right into the trash. And the biggest before man was here at all). And yep, running the PR: the government and big recent example is gas prices, where people violators? Government and big business. people have been killing other surprised business, particularly big pharma. ask me why I won’t credit the president for For recent reference, let’s just say people since history was first written. Diversions, half-truths and Reach advertising at: publisher@thebusinesstimes.com Reach the editor at: phil@thebusinesstimes.com. low gas prices. My answer is simple: Government never makes the price of coronavirus. I can’t think of a worse example across the board at all levels Maybe some research will help stop all of these trends. Otherwise, we’ll be contradictions leave many with no idea what’s going on. The reason for lack of Subscribe or submit press releases online at www.thebusinesstimes.com something go down and simply takes credit showing where public relations has saying we’ve never seen anything like it in trust is simple. The public doesn’t believe for good news. Gas pricing is subject to been fueled by lie after lie, diversion our lives. And not in a good way. it knows the truth. The PR sucks. The Grand Valley Business Times, a subsidiary of Hall Media Group LLC, is published twice many global factors. Now there are after diversion and contradiction after monthly and distributed throughout Grand Junction, Fruita and Palisade. Advertising rates and deadlines are available upon request. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, editor, staff or advertisers. government answers to addressing some of them to keep prices stable for Americans, contradiction. But first, let’s go back to the innocent Craig Hall is owner and publisher of the Business Times. Reach him at 424-5133 Craig Hall is owner and publisher of the Business Times. Reach him at 424-5133 or Copyright © 2015 — All rights reserved.Copyright © 2021 — All rights reserved. but our government has none of them in place. The only things it has in place in the days when my eyes were opened from the two examples we used on those never-to- F or publisher@thebusinesstimes.com. ✦ publisher@thebusinesstimes.com.
Do government programs actually solve any problems?
About 2,200 federal assistance programs analysis of Census data, people who followed were available to the American public in all three rules had only a 2 percent chance of 2013, according to Government Book Talk. being in poverty and a 72 percent chance of It appearss that was the year the publication joining the middle class.” If these rules reduce stopped counting, because programs weren’t poverty, it seems government programs could enumerated in recent publications. be designed to promote those behaviors. It’s likely safe to William J. Wilson, a professor and assume many programs sociologist at Harvard University, reported have since been added. research that indicated recipients of Aid The General Services to Families with Dependent Children Administration has a (AFDC) preferred work to welfare and database of programs would accept jobs that didn’t result in and publishes an annual slipping deeper into poverty. The design of guide titled “Catalog the programs penalizes recipients trying to of Federal Domestic secure entry level employment instead of Assistance.” Programs giving recipients a boost as they enter the Phyllis are provided primarily under the departments work force. This discourages work to such an extent many recipients in the last two
Hunsinger of Agriculture, Health generations have never worked. and Human Services, Other programs inhibit having a father Housing and Urban Development, Interior and in the home because aid is only given if Justice. the mother is a single parent — the more
A myriad of problems exist in any children in the household, the more aid. Ian society, but can government programs solve Rowe wrote for the Fordham Institute in them? Consider the so-called war on poverty 2020: “The power of the two-parent home is launched in the 1960s. Despite billions spent not a myth,” a statement he supported with on numerous programs in the ensuing years, data. Why not design welfare programs to the poverty rate in the U.S. remains between encourage family units? 11 percent and 15 percent of the population. Politicians evoke the same tired phrases The amount of taxpayer dollars spent to each election about the need for more money reduce poverty continues to increase with to fight poverty and inequity, yet welfare no measurable improvement. It appears the programs never change despite data showing programs are by design either self-defeating they could be more effective. Is it possible or self-perpetuating. Legislation enacting politicians are less interested in solving the new welfare assistance programs passes problem of poverty and more interested in with seemingly no integration with existing using the issue for campaign rhetoric? programs, leading to duplication of services and an expansion of eligible participants without addressing root causes.
Poverty is defined as not having enough possessions or income to cover basic needs — sometimes so extreme a person lacks food, clothing and shelter.
According to the Federal Safety Net: “Young people can virtually assure that they and their families will avoid poverty if they follow three elementary rules for success: (1) complete at least a high school education, (2) work full time, (3) wait until age 21 and get married before having a baby. Based on an Phyllis Hunsinger is founder of the Freedom & Responsibility Education Enterprise Foundation in Grand Junction. The FREE foundation provides resources to students and teachers in Western Colorado to promote the understanding of economics, financial literacy and free enterprise. For more information, visit www.free-dom.us.com. A former teacher, principal and superintendent, Hunsinger wrote “Down and Dirty: A ‘How To’ Math Book” Contact her by email at phyllis@free-dom.us.com. F
Need more housing? Give money to builders To the editor:
After attending a state of the valley Letter to the editor presentation where local government officials explained that they rate “attainable housing” build so many houses due to the escalating as a top priority, it occurred to me that there cost of materials and due to higher building might be a simple way for local governments impact fees imposed by Grand Junction City to financially assist with this issue: give Council over the past 18 months. Would it be money to construction companies. so crazy for the city to start sending money
The City of Grand Junction, for one, has to these home-producing and job-producing delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars to companies that must raise the price of houses local businesses, nonprofit organizations and to meet higher construction costs — before Colorado Mesa University — just during the the companies even consider the supply and past pandemic-impacted year — in an effort demand issue? Such a program would be to purportedly meet the needs of the jobless more than an act of charity — it would be a and to boost the local economy. direct stimulus that could help level off the
Our latest problem, the rapid rise in price of housing over time while speeding up housing prices, is undoubtedly caused in the construction of more affordable houses. part by high demand and low supply. But Michael Moran, Grand Junction developers in town explain that they can only F